
Yahweh (Reincarnation of God)

What would you do? If you suddenly found yourself forgotten about your memories? Young sixteen year old Arthur Christ wakes up in the hospital with no recall of what happened, when he asks what happened to him? his gets told that he is lucky he's still alive because apparently he jumped off a building and landed in dumpster. He gets a nightmare and dreams of a beautiful white place full of angels statues, while there he witnesses the joy and glory fade away when a evil person sits in the beautiful golden throne and with his servant the whole once beautiful place turns into darkness and the once beautiful angels turn into demons. In his awake from the nightmare he discovers that there's a monster that wants to kill him in his shock the monster is actually his doctor... Dr. Ackerman. Arthur's life turns upside when he has to move to a new place for his protection, he goes to a new school, makes some new friends. Everything seems so peaceful until monsters from hell come after him, he has no choice but to fight to protect his loved ones... while he discovers that the reason all of this is happening to him it's because he is Yahweh.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Faceless Prisoner

At that point the bull was already in a bad state and I wasn't making it easier for him, it's almost like every move he tried on me I would block it I did just block fire-breathing. Even though his skin was hard my coal and rocks really did a number on him because he had holes and the way he was wailing in pain I did kinda hurt him.

There he was kneeling on the ground with his head bowed down he was struggling to breathe, let alone stand up it was game over for him. I walked to him the coal still flowing around me the ones that blocked the fire were burning up.

I walked to him I wasn't planning to finish him off or anything truthfully I had no idea what I was going to do, I stood next to him and laid my hand on his forehead and I made him look up in the sky.

White light came out of his eyes and mouth and his whole body was now changing color it was turning kinda blue, it started from his feet to his head. I head the sound of an ocean like on a silent day in the shore... I changed to touching him with the tip of my fingers.

White golden light came out of my eyes and mouth both of our lights rotated around each other until they reached for the clouds, then they passed through the clouded sky and cleared it. I found myself in a strange beautiful place, it was so beautiful the trees, grass were greener, the flowers blossomed it was really beautiful almost like I was in a garden or something.

The only thing was that this place was bright and shimmering so it didn't make any sense, while I was still trying to find my way I spotted a man by the tree. I decided to go join him this man was sitting down and leaning in the tree, he was in a really bad shape... He was all burnt out severely and had fresh wounds that looked like both big and small circled wounds and as for his face.

Well he had a black hole on his face where the face features were supposed to be, I don't know if he saw me or not I couldn't tell. I sat next to him.


I heard a cry before I could see who was crying, I tried to look around and see if there wasn't anyone else. But there wasn't.

"Excuse me, do you hear someone crying?" I asked.

"I'm sorry (sniffles) that's me, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable" the man apologized.

"It's okay, but if you don't mind me asking. What's wrong why are you crying?" I asked.

"Well it's because though I can feel that I am in a special beautiful place, I can't see anything but black" he continues to cry.

That's when I noticed fully what was actually happening here, this man was chained from the neck, hands and to the legs.

"How come are you chained?" I asked.

My guess at first the poor guy didn't pay much attention to himself and his surroundings, because when he noticed everything he tried to free himself from the chains. But it was useless all the chains did was jangle.

"What the hell?" the man all worn out from fighting against his chains.

The man began to be pulled by his chains very slowly and it seemed like every time he tried to fight the chains pulled faster.

I was feeling helpless I didn't know what to do, so I decided to try and help him and I did try with my all but, nothing I kept pulling and pulling him away from the trees, I didn't pay attention to the chain that I was pulling too.

"See we made it" I said.

"Thank you" he said with relief.

I didn't expect what happened next just as I was resting and catching my breath, because believe me it wasn't easy pulling a chained person for about three miles give or take. The chains got pulled back so fast the guy literally flew back being pulled back to the tree.

"Help me!!!" he cried.

Obviously I ran after him and I tried to pull him once again, but this time it seemed like the chains had gotten more heavy.

"How is this possible?" I asked agitated.

Of course I didn't give up that easily I wasn't going to let someone just get swallowed by a tree, I had no idea what made me try so hard to save someone I barely knew. Cause I'm pretty sure though I don't remember anything about myself but I wasn't a kind person that I am certain.

"Ah!!! Come on!!! Break free chains!!!" I tried by all means to pull but nothing happened.

What happened to me next left me in a lot of confusion, while I was pulling the chains. A tree branch hit me I flew.