
Yami : The Gamer Kage {Complete}

Disclaimer Notice : I don’t own any of this I just want to share it to others because i really like and appreciate its content and the story behind it. You can read it in fanfiction.net. I share it here because its very hard to find a gold there so hope you enjoy it.. sorry NaruHina fans? A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Naruto experiencing it via a video game. Forced to fight to survive, he sets upon a path of self-discovery, whether to save this world or destroy it.

Otsutsuki_D_Isaiah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Part 2

I came towards them, stepping between them and the soldier's. The Lieutenant of the army was still alive, his horse dead and his head bleeding, but alive. I moved through the hand seals for Swift Release, finishing with the last hand seal but waiting to see what Itachi and Kisame do.

"I only killed a hundred people," Kisame growled, "that brat sure is a handful."

"It is to be expected," Itachi nodded, "he is of course one of my clan members."

"W-what?! He's an Uchiha?! But I thought you killed them all?!"

"He was an orphan, it seems one managed to get away," Itachi growled, "either way, if he is a member of my clan I'm curious to see how far he will grow."

"Are you nuts?! We should kill him now!" another wave of clones came and took half the army away, leaving only around 60 soldiers and me behind, "and stop taking away my kills!"

"He won't," Itachi smirked, "it seems his Nindo is to refuse to let people die, isn't that right, Yami Uchiha?"

I smirked, "I'm not sure about the whole Uchiha thing, but you are right about not wanting anybody dead."

"An idealist, how...interesting," Itachi murmured, he turned away and left, "come Kisame, I'm sure we can play with him again soon enough."

"But Itachi! He's right there!" Kisame cried out. And just then the final wave of clones came, grabbed everyone and vanished, leaving me alone in the battlefield, along with the bodies of the dead soldiers.

"God damn it!" Kisame cried out, "fine! This is a waste of time anyway! I'll see you later Uchiha brat! And next time I'll rip your fucking eyes out!"

I nodded, "bite me fuck face," I made finished the hand seal, activating a Swift Release jutsu, "Swift Release: Speed up times 1,000!"

I needed to do this fast. I opened my inventory and took out a chakra metal trench knife that I had made. I infused it with wind chakra making it extremely sharp. I moved to Kisame's side, his hand tightly wrapped around his sword, Samehada. Now I couldn't touch the blade with my chakra, it would just absorb it, but, I could touch him.

I sweeped the knife across his wrist, the hand coming off in one straight go as slowly blood started to drip out. Guess even a thousand times faster isn't faster than slowing down time.

I put the trench knife away, grabbed the man's hand and used it like a tong to put the sword into my inventory. That's right, I just stole Kisame's fucking sword!

Now I couldn't kill him, due to gaming logic, even if I cut off his head with my trench knife, he wouldn't die unless I remove all his HP first. So I did the next best thing.

I used the daggers and plugged it into his eyes, making his mouth slowly open. I looked over and noticed Itachi's eyes slowly move towards me, they were moving in normal speed, he could see what I was doing. Good.

Ten seconds left, better make this count. I plunged the daggers into his rib cage over and over again, puncturing his lungs. Time's up, I jumped away as suddenly time restarted.

"ARGH!" Kisame cried out in pain.

"Kisame!" Itachi cried out in surprise, guess while his eyes could follow me, his brain still hadn't processed what it was seeing.

"So long shit heads!" I cried out as I flashed away in a blast of blue lightning, appearing outside Hono's gates in front of the whole army I managed to teleport away.

"Where is the enemy?" the lieutenant asked as he came forward on a brand new horse.

"I left them behind, they might try and attack us, but I managed to injure one of them badly enough that he might require healing. I don't think they will follow us here."

"And if they even think about it Hono will make them regret it!" the man cried out as suddenly the walls of the city was lined with soldiers and ninjas, all highly alert and all around level 50 and above.


Quest Completed!



+30,000 EXP!

+Ultra Ball

I smiled, I could so use another Ultra ball, incase I happened upon another legendary. I nodded and looked to the man in charge, his name was Fumo, "alright then, if you have this handled then I need to see my teammates, one of them is injured and will need medical help."

"Go ninja, you have risen above and beyond the call of duty. You have acted with great honour today, we, the army of Hono will not forget this gesture Yami Uchiha."

I saw all their REP scores go up by 20. I sighed, "I'm not an Uchiha, it's just Yami."

"But that man said you were," Fumo argued.

I sighed, "I'm a clanless orphan, believe me when I say that if I was an Uchiha, someone would have told me long before Itachi Uchiha. Goodbye, and good luck," and with that I leaped over the city walls and ran into the city.

I felt Eagle's chakra signature slowly stabilizing near the top, right inside the Daimyo's castle. I ran over there without a second's thought, leaving over the guards and ninjas who tried to stop me.

I ran inside and to the room where I felt Eagle's chakra, I threw the door open and came in, finding Puma, Spider, Monkey and Snake all gathered around Eagle, whose torso was wrapped in bandages, his mask was cracked, they moved it and kept it aside revealing a man with deep blonde hair with brown eyes.

He looked around forty and had a small scar on his nose. And over his head was his title, which now read, 100 REP. Guess me saving his life made him like me, who knew right?

"Panda," Eagle noticed me first. Everyone looked up from Eagle, blinking in surprise at seeing me, "is everyone safe?"

I nodded, "yes Eagle. Everyone is safe. Around a hundred soldiers died, but I managed to get rest out. They are now forming a perimeter around the city."

"What about Itachi and Kisame?" Eagle asked as he tried to get up, only for the woman next to him, a medic by her title, pushed him back down, telling him to rest.

"Itachi isn't much of a fighter, he won't attack a city filled with the chunin level ninja, he isn't that crazy. And Kisame...he's a little banged up at the moment," I grinned.

"What did you do?" Puma asked.

In response I opened my inventory behind me and slowly took out Samehada, displaying over my head, "ta-da!"

"SKREECH!" the sword suddenly screamed as it's handle exploded into spines cutting into my hand. Everyone jumped in shock, the ANBU circling around their hurt commander.

-200 HP!

I let go in shock as it suddenly moved, rushing to the door. "Oh no you don't!" I activated Swift Release, making me ten times faster. I grabbed the blade and shoved it into my inventory once more.

I grumbled as I walked in. I used the Mystical Palm healing jutsu on my left hand, healing my right, "right, it has sentience, forgot about that."

"Where is that blade?" One asked.

"I have it sealed away," I sighed as the wounds on my hand healed, "it's fine."

"We need to bring that back to Konoha at once," Eagle said as he raised his torso up, "Panda, is there any chance of it escaping again?"

"No," I shook my head, "once it's inside my storage seal it can't do a thing. It'll only be a problem if I remove it once more."

"Good, keep it in there. Doctor, when can I return to the field?" Eagle asked.

"Not for another three days," she sighed, "I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do."

"It's fine," Eagle turned to me, "can you flash me back home?"

"Can you flash all of us?" Snake asked.

I nodded, "yes. Do you want me to do it now?"

"No," One replied as he walked in with his team, "not yet. The Daimyo wishes to see you all, now."

"Eagle can't move," Spider argued.

"Doctor, get him a wheelchair," One ordered.

"R-right," the woman nodded as she quickly moved to obey. We put Eagle in the wheelchair and put his broken mask on his face. It wasn't much, but it was protocol. I pushed him along as we followed One to the main chamber, the other's guarding us on either side.

"What you did back there Panda...it's nothing short of amazing," Puma spoke, "sorry for treating you lightly kid."

I shrugged, "not a problem," I looked down, "I'm sorry you got hurt Eagle."

Monkey snorted, "he saves the army of daimyo, fights off two S rank missing ninjas, and he's sorry about getting Eagle hurt? Now I've seen everything."

We reached the hall, One walked in and introduced us. This time when we entered there was no table, instead each nobleman and their house sat down on their side of the Daimyo, creating a pathway of sorts with the fire lord in the center looking very flustered.

"You there," the Daimyo pointed at me, "it was you who saved all of us yes?"

I stepped from behind Eagle's wheelchair and bowed, "yes lord Daimyo."

"How are you able to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu?! I demand you show us your face ninja," Socio ordered, his face looking very curious.

"I can't sir," I bowed, "it's against ANBU law."

"Which can only be overturned by the Hokage...or the Daimyo," One supplied.

The Fire Daimyo perked up, "oh? Is that right? Then I order you to show us your face ninja!"

I turned to Eagle who nodded. I sighed and got up, removing my mask with one smooth motion, meeting the Daimyo's eyes.

The man squinted, "who are you boy? I don't recognize your face."

"But I do," said Moe, who was sitting by her father's side, "his name is Yami, he's the genin who saved my life."

"Oh?" Socio said blinked, "it's you. I see….guess you were serious on your ambition on learning more about the Fourth's seal yes?"

I smiled, "that is correct lord Socio," I then turned to Moe, "sorry for using the marker I gave you to transport everyone, I honestly didn't have a choice."

Moe smirked, "well, it was strange seeing lord Daimyo and his court in my bedroom, but I suppose it was an emergency. It's….it's good to see you again Yami."

I smiled, "it's good to see you as well Moe. I hope you've been well. Any annoying shopkeepers I should know about?"

Moe smirked, "he's kept his nose down. Haven't heard a pep from him since."

"So you are the genin who learnt the Flying Thunder god jutsu, interesting," the daimyo hummed, drawing attention back to him. Frankly, I think he was jealous that I focused on Moe, "tell me Yami, is it true what they're saying? That after rescuing us you went back to save my men? My soldiers?"

I nodded, "yes sir."

"Why is that? Why did you risk your life for a bunch of soldiers?"

I shrugged, "what was I supposed to do? Just let them die?"

The Daimyo blinked, "I would watch that tone young man, I am your lord."

I sighed, "if you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors," I looked at the nobles around me, "not his equals."

The Fire Lord's eyes widened, "that's quite a philosophy you have ninja. Tell me, do you fancy yourself a philosopher?"

I shrugged, "I'm just a hired gun. Who I want to be doesn't matter."

"Really?" the Daimyo snorted, "you have a mouth on you boy. I would watch it if I was you."

I bowed, "a thousand apologies my lord, I meant no offence. You merely asked why I wanted to save your soldiers, I told you why. I don't think of them as a noble or a soldier, a life is a life, regardless of who's it is. I completed my mission by getting you all safe and sound. After that I was allowed to do what I wish, and I wished to save the lives of the brave men who pledged their blades to you."

The court murmured, the daimyo looked happy at my apology and even more so when I kept mentioning ti was his people I saved. The man smiled, "well then ninja boy, I suppose you deserve a reward for you actions yes? Well, what do you all think we should give him?"

"A title perhaps?" Socio suggested, "something befitting of his status?"

"A title? This lad saved our lives and the loves of over nine hundred soldiers and all you want to give him is a title?!" the scarred nobel scoffed, "he deserves more!"

"Perhaps we should just ask him?" the purple wearing noble woman said as she turned to me, "well? What is it that you wish for shinobi?"

I blinked, "ah...I guess peace would be nice," I shrugged.

The noble laughed, "oh that is rich!"

"Come now ninja be serious," Socio scoffed.

"He is serious father," Moe spoke up, "he dream is for world peace."

The daimyo blinked, "is that really true little Moe?"

Moe nodded, "yes, it is. But...we can't grant that, sadly. Chose something else Yami."

I blinked, "ah….I don't know...I don't really want anything."

"Come now, isn't there something you desire?" the Daimyo asked, sounds bored, I guess he was tired, it was around 5 in the morning right now.

"Ah...I guess if you could spare more soldiers for the Kiri mission that would help solve that entire issue a lot faster. That is if you don't mind."

The daimyo sighed, "sadly I cannot do that. That is the one thing I cannot change. How about something else? Money? Land?"

I shrugged, "useless and doubly useless."

"A ninja can't make that much," a nobel scoffed.

I shrugged, "still, I have no value over money. I was born an orphan, I would just be happy...wait, that's it! I would ask that you build three more orphanages in Konoha and supply the existing one with money from your personal vaults. Make it so that no child will ever have to live on the street again. That's all I ask."

I saw REP go up by 5 for everyone in the room. Moe herself was at 89 right now, higher than anyone else.

"Very well, if that's all you require, it shall be done," the Daimyo and, "Socio, see to it that it happens."

Socio bowed, "of course my lord."

"Good, then it is time I go to bed," the man yawned once more.

"A moment my lord," the soldier nobel spoke, "there is still the matter of his new title."

The Daimyo sighed, "fine. I name you Yami of Konoha the Protector of Hono, there, enjoy," he grumbled and left, the nobles leaving with him.


You have gained a new title!

Protector of Hono- +40 REP with all residents of the Land of fire

I sighed and attached the new title to my stat. This was the only decent one I had, the others were..boring to say the least. I moved back to my team, putting my mask back on, "shes, that guy was a grouch."

"You're telling me," One scoffed, "anyway, get your team back to Konoha, I'm needed at the walls. Good luck, protector of Hono."

He vanished in a blur, leaving us behind. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Moe waiting in the middle of the room, I turned to my team and made five clones, each with 500 CP, "they'll take you back home. Go on ahead, I have some unfinished business here."

Puma whistled, "go Panda, who knew you had such nice taste."

Eagle snorted, "kid's already breaking hearts," I grumbled, but luckily they couldn't say anything else as my clones flash them away.

I turned around and approached Moe, I removed my mask and smiled, "hey."

"Hey," she smiled back, "I thought you weren't allowed to show your face unless the Daimyo or the Hokage ordered you too."

I shrugged, "I'm not technically in the ANBU. I'm just...well, I guess you can say I'm the temp. Anyway, sorry I didn't tell you before."

"No, it's fine, I understand. Ninja, secrets come with the job," she smiled looking me over, "did you grow taller?"

I chuckled, "I think. You certainly grew as well."

"Thank you," she smiled, "it hasn't been that long, I know, but I still miss you Yami, you were the best friend a girl like me could have. How have you been? Is it true you faced Orochimaru?"

I nodded grimly, "yeah, the guy was….something else."

"You survived a fight with both Itachi Uchiha and a Swordsman of the Mist. I doubt you were that worried," she held my hand looking worried, "I was worried sick you know? After you saved me, I knew it had to be you who did it. You're the only person I know who is familiar enough to decipher that seal...I was worried I wouldn't be able to see you again."

I smiled, "I promise you Moe, I'm not going to die if I can help it. Relax...I'll be fine."

Moe smiled, "right...I suppose you have to go now yes?"

I smiled, I looked out, the sun was slowly rising up from the horizon, "actually, I think I have a few minutes. Want to watch the sun rise?"

Mos smiled, "yes. I would love that."

I offered her my hand, she took it and I swept her off her feet, leaping into the air and jumping to the top of the castle. I landed on the roof and we sat down side by side, watching the sun slowly rise off in the horizon.

We didn't say anything, we didn't have too. She put her head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around er side. To make sure she didn't fall back. No other reason. No, not one. I wasn't instead in lolis. Not at all.

Ten minutes later:

I flashed back to Konoha, finding myself back in my home. I quickly dashed off towards the Hokage tower. I could sense Eagle's chakra coming from the hospital, it was slowly increasing, good, he needs his rest.

I made it to the Hokage's office and entered through the window. Zabuza and Haku were already here, both wearing Konoha vests, except they were grey instead of green. And instead of the Konoha leaf they wore their Mist headbands.

"Ah, Yami, you finally arrived," the Hokage nodded, "I thought something had gone wrong."

I sighed, "I just needed to take a breather. Sorry," I removed the mask and placed it on the Hokage's table, "and I also apologize, I couldn't keep my identity secret lord Hokage. I was forced to use Search, Swift and the Flying Thunder God jutsu."

"Someone forced you into doing something kid? Who?" Zabuza snorted.

"Kisame of the Mist and Itachi Uchiha," the Hokage supplied.

"W-what?! You fought Kisame?!" Zabuza asked in horror, "how are you still alive?!"

I shrugged, "luck and planning."

"And from what your ANBU team mates tell me, also skill," Hiruzen puffed his pipe, "tell me, is it true what they said about his blade?"

I nodded, "yeah. I managed to capture Samehada, but the moment I take it out it starts attacking everything and tries to run away."

"You have Samehada with you?! How?! Kisame would rather die than let anyone take that blade from him!"

"I cut off his arm and took it from his stump," I told Zabuza narrowing my eyes at him, "oh, and I also blinded him. Though I doubt that will do much to reduce his monstrous strength."

"You cut off his arm?" the Hokage blinked, "may I see?"

I nodded as I opened my inventory, luckily it registered Kisame's hand and Samehada as two separate entities. I took out the amr and placed it on the Hokage's table. Blood spewing out slowly, drenching his table with the crimson liquid.

"The arm looks fresh," the Hokage noticed picking it up and looking it over, "you have some powerful status seal there Yami."

"Thanks," I nodded, "though, I honestly didn't realise it could do that."

"What about the blade?" Zabuza asked quickly, "it belongs to my village. It is a treasure of Kiri."

"It belongs to Konoha," I shrugged, "after all, we did steal it first."

"Why you little brat!" Zabuza growled as he hands reached for his butcher's blade, still attached to his back.

"That's enough," the Hokage flared his killing intent silencing Zabuza, "for now Yami keeps the blade locked and safe, where no one can touch it. The moment Kiri is freed I swear to you I will order him to return it. Is that a suitable compromise Zabuza?"

The man grumbled, "yeah, fine. The kid can hold onto it for now."

"Good. Now, onto other matters. We have obtained the Daimyo's permission to launch an official liberation effort into Kiri. I'll be sending with you Yami, ten jonin and 20 chunin. I'll also be assigning you two ANBU teams, which will be off the records and follow you a month after the mission begins to keep tabs on you. Any objections or concerns?"

Zabuza shook his head, "no. When do we begin?"

"In one week's time," the Hokage turned to me, "prepare for a long trip Yami, this might take a year, or maybe more."

I shrugged, "question, if I just kill the Mizukage, would it be over sooner?"

Zabuza snorted, "first off all, I doubt you could kill anyone. I heard you don't like to kill. And second, before you can even approach the Mizukage you'll have to get past his army of guards."

"No problem," I held up a dagger, "I can use Swift Release and pass his guards and then just teleport him and me somewhere else, maybe even a trap where we cal tag team him."

Zabuza's eyes winded, "you can do that? What am I saying, of course you can. Fine, if you can do that we'll discuss it later. After we establish contact with the resistance movement," he gave the Hokage a small bow before leaving, Haku following right behind him.

The Hokage sighed, "this job doesn't get easier."

I sighed, "yup...but maybe that's how you know that you're doing the right thing?"

"Possibly...good work out there Yami. I heard from Puma how you held Itchai off and saved Eagle's life. I also heard how you saved the lives of over nine hundred of the Daimyo's men. This will shine good on us, and especially you. Your wish of being a legend that can shoulder Konoha's strength into the next generation is coming true one step at a time."

I sighed, "well...there's just one problem with that."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

I decided to tell him. The lieutenant and over fifty of his men knew, and if they knew that meant soon the whole of Hono will know, which means soon word will reach to Konoha. Which means I better just come clean now.

I sighed and looked at him rubbing my eyes, "when I fought Itachi...I was barely keeping up with him. His eyes….they were something else. They made him faster than me, I could barely fight him off, adding to the fact that he kept trying to plant me under a genjutsu and it made it a futile battle. But then...I saw Eagle get hurt and...something changed."

"What happened Yami?" Hiruzen asked.

"I became faster, I became more controlled...my eyes...they changed," I channeled chakra into my eyes revealing their red hue.

Sarutobi gasped in shock as he saw me eyes. He pipe fell out of his mouth as he gaped, "t-the Sharingan. But how? Y-you….you're an Uchiha?"

I closed my eyes and allowed them to return to normal, "Itachi thinks so. He declared me an Uchiha in front of the the Daimyo's Lieutenant and his men. I….I think he might be telling the truth."

"Damn right he was," the Hokage said getting to his feet as he looked at, really focusing his eyes, "yes...yes, I suppose….I suppose your eyes do make sense. You have the Uchiha hair, and he eyes and the face of one. But your heart...it' all Senju. You lack their arrogance and their cold attitude. Their bloodthirstiness and their sense of pride. But...you do have their strength...you look to me like the perfect combination of the First Hokage and his rival, Madara Uchiha."

I blinked, "I don't really remind you of Madara do I?"

Sarutobi nodded, "yes, you do. You have his face," he took out a small box filled with what was definitely not tobacco leaves and stuffed it into his pipe, guess he needed something to calm his nerves, "I'm surprised I didn't see it before. It's so obvious...one of your parents must have been an Uchiha...I don't know how you ended up in that orphanage but...if you weren't, then Itachi would have.."

The man sighed as he lit his pipe and took a deep drag, letting the fumes calm hi mind. He sighed, "Yami, for now keep your eyes..a secret. Tell no one, absolutely no one. If the guards start rumors it will take some time for it to reach Konoha and by then I'll have found out enough about your past to tell you how this happened. For now your status as an Uchiha will be an S rank secret, do you understand?"

"Yes sir...but, what about Sasuke?" I asked feeling a little sad, as I would be expected to behave in such a situation, "the kid thinks he's the last Uchiha...it would be find of cruel."

"Naruto and his team came by yesterday morning and got a new mission to the Land of Snow," the Hokage informed me, "they won't return for another two weeks, by when you will be in Kiri. Maybe after you return you can tell him. I understand how you feel Yami...know you aren't alone when you've been raised your whole life to think differently can be challenging. But if people find out you are an Uchiha as well as a seal master and possess several kekkei genkai? Well...not even I can stop them from going over my head and appealing to the daimyo."

I groaned, "fuck me. I wish I never got these damn eyes."

The Hokage smiled, "trust me Yami, you'll grow to love them...tell me, knowing what you are now...does it make you hate Itachi Uchiha?"

I blinked, "well...not really. I mainly feel bad for the guy."

"Why's that?"

"He went crazy and killed his family. Why wouldn't I feel sorry for a psychopath like him?" I shrugged before rubbing my eyes, they were still itchy, "I...I think I need to go. My eyes are itchy and I think I need to sleep."

"Of course, dismissed Yami. Take care," the Hokage nodded, "oh, before you leave return the ANBU uniform and mask to the ANBU headquarters. They still require it."

I nodded and left through the window, putting the Panda mask on again as I made my way to the ANBU HQ to give everything back.

I want him and slept, I was exhausted. My CP, HP and SP may be full, bt my brain was exhausted. After everything's I went through, I needed rest. So I slept like a log, not even bothering to remove my flack jacket as I collapsed onto my bed.

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