
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 3

It had been two months since he had uncovered this ability of his.

Two months since he faced reality and wanted to be stronger by putting his heart and soul into his training and refusing to complain.

It also helped that he could physically see his power level go up.

It had been almost two months since he burst into the tournament scene.

Tournaments were not only great for him to mine, but he had gained an amazing chunk of money out of it.

He didn't know why Goku's family didn't enter tournaments if Chi Chi is constantly complaining about the families lack of money.

With the money he had, he was sure he could buy a plot of land.

He poured his skill points into the skill 'advanced healing'. Every time he was injured he would heal a bit if he levelled up enough it would become his most valuable skill.

And sure he couldn't grew limbs like Piccolo, but it meant he wouldn't spend a few days bedridden from a terrible work out.

And he brought the skill to enchant anything he wore, he could be wearing just shorts, and it would give him +2 durability, but of course, the price for this was K


Yamcha soon realised that with each levelling up, much harder quests began to show up.

Like the art of charisma, he had to convince somebody to give him something for free.

His lack of charisma had haunted him for weeks and only now had he finished it.

There was also the quest where he had to scare somebody so bad that they run away with a single glance.

It wasn't easy when fighters clamour to try to go up against him, to be the one to end his winning streak.

He was pretty sure that Bulma knew what he was doing and also Vidal from her father, Mr Satan.

For this training, he had purchased unbreakable steal so that even though his hands bled, he punched it over and over again.

[Level Up!] He suddenly got a notification but what he didn't expect was what came after it.

[Congratulations you have obtained the title: Lord Yamcha!]

[Congratulations, you now get two daily spins and a shot at the Advanced wheel]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the Clan Route]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Leadership skill]

[Congratulations, your speciality: Wolf Fang Fist has evolved]

[Congratulations, you have obtained XP share]

[Congratulations, you can now purchase your first person]

To say Yamcha was surprised was an understatement.

What was this about a clan!?

"Profile!" He said as he sat down.

Title: Lord Yamcha

Power Level: 7, 000, 000, 000

Yamcha almost had a heart attack when he saw his power level.


How was he stronger than Frieza in his final form!?

How can he be stronger than Super Saiyan Goku!?

Was the title of Lord that fricken amazing!?

"Unbelievable. There must be some kind of mistake" he said, at the power, he was now, the embarrassment of being defeated by a saibamen or Cell Jr would have never happened.

Heck, he could blew up a planet with this power level.

But Yamcha tried to rationalise this, the miraculous figures he saw before him.

A Lord to a clan could not be weak, Yamcha had no parents, so he wasn't inherited the title, so that meant he had to be able the strongest person in the clan.

Was he really thinking about making a Clan?

And than he thought about perks.

Like a harem of young attractive females.

"It's only right that a Lord has such a thing right?" Yamcha said as he dreamt about being smothered.

And then a Lord level Quest came.

Buy a plot of land

Reward: Reputation +45

Clan Vault

Clan emblem

Power boost for all

Defence LV: 20

Clan Training room.

Lord room.


Yamcha was almost blinded by all of these rewards just for buying a plot of land.

And that's when he remembered.

He had forgot to pay for gas and electricity for Puar!

Yamcha soon flew to the nearest bank and asked them to use money to pay for his bills.

Of course the bank people were stunned by his suddenly fortune, but then again, he had gained the reputation of a well-known fighter.

"And can you convey a message to him for me?" Yamcha said as the bank was at his back and call with his money.

#Yamcha house#

Puar survived okay without gas and electricity, after all, he did use to live in the middle of nowhere.

However, it would be a lie if he was happy when the lights in the house suddenly turned back on, and he could boil water without waiting hours to get it going.

"Yamcha!" He said he hadn't forgotten him, however, what happened next was shocking.

The phone rang, and he picked it up.

"Is this Puar?" Said a man.

"Yes?" The floating blue cat said.

"I'm from the bank. Mr Yamcha has opened a fund for you" said the man shocking him. "He has deposited 30 grand, and he says he is very sorry about forgetting about you. The bills for the house will be paid by him in cash from now on and that he wanted to give you a heads up about some workers coming around to fix up the house."

Puar was beyond stunned.


Yamcha opened up a bank account for him and deposited 30 grand?

Plus people were coming to work on the house!?

However, when the golden cards came with his own name on it, and Puar saw the workers approach the house, he realised, Yamcha was that rich now.

Puar flew over to the Son house where Goku was rarely home and watching over Goten and Trunks are they sparred, Piccolo was chilling in the tree like usual, Vegeta had been dragged by his wife to be here.

Even the God of Destruction and Whiz were here.

Puar realised he had stumbled onto the rear times they were all together.

They saw him.

"Isn't that Puar?" Said, Krillin.

"Guys!" Puar said, actually huffing. "Yamcha opened up a bank account for me. He put 30 grand inside. Guys coming to the house to fix it up"

"Translation?" Said, 18, not willing to believe Yamcha had money.

"What he's saying is that Yamcha is doing very well for himself," said, Bulma. "He's been to all sorts of fighting tournaments lately, and he's won quiet a bit of cash. It's nice that he's finally taking care of Puar"

Of course, the money Yamcha made was nothing to her, but Yamcha could live very comfortably for the rest of his life with that money.

Everybody was stunned, while everybody was training hard for the tournament of power, Yamcha was in normal tournaments getting rich.

Despite Yamcha low power level, no human being who can at least fly can beat Yamcha.

It was an amazing move.

"Why are you glaring at me, Chi Chi?" Said, Goku, noticing his wife glare.

Chi Chi huffed and went back into her run-down house, in her tired clothes and her out of date kitchen.

She had the most powerful fighter in the universe that wasn't a good, as a husband and yet her family was dirt poor.

Perhaps, Yamcha would be amazing and give her family some money for years of friendship?

The Z Fighters watched her explode inside the house and took a step back.

"Perhaps, dad...you could enter a tournament once in the while?" Said, Goten much to Goku's confusion.

#With Yamcha#

"And sign here on the dotted line." Said, man as Yamcha used pen to sign.

And then the man received his money.

Never before had Yamcha seen somebody so happy to receive money as the man who put into a sack and ran off.

"It's yours now!" Said the man.

He was rich!

Filthy rich!

Yamcha turned and looked at the place he had purchased, it was top of a mountain and deep within it, in his hand, was proof of his ownership of the land.

He had picked this place because of obvious advantages, and there was even a spring.

[Congratulations on purchase!]

And than Yamcha received his reward.

Before his very eyes, what would have taken a team of hundreds of men a couple of years to build, was done in seconds.

It was like stepping into a rural town, right in the middle was a castle, on it was the emblem for Wolf Fang First, a roaring wolf.

He entered it and saw concrete walls, a fully furnished carpet, the walls had flags for the clan, he saw the Clan inner training ground, it was just a large square with a few basic things, but Yamcha felt his ego swell.

He received notification that the castle was actually tied to him, when he levels up something new would appear in the castle.

If he wanted to manually level up the castle, he had to upgrade the surrounding area first before he could get the castle.

Just like a game.

Yamcha went to the Lords room and saw it was slightly better than his room.

"Me and Puar can definitely move here," said, Yamcha, even though it was slightly run down.

His home could be the Clan second home or something.

To think he would one day become a landowner.

And then he remembered the chicks.

He saw a new tab.

Clan Tab.

He pressed that and was immediately hit with gorgeous woman who put Bulma to shame.

They would certainly help in filling the whole in his heart...

And then he saw the price of each of them.

"WHAT!?" He shouted as he saw the zeros.

Yamcha bad luck with woman had come to hit him over the head with a frying pan.

The price depended on his natural charm, and he was out of luck.

He looked at his balance and knew he couldn't afford a single one, Yamcha was forced to scroll down to the slightly less attractive females.

He still couldn't afford them.

He tried males.

It was even more brutal.

"Can I afford even a thing on here?" Said Yamcha, after making the huge purchase.

And as if responding he saw two twins, two Saiyan kids, a female kid and a male kid, they were both dressed in rags looked undernourished.

They were selling at 300 together.

A package deal.

"Damn," Yamcha said, as he looked at both of their terrible states, they both even had heavy colds.

There was nothing lower than them other than cats.

But then he saw the word Saiyan on them.

The reason why they were so cheap was clear.

Being a Saiyan, his food expenses would skyrocket, and there was also the fact he had to get rid of both of their colds.

They would basically chew through his clan vault before they were well enough to lift a finger.

It was an extremely bad investment.

But then again...

Could he imagine the benefits of owning not one but two Saiyan children?

Goku and Vegeta's wives would call him a fool for what he did next.

He purchased them, and a light began to appear in front of him.

The girl had long spiky hair while the boy had short but spiky hair that looked like his own.

They could have easily be mistaken as his children if not for the Saiyan tails.

They both looked terrible, and he underestimated how young they actually were.

The moment they came into being, they both collapsed from the cold.

Yamcha caught them both.