
Yamoshi Peverell (H.P. Fanfic)

A boy who just could not escape finally succumbs to truck-kun and the R.O.B. appears with an offer he can't refuse. That's right, three wishes and the chance to be reborn in any world. Our main character chooses the new name Yamoshi Peverell after making his wishes and is transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter. Read of his adventure of turning the world on its head while seeking what he has always wanted; action, friendship, and romance. He may or may not find the secret to multiverse travel. Stay tuned. ;)

The_Square_Squad · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Ch 10 - The Goblins

In the last few months me and Harry have continued to talk while Dipsy takes his place at home.

It seems that his Aunt and Uncle are truly scum in this universe as not only do I have to look into getting rid of the soul shard in his head but I have to figure out a way to correct all of his misaligned bones and his stunted growth from not eating enough.

I was finally able to create a purifying and healing ritual that will destroy the soul shard and put his body in the peak state for his age.

This project also managed to level up my runejutsu and mana control in the process.

I called Harry over by sending a pulse of mana through Dipsey's necklace that he will feel through his matching one.

Harry: "How's it going Yamoshi, have you finished your project yet."

"I keep telling you to call me Yoshi, Ha-dri-an, and yes I did finish the project. Let's go to the ritual room and get you all set."

Harry: "Don't even start with the Hadrian thing. I didn't even know that was my actual name."

"Yes well I've been in contact with the goblins and have discreetly asked around about you and legally that is your real name. It is better that you are still known as Harry as your real name can have power over you when it comes to magic. For example, you could make a vow as Harry Potter and break it since you are Hadrian Potter."

Harry: "I'll keep that in mind. Now let's get this git out of my head"

I motion for him to come to the room and have him lay down in the center of room and take off his clothes.

"Alright keep it together Harry because this is going to hurt"

Harry: "Wait... AAAAHHHHH"

As I activated the ritual black smoke was coming out of Harry's forehead.

I quickly used the ambient mana from the ritual to lock it in place above Harry.

A second rune circle activated and the black miasma started turning into a mist and then disappearing in the air.

Harry's body was also absorbing the light from the two rune circles surrounding him and his body started to glow.

What was left when the light died down was an unconscious Harry who had grown a few inches and was no longer as thin.

There was also a pale white orb above Harry which is most likely Voldemort's memories.

I decided to seal it in his mind so that he can read through dear old Tom's knowledge when he is ready.

With one final pulse of magic the lights in the room died down and everything went dark.

I sat in the corner trying to catch my breath as I checked my status.

[Skill: Runejutsu has leveled up]

[Skill: Magic Control has reached max level]

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

Perks: Pure Body, Open Mind, Free Soul, The Triforce Wielder, Black Heart 1, Backup Battery, Ambidextrous

{NEW}Pink Muscles: When STR reaches 50. Your muscles will stay lean but dense allowing for better muscle control and force output from all muscles.

{NEW}Low Healing Factor: When VIT reaches 50. Your body will recover quickly from small wounds and scratches.

HP: 5000

MP: 5700

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan


STR: 53 VIT: 50 DEX: 63 INT: 57 WIS: 61 LUK: 26

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. Max

Acting Lv. Max

Meditation Lv. Max

Boundless Foundations Lv. Max

Cooking Lv. Max

Physical Conditioning Lv. 72

General Knowledge Lv. Max

Willpower Lv. Max

Emotion Control Lv. Max

Solar Absorption Lv. 10

Saiyan Physiology Lv. 10

Body Control Lv. Max

The Way of the Chameleon Lv. 37

Mana Control Lv. Max

Runejutsu Lv. 81]

I have been practicing a lot with my mana control in preparation for Hogwarts and that final push of controlling the ambient mana during the ritual must have pushed it to the max level.

I have hit a bottleneck with my racial skills and martial arts as I am mostly focusing on magic and not my physical skills.

To get to level 10 I mostly just walked around in the sun and did my normal exercise.

It seems I will have to make a conscious effort to get past level ten in the future but I want to try fighting and using magic before I get too strong otherwise I will lose my balance and control I've come to acquire.

I will have to start my dungeon diving after tomorrow's meeting with the goblins.

I double check on Harry to make sure the ritual didn't have any negative side effects and switch him back with Dipsy who was just waiting in Harry's cupboard.

I have had Winney in the orphanage acting as me for the last few months and releasing a mana signature matching mine so that my Hogwarts letter will go there.

It's time to prepare for the goblins.

I go into my study and begin the process of putting all the paperwork together for tomorrow.

I am now standing in front of the bank and feel some magic urging me to look up only to see the following

'Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding more than treasure there.'

I see so they want everyone to read their warning.

I walk into see the absurdly high counters and numerous goblins doing paperwork without even bothering to look up.

I approach the head goblin and say "good morning Head Teller, I am here today with an appointment to talk behind closed doors with my accountant" as I flash my heir Peverell ring.

Head Teller: "Very well young heir, Gragrak will see you in the adjoining room"

"Thank you sir"

I turned and walked straight into the room with a nice table and tea prepared at the side.

I begin to make tea for myself as Gragrak walks in.

Gragrak: "Let's get started"

He says this as he scowls at me which I take no offence to as this is just how goblins are to wizards

I pass him the paper work for obtaining my lordship first and as soon as he reads it he looks up and squints at me.

Gragrak: "You were never officialy made Heir Peverell and you want to directly become the lord"

"Gragrak, you and I both know that it is magic that recognizes such things and with the heir ring on my finger that means magic has recognized it to be true."

He huffs and continues reading.

Gragrak: "Very well I will mail you all of the Peverell holdings and take you to visit the main vault after the meeting. Put on the Lord Ring and if it excepts you then you are the new Lord Peverell"

"Before I do I want you to swear that you will tell no one that Lord Peverell is me or that you even know that there was a living Peverell left."

Just as he was about to refute I flared my magic using my superb control and made it so only he could feel it.

His back straightened and he started to sweat and then he nodded.

The pressure disappeared and I replaced my heir ring with the lord's ring which promptly glowed and then gave me information about all the wards and magic on the Peverell island that I did not have access to before.

Gragrak: "Congratulations Lord Peverell"

I nodded at him and then passed an ancestory test that was done with Harry and me showing that I am his closest relative.

Gragrak: "I see you want to take over the boy who lived guardianship. This can be done as Albus Dumbledore only got temporary guardianship of the boy 'officially' but the temporary guardian would still need to be notified when the guardianship is changed."

I stared at him and dropped a large bag of galleons in front of him.

"It would be a shame if the notice for change in guardianship never reached him. I mean I can understand that with so much paperwork that some things are just bound to be lost."

He gives me the most genuine smile I have ever seen and that is saying something with the face of a goblin.

Gragrak: "Ah, yes it is such a shame. You are one of very few wizards who understand the woes off us goblins"

He says this dramatically as he puts both hands to his heart.

We both smirk at each other knowingly and then leads me to the Peverell vault.