
Yami : The Gamer Kage {Complete}

Disclaimer Notice : I don’t own any of this I just want to share it to others because i really like and appreciate its content and the story behind it. You can read it in fanfiction.net. I share it here because its very hard to find a gold there so hope you enjoy it.. sorry NaruHina fans? A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Naruto experiencing it via a video game. Forced to fight to survive, he sets upon a path of self-discovery, whether to save this world or destroy it.

Otsutsuki_D_Isaiah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Train Until You Die!

Two days later I went back to the library to see Misa, to see if she had any developments in the hunt for a publisher. The moment I walked into the library though I spotted her with an older looking man in a kimono;

Baroma Hachiku, Publisher

Lv- 12

REP- 0

The man was blading but looked like he did a lot of manual labour, maybe running, maybe something else. Misa noticed me immediately and she smiled waving me over.

"Good morning Yami," Misa smiled, "you arrived right on time. This is Baroma, the head publisher of the White Lily publishing house and a close friend," she turned to Baroma, "this is the little genius I was telling you about."

The man looked at me and immediately had an eyebrow, raised, "this is the boy who wrote the best book you have ever read?"

I raised an eyebrow, "did she not mention my age?"

Baroma grunted, "learn to speak with respect boy."

"Learn to spot talent old man."

Baroma's eyes went wide, "what?! You disrespectful brat! I have been working as a publisher for over twenty years I can spot talent a mile away!"

I shrugged, "then why didn't you see me?"

He snorted, "you have the arrogance of a writer down pat brat, I'll give you that. Let's see this book Misa keeps going on about," he said snapping his fingers at me.

I grumbled, I hate dealing with annoying people. I turned around, facing away from them and opened my inventory taking out the book in question. I turned around and gave him the book, the man taking it with a raised eyebrow at my odd behaviour.

He looked over the first page, his eyes going through each lines in seconds. Damn, I wish I could read that fast, hm, I wonder if I can get a skill for speed reading

He finished the first page in moment going into the second on, flipping through ten pages in the span of five minutes. And then he stopped shutting the book and closing his eyes in contemplation. I won't lie, I was a little nervous as to what he would say.

He looked at me, opening his piercing black eyes, "it's decent."

I smirked, "I know."

Misa groaned, "one good book and he already thinks he's the king of the world."

Baroma smirked before turning to me, "I'll read the rest of the book and tell you my response. If I like what I read then we'll take. Where do you live?"

"I live in the Ubru district in Red Leaves apartments. I'll be in room 18, just ask the manager where Naruto Uzumaki lives, he'll be able to guide you."

The publisher's eyes went wide, "you live with tha d-boy?" he quickly changed his tone the moment Misa's shape jonin eyes landed on the man.

I rolled my eyes, "yes, I live with Naruto. He's my friend and so far has been kind enough to let me share his home. So please, if you do wish to work with me, be aware he will be around me. Also I would watch my tongue if I were you, call him a demon once and you might have to refer to the Third's Anbu force," I finish with a wink.

Both adult's eyes went wide. "Y-Yami! How do you know about the Third's law?!" Misa asked in a hurried whisper.

I rolled my eyes, "oh please, I'm training to be a ninja Misa, I know when people are keeping secrets from me. Plus, I'm not an idiot. I figured out why people hate him ten minutes after hanging out with the kid. It's pretty obvious, you morons really think kids are that dumb? Please."


Lie successful!


Your skill has leveled up!

Lying, Lv- 2 (30%)

You ability to lie to people without getting caught.

7% chance of success

-20% if the lie is too unbelievable

Hm, cool.

Misa gulped, "well that certainly is...reveling."

I shrugged, "whatever," I turned to Bamora, "I'll see you later then old man!"

"Don't call me old brat!" the guy yelled, but by then I was already out of the library.

The school days for me were...kind of boring to be honest. For the last few days I payed attention when possible to lectures and the teachers, but it was just so...slow!

God I could learn all this in my sleep! Which I did! I learnt the entire history syllabus by myself using the history books I bought from the library! Hell, I had even gone a few steps further!

So like Shikamaru, I took to sleeping in class to pass the time, unable to the sheer boredom. I did pay attention in the odd class, like Iruka's lectures on ninja etiquette and Mizuki's lectures, which should eventually earn me a point in INT, though it hasn't done so yet.

But after school Naruto I spent time together. Today we spent it sparing together in the academy training yard. From the beginning of the school year nearly two months ago the training yard had slowly become more and more crowded. We however didn't have a choice, confined to one small corner so as to not attract too much attention.

Luckily thought most of the crowd left by 4, since their parents demanded it. Naruto and I could stay there much longer. Today we finished the training at 5 and we our separate ways. Naruto wanted to prank a store owner that had refused to let us buy groceries for breakfast the other day.

I told him I wasn't really feeling it and told him to go nuts, promising to meet him home. Plus...there was no quest alert, seemed like a pointless waste of time. So I let Naruto do his own thing while I decided to continue my hunt for the 30 legendary spots in Konoha where I might find a golden leaf!

There was one place I had yet to try which I knew would have a golden leaf for sure, the memorial stone! Kakashi was obsessed with it, plus it was important to the entire village, there has to be one there!

So finding directions to the stone I walked over, keeping track of where I was going. And soon I found a pathway that lead directly to the stone, walking into the edge of training yard seven, so technically I wasn't breaking my promise to those two ninjas who gave me my very first weapon.

I found the stone quickly, tall black thing that shined in the day's light. But oddly enough, I wasn't the only one there. A ninja wearing a dark green flannel jacket with a face mask covering his lower face and had silver hair that stood up defying gravity. His headband was pulled down over his left eye and his right one looked sad as his fingers traced a name on the stone.

Kakashi Hatake, Copy ninja

Lv- ?

REP- 0

"You know, it's rude to stare," the man called out, not bothering to look up.

I gulped, damn, a living legend right before my eyes. I blinked, "s-sorry."

The man looked up and his eye softened, almost looking like a smile, "it's fine. I was just done away." And then he suddenly disappeared in a whirl of leaves leaving me alone. Damn, I Really go to learn that jutsu!

I sighed and approached the stone. I looked down and saw the names, so many damn names. All dead….and for what? Because some moron thought they were big shit. And don't even get me started on the fact that Obito Uchiha's name is on this thing, damn bastard's still alive!

I sighed, 'okay, not the time. Focus! Find the golden leaf!' I then began to look around. It took me an hour of active searching before I finally found it nestled under a rock a few feet away from the stone;


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Memorial stone!

Locations found in Konoha: 4/30

Select your reward!

+800 EXP

+5 stat points

Random armour drop

Random dead ninja's speciality jutsu

Okay, I'm starting to see a pattern here. Exp, points, something that involves luck and a fourth option of sure fire chance that might be useful. However in this case I ended up with two random drops, which could be anything. Damn it.

Thinking logically I should just take the stat points to be safe, but, I really really really wanted to take a chance now that I can actually use some chakra. My luck it right now 12, not bad but not good.

So which do I pick? Experience points is out, it's far too little. The stat points are important, but so predictable, I want to live a little! The armour drop is important, but no, the one I was going to pick, and I know this for a fact, is the speciality jutsu!

Because, if I'm understanding this right, this would include the previous Hokages' speciality as well. Meaning if I'm lucky, I can get the Lighting god step from Minato! Or maybe a random earth jutsus from some fallen cunt.

Damn it! I don't care! Justus here I come!


You have obtained the jutsu: Spiral flame techniques!

The golden leaf let out a poof of smoke as a scroll appeared in my hands. I didn't recognize the jutsu, but since most ninjas in the village do have a fire I'm assuming whoever I got this from was just some grunt.

I looked around, I didn't want to risk someone seeing this, so I opened my inventory and put the scroll inside to be opened later. Hopefully the jutsu would be worth the wait!

I walked away, not intent on finding more golden leaves. I racked my brain and only came up with a few options. One, the hokage tower, but it's too high profile, I need to improve my stealth before I approach that. Two, the hokage mountain, but it was too damn big! Sigh. And three, the orphanage I stayed at.

Honestly, I don't know why I didn't bother looking there before! It's obvious, since Naruto lived there, there must be a golden leaf there as well! I had to try.

It was getting dark soon, but I didn't care. I knew around this time everyone would be at lunch and I had twenty good minutes to look around.

First thing's first, I looked around the walls, quickly running around, observing them from the inside and out. And then I went inside, sneaking past people as I looked into rooms and even the showers.

I wanted to continue, but the kids were quickly returning! I cursed and ran to the exit, only to see the watch man and returned, and this man was new, I didn't know his watch patterns!

So with no other choice I ran around, intent to use the monkey bars in the playground out back as a way over the walls.

I reached thee quickly enough, and since no one was yelling at me I'm assuming nobody saw me as well. I grabbed onto the bars to pull myself up, when suddenly;


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Konoha orphanage!

Locations found in Konoha: 5/30

Select your reward!

+100 EXP

+3 stat points

Random item drop

+5 kunai pouch

I blinked, 'seriously?' I removed my hand and looked around finding a golden leaf embedded on the other side of the bar. Honestly, why did I never think of this before? Maybe because I never actually came to the playground before. Damn.

Okay, down to business. Hm, okay, EXp was shit, I'm guessing I was supposed to have found this a long time ago, maybe even when I first came here. Okay, so no exp, no points, that left the random drop and the +5 kunai pouch.

If I was weaker, that is before I went into my first dungeon, then I would need the kunai. But now I can just buy all the kunais I want. So that just left the random item drop. Yipee!


You have obtained: 5,000R!

Okay, not something mind blowing, but hey, I can use this money to buy myself some kunai so that's nice.

I took the money and put it away before climbing onto the monkey bars and leaning over the wall, landing on the other side and running to Naruto's place.

It took me awhile to get there, but I did reach before it was too late. I opened the door and called out, "yo! I'm home!"

"Yami! About time you bastard! We've been waiting for you!" Naruto called out from inside.

"We?" I asked curiously as I walked in to find Naruto sitting with Baroma, the old publisher man, "Oh," I said with a smile, "hey old man. Did you finish reading it?"

The man stood up, "yes, I did," he took out the book and handed it over to me.

"Yami! You bastard! Why didn't you tell me you were writing your own book!" Naruto cried out.

I shrugged, "I wanted to see if people would actually like it. Plus it's not like you're an avid reader," I took the book back and looked at him raising an eyebrow, "and? What did you think?"

The man narrowed his eyes, "I think you have a very childish and idealistic way of thinking."

Naruto blinked, "what's idealistic?"

"Just another word people use for when you have a dream which other people think is impossible," I told him looking at the man.

"A hero that doesn't kill?" the man snorted, "you do know the world we live in yes? You yourself are training to be a ninja."

I nodded, "yeah...but life still has value. And like you said, in this world of ninjas, eventually people will forget that value. That's why they need stories like this. Sure, the hero is unrealistic, but he exactly the kind of hero people need to look up to. To know that justice needn't come from...killing."

The man sighed, "you're young, you don't understand the world yet. But...that doesn't change the fact that it's a good book." I grinned as he continued, "I'm very much interested in publishing this book, and any other sequels you have in mind….you do have something in mind yes? You can't just leave this as it is."

I nodded, "I do have an idea. But...it's kind of unique."

The man sighed, "fine, whatever," he walked away to the door, "I'll bring the official contract over tomorrow night. Be ready to sign it."

"I'm going to have to read it first."

The man nodded, "as you wish. Good night Yami," he looked over my shoulder at Naruto, his eyes softening, "Naruto."

The door shut behind him and I turned to Naruto, "what did you say to him?"

Naruto blinked, "what do you mean?"

"In the morning he hated your guts, but now, he kind of seems….nice?"

Naruto shrugged, "I don't know what you mean. He came by an hour ago, we just sat here and waited for you."

I groaned, this brat. If I was to guess he probably has a +20 REP bonus to everyone he talks too for more than ten minutes. No wonder he turns enemies into allies like it was nothing.

We had dinner, which I cooked;


Your skill has leveled up!

Cooking, Lv- 3 (3%)

You can cook and make something to eat. It may not be edible.

Bonus- 6% to all food items you make

Not bad, maybe I can actually use this for something. Anyway, after that Naruto went to bed, I waited until I heard him snore before climbing out of bed and sat on the table, which Naruto told me I could use for whatever I want. I hadn't really set it up for anything, but...I thinking somewhere along the mad genius range.

First thing's first. I took out the skill scroll and opened it up;


You have obtained a skill scroll!

Would you like to learn it?


I quickly selected yes and watched as the scroll disappeared giving me the knowledge of the jutsu;

Spiral Flame jutsu, B rank

The user takes in a giant gulp of air before spewing it out as a spiraling cloak of flames that lunges forward.

CP cost- 150 CP (Additional CP can be added)

DMG- 600 (+25 DMG for ever 50 CP)

Okay...so basically I can never use this jutsu. Well, at least I level up some more. Damnit! I so wanted to use this fucking thing! Sigh, such is life.

Still I have to say, it does some amazing damage. Totally worth the CP. This makes it two fire affinity jutsu I have, hm, I wonder, do I have a fire efinity? Would make sense...hm, maybe I should buy some chakra paper tomorrow.

So with that in mind I took out my notebook and writing set. I walked out of the apartment and approached a nearby tree plucking a few leaves. I sat down, activated the leaf concentration exercise while I began to work on my kanji. I really needed to get this shit down!

The next day:

The next day after school Naruto and I played for a while, though I really wasn't into it. Afterwards we went our separate ways. Naruto for some ramen while I decided to find a store that would sell me ninja tools.

I walked into the merchant district and looked for the fanciest ninja wears shop I could find. It took me a moment, but I found a shop called 'Steel Blood' at the end of merchant road.

I stepped inside and found rows and rows of ninja weapons and other tools behind a counter near the back. And before it was racks of clothes, minaj grade I'm guessing from the mesh underneath. I'm guessing the weapons you'll have to order from behind the counter while the clothes you could try on.

"Oye kid," I looked over finding a thin man with long blonde hair and a short french beard behind the counter looking at me with a raised eyebrow, "can I help you?"

Hikaru Chomeru, Steelblood owner

Lv- ?

REP- 0

Okay, chunin or high jonin, nice. I walked over to the man, looking over the clothes, none of them seemed to be my size, the smallest would still be a few sizes too big, damn it I really need to grow up!

I stopped before the man, "ah, I would like some kunai, shuriken, ninja wire and...oh, some fuinjutsu scrolls please."

The man blinked, "you in the academy kid?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Which year?"

I knew this was a trick question. Technically all the items I asked for should only be used by a second year student as that was when they even began weapons training. So…

"I'm in the second year," I told him.

"Oh really?" the man raised an eyebrow, "then you wouldn't mind showing me the leaf concentration exercise."

I blinked, 'really? That's all I have to do?' Oh well, won't look a gift horse in the mouth. I took out a leaf I had on hand from last night and placed it on my forehead focusing chakra there as I looked at him, "this enough proof?"

The man narrowed his eyes at me and looked at the leaf, he waited 30 seconds, guess he expected me to drop it or something. Finally at the one minute mark he nodded, "right, how many of those did you want?"

"Around 20 kunai, 15 shurikens, ah, twenty feet of ninja wire and around...ten scrolls?"

The man said nothing, working effectively and gave me all the requested items. The kunai were in a small pouch that looked to be of a cheap quality. The shuriken pouch was a bit bigger and would fit on my hip. The wire and scrolls were given to me in a bag.

"Your total is 1,000 Ryo."

I smiled, yup, money was way more important than kunai. Because it would probably get you even more kunai.

I gave the man the correct amount and walked out of the store with the shuriken and kunai all in the same cover. I walked into an alley and quickly put the entire bag in my inventory.

I stopped my the library on my home that night to tell Me that I was going to be published, she was so excited for me and warned me to make sure the fame and money didn't go to my head. Which I'm sure it won't. Kind off.

I went home that night and did the usual, cook and clean up. I waited till Naruto fell asleep and this time instead of just working on my kanji, I used my chakra threads to handle to open, thereby improving on that skill in particular.

By morning it had leveled up once;

Chakara thread, Lv- 6 (30%)

A concentrated thread of chakra that can be attached to manipulate certain objects.

CP cost- 5 CP per minute per 1 feet

Max length- 16 feet

I didn't really do anything else the next day, just played with Naruto, since the boy was starting to feel left out. I wanted to show him he cool new tools I got, but I figured he would start asking questions I couldn't answer so I decided to abstain from that action.

That night Baroma came around and we looked over his contract for me. It was pretty simple, he would publish everything I wrote, if he deemed it good enough. His company would take care of advertising and distribution, but in return I would have to depart with 35% of the money I made from the books, which doesn't include the price of printing which if the books didn't sell I would have leveled against me.

The last part was a dick move and I told him so. He and I argued about that point for a while before he agreed to remove that clause entirely after I threatened to look for someone else to publish my work. Guess he really wanted the book.

We had to agree on a few other points, like the fact that he wanted me to work as a ghost author for some other asshole who was down on his luck but whose name was still held up in high regard.

Obviously I refused. The offer was tempting sure, if I became a ghost writer I would face no risk and a lot of money, but I didn't want that. I wanted my name on the cover of the book. I demanded it. And begrudgingly the man agreed to my demands.

In the end I did sign it, and he went home a happy man with the master copy of my book. I would have my name on the front cover, dark black letters on the cover with the hand drawn bat symbol I had illustrated as the cover.

It would take two months to print the copies apparently, but I was happy, that meant I had a steady stream of money I could now use, which can also serve as an excuse for anyone who wonders why an orphan has so much cash! It's a triple win mother fuckers!

I treated Naruto to ramen that night to celebrate, kid was so happy I was making some money, he claimed I could buy us any toy we wanted, which was true, heh.

That night Naruto was in a food coma and I decided it was time I went dungeon training again.

I snuck out and went into the park, stopping before the blue glowing leaf symbol. I took out my weapons first, I strapped the shuriken pouch on my pant belt while the kunais went around my right thigh. I also put on the forearm bands I had obtained and even took a few of those fang daggers and hide them around my person, just in case.

I then touched the blue leaf symbol and immediately a menu came up;


You have discovered a natural dungeon! Would you like to go inside?


Dungeon, Lv- 1

Dungeon, Lv- 2

Hm, two options okay, first dungeon has Rattatas and Meowth's which the rare Growlithe spawn. The second dungeon was a mystery but it could hold more loot items and EXP. But...I need to get used to fighting pokemons, plus maybe I can tran Growlithe as well!

Right, my mind made up I selected the first level dungeon and immediately found myself in the forest once more. I looked around and nodded, "pokemon menu!"

The menu opened up before me showing my only pokemon, Flamer. I selected it and immediately a pokeball appeared in my hand. I grinned and threw the ball, "go Flamer!"

A white light came out as the puppy pokemon appeared before me. I smiled as it yipped looking around before spotting me and rushing to my side. It barked cutely and wagged it's tail, I smile as I bent down and scratched it behind the ear, pleasing the dog.

It's funny, last time it saw me I was stabbing it in the back with daggers, guess it really did forget once it entered the pokeball.

"Alright Flamer, you ready for some training?" I asked.

"Growl!" it cried out.

Just then the bushes began to rustle as a Rattata came out, potting Growlithe and immediately began charging.

'It's on!' I realised as I jumped back, "Growlithe! Doge and use tackle!"

The pokemon obeyed as it jumped away from the Rattata before tackling it into the ground. I reached around into my shuriken pouch and flung it at the pokemon causing the metal star to cut into it's side, though I was aiming for it's head, damn it! Guess shurikens don't work the same way as kunai.

-4 HP!

And only four DMG, damn that's bad. I looked at the Rattata;

HP- 36/50

"Famer! Ember!" I cried out.

"Growlithe!" the pokemon cried out sending out a small fire blast that light the rat's tail on fire;

HP- 16/50

'Nice,' I reached into my kunai holster and took one out throwing it at the rat. This time the weapons flew true and hit it right in the head;


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-25 HP!

HP- 0/50

The pokemon died on the spot. I smiled, "good job Flamer!" The pokemon growled happily. I opened his status and looked at his EXp seeing if he gained anything;

Flamer EXP: 5/1000

Hm, so he got half the EXP from the Rattata, that means I got half, since I assisted. Hm, so maybe I shouldn't do that anymore until he can properly level up.

"Alright Flamer, for the next one I want you to handle it on your own okay?" I told the dog pokemon as I picked up my ninja tools and the loot, one pelt and one fang.

"Growlithe!" he cried out nodding.

"Right," I quickly climbed a tree, grumbling as I had to bend in odd angle to reach the branches. I so need to learn the tree walking exercise. I sat there and waited, Flamer looking at me funny, I sighed and shooed him away, the pokemon confused but obeying my order.

I looked at my map and found around…..fifty enemies there, with no giant red dot which would indicate a boss. Meaning we had to defeat enough opponents before we could move on. I watched as two dots came towards us, "get ready!"

Flamer waited as suddenly two more Rattatas came running out, charging at him. He growled and waited, I called out, "doge, tackle and ember!"

"Growl!" it cried out as it did just that managing to burn on Rattata while the other escaped. That thing tried to charge my pokemon from the back, but one kunai from me that cut into it's head stopped it right in it's tracks.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Thanks to stealth, your critical strike is doubled!

- 55 HP!

I watched as Flamer slowly beat down the Rattata until it's HP came down to zero. And then only loot remained. I smiled from my hidden positions, yeah, this was going to be fun!

Flamer and I went around the forest, the pokemon behaving marvelously in battle. I had him take on every pokemon in the forest and if they tried to double team him I would be there to help make sure he survived.

My kunai and stealth skills did improve;

Kunai techniques, Lv- 8 (39%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 46%

Bonus- 5% to DMG

Stealth, Lv- 8 (2%)

Your ability to hide in plain sight is crucial for being a ninja.

Chances of not getting spotted- 20%

For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you

And I finally got a skill for handling shurikens;

Shuriken techniques, Lv- 2 (90%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 25%

Bonus- 1% to DMG

Obviously I was better at handling kunais. I kept to the shadows most of time and let Growlithe fight the battles. He was really good with the Moths, which made sense since he was a dog and they were cats.

In the end of the long grinding session I ended up with 21 Rattata fangs along with 45 pelts, 6 of which I used to make fang daggers. Meaning I now had 20 fang daggers.

And with so much free time I now had used to simply observe Flamer, I could now spend it actually looking around the forest, paying attention for any random loot items. And my lack of focus payed off.

Hidden in the trunk of a tree was a blue spray bottle, I immediately recognized it;


Spray on injury to cure it. Regenerates 200 HP. Single use.

YES! I got a pokemon loot item! Oh I can't wait to find a rare candy! I can use it to automatically level up! But...if I took so long to find a simple potion, I can only imagine how much time a rare candy would take to find.

I also gained 7 gold coins from each Meowth and happened upon another fake tattoo, this one again I put away for storage.

And of course came the EXP points. Out of the fifty opponents we faced, 32 were Rattata and the rest 18 were Meowth's. I helped with most of the Rattata, since they were at the moment too fast for Flamer. But the Mouths the guy could handle himself, with a few exceptions.

Growlithe ended up with 745 EXP points while I got 475 EXP. Not a bad haul for the day.

Flamer- EXP: 760/1000


You have leveled up!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 5 (70/1,800)

HP- 250/250 (+20)

SP- 125/125

CP- 200/200


Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 2

VIT- 9

DEX- 5

INT- 11 (+2)

CHA- 16

CC- 21

LUC- 7 (+5)

Points- 5

Money- 385,000R

Sweet! I barely did any work, Growlithe got in a lot of training and I still leveled up! Fucking awesome!

With all the small time pokemon taken care off Flamer and I now turned to the boss of this level, which was another Growlithe, this one with the same base stats of my own, so lamer couldn't do this alone.

We waited and I used the same methods to draw it out, and casted a genjutsu on it. The pokemon began to act like a mad man, growling and scratching the air, Flamer recognized this tactic and knew to wait until the thing was knocked out.

The moment that happened Flamer made to move, but I stopped him. It looked at me confused, I smiled, "I totally want to try something here."

The Pokemon watched as I opened my jutsu list and pulled up the Great Fireball jutsu. It costed 50 CP to do, and with my new 36% control rate, I can use now 72 CP in one go! Meaning after using the genjutsu, I can also do this;

My hands were a blur as they went through the hand sings, my body moved on istics as it sucked in a big gulp of air and swallowed it holding it tight as I felt chakra from my gut enter my lungs and mix properly.

'Great Fireball jutsu!' I thought as I pushed all the air outside, the moment it left my lips it was ignited, turning bright red as a large fireball came flying out startling Flamer.

The Fireball hit the unconscious Growlithe bathing it in flames;


Due to fire nature of enemy, effectiveness of fire jutsu has been reduced by half!


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Thanks to stealth, your critical strike is doubled!

-1,000 HP!

I grinned, even if the jutsus had been reduced to half its total damage power, my stealth and critical bonus more than made up for it.

I smiled as the flames slowly died out revealing the scorched ground where the pokemon once was, nothing left behind, except three loot items.

5,000 R

Fire proof pelt, C class item

A pelt that can withstand extreme temperature.

-50% DMG from all fire based attack.


"Growlithe," Flamer said in awe as he looked at me. I smirked at him and I saw his REP score go from 0 to 10. Guess he respects me a little now.

I ruffled his head and we walked out of the clearing. I quickly took the money and pokeball, now I could catch another pokemon, hm, maybe next time I should catch another Growlithe, make a little pack.

The fire proof pelt was very important, if I can somehow make leather armor using this and the rare cut fur pelt, I would have a pretty sweet set of armour.


Quest alert!

Create armour using the fireproof pelt and rare cat pelt!


New armour



Unable to fully use the pelts abilities.

Do you accept?


I of course pressed yes. I put away the pelt and looked around, the message that we cleared the forest came up again and once again I found myself back in the park. I looked around, everything was the same, no time had passed.

"Growl!" Flamer cried out next to me, looking around in surprise. He snarled his teeth, unsure where he was.

"Sorry about that boy," I said opening up my pokemon menu and selecting his pokeball, "I totally forgot about you," well at least I know he can exists in the real world as well. I quickly put him back into his ball and put the ball away. Hm, I really should make a poke ball belt holder or something, could be more useful, especially if I'm in a time sensitive fight.

I made my way back home and spent the night asleep, yes funny thing, just because I didn't need to sleep didn't mean I didn't want to. And after a long mentally exhausting day like this, I needed all the rest I can get.

The next day:

The next day I went to Steel Blood weapons shop again and took i hand five fur pelts, not the special kind, I would first need to test and see if this guy could make some armour for me.

I walked in and found Hikaru serving another customer at the time, a couple with a small child that had her face plastered onto the weapons counter staring in awe at all the weapons displayed. I saw the girl's name and wasn't surprised;

Tenten Higurashi, Weapon lover

Lv- 3

REP- 0

I scoffed, even at this age she loves harp pointy things. I waited in the back while they were done, looking through a few clothes I could eventually maybe wear. When they finally left I approached Hikaru with the pelts, "hey."

The man looked down at the odd purple and white fr pelts I had in hand, "what do you want kid?"

"Can you turn this fur into leather?" I asked putting the pelts onto the counter.

The man looked at it and then me, "it'll cost you 1,000 Ryo. Each."

My eyes went wide, "a thousand ryo?! For leathering something?!"

The man shrugged, "it would be a custom order, shit like that's expensive. If you don't like it, do it yourself."

And then it hit me, of course I'll just do it myself! I had a crafting skill didn't ? I took the petals back and left, heading straight to the library. I returned the books I took on kanji and grabbed the ones on leathering and metal works. It was a huge book that had both, and the moment I touched it;


You have obtained a skill book!

Would you like to learn it?


I couldn't say yes, obviously. So instead I got the book's name and author name and wet to a bookstore and got my own copy. Five hundred ryo less I walked out with my own copy of them book which I ten quickly learnt;


You have unlocked two crafting skills!

Tanning- Helps convert fur into leather.

Iron- Allows the crafting off iron tools.

Crafting, Lv- MAX

Your ability to make an object using the raw materials at hand.

Recipies known:

Fang dagger



Okay, now this is cool. I immediately took out a pelt and touched the tanning option on the crafting menu. Only:


You cannot craft leather without using the appropriate items needed for tanning!

Fuck me! Seriously?! Dman it, and when I just thought things were going my way! The amount of machinery needed to tan leather was phenomenal! I can't just fucking build it on my roof! Or...no, won't ever work.

I sighed, so now I need to find a tanning place that would let me use its tools, sounds perfect. I looked around the village and found a tanner near the outskirts of the village outside the giant walls.

I told the owner I just wanted to see around and the man refused, so I had to pay him a thousand ryo for that privilege. He didn't ask any questions.

I went inside and looked around, finding the first contraction needed for leather, the lime baths. I approached it and immediately a menu popped open;



80 fur pelts

1 rare cat fur pelt

1 fire proof pelt

I selected the a single fur pelt and suddenly the pelt disappeared from my inventory and instead in it's place a leather sheet, perfectly square, around 10 inches in length. I grinned, perfect.

I then turned my attention to the two special pelts I had, I choose to use the fire proof pelt first, just incase it lost its property when tanning, I didn't want to risk losing the +5 STR bonus from the rare cat fur pelt.

And instantly I got a brand new leather sheet, 15 inches in length and it still had it's properties! I nearly squealed in joy seeing the menu say that!


Your skill has leveled up!

Observation, Lv-5 (1%)

The skill to learn about an object or person by observing them.

Kind of random, but okay. I quickly converted half of my remaining pelts into leather sheets and the rare cat fur into leather as well. I walked out of the tanner smiling, the owner couldn't understand why because as far as he knew I just stood there for five minutes poking the air.

Now I needed to make this into a useable armour piece and for that I decided to go to a smith I knew was across the tanning factory and asked the man in charge whether he could make items with the leather I hade. Luckily, he could.

It costed me 10,000 Ryo but I think in the end it was worth it. I had the man make the rare cat fur into a large cowl with a removable face mask and hood. I had him make it size adjustable since I would eventually grow up and I intend to be using this thing for as long as possible.

The fire proof leather on the other hand I asked to be made into vambraces with a detachable metal plate covering my forearm. The leather strips holding together could be easily reforged and the metal plated replaced if needed.

Over all he promised to have it all ready in a month's time, which was just fine with me.

Funny thing being an eight year old kid, time just seemed to fly by you when you blink. I spent most days in school forced to listen to boring old lecture or playing outside with Naruto, who honestly became less and less like a character I admire and someone who seems like a good friend to me.

By the end of the first school year his REP score reached 83, the highest I ever saw on someone. We became close, like brothers. People used to say when the blonde goes the shadow is forced along...or something like that.

I honestly didn't mind, it was fun goofing off from time to time with the guy, helped me keep my mind off anything too serious.

I did manage to finally get my work published, people were skeptical at first but soon almost everyone in the village had at least heard about or had a copy of my book, 'The Batman', I wanted to call it Batman Begins, but my editor was an ass about that.

Either way now that I was published I gained a new title:

Author- +20 REP with people who admire your work and are aware you're the author

That last part was important as not many people knew I wa the writer. Based on Baroma's suggestion I decided to keep my name out of the books, putting it under a pen name: Stan Lee. Hehe, in this world Stan Lee created Batman, the irony is thick.

But now luckily I got a steady stream of cash incoming, a month deposit of 120 thousand ryo every month based on book sales. I had all of it in the bank, which I decided would be my white money, the money that I legally earned, with the money I gained via my gaming ability be my lack money, money no one knows of.

By the fifth month I had more than enough cash to buy my own place. I found a cheap three bedroom and two bathroom place near the Inuzuka clan compound, it was cheap since the dogs from the Inuzuka clan kept barking at all hours of the night.

I bought it for 500 thousand easy, and then spent another hundred grand furnishing the place. I had one room for myself and the other for Naruto. The third I had assigned as a workroom, but since Naruto never used it, unless he was pulling off a high profile prank that needed planning and preparation, I got to use it as my own study.

Naruto's face when I told him I had gotten my own place was priceless, he looked like he someone had gotten him a puppy, gave it to him long enough for him to fall in love with it, and then killed it.

Yeah, he was sad, figured I was going to leave him. Moron, when I told him I expected him to come with me he actually cried. Idiot, like I would ever leave him behind.

Naruto had talked to the Hokage and got it okayed. The man gave us his blessing and also reduced Naruto's pocket money by half since he no longer needed to pay rent. The man's REP score grew to 38, guess because I took Naruto in and treated him right the guy thought I was a good person. Which I am.

The day we moved in however I noticed a few people lurking about, mostly Inuzuka ninjas looking at us from their compound wall, which was the first thing you saw when you looked out of our second story window. But there were also people with the title 'ANBU' looking at us. Really creepy shit.

I'm guessing Naruto's change in location warranted the surveillance and because of this I needed to make sure any gamer related activity I did ws done without being seen. I had enough trouble to deal with, having to explain my gaming powers was not one of them.

For the first few weeks I had sneak around with the utmost care, by the third month I was used to it and by the fifth month I had their patrol patterns memorized, which is saying something when the only thing way one knew about their location was by observing the floating words and numbers over their heads.

But, on the bright side, by the end my sealth had gotten a major upgrade!

Stealth, Lv- 27 (8%)

Your ability to hide in plain sight is crucial for being a ninja.

Chances of not getting spotted- 56%

For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you

Not bad for over two years worth of sneaking around. It wasn't much higher simply because of the fact that I could only be sneaky during night time. I was building a profile for myself, quiet and smart, I don't want to give any observing ninja the idea there was more to me than meets the eye. Hence, only stealthy during the night.

And speaking of training, though my schedule was now almost always jam packed, I made a promise with myself to train in the natural dungeon every week at least once, and as time went one I found myself sticking to that promise like religion.

I always made sure to only use the first level for the first few month, so that I would be well prepared for whatever that be in the second dungeon. Because of this I killed an average of 40 pokemon, fighting them with mainly Growlithe as my main attack force while I provided long range support, though a few times I did get myself involved to improve my taijutsu.

This resulted in Growlithe leveling up scary fast. He grew to level 10 by the time we were done with the first level natural dungeons. He didn't gain any new attack or anything of the sort, but he did grow much faster, since I put a majority of his stats there.

By then I decided it was finally time to catch a second pokemon, and I decided to catch another Growlithe, this one I called Blaze. Blaze was a female and so Flamer soon came to look at her as someone to protect. With a second pokemon added I moved on to the next level natural dungeon because frankly, I was starting to get bored fighting just rats and cats.

In the end I got around 672 pelts, which I turned into leather. There were the same number of fangs which I turned into fang daggers, so that rounded up to around 200 daggers. I quickly began to use them as my main weapons to save up on kunai metal.

But a strange thing though, as I continued to train in that dungeon, the number of gold coins I came across came down drastically. I end up with only 25 coins at the end of the five month period.

Whatever, at least I got 10 pokeballs, 20 potions and one paralysis heal out of this;

Paralyze heal, E class item,

Removed the paralyzed status from the target.

The next level came as a surprise for me. It was still a forest setting, but this time it was filled with bug type pokemon.

Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod, Kakuna, Beedrill and Butterfree. The difficult was raised up a bit as the weasel pokemon there was only level 5 and the strongest was level 10. Each level 5 gave 100 EXP and the level 10's gave 400 EXP.

The boss of this level was a Scyther, obviously I tried my best to catch it. But because of how...effective Flamer and Blaze was I didn't have anything to catch, stupid fire type affinity. Although I did gain 800 EXP from it, so that's nice.

The next time however we did manage to catch the damn bug type! I naed it Cuter, duh, and began to train it as well.

Every round in the second dungeon level lead to me getting an average of 8,000 EXP. Which gave everyone some decent EXP, but the real highlight was all the juicy loot items I gained. I got around a hundred vials of poison from weedle;

Weedle Poison, D class item

Poison obtained from Needle, the needle pokemon. Poison will cause -5 HP every second until opponent faints.

Lasts for 3 hours.

And then I got a lot of silk from capterpie, like several yards of it;

Silk string, D class item

String made by caterpie. Can be substituted for ninja wire.

Beedrill of course gave me special honey along with his lancing pincers;

Beedrill honey, C class item

Honey that grants +50 HP

Beedrill lances, E class item

The lance Beedrill has attached to it's arms.

DMG- 2

The last one was useless, I never even picked up a single lance. Butterfree gave me two types of powder, sleep powder and paralyzing powder;

Sleep powder, E class item

Powder obtained from Butterfree that will cause an opponent to fall asleep for 5 minutes.

Paralyzing powder, E class item

Powder obtained from Butterfree that will paralyze an opponent for 5 minutes.

And the few Scyther drops I did manage to get gave me a lot of green exoskeleton plates for armour plating.

Scyther plates, C class item

Hardened exoskeleton of a Scyther that can withstand a significant amount of cutting damage.

Durability- 300/300 (+400 for cutting damage.)

Plus I got around 300 thousand Ryo, not that I cared for money at this point. And in the start of my second year at the Academy I found myself leading the class room in academics as well as ninja stuff. Sasuke didn't like that I was at the top of the class, because of this he and I constantly used to butt heads.

But as I mentioned, time began to fly past be without me realizing it. The second year went by even faster as now I actually did have something to look forward too in school, mainly ninjutsu training!

Finjutus, Lv- 38 (83%)

The art of making seals using paper and ink.

Success rate- 76%

Maximum difficulty range- B class seals

We had a special class in the Academy for fuinjutsu, mainly teaching students how to make sealing scrolls or explosion tags. Nothing too dangerous as we were never allowed to actually make the seals, just learn about them. Obviously, I went a few steps further.

I worked on sealing for over two years and got pretty good at it. Any seal I created automatically went under the crafting menu and it's various recipes, so the skill mainly focused on how good I was. And believe me, I was very, very good.

I hide most of my talent in it, for obvious reasons I didn't want people to know how good I really ws, or else people would start to take noticed and I wasn't ready for that...yet.

And the beginning of the third year also meant the beginning of ninja survival training, not a bad thing to do. We spent so much time outside in the forest camping out, I managed to get Naruto interested in trap making, allowing him to use it along with his other arsenal of pranks.

The blonde was...difficult at times. He kept falling asleep, didn't listen and even once tried to freaking start a food fight! ARGH!

In the beginning of the second year I found out his marks were so bad he barely passed, technically he failed the written portion, but the physical side got him passed the limit. But technically speaking, he still failed.

So I took it upon myself to make sure that never happened again. I began to tutor him. Yes, it bite into my training time, but couldn't help it, no friend of mine was going to be a moron!

This did earn me a skill;

Teaching, Lv- 22 (89%)

Your ability to teach a concept to another individual or group.

Understanding a subject- 44%

+20% bonus if INT is greater than student

Meh, it was okay I guess. Two years of teaching and I only got this much, not worth it, trust me. But on the plus side I finally got Naruto interested in fuinjutsu I had to bribe him with ramen, but it was worth it. The kind took to it like fish to water.

He wasn't a great seal master, so such thing, I still had to teach him a thing or two, but man if he wasn't being quick about it. Soon he could just surpass me in every way!

Either way, two years went by and with that the time I spent training also reduced significantly, since I had to split my time between school, Naruto and writing my novels.

Oh! On a side note, Stan Lee is now the number one fantasy writer in the Elemental nations and his last book, 'The Man of Steel' was apparently so popular in Kumo, the land of lightning, their Raikage took to calling himself by the same name.

Little narcissistic if you ask me, but whatever. For the third year in the academy I announced a third book to my 'Justice' collection. It was called 'Wonder Woman' and Baroma has been teasing it like fucking crazy!

Women had been pre-ordering it like crazy, a female lead character was apparently really rare here, guess some things never change. I made a shit ton of money already and the book is set to release when I begin my third year at the academy.

And all around the countries people have been asking, 'just is Stan Lee? He's a genius!' Hehe, now I'm beginning to wish I used my own name instead.

Either way, back to training, rare, but intense. In the beginning of my second year I started the third level natural dungeon, which I unlocked after completing the seconds level the first time around.

This time the setting wasn't a forest, but instead it was a valley between two mountains. The valley was covered with tall grass and water streams, and the pokemon I found there were...amazing to say the least.

I found Geodudes and Nidorans, both the male and female variety. It was a….different dungeon.

The rock type pokemon were difficult to handle, since most of my jutsus at the time were fire based and I had two fire type pokemon. Obviously it took me a lot of broken daggers and bloody fists to defeat a single geodude who was at level 15.

So I decided to be a little smart about it. I first caught a male Nidoran, since it was a fighting type and they would be strong against rock and ground types. I named it 'King', accurate, I know. I then took King and began to train him in the second level dungeon, grinding to raise his level.

And then I took him back into the third level dungeon and kicked some freaking ass!

King was amazing! The way he moved was like watching a bullet, double kick all around. Every time we encountered a geodude King and I would double team the pokemon, me gained sweet EXP points while he did all the work.

I used Cuter, Flamer and Blaze to fight off the wild Nidorans there, so they too managed to gain some EXP. And finally, when we cleared enough of them, the boss arrived. An Onix.

Oh I so had to catch that. It was a deadly battle, I nearly got crushed to death! But...but...we won. Flamer managed to place an exploding tag underneath Onix's head causing a big enough explosion for it to get knocked back and had it's HP reduced to 5. I was so close to killing that thing.

But, two pokeballs later and it was mine. I began to call him Basher, kind of accurate since he liked headbutting things a lot.

All throughout second year I grinded in the third level dungeon. I trained my pokemon hard. And in return we got a shit ton of loot!

From Geodude we go precious stones, like rubies, sapphires and other such gems. I sold almost all of them, getting me a nice amount of cash on hand, around 3 million easy. But, among those precious stones was one very very important one;

Moonstone, A class item

A stone that harness the power of the moon to level up certain pokemon.

During training, King leveled up to level 16, causing him to evolve for the very first time! This gave me a Nidorino in it's place. And immediately after that, I used the moonstone after that, causing it to evolve into it's last form, Nidoking!

Fuck yeah! King was quickly becoming my favorite pokemon!

Apparently evolving a pokemon allowed it to level up five time, giving it not just 5 points, but 25! I so had a field day with that.

But back to the loot items. I got a few poison jars from the Nidorans in wild along with some material to create daggers. But I never really bothered with them as the poison powder I had from before was much more powerful.

And then came Onix, which gave me all kinds of metals, like iron and steel. But it also gave me a rare kind of metal;

Chakra metal ore,

Metal that is sensitive to chakra channeled through it.

That was fuckign cool and you best belive I had a chakra trench knife made similar to the ones Asuma uses. It wasn't easy though, I had to first learn how to make an ore usable and then metallurgy. But luckily for me Chakra metal was such a popular subject there were plenty of materials to look through.

Chakra metal trench knives, A class items

Trench knives made out of Chakra metal.

DMG: 30 (Damage bonus is based on chakra infused)

Yay! These quickly became my go to weapons, since they were actually good. I had a lot more ore left over, so I decided to make more, creating five knives in total. They were...beautiful. I had some chakra metal left over, I decided to keep it for a rainy day.

So with these knies and my pokemon, I became a force to be reckoned with in combat. I cleared the third level many times over, but unfortunately since my time being demanded so much, I could barely keep up.

The EXP I gained form the third level dungeon was good, 250 from the level 15's and 600 from the Onix boss. I gained over three hundred thousand for my troubles which resulted in my pokemon leveling up major time;

1. Flamer, Growlithe

Lv- 22

REP- 62

HP- 2,850/2,850

SP- 3,630/3,630



EXP: 8,105/11,400

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 30

VIT- 54

DEX- 30

INT- 21

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 21

Points- 0

Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything, this Pokémon won't forget the scent, no matter what. It uses its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of other living things.


Ember- 50 DMG

Tackle- 40 DMG

Scratch- 25 DMG

Roar- Causes a boost of 10% attack power for all allies

Odor Sleuth- Finds target within 50 feet range

Flame Wheel- 80 DMG

2. Blaze, Growlithe,

Lv- 21

REP- 46

HP- 3,050/3,050

SP- 3,150/3,150



EXP: 1,900/11,400

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 20

VIT- 55

DEX- 20

INT- 18

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 13

Points- 0

Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything, this Pokémon won't forget the scent, no matter what. It uses its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of other living things.


Ember- 50 DMG

Tackle- 40 DMG

Scratch- 25 DMG

Roar- Causes a boost of 10% attack power for all allies

Odor Sleuth- Finds target within 50 feet range

Flame Wheel- 80 DMG

3. Cuter, Scyther

Lv- 23

REP- 40

HP- 3,500/3,500

SP- 4,050/4,050



EXP: 5,250/11,800

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 34

VIT- 60

DEX- 34

INT- 22

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 16

Points- 0

Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This pokemon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke.


Quick Attack- 40 DMG

Leer- - 20 % defence

Pursuit- 60 DMG

Agility- +20% faster

Wing Attack- 65 DAMAGE

4. King, Nidoking

Lv- 29

REP- 60

HP- 4,850/4,850

SP- 3,700/3,700



EXP: 5,950/13,400

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 64

VIT- 36

DEX- 36

INT- 19

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 8

Points- 0

Nidoking's thick tail packs enormously destructive power. With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower. Once this Pokémon goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it.


Double kick- 30 DMG (per kick)

Poison sting- 20 DMG (+poison effect)

Fury Attack- 20 DAMAGE (per swipe)

Chip Away- 70 DMG

Horn Attack- 65 DAMAGE

5. Basher, Onix

Lv- 25

REP- 45

HP- 2,900/2,900

SP- 2,500/2,500



EXP: 9,500/10,400

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 44

VIT- 20

DEX- 22

INT- 15

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 5

Points- 0

Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.


Tackle- 25 DMG

Rock Throw- 40 DMG

Rock Tomb- 45 DMG

Smack Down- 60 DMG

Sand Storm- Creates a storm in the effected battle area

For the pokemon I focused on LUC, INT and and speed. I needed them to be clever enough to understand me or fight on their own and because they were facing opponents the loot items they cored would be better with a higher LUC stat. And since they were all fast pokemon I thought that VIT would be the most important place to level up.

Only thing was their attacks were not all that amazing, the only thing I can say is good about their attacks is that they can do it a lot. I really hope they get some better attacks, because as they are right now they could barely take on a genin by themselves!

I did want to teach them chakara by investing points in it, but I came to know that they couldn't use it, at all. The game system didn't accept any points I allocated to them. Sigh, you can't win it all.

I did spend a lot of time exploring the village as well. And while I explored the village and the people, I ended up stumbling upon a lot of Golden leaves in the process.

I found a total of 10 additional golden leaves in the two years time. They were;

Konoha Archive Library, +10 points

Konoha Aviary, Skill book: Animal tracking

Konoha Bank, Skill book: Copy book jutsu

Konoha Cemetery, Konoha Battle fan

Konohagakure Central Post Office, Mental mini map of Konoha

Konoha Hospital, +5 points

Konoha Hot Springs, +5 skill scroll

Dango Shop, +10 skill scroll

Yakiniku Q, 3 Soldier pills

Yamanaka Flowers, Skill book: Basic poison making

Not bad for two years. Honestly by the fifth one I was grasping at straws here. The hokage mountain was too big and the hokage tower was under watch 24/7, I can't even go near there unless I want an ANBU member following me around for the next ten minutes!

And of course, I also leveled up quite a bit over the past two years;

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 23 (4,500/11,500)

HP- 2,600/2,600 (+20)

SP- 1,275/1,275

CP- 1,400/1,400


Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 30

VIT- 33

DEX- 36

INT- 34 (+2)

CHA- 40

CC- 79

LUC- 25 (+5)

Points- 0

Black Money- 4,278,500R

Needless to say the one thing I never regretted working on was my control, only level 23 and already it was near perfect! Argh! This is just too good to be true! God bless the broken system!

And also, the moment my CC stat crossed 50, I gained my very first perk!

Chakra regenerator- Chakra regeneration time is reduced by half.

My regeneration rate was around 32% per minute, pretty decent if I do say so myself. But with this perk that reduced the time my regeneration time by half, meaning 32% every thirty seconds! Fuck yeah!

Now however I focused on my chakra reserves as well, very very important that. But other than just pure EXP, my skills also improved;

Chakara thread, Lv- 27 (39%)

A concentrated thread of chakra that can be attached to manipulate certain objects.

CP cost- 3 CP per minute per 1 feet

Max length- 250 feet

With enough training I managed to actually used chakra threads accurately enough that I can now direct kunai and shuriken with them.

Cooking, Lv- 32 (55%)

You can cook and make something to eat. It may not be edible.

Bonus- 64% to all food items you make

Since Naruto and I lived together for so long, and the moron basically has no idea how to cook, I ended up leaving this on up a lot.

Disturbance style, Lv- 32 (74%)

Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.

DMG- +50 + STR + DEX

Speed- 47% faster

Since I always ended up fighting with Sasuke, or took on a few pokemon bare handed I used this a lot. And believe me it was so worth it. It becomes twice as deadly when I use my daggers, which I did whenever I could.

Easdropping, Lv- 23 (3%)

Your ability to listen in someone else's conversation without them being aware of it. This is a very important skill for a ninja to possess for information gathering.

Range: 35 feet (100% accuracy)

-10% accuracy for every additional feet

Constant grinding of this skill let me level it up.

Flirting, Lv- 9 (30%)

Your ability to charm your target to drop their gaurd, confuse them or getting them to like you.

18% chance of it working

+5 REP bonus if works

DOn't ask...just...don't.

Kunai techniques, Lv- 28 (39%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 100%

Bonus- 50% to DMG

Honestly I don't even bother with grinding this anymore, I'm already a perfect shot.

Leaf concentration exercise, Lv- 20 (MAX)

By keeping a leaf stuck on your forehead thanks to chakara you now only help with your chakra control exercise but also improve your concentration.

Uses: 10 CP per minute

Leaves to hold up- 5

+1 INT while active

When I hit this chakra control skills limit I had already reached over a 56% control rate, so the limit didn't really bother me. But it did allow me to learn a new chakra control skill, tree walking!

Tree walking, Lv- 20 (MAX)

By channeling chakra into any part of your body you can stick to surfaces.

Uses: 10 CP per minute

The tree walking exercise did offer me a bonus of 2 CC stats for every level I mastered. And after I mastered that I moved to the next logical step;

Water walking, Lv- 10 (30%)

By channeling chakra into the soles of your feet you can walk on water.

Uses: 15 CP per minute

For the water walking skill I got 5 CC per level, but it was hard as nails to level it up to what it is right now. But I had more than enough stat points right now to eventually get me to the high amount of control I had right now. So that was nice!

Other than that I leveled up my lying skills, maintenance, shuriken handling and running.

Lying, Lv- 20 (43%)

You ability to lie to people without getting caught.

44% chance of success

-20% if the lie is too unbelievable

Maintenance, Lv- 24 (60%)

Maintaining something is just as important as owning it.

+35% bonus to all items you maintain (clean, polish oil) for whatever their use is

Bonus lasts for 40 minutes

Shuriken techniques, Lv- 21 (9%)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 75%

Bonus- 30% to DMG

Running, Lv- 28 (40%)

Your skill to run at amazingly fast speeds.

Max speed- 12 Km per hour

Cost- 10 SP per minute

That last one was so high because I constantly needed to run away or too something in dungeons or in real life. Pretty cool huh?

Either way, at the end of the two years living in this village, I'm finally growing more and more self assured off myself, there's nothing that can throw me off! I' totally ready for anything!

"Yami," Iruka-sensei called me over on the first day of my third year. I had just entered the Academy with Naruto who went on without me.

"What is it Iruka sensei?" I asked curiously, approaching the man, "is there something wrong?"

The man smiled, "oh nothing like that Yami. In fact, it's quite the opposite. You see, after your last test results I spoke to the Hokage and he has agreed to let you skip ahead a year."

My eyes went wide, "what?!"

Iruka chuckled, "that's right! You're going to be in the fourth year! That means you're one step closer to graduating! Isn't that great?!"

I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel about this. Panic? Panic. Oh wait, Gamer's mind refuses to let me freak out. ARGH! I fucking hate this game!