
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Teen
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17 Chs

Reasons 2.

Junko have the misfortune to spend the week containing her bodyguard. She's right to say that she's the babysitter. At least in school, things have gotten easier.

But the problem would still be communications. On Junko's orders, Kurono didn't interact with anyone. Not Nene, not Minami. Even if they're the one that approach him. And it backfired.

Kurono would stay silent until Junko interfered which seems suspicious.

"That Kurono, still wouldn't really open up. It's like he's keeping some sort of secrets." Minami told Nene.

"I think Junko was the one that kept him." What Nene said piqued Minami's interest.

"Arashiyama? What makes you think that?"

"They came from the same direction everyday, but Kurono is keeping his distance. Everyday."

"Just because of that you think Arashiyama is the one that's controlling him?"

"And that's the thing, everytime during lunch, Kurono will keep his distance just like before. Also, when we tried to talk to him, Junko would interrupt or changed the subjects to distract us. It's became too apparent to hide it."

'Your observations kind of freaked me out sometimes.' Minami knows that Nene is smart, but maybe a little too smart that she seems scary.

"So, I'm using this Sunday to find out the secrets between the two. Mm hmm hmm. It's the perfect chance." Nene smirked, revealing her demonic face to Minami.

'Scary.... They say women is ten times terrifying than men when needed to. This is definitely one of them.'

Friday, after school bell dismissed the students.

"Well, remember this Sunday. Shibuya Hikarie. 1.p.m. We'll go there after lunch and then movie because of Aka. Then maybe chilling at coffee shop afterwards."

Nene is going through the plan with Junko as their both walking across the hallway.

"Wonder what kind of movie he's watching?"

"Probably some hero stuffs. He's childish anyway. Wouldn't surprise me if he choose anime at all."

Kurono, who's still keeping his distance behind them, was approached by Minami. It was awkward with him not paying attention to him already.

"So, the two girls are going shopping for clothes. What are you gonna do during that time?"


"Are you jus going to wait for them to finish? It's gonna take forever."

More silence.

'This guy.'

"If you're still mad about what happened at the roof, then I apologize. Not everyone gave a good first impression from the start. Not even you, because I thought you're trouble the moment you arrived."

Kurono didn't even look at him.

"How about I treat you for lunch tomorrow, and we talk it through? Just the two of us. Give me your phone."

He didn't even know if it's right to answer him or not. No way he's hanging out with Minami, not on Junko's watch.

"I don't have a phone. And I'm busy tomorrow."

"The hell you mean you don't have a phone? It's the 21st century. Every kids have one." Minami isn't convinced.

"That's because I'm not a kid."

Minami was stunned by his words, becoming silent afterwards. He just got roasted by the emo kid who didn't even tried to.

Junko turned around, watching the two boys walked side by side in silent.

'That Kurono. You better not say anything stupid. But wait, if he's silent the whole time, Minami woul-'

"What's wrong Junko?"

Nene asks her, snapped her back.

"Eh? Oh. Uh... Nothing. I better get going. Bye." She increased her pace, walked out the school ground, with Kurono quickly followed.

All the more reason why Nene's suspicion is accurate. They both are hiding something.

"Those two are going to feel my bullets this Sunday. There's no hiding Junko-chan, Kurono-kun. Hehehe.."

"Can you stop with the creepy aura. It's sickening. Even if you find out something between them, so what?"

Minami reached her side as they both watched Kurono went in the same direction as Junko.

"You idiot wouldn't get it. Childhood friends reunited after longtime separation, means more than just friendship."

"Welcome home Missy!!"

The gang members greeted Junko after she walked through the back door. But she stopped her tracks, turning to face the door afterwards. Then, Kurono walked through.

"You. In my room. Now." And she left.

The members are shocked to hear what she just said.


Kurono did as ordered, goes inside Junko's room.

"What did you and Minami talked about in the hallway?"

"He asked about what I will be doing while Missy and friend shops this Sunday."

"And what did you told him?"

"Nothing." He replied.

"That's why you're both walking in awkward silence?" She inquires again.

"He asked for my phone. But I don't have one."

Junko furrowed her eyebrows. She knows that he's a country boy, but that doesn't make him a caveman.

"Anything else?"


She's hardly convinced.

"Are you sure?"

"I've already went against your order of not talking to your friends. But if I kept being silent, they're be suspicious of me. I've been thinking about what you said Missy. Being silent all the times, won't make things easier, so I only replied to them if it's simple and insignificant."

Junko didn't show it, but she's felt a slight relief after hearing that.

'At least he's learning.'

"Good job. Now you can leave."


He bowed his head, turning and exit the room. Closing the door, he saw that Reiji, Kiba, and Aiba quickly scrambled out the area, returning to their routines.

During dinner, Junko brought up the topic regarding Kurono.

"How come you hired a bodyguard but don't give him a phone?" Shinji was taken aback by her sudden questioning.

"Is that even necessary?"

"Well duh. What if something happen and he has no way of contacting you or Sato? Does he has to run all the way home to reach you then?"

Shinji is confused for a moment, turning to face Kurono.

"Did something happened?"

"No. But rest assure, if something happens, I will deal with it."

"That's the problem you idiots." Junko snapped at them, catching their attentions.

"I don't want you to punch or kick your ways out of trouble again."

"Missy's right!" Reiji joined in, taking Junko's side.

"You don't have brain to use proper method!" Kiba add in.

"Violence won't solve anything!" Even Aiba.

"You damn yakuzas stay out of this!!!"

"We deeply sorry!!!" They kneel down, and apologize in unison.

"Kurono." Sato, who's been silent from the beginning, called out his name.

"What would you do if something happen? Aiba said violence can't solve anything. He's reckless, but sometimes he makes sense."

"Sato-san..." Tears filled Aiba, hearing the compliment from number two.

"Shun. What is your counter to that?" Even Shinji is intruiged, awaiting his answer.

"Violence won't solve anything. But if violence can prevent Missy from getting hurt, I don't see any problem in it."

"He's good." The rowdy members are impressed by his answer, agreeing in unison. Even Shinji and Sato are satisfied.

"No!!! Not good! What are you, a dinosaur!?"