
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Teen
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17 Chs

Kurono Shun.


The whole class are eyeing Junko, as the the new transferred student can't keep his eyes off her.

Junko didn't know why the boy did that. But she knows for sure, that the bad omen she felt is definitely his arrival.

"Um... Are you, by any chance, an acquaintance of Arashiyama?" The homeroom teacher spoke up, switching his glances between the two.

"No!" Junko slammed her hands against the table with a hard thud, standing up pointing at Shun. "Like hell I'm acquainted with a guy like this. Look at him." The whole class turned towards Shun once again.

"His short hair, his tired face, that's the kind guy that's affiliated with the criminals. Just like movies and drama shows." Junko put her hands at each side of her waist, giving him the mean look. "I bet you just come out from the juvenile detention centre right?"

It was only after what she said the Shun look down on the floor, avoiding her gaze.

"Hold on Arayshiyama. You can't just say that beca-"

"Yes." Shun answers.

"Yes?" The whole class started to tense hearing that one word. Even the teacher is dumbfounded. Junko's expression changes from serious to confused.

"It was until ten days ago that I spent my time in that kind of place."


Akaboshi blow the whistle followed by a smack to the back of his head from Nene.

"I can't disclose why I'm here. But what she said about me just now, is all true. I won't deny it." A long awkward silence filled the room, and Junko slowly sits back down to her chair.

'What're you doing you stupid idiot!?' Junko scold herself inside her head. Now it was her turn to avoid Shun's gaze.

"Uh hum." The teacher clear his throat before he continues. "Well, if that clarified everything." The homeroom teacher tries his best to maintain composure. "Kurono,you can sit at the empty table at the corner."

Without objections, Shun quietly walked across the classroom, taking his seat at the unoccupied table.

"Yeah, that place is reserved for your kind anyway." Akaboshi shifted his body, turning back to meet Shun, staring at him. "Don't give us any trouble." The staring between the two continued to the point that everyone is class is feeling even more uncomfortable than they already are.

"Minami. Stop with the nonsense. Homeroom is beginning." Only did the teacher order him that he changed his focus to the front. Shun, on the other hand, is focus on Junko all the time.

It goes on during other classes that Junko felt very disturbed by his presence. She can't complain, not with what she told the class about him that matched his history hundred percent. She's not scare or intimated by him. Hell, she dealt with real gangster and criminals before, one delinquent wouldn't make any difference.

When the recess bell rang, Junko, with her quick footwork, exit the class. Arriving at the rooftop where she constantly rest during that period of time, she unbox her bento prepared by her father Shinji.

"You sure are faster than usual Junko. You don't even wait for us." Nene, arrived not long after with Akaboshi behind her.

"Sorry. Instinct." Both of them joined her by her side, ready to dig in their meal.

"Itadakimasu" They said in unison.

While eating, it was Nene that brings up the issue with Shun during class.

"That Kurono guy, is a weird one."

"Weird? Don't you mean dangerous?" Akaboshi asks. Nene then turned towards Junko, who also stopped her meal.

"It seems that your superstition is spot on again."

"Don't say that. It's not fading either. I hope that filling my stomach would make it go away."

"Kurono, right from the start has eyes on you Arashiyama. If he did anything, don't hesitate to tell us." Akaboshi told the girl.

"Don't worry about me. It's him tha-" Junko stopped her speech, looking at the front of the roof entrance. Both Nene and Akaboshi noticed her action, and turned to see that Kurono was making his way across the place, holding a bread and a can of soda in hands.

Just the mere presence of him, changed the atmosphere around the place. Junko returns her focus to her meal, and the other two follow suit. But Akaboshi, still keeps his eyes on Kurona from the distance.

"Aka stop that. It's not worth it." Nene, told him, poking his waist. But the boy isn't gonna back away, not when his friend is troubled by Shun. Akaboshi finished his meal, get up from the cement floor, and walked over to Shun.

"Oy." He stood up against Shun, face to face. Shun, still chewing on his bread, return the stare.

"You need something?" Akaboshi furrowed his eyebrows at the question.

"Yeah. I need you to stop staring at Arashiyama with that dirty eyes of yours." Akaboshi grabbed him by the collar, pulling him closer. "Otherwise I'll break your face."

"Aka stop!" Nene shouted at him.

"Minami!!" Junko walked over to them.

"Sorry." Junko stopped her approach. Even Akaboshi begin to loosen his grip. "I promised I won't get into a fight today." Shun tossed away his food, grabbing Akaboshi by his wrist, giving it a hard grip forcing him to let go of Shun's collar.


Before Akaboshi could say anything else, Shun proceeds to grab him by the neck with his left hand, not too hard, but not too loose either. Just enough to send a message.

"But I won't back away either." All Akaboshi could do is trying to break free, but the clear difference in their strength is enough to prevent it. Until Junko steps in.

"Let him go. Or I will call the teachers." Without second thought, he did so, letting him go free. Akaboshi kneel down, trying to catch his breath, with Nene by his side, soothing his back.

"Listen, Kurono-kun. I don't know why you're looking at me all the time during classes, but if that's your intentions, I suggest you stop right now. If you're offended by what I said, then I apologize. But if this continues any further." Junko took a step to the front, locking her eyes on him. "It won't end well for you."

But what comes next is kind of shocking, and confusing. Shun, the boy that choked Akaboshi half to dead just now, bow down to Junko in proper fashion.

"I understand. Forgive me for my inconvenience."


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