
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Teen
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17 Chs


The next morning, Junko woke up from her not so satisfying sleep. Her minds are mostly filled with scenarios that's bound to happen. To her at least.

About how she's going to explain the issues to Nene and Minami, how to keep Kurono off her back without exposing her roots and origins.

It's normal for teenagers to wake up in a grumpy mood. But in Junko's case, it's different. She's the leader's daughter after all, so she's used to having the others feared her. And that's a good thing.

"Good morning!!"

The members greeted her on her way to the bathroom.

"Uh...yes. Mornin."

The tired Junko only muttered, tirelessly dragging her sleepy self to the bathroom. She even have to peek in first, making sure a certain someone isn't in there waiting for her.

"Kiba. Did you know where that Kurono is at the moment?" She turned, asking one of the members.

"Yes Missy. I saw him wth the boss just now." He replied.

"Go and make sure he stays away from the bathroom. And don't let him be anywhere near my room either. Or you'll be the one to feel my wrath." She gripped her fist, threatening Kiba.

"Yes Missy! I'm on it now!" With that, he tossed his broom in hand to Aiba, his brother, and runs off.

"Why me..." Aiba muttered, cause it mean he's doing double duty. Junko ignored him and when inside the bathroom.

After shower, she puts on her school uniform, arriving at the door to the living room, where Kiba is there, eyeing Kurono per her order.

"Any update?" She asks from behind, startled the member.

"Yes. That boy has been talking with the boss and Sato-san this whole time. He followed them from the kitchen all the way here." Junko joined him, peeking in the place.

Her father seems to be having fun around the boy. She always thought that Yakuza wanted a son who could continue the legacy, just like drama and movies. And now, Kurono Shun popped up.

'What bodyguard? You just want him for some selfish reasons.' Junko thought to herself.

She then walks inside the place, makes her presence felt to the trio.

"Good morning Missy." Sato greets her bowing his head, as did Shun.

"Oh. You're awake. Come here. Breakfast is ready." She went to sit opposite her father Shinji, but what comes after seems to confused them.

Shun got up from his seat, with his breakfast in hands, making his way outside the room before Shinji stopped him.

"Shun. Where are you going?"

"It's irresponsible and shameful to walk away from the table during meal. Sit down." Sato followed, strictly reminded him of his action. Shun turned around, facing them.

"I have strict orders from Missy to not be anywhere near her inside the house. If you wish to change my current action, please talk to her first. I followed the chain of command, therefore, her orders come first before you."

The trio are definitely taken aback by his statement. Even Junko is surprised to hear that.

"Then, if you excuse me." Bowing his head once again, Shun exit the room with his breakfast in hands. Sato and Shinji turned towards Junko, who's silently chewing her food in embarrassment.

"My apologies Missy. I didn't know that." Sato apologize to her.

"No...no need for that. I didn't think he would take it that seriously."

"Junko, I understand how you feel. But don't you think it's harsh to kicked him off the table? He lives here now, so please, be considerate with him." Shinji's word seems to spark some flames in her.

"Considerate!? Did you ever considered my feelings before you hire him? Who is he anyway? Of all things, you find a delinquent to be my bodyguard. You Yakuza never used your brain."

"He's Takeshi's children."

Hearing Shinji's reply, Junko lost her focus. Masamune Takeshi, known to the underworld as the Merciless Takeshi. Many groups tried to recruit him, but his loyalty remained to Shiryuu till the very end.

Before Sato, Takeshi was the number two in the group. Junko knows him well enough to be calling him uncle. He's like a family to her when she was just a kid. All Junko know is that, he has a kid, but didn't know it was Kurono.

"Not wanting the love of his life, Kurono Hanabi to get caught up with his, he cuts all ties with her. Even knowing that she's pregnant with Shun." This new information does put Junko over the edge.

"She went back to her parents place, and gave birth to him. But Shun got everything Takeshi wish he don't. Shun was just like his father in every way. Aggressive, brutal, violence. His grandparents couldn't handle how many times he got sent to the juvenile centre."

"What about his mother? Miss Hanabi?" A long, deadly silence followed after Junko's question.

"Hanabi-san, lost her life against the illness she's sustained since she was a kid." Sato spoke up. Junko could notice the sadness and guilt in his tone.

"It's a miracle that she could give birth to Shun after everything she's going through at that moment. Losing his mother at a young age, with no father to follow, Shun grows up in an empty void. His grandfather, contacted Takeshi's side of family, which contacted us and informed us of everything." Shinji continues.

"So that's why you bring him in. You feel guilty about his parents. But why bodyguard?"

"He's aimless. We've talked to him several times about having a new life with us. But he's not convinced. Said there's no free meals under the sky." Sato answered.

"Then you happened with the Hebi group. I can't be there for you all the time Junko, so I hired Shun as your bodyguard, giving him purpose in life, and protecting you at the same time." Shinji reveals his true purpose.

"Did you even pay him?" Shinji was dumbfounded by her question.

"Now that you mentioned it, we don't."

"Then you can't say hired. You just thrust him into my life." Junko protests.

"But we gave him things more valuable. Free room, free meals. Cause his family are ready to disown him if he continues with that life of his. Please, forgive us for the sudden change Missy, but do it for Takeshi-san. For Hanabi-san. Give their son a second chance at life." Sato pleaded with her.

Junko thought for a moment. It's true she didn't know him well. But she knew his father who's a good guy. And judging from Sato's story, his mother is a good woman too.

"I understand. But rules are rules. He still has to follow them, regardless."

"Then, I can call him in, right?"

"Yes." Junko answered, before she turned towards the clock. The time is 6:48.

"Ahhhh!!!!!! I'm late for school!!!"

That morning, Junko broke her own personal record for the fastest meal cleansing.

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