
Yakuza in Diapers: A Criminal's Rebirth

Hiroshi Tanaka, once Tokyo's most feared yakuza boss, wakes up one day in the body of a child. But there's no time for playdates and pacifiers. His new adoptive father is a relentless police officer determined to bring down Hiroshi's former criminal associates. As Hiroshi juggles crayons and curfews, he embarks on a mission to save his old friends while keeping his true identity hidden from his unwitting father. Can he outsmart both his former underworld allies and his new guardian? It's a high-stakes game of hide and seek in the streets of Tokyo, and Hiroshi's tiny frame conceals a determined heart with a big mission.

MeagerWriter · Urban
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10 Chs

The Dilemma

The morning sun bathed Hiroshi's cozy room in a warm, gentle light. He lay in his crib, surrounded by his loyal stuffed animal companions, each patiently waiting for him to start their morning adventures. It was a good day to be a toddler—or so he thought.

Just as Hiroshi was about to embark on an epic quest involving his stuffed lion, the familiar sound of his father's voice floated in from the hallway. Hiroshi's eyes widened in curiosity as he listened to his father's cheerful tone.

"Hiroshi, my little buddy, it's time for something exciting!" his father announced.

Hiroshi blinked, his curiosity piqued. What could be so exciting that it disrupted his meticulously planned stuffed animal adventures?

His father entered the room, a wide grin on his face, and carefully picked him up. Hiroshi eyed his father suspiciously, wondering what new adventure awaited him this time.

"Daddy has something super fun to tell you," his father said, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

Hiroshi narrowed his eyes. His father's definition of "super fun" often involved leaving the comforting confines of his crib.

With a sense of foreboding, Hiroshi listened as his father continued, "Starting today, Hiroshi, you'll be going to a nursery!"

Hiroshi's heart sank. A nursery? The very word sent shivers down his small spine. He had heard tales of the dreaded nursery, where babies were subjected to things like naps, baby food, and—worst of all—having to share toys! As an ex-adult, the idea of returning to a place that resembled school was a particularly irksome prospect.

He couldn't speak to voice his protests, so he settled for flailing his chubby arms and legs in sheer toddler rebellion. The concept of a nursery seemed so beneath him, especially after all the adventures he'd had in his past life as a yakuza boss.

His father chuckled at his non-verbal protests. "Oh, I know you're not thrilled about it, champ. But trust me, it'll be a great place for you to make new friends and learn new things."

Hiroshi huffed, not interested in making friends when he had an army of stuffed animals at his disposal. He considered himself an intellectual far beyond his years, and the idea of relearning the basics in a nursery was infuriating.

His father chuckled at his non-verbal protests. "Oh, I know you're not thrilled about it, champ. But trust me, it'll be a great place for you to make new friends and learn new things."

Hiroshi huffed, not interested in making friends when he had an army of stuffed animals at his disposal. His two-year-old intellect was far too advanced for nursery lessons, he thought.

Without much choice, Hiroshi allowed his father to dress him in a fresh set of clothes, though they were tragically devoid of Batman insignias. He cast one final, longing glance at his beloved superhero pajamas, but he knew his father was set on this new adventure.

The trip to the nursery was a blur of strange faces and overly cheerful parents dropping off their tiny charges. Hiroshi clung to his father like a barnacle, refusing to let go, despite the efforts of the nursery staff to coax him into the room.

The nursery was an ocean of giggles, tantrums, and colorful chaos. Hiroshi watched as other toddlers interacted, some with enthusiasm, others with tears. He was determined to keep up his façade of stoic indifference, even as he noticed a toy that piqued his interest.

With a sidelong glance at the other toddlers, Hiroshi carefully approached the toy, looking left and right as if he were engaged in a covert operation. He couldn't allow anyone to catch him showing even a hint of excitement. Reaching the toy, he attempted to engage it in a subtle yet commanding manner, hoping to convey his superior intellect and skills.

But as his tiny fingers manipulated the toy's buttons and gears, a storm of internal conflict raged within Hiroshi. The very fact that he was enjoying this child's play was unsettling. He had been a feared yakuza boss in his previous life, a man who had commanded respect and instilled fear in others. What had become of him? Why was he indulging in activities that were utterly beneath his former self?

His mind churned with questions and doubts. Was it the nature of his rebirth that had dulled his once-sharp instincts? Was it the influence of his new body, with its limited understanding and experience of the world? Or had he simply lost his way and given in to the temptation of the infantile pleasures surrounding him?

As he continued to fiddle with the toy, Hiroshi couldn't deny the temporary escape it offered from the complexities of his existence. In this moment, he didn't have to grapple with the weight of his former life or the responsibility of helping his old yakuza comrades. He could just be a child, blissfully unaware of the world's harsh realities.

But that didn't sit right with him. Deep down, he knew he had a purpose, a mission to guide and protect those he had left behind in his previous life. He couldn't afford to lose sight of that, even if it meant suppressing the childlike tendencies that had begun to emerge.

With a determined expression, Hiroshi decided that he needed to strike a balance between his newfound childlike wonder and his adult responsibilities. After all, he might be in a toddler's body, but he still possessed the mind and memories of a former yakuza boss. It was a unique situation, one that required a unique approach.

As the other toddlers continued to play around him, Hiroshi resolved to harness his new abilities, both magical and mental. He would use them to protect his old yakuza friends and, in the process, navigate the challenging world of daycare. The internal conflict remained, but he was determined to turn it into a source of strength rather than weakness.

And so, in the midst of colorful toys and cheerful giggles, Hiroshi began his journey toward mastering the art of being a two-year-old yakuza boss.

Hope you all like this new chapter :3

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