
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Teen
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17 Chs


Currently in the large living room of the Yakuza estate, Junko, seated opposite her father, Arashiyama Shinji. The leader of the Shiryuu group. In his late forties, with a scar across his cheek, courtesy of his past.

On the side, Sato, standing alongside Shun, the boy of the subject. The rest of the Yakuza members, Reiji included are standing outside, curious about the turn of events.

"Well, explain yourself." Junko, crossing her arms against her chest, demand explanation from her father.

"I have back pain. Slept less than five hours. Also the price for mackerel has increased so I consider switching dinner for something else."

"STOP SCREWING AROUND!!!" Junko snapped at the man in front. She pointed towards Shun at the side.

"What does Sato mean by him being my bodyguard!? All he did is staring at me, stalking me all day!! I almost died because of him!" Sato and Shinji were taken aback by her statement.

"Kurono. Explain." Sato ordered him.

"An oncoming truck almost collided with Missy on her way home. I pushed her to safety, preventing them from making contact." Shun told them.

"Well done. Shun, I know I can count on you." Shinji praised the young man who bow his head in gratitude.

"I'm honored by your words."

"Well done!? You're the reason I almost got killed this afternoon!" Junko interrupts the peaceful moment.

"Why?" Shinji, asks his daughter, wearing a poker face.

"Ever since he stepped foot in the school, he's done nothing but staring at me the whole time. Followed me to the roof, picking a fight with my friends. Then he stalked me, I lost focus trying to avoid him. That's why!." The trio stared at her for a bit before Sato speaks up.

"Missy. It is as his job that Kurono keeps his eyes on you all the time. If you think that's inconvenient, then I apologize. I take full responsibility for Shun's action."

"Maybe he should be the one to apologize to Minami first." Junko turned to face Shun.

"I would never apologize to anyone that picked a fight with me. Not him, not the guy who I punched just now." Shun replies nonchalantly. Reiji, is growing impatient, ready to throw hands with boy outside.

Junko is getting frustrated with his attitude. About how calm he talked of this matter. Shinji noticed the tension between the two teenagers, decided to interfere.

"I have an equation." He spoke, gaining all attention in the room.

"Junko. The reason I do this is because of what happened with the Hebi. Do you remember?"

"How could I not."

Eleven days ago.

Junko was shopping by herself before she came across some members of the Yakuza rival group, Kuro Hebi. They seems to be harassing other people so she interfered. One thing led to another, until a big scale brawl happened between the two group. Shinji later had to pay a visit to their territory and clear the matter up with Takajima Kei, the leader of the group.


"If something were to happen to you, I can't face your mother again. But it's not fair for not letting in on the matter either. And for that, I apologize." Junko knows that her father loves her dearly. He may be a Yakuza, but he's still a father.

"Then, what are you proposing?"


"Yes." Shun straightened his body, awaiting Shinji's order.

"From now on, you are to listen to every request of Junko. If she tells you yo look away, you look away. No question. If she tells you to stop, you stop. Understand?"

"Yes. I understand." The boy bowed his head.

"Wait wait, does that mean he's going to follow me everywhere I go?" Junko, is confused.

"Or do you have a better solution? He's your bodyguard, he's in charge of your safety. That, he must always follow you. But if you hate that he's staring at you, talking to you, hurt your friends, you can tell him to stop. He's yours to order now."

"Then if I ordered him to stop following me?"

"No. Best you could do is distance." Junko thought about what her father said.

"Fine." She turned towards Shun.

"Starting tomorrow, you and I will keep a ten meter distance between each other. I don't want you to stare at me, I don't want you to talk to me, and I don't want you to be anywhere near my friends."

"But Missy, what if your friends got close to him first?" Sato interrupts. He got a point.

"I'll talk to Minami tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"Of course he does. But one thing Junko." Shinji speaks before Shun could answer.

"Ten meter distance is agreeable, however, you must not, be out of his sight. Is that clear?" Junko can't argue with that logic. What's the point of bodyguarding if you can't see your client.

"Fine. Kurono, remember what I said."

"Yes. I understand Missy."

"Good. Now that we have an accord, let's prepare for dinner, I'm hungry." Shinji get up from his spot, making his way to the kitchen. Despite his position as the leader, he's also the chef of this household.

Dinner did go quietly, but not peaceful. The gang members are giving their stares and glances at Shun, who's just quietly eating his fill without a single word.

"How long are you guys going to keep this up?" Sato questions the members. His authority is not to be messed with.

"Apologize." They said simultaneously.

"Don't be like that you guys. Shun is always misunderstood. Get along with him." Shinji said before continuing his meal.

'Misunderstood? More like purposely missed the understanding.' What the hell is this girl thinking.

After dinner, everyone returned to their routines. Junko was finishing her homework, and she did. Thanks to the meeting they had now she's no longer occupying her mind with Shun anymore. Until when she turned herself.

Kurono Shun, was sitting on the floor of her room.

"Wha-wha-what the hell are you doing here!!!?" Junko, snapped, standing up from her chair, shocked and surprised.

"Bodyguarding." Shun replied with his overly calm voice.

"Did you forgot about what we just said this evening!? Ten meters!!" Junko is fuming.

"Starting tomorrow is ten meters. I remember." Junko, dumbfounded. Thinking back to what he just said.

"Starting tomorrow, you and I will keep a ten meter distance between each other."

'I did said that.' She thought to herself.

"Fine. Kurono-kun. You will keep your distance ten meters. But don't you ever be anywhere near me inside the house. And that starts now." Some awkward silence followed.

"Very well. My apologies Missy. I'll take my leave now." And just like that, Shun left the room without much complain.

Junko sighed, sitting down once again.

"Bodyguard? What am I, celebrity?"

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