
475-479 (14.2k)

"Wait for the results."

"The Ancestral Witches have actually brought out Primordial Spiritual Treasures," these Dominators sighed with emotion.

If this were usual, if any of these little guys had a Primordial Spiritual Treasure, they would probably not be able to resist snatching it.

...Inside the temple.

"These are a large amount of intelligence collected by our Witch Court. You can browse through them freely, jot down everything. They will be your competitors," Fu Xi, the Great Witch, waved his hand.

In front of the eighty-eight geniuses, immortal scrolls appeared simultaneously.

The same happened in front of Wu Yuan, and he immediately probed with his divine sense, flooding his mind with vast amounts of information.

Names floated by.

Names of geniuses, battle images, cultivation techniques, deeds, specialties, and more.

Incredibly detailed!

There were those from the Immortal Court, as well as from other sacred forces. Those included in this list were at least at the level of Bai Yi, Hu Biao, and others.

"Hai Yue? Ming Jian?" Among the vast amount of intelligence, Wu Yuan saw Zhuo Hai Yue and Ming Jian.

According to the intelligence, Zhuo Hai Yue also seemed to have mastered Lord-level techniques.


Among the vast intelligence of the Immortal Court experts, Wu Yuan also saw another familiar name - Mu Long.

"Huh? Mu Long actually broke through and comprehended the Law of Thunder?" Wu Yuan was surprised.

He remembered that crazy guy from the battle for Qi Luck.

This intelligence was not collected by the Witch Court's Lingjiang Sacred Ground, but it was collected by the Witch Court headquarters.


Wu Yuan recorded all this incredibly diverse intelligence.

With this intelligence, Wu Yuan suddenly had a clearer understanding of countless geniuses in the universe.

There were also more detailed plans in his mind.


Fu Xi, the Great Witch, waited for a while, then waved his hand again. Another godly jade emitting an eternal aura appeared in front of the eighty-eight geniuses.

"These godly jades are specially crafted by the highest existences," Fu Xi, the Great Witch, said, "Through them, all the participating geniuses of our Witch Court can contact the Witch Court headquarters even in the Divine Realm, facilitating communication of intelligence among yourselves and updating information about the enemy."

"However, it's only limited to the Divine Realm battle."

"Once entering the second stage, the Heavenly Domain, it will be impossible to contact. Even the highest existences cannot intervene anymore."

"First, let's all acknowledge ownership." Fu Xi, the Great Witch said.

Wu Yuan, Xuan Rong, and others all acknowledged one after another, imprinting their life marks. Then they could perceive as if they could enter an independent and vast godly realm.

Different from the Witch Court Realm, it's very special.

"It's worthy of the Witch Court to enable all participating geniuses to contact each other," Wu Yuan marveled inwardly.

This way, not to mention the advantage of cooperation.

Just achieving information exchange would bring a much greater advantage. No wonder every time the Domain Road opened, the Witch Court could have so many peerless geniuses breaking into the top hundred, even the top ten.

Once could be luck.

But multiple times? That's the Witch Court's heritage and strength.


"There is an additional reward," Fu Xi, the Great Witch said, "Anyone who can kill an Immortal Court genius in the Domain Road will be rewarded."

With a wave of his hand, a huge light curtain appeared.

Wu Yuan, Xuan Rong, and Cang Yu couldn't help but look.

Killing ordinary participants from the Immortal Court rewards ten billion divine crystals per kill.

Killing participants with insights at the pinnacle of Star Lords from the Immortal Court rewards one high-grade Dao Artifact per kill.

Killing participants who have mastered Lord-level techniques from the Immortal Court rewards one superior-grade Dao Artifact per kill.

Killing the strongest geniuses from the Immortal Court rewards one supreme-grade Dao Artifact per kill.

Of course, the true body must be killed.

"Truly insane," Wu Yuan thought to himself. These rewards were incredibly generous.

As Witch Court elites with endless accumulation over the ages, they would instinctively want to kill Immortal Court elites, especially with such lucrative rewards.

Coupled with the frenzy of the Domain Road, it would undoubtedly motivate Witch Court geniuses to hunt down Immortal Court talents.

Likewise, with such rewards from the Witch Court, the Immortal Court would undoubtedly have corresponding reward measures.

Wu Yuan could imagine.

In the Domain Road, countless geniuses from both the Witch Court and the Immortal Court would engage in incredibly fierce battles.


After providing detailed intelligence about the "Domain Road" collected by the Witch Court, Fu Xi, the Great Witch, departed.

Leaving Wu Yuan, Cang Yu, and their group of geniuses waiting quietly in the temple.

At the same time.

In the vast and boundless universe, in each universe, within each sacred land, similar events were taking place.

Various sacred forces were making their final mobilizations.

The Taiyuan True Realm.

In Taiyuan Island, thousands of eligible geniuses had also gathered.

"Only a few hundred of us can quickly communicate with the highest levels of the Divine Court," Wu Yuan, the Qi Refining Avatar, looked at the godly jades in front of him.

Every participating genius in the Witch Court could obtain them.

But in the Taiyuan Divine Court, only about one-tenth of the stronger geniuses could receive these godly jades crafted by the highest existences.

Of course.

Compared to the Witch Court, which gathered internal talents and had intense competition, the Taiyuan Divine Court was much more mild.

They only required participating geniuses to try to enter the second stage, without having to fight with geniuses from any other sacred land.


As time passed, year after year.

In the vast universe, countless ordinary beings and even numerous celestial beings and gods were living, practicing, and battling as usual.

Only a few super strong individuals were silently watching, knowing that a grand-scale competition involving talents that would affect the entire universe was about to begin.

The future would see the rise of numerous monarchs and dominators.

That day.

In a mysterious and vast expanse, where time and space seemed nonexistent and even dominators couldn't perceive, suddenly, a tremendous wave of energy burst forth.


This immense and vast wave of energy instantly surpassed time, space, and all material limitations, directly reaching every corner of the universe.

Enveloping every corner of those vast universes, this power surpassed the imagination of ordinary beings.

This wave of energy directly locked onto each qualified "mundane life" through the realm of fate.


In the vast universe, those geniuses who were either in the temple, waiting in the starry sky, or being observed by monarchs and even dominators, disappeared in an instant!

Both their true bodies and avatars disappeared simultaneously.

Immediately, all the sacred forces in the universe knew in an instant—the Domain Road had opened.

PS: Three chapters in one. Excluding the guaranteed two chapters, an additional update on 1/19.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 476: Primitive Laws

The Domain Road is not held by any supreme existence or any force, but is formed by the operation of the most primitive rules above the endless universe and over many streams of time and space.

In short, the existence of the Domain Road is part of the primitive rules.

Just like the cycle of heaven and earth.

Just like how mundane life can live for at most a million years.

Just like how life in the long river is destined to perish in the cycle... These are all iron laws.

The Domain Road opens once every 5.5 billion years. Once opened, regardless of where one is in the endless universe, as long as one is a mundane life form and has insights reaching the level of "Star Lord," they will all be directly transported into it.

This is also an iron law, even the supreme existences cannot forcibly counter or block it.


Supreme existences are extraordinary after all. Through countless cycles of heaven and earth, in the continuous opening of the Domain Road, they have also found some "loopholes" in the rules, allowing their participating warriors to communicate with the outside world to some extent.

This is the limit of what supreme existences can do.

On the other hand, because the Domain Road is indeed miraculous, no one knows where it is located, but the opportunities it contains are indeed extraordinary.

Therefore, under irresistible circumstances, during the era of the Domain Road's opening, many sacred forces in the endless universe will instead try their best to cultivate the younger generation, letting them compete.

The Witch Court, in the vast world where the supreme existences are located.

"They've all entered."

"The more than six million ordinary geniuses on the square and the 88 from the Hall of Celestial Pride have all entered."

"They've all entered successfully." The numerous supreme existences such as Hou Jue Master spoke with smiles, all feeling relieved.

"Let's enter the Divine Realm too."

"We should receive news from the Domain Road soon. Let's wait for their message."

"Let's go in." These supreme existences gradually entered the special godly realm opened by the ancestral witches of their side.

In that special godly realm, they could communicate with their respective talented individuals.

It was only in this way that they could promptly report intelligence and give guidance.


In the Lingjiang Universe, in the Taiyuan True Realm, in the Divine Temple of the Supreme Existences.

"About six thousand people have all entered."

"Only over five hundred people are qualified to enter the divine realm." The towering Mountain Jin Supreme Existence's voice was majestic: "In this regard, we indeed cannot compare to the Witch Court and the Immortal Court."

"Don't even think about competing with those two major forces. They will fight each other on their own." Yan Kui Supreme Existence said, "We should think about how to help Ming Jian, Bai Yi, and the others as much as possible."


Although Yan Kui Supreme Existence had some opinions due to the matter of the Primordial Hall, he did not view Ming Jian as an enemy but was dissatisfied with Xin Ya Supreme Existence.

He also valued Ming Jian greatly.


"Ming Jian entering the second stage shouldn't be a problem." Xin Ya Supreme Existence said softly, "As for Bai Yi and Hu Biao, being able to enter the second stage would be considered a success."

"As for the others, unless there's an astonishing transformation, their hopes of entering the second stage are slim. If they can get some major opportunities early, it would be considered good."

"Let's enter the godly realm first." A group of supreme existences from the Taiyuan Divine Court entered the special godly realm of their side.

...In the endless universe, the vast majority of sacred forces, almost all, are doing something similar to the Witch Court and the Taiyuan Divine Court.

The only exception is a group of forces—the Abyssal Demon Race.

The Abyss, one of the most special celestial bodies in the endless universe, where its source is located, cannot be explored by any supreme existence, but it connects to all universes.

Every universe has an Abyss.

And these Abysses, like many great realms in the universe, also have invisible connections... Inside the Abyss of the Lingjiang Universe.

In the overlapped time and space within the Abyssal Court, countless worlds are born and destroyed. Countless evil and strange creatures are born from the Abyss's "nests" every day, fighting and devouring each other to rise.

In one of the vast and expansive worlds.

There are no signs of chaos here, but rather, it can be described as "orderly". There are a large number of powerful Abyssal Demon Races living in the world, each with a powerful aura, many of which can rival celestial beings and even some Star Lords.

In the temple at the core of the world.

"Demon Emperor!"

A majestic figure wearing a blood-colored robe like a small mountain respectfully said, "Within your domain, about three hundred selected mundane demons seem to have been transported into the Domain Road."

"Mm, I have sensed it." A cold and stern voice echoed in the temple.

"Demon Emperor," the blood-robed monarch tentatively asked, "Should we contact them? Previously, the Demon Emperor had bestowed Divine Jade to them."

"No need."

"The Demon Emperor is kind, wanting to give them a chance, but what good does giving them a chance do? Whether they live or die depends on themselves." The stern voice sounded again, "If their strength is strong enough, they can naturally navigate the Domain Road and even rise to become monarchs or dominators... If their strength is not enough and their luck is bad, it's saving spiritual energy for the world whether they die or not."

"If you can't become supreme, you'll eventually die. Since they're useless, they might as well die sooner."

"Let them fight for themselves, carve out a path with blood, and come back alive from the Domain Road. That proves they're not useless and worthy of special cultivation."

"Yes," the blood-robed monarch said.

This is the Abyssal Demon Race, they inherently believe in the law of the jungle where the weak are prey to the strong, it's the bloody jungle law.


Whether it's the lofty Demon Emperor, monarchs, or countless mundane demons, they identify more with the strong.

If one is truly a genius, they should rely on themselves to break through many shackles and difficulties to become a super strong.

If they can't, even if they're called the strongest geniuses, it just shows they have shortcomings and are not true geniuses.

It's not a pity to die.


In the distant Qingling Great Realm.

In a inconspicuous small world, there is a pavilion built on the mountainside, inside the pavilion.

On the table are placed immortal wine and immortal fruits, and a figure in a black robe is leisurely sitting here.

Suddenly ~ Whoosh ~ Countless light spots condensed, and a figure in beast clothing appeared.

"Kua Chi, you finally came." The figure in the black robe smiled, "Have a seat."

"Beiyu." Lord Kua Chi nodded and sat directly at the other table.

The two sat facing each other, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

"You should have received the news." Lord Beiyu smiled, "The Domain Road has opened."

"Mm, the masters have informed me." Lord Kua Chi said.

"A clear conscience speaks for itself." Lord Beiyu smiled, "This time, inviting you to come together is also to wait and see, maybe you can seize the holy title."

"It's Wu Yuan!" Lord Kua Chi emphasized, "His name as a youth is Wu Yuan, and his refining body incarnation is also the origin."

"Wu Yuan."

"He walks under my command, in the Taiyuan Divine Court, he has always used the name Wu Yuan." Lord Beiyu smiled and glanced at him, "He is Wu Yuan."

Lord Kua Chi shook his head and smiled, too lazy to say more.

Whether it's Ming Jian or Wu Yuan, they're just code names and don't affect anything.

"If there's any situation, tell me immediately." Lord Beiyu smiled, "The news from your Witch Court is much more sensitive than my Taiyuan Divine Court... Rest assured, I won't leak it out."

"Mm." Lord Kua Chi nodded.

"Under your command, that Jiang Huan seems not bad either, maybe there will be surprises." Lord Beiyu sighed, "Unlike me, I can only rely on Ming Jian."

"Beiyu, let's not be like this." Lord Kua Chi shook his head, "Your Dong Yang, although not famous in the great world, I already know that he has made quite a name for himself in the Longshan Universe."

"You know?"

Lord Beiyu was slightly embarrassed, then stretched out his hand, "Come, let's drink!"

The two lords chatted casually.

They are both extremely important guides on the path of Wu Yuan's growth, and they know most of Wu Yuan's details.

As monarchs, their strength and vision are quite high, and they are aware that the battle in the Domain Road this time is the most important hurdle on Wu Yuan's path to rise. If he can seize the holy title, he will truly soar, but this road is also full of obstacles and dangers, so naturally they are very worried.

"Don't worry."

"Even if Wu Yuan's two incarnations join forces, they are almost as good as the strongest geniuses." Lord Kua Chi laughed, "His refining body incarnation's ability to save lives is first-class."


"It's just that I don't know if his two incarnations can successfully merge." Lord Beiyu said.


Outside, there is chaos, in the endless universe, various sacred forces are paying attention.

Inside the Domain Road.

When that grand and vast wave swept through every corner of the endless universe in an instant, it enveloped Wu Yuan's refining qi incarnation and refining body incarnation.

Immediately after, everything turned black before them, and they completely lost consciousness, as if it had been a long time.

Yet it also felt like just a moment.

"Hmm?" When Wu Yuan's refining body incarnation regained consciousness, the scene before him had completely changed.

What greeted his eyes was a towering ancient forest, with densely packed trees as far as the eye could see.

Each of these trees was several miles high, with astonishing diameters.

"A forest?"

Immediately, Wu Yuan flipped over, his mind moved, and his Xuan God Turtle Shell covered his whole body, while the Hundred Star Blade fell into his palm.

The Heavenly Tier Origin Technique and the Creation Divine Ban were both ready.

Anytime, anywhere, he could unleash his strongest power.

Several breaths passed.

"No danger?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself, his mind moved.

"Swish!" A figure almost identical to him flew out, it was his Source Incarnation.


Wu Yuan's Source Incarnation took a step, silently and instantly rushed out for hundreds of miles, then suddenly stopped upon reaching a high mountain.


With another sudden flicker, he returned to the side of his Refining Body Incarnation.


"Just as in the intelligence, the world suppression and oppression in the Divine Realm are astonishing." Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation was secretly surprised.

It felt as if there was infinite pressure acting on him from all directions, making his flight speed extremely slow, and the destructive power he could cause in battle greatly reduced.

"Boom!" Wu Yuan's Source Incarnation exerted a little force, swinging a fist, only to feel a tremendous resistance in the air.

It seemed like all his power was being suppressed.

"In the outside world, if I were to fully unleash the power of the Creation Divine Ban, with my current strength comparable to a Star Lord, I could destroy tens of millions of miles of land in the blink of an eye." Wu Yuan's Source Incarnation glanced around, "But in this Divine Realm, it's definitely not possible."

At the same time.

Wu Yuan could feel that the Divine Realm seemed to be covered by an invisible array.

Making the space extremely stable.

Even though Wu Yuan had comprehended the laws of space to the eighth realm, his Source Incarnation couldn't enter higher-dimensional space.

The range of spiritual consciousness exploration was also greatly reduced, even though Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation was a Supreme Realm Primordial Spirit, it could only explore tens of thousands of miles in all directions, and the range of exploration for his Source Incarnation was even smaller.


Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation looked up and frowned slightly as he looked into the void, "It seems that the Refining Qi Incarnation and I have been sent to different Divine Realms."

The Domain Road opens time after time.

Various sacred forces have long accumulated a large amount of intelligence. There are a total of fifty-five Divine Realms.

Each Divine Realm is extremely vast, with a diameter of about five hundred and fifty billion miles.

In these Divine Realms, in addition to the participating millions of geniuses, there are also many dangerous areas.

In these dangerous areas, there are often great opportunities.

The participating geniuses will be randomly teleported to any Divine Realm, making the number of geniuses in each Divine Realm almost the same.

All of this is known.

"In each Divine Realm, there will also be many 'Spatial Channels' that can reach other Divine Realms." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.


The transmission direction of the Spatial Channels is random and can change at any time.

There will also be a large number of false Spatial Channels. Once entered, instead of reaching other Divine Realms, it may fall into a spatial trap.

Affected by invisible rules, although Wu Yuan's two incarnations can sense each other, they cannot determine each other's positions.

"For now, there's no need to look for Spatial Channels to other Divine Realms." Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation made a decision.

Everything has just begun.

There's no need to rush.

As time passes.

The hundreds of thousands of participants from the Witch Court will gradually gather a large amount of intelligence. At that time, it will not be too late for the two incarnations of Wu Yuan to reunite.

"Normally, in this Divine Realm, there should be only one or two, or even no strongest geniuses." Wu Yuan pondered, "However, caution is the ship that sails for a thousand years."

"Refining Body Incarnation, hide for now."

"Source Incarnation, explore various parts of the Divine Realm, searching for opportunities in the Divine Realm." Wu Yuan made a decision.

This would be the choice of most geniuses. If the Source Incarnation dies, with the Refining Body Incarnation present, it would only take ten years to cultivate again.

If the Refining Body Incarnation dies, then it's truly dead.

"The opportunities in the Divine Realm are all very precious." Wu Yuan suddenly smiled, "However, the environment of the Divine Realm itself is also an opportunity."

Standing on the ground, Wu Yuan could clearly sense that the world seemed to be filled with strange and mysterious forces.

Primordial Matter!

At this moment, these primordial substances were autonomously absorbed by the body, causing the influence of the various major laws to rapidly weaken.

"No wonder the intelligence says that the Divine Realm is extremely suitable for cultivation, one year here is equivalent to many years outside."

"Staying in this Divine Realm for cultivation is like being in a weakened version of the Primordial Hall." Wu Yuan was quite excited in his heart.

The environment here didn't provide much help to the Refining Qi Incarnation. After all, after cultivating in the Primordial Hall for three thousand years, the effect of the primordial substance had greatly diminished.

But it was very helpful for the Refining Body Incarnation.

Before this, Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation had never come into contact with primordial substances, and the effect was astonishing.

"Practicing here for ten thousand years is probably equivalent to cultivating for thirty to fifty thousand years outside." Wu Yuan was quite looking forward to it.

What did he need?

It was time!


"A vast and majestic wave suddenly descended, shrouding the vast and endless Divine Realm.

It also shrouded Wu Yuan's Refining Body Incarnation.

In another Divine Realm.

Wu Yuan's Refining Qi Incarnation was also shrouded by this grand wave, and then received a message from the heavens:

"The Divine Realm War will last for nine thousand years."

"After nine thousand years, anyone who achieves any of the following objectives can enter the Heavenly Realm, while the rest will leave the Divine Realm and return to the Universe."

First, kill one thousand participant incarnations or accumulate the killing of one hundred thousand participant manifestations. Note that the more killings, the richer the additional rewards from the Divine Road when leaving.

Second, comprehend an upper-level law or comprehend the Dao to the Domain level.

Third, comprehend the Law of Primordial, and gain recognition from the Primordial Source."

This mysterious and vast wave came quickly and left just as quickly.

Its purpose seemed to be to inform all the geniuses who descended into the Divine Realm of the operating rules of the Domain Road this time.

The message was simple, with no further explanation.

"The rules for entering the Heavenly Realm are different every time the Domain Road opens." Wu Yuan pondered silently, "But this time's rules are quite straightforward."

Three requirements, achieving one is enough.

The first requirement, to kill one thousand participant incarnations?


On average, each Divine Realm has tens of thousands of geniuses, which seems like a lot, but scattered in the vast world of tens of billions of miles, they are quite inconspicuous.

Even through spiritual exploration.

Before entering, most participants had considered it, and most of them carried arrays or similar methods to conceal their aura. Once they chose to hide, the chances of finding them were very small.

So, in a sense, the hope of killing one hundred thousand participant manifestations is even greater.

"The second requirement also means that as long as the strongest geniuses can survive to the end, they will definitely be able to enter the Heavenly Realm." Wu Yuan pondered silently.

This was also normal, considering the vast universe, how many strongest geniuses were there? Only dozens.

What truly puzzled and intrigued Wu Yuan was the third requirement.

"The Law of Primordial? The Primordial Source? What are those?" Wu Yuan was full of curiosity.

Without any hesitation.

His two incarnations immediately began to contact the masters of the Witch Court and the Taiyuan Divine Court through the special Divine Jade they possessed, asking for information.

"Primordial represents the oldest era, before countless beings were born."

"The Law of Primordial should be a very special and powerful method, containing unfathomable power."

"As for the Primordial Source... you'll have to explore it yourselves." The masters of the Heart Cliff and the Afterthought both gave similar responses, with minor differences.

Obviously, the Witch Court and the Taiyuan Divine Court were not very clear about the third requirement for the time being.

But both masters pointed out one thing: "According to past experience, the cultivation method of the Law of Primordial should be in some dangerous places in the Divine Realm. There shouldn't be many of them, so the sooner you seize them, the better."


Domain Road, within the Divine Realm.

After preliminarily understanding the situation.

"The Divine Realm's cultivation environment is very good. Next, my Refining Body Incarnation will continue to cultivate and make good use of the conditions here." Wu Yuan had already figured it out, "Strive to enter the Domain of Creation as soon as possible."

Once you break through, your strength will increase significantly.

You'll also qualify to directly enter the second stage of the Heavenly Domain.

"Wu Yuan, you should roam around, seek opportunities, and see if you can obtain the primordial laws," Wu Yuan pondered silently. "If possible, I can also kill some geniuses from the Immortal Court and obtain some treasures."

"Furthermore, I must also prepare for the worst. If enlightenment doesn't go smoothly, I must still strive to meet the first requirement and enter the Heavenly Domain," Wu Yuan thought to himself.

Based on past experiences,

Opportunities in the Heavenly Domain are often greater.

Having made his decision, Wu Yuan's main body swiftly set up an array around him to shield his divine sense.

He sat cross-legged, focusing on cultivation.

"Let's go!"

With numerous treasures, Wu Yuan's avatar swiftly soared into the sky and headed in a random direction.

After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, Wu Yuan's avatar's divine sense began to spread wildly.


"In this divine realm, there are beings capable of defeating me," Wu Yuan grinned.

He feared nothing.


In another divine realm.

"The layer of spatial fragments and the layer of chaotic spatial currents are completely sealed off!"

"To step into a higher-dimensional space, one must be able to penetrate the layer of spatial nothingness."

"The physical body cannot enter a higher-dimensional space, so one must be cautious," Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar was in a forest. "However, if the Qi refining avatar exerts full force, it can fully enter a higher-dimensional space."

Even in the divine realm,

Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar could enter a higher-dimensional space, namely the layer of spatial nothingness.

Once in a higher-dimensional space, it was practically impossible to kill them, which was why the Sovereigns were eagerly anticipating the Sword Echo.

"According to intelligence, among the countless divine realms, only two have mastered the complete spatial laws," Wu Yuan thought to himself. "Encountering them in the fifty-five divine realms is very unlikely!"

"As for others who have comprehended the spatial laws up to the ninth level of the Dao Domain, even if they can enter the layer of spatial nothingness, there are hardly any who can match my frontal combat power."

As for the others?

Like the Prison Elephant, White Lotus, each of them is a top genius, strong in strength.

However, as long as Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar didn't want to fight, they couldn't touch him, so he wasn't afraid.


"I've been practicing in the Primordial Hall for three thousand years, and the help from the divine realms is minimal," Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar's eyes gleamed. "Now, I need more battles."

"Now, let the physical body cultivate in seclusion first."

"While the Qi refining avatar opens up a killing spree and seeks opportunities," Wu Yuan had already figured it out.

The role of the Qi refining avatar, now at a bottleneck, hiding and continuing cultivation, was minimal.

It was better to join forces with the Law Avatar for battles and opportunities.

"Let's go!"

Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar and Law Avatar immediately merged into the higher-dimensional space, disappearing in the forest.


Entering the higher-dimensional space, Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar also felt an unprecedented resistance.

"The speed is so slow? It's like moving at a snail's pace. Even though I'm moving forward in the higher-dimensional space, it's only tens of times faster than in the material space," Wu Yuan felt the terrifying pressure of the divine realm.

Of course, increasing speed by tens of times out of thin air was still remarkable, enough for Wu Yuan to ignore most of the attacks.

He continued to explore aimlessly, sensing along the way.

Just a quarter of an hour later.

"Hmm?" Wu Yuan's eyes flickered as he faintly sensed spatial fluctuations nearby.

Very obvious fluctuations.

"Is it a battle?" Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar and Law Avatar immediately moved in response to the sensation.


Wu Yuan sensed from afar four figures engaged in intense battle on the vast wilderness.

"Four individuals? None seem familiar!"

"If they're not from the Great Origin Divine Court, there's no need to hold back, just kill them all." Wu Yuan's Qi refining avatar decided to take action directly.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 477: Showing Edge

During the Divine Realm War phase, members of any faction wouldn't engage in fratricide unless it was necessary for direct competition.

If it's the main body, when encountering other strong individuals from different sects, they wouldn't attack if they recognize each other's identity.

Similarly, if it's the avatar, encountering participants from the Great Origin Divine Court, they wouldn't attack either.

But between each other?

"If encountering avatars of members from other factions, if the situation permits, let them off the hook," Wu Yuan thought to himself. "But just avatars and law bodies?"

Kill them all!

The number of participating geniuses from the Witch Court exceeded six hundred thousand. In reality, Wu Yuan hadn't completely recognized all of them. He only noted the divine aura of the participants from the Witch Court's Spirit River Sacred Grounds, and as for the other branch sacred grounds? He only remembered the divine aura of dozens of extraordinary talents from the Heavenly Pride Hall.

This seems to have been intentionally arranged by the top echelons of the Witch Court to facilitate the top talents hiding their identities and avoid being besieged.

As Wu Yuan's avatar,

Even if they didn't recognize the four immortals, even if they recognized them as Witch Court experts, they would still kill without hesitation.

Only by doing so

Could they avoid being speculated upon by other sacred ground factions to the greatest extent.

"Kill them!"

"Now, it's not clear whether the Universal Pathway sees our two avatars as the same person," Wu Yuan's avatar's eyes glittered. "So, we must try our best to ensure that both avatars meet the promotion conditions."

Although it seemed slow to speak, it was less than half a moment in reality. Wu Yuan had already approached along the higher-dimensional space.

On the wilderness.

Four immortals were engaged in a frenzied battle, especially three of them, each exerting all their efforts to cast terrifying divine spells, attempting to kill the others.


They were each fighting alone, restraining each other. Moreover, their strengths were relatively close, so for a moment, none could do anything to the others.

Suddenly, at this moment.

"Boom~" An incredibly terrifying oppression suddenly appeared above the four figures in the midst of their intense battle, invisible sword energy surged, crushing layer by layer.


"Boom!" This sword domain was oppressively strong, covering an area of thousands of miles, completely suppressing all the various spells, treasures, and domain spells of the three major immortals.


"So strong!"

"I didn't detect anyone around just now, how did he get so close?"

"His domain power is unexpectedly strong? Where did he come from?" The four immortals in the midst of the intense battle were suddenly shocked.

Anyone who could participate was the top genius in their respective realms.

Many of them had been called prodigies since they were young and were full of confidence.

Especially after practicing high-level secret techniques, each of them could burst out with power equivalent to that of a Star Lord.

However, facing Wu Yuan, they were directly suppressed.

"Join forces!"

"Quick, stop him."

"If we don't unite, we'll all die." The four immortals were decisive figures. In the blink of an eye, two of the immortals in black robes directly displayed their strongest spells.

"Boom!" "Boom!" A large number of flying swords hovered, forming a sword formation, sweeping towards Wu Yuan.


The only female immortal in white, her eyes were agile and pitiful, but her skills were not slow at all. A black chain, which was rapidly enlarged, burst out through the sword domain at an astonishing speed, intending to bind Wu Yuan.

"Kill!" The only immortal, with a towering figure, held nine divine swords in his hand, his momentum overwhelming.

Rushing straight towards Wu Yuan.

It can be said that.

The instant outbreak of the four great experts joining forces was as powerful as four Star Lords joining forces, and their might was indeed formidable.

"Boom~" The sword domain formed by Wu Yuan's thought immediately showed signs of dispersing under the fierce counterattack from the opponent.

"Indeed worthy of the Universal Pathway."

"Gathering of Heavenly Pride."

"Any one of them is much stronger than the most elite battle formations during the struggle for Qi Fortune." Wu Yuan couldn't help but feel emotional.

In the battle for Qi Fortune, during the final showdown, the sword domain he formed with a single thought could sweep away many Star Lords.

But on the Universal Pathway, it was obviously ineffective.

This was only the collaboration of four immortals.

If it were forty? Four hundred? Quantity would bring about a qualitative change.

Wu Yuan was clear that the geniuses on the Universal Pathway and the battle formations formed by many Star Lords were fundamentally different.

The biggest difference was that the immortals and gods who traveled alone had no weaknesses and were much more flexible.

In the end.

Any genius who could participate could burst out with the power of a Star Lord at least.

And Wu Yuan's avatar, in terms of frontal combat power, was even stronger than Mu Long from back in the day, having reached the level of a five-fold Star Lord.

In one-on-one combat, he could naturally quickly kill or even instantly kill, but if a large number of participants joined forces, the threat to him would still be very significant.

"Swift and decisive!"

Wu Yuan's figure became blurry, disappearing in an instant, when the attack of the sword-wielding immortal missed.


"Entering higher-dimensional space?"

"The strongest genius? Or has he comprehended the spatial laws to the limit of the Star Lord?" The faces of the four immortals suddenly changed, completely panicked.

Their horizons were extremely high, and they all knew that during the Divine Realm War phase, there were two types of people who couldn't be provoked.

The first were the strongest geniuses.

The second were those who could enter higher-dimensional space.

"Fall!" With a thought, Wu Yuan reappeared.

And the silver sword disc under his feet rapidly enlarged, followed by four silver rays shooting out from the sword disc, flashing across the void with dazzling brilliance.

The speed of the light was terrifying, almost soaring to twenty thousand miles per second in an instant.

With Wu Yuan's understanding of the laws of time and space, he could barely perform high-dimensional space travel, but he couldn't manipulate weapons at that level, so he had to descend to engage in combat.

However, with his comprehension of time and space, Wu Yuan's sword speed was also terrifying.

Twenty thousand miles per second may not sound fast.

But one must know, this was the divine realm world, where the suppression of the world was extremely astonishing.


"Peng~" "Boom~" A series of earth-shattering explosions resounded, and the terrifying shockwaves of the collisions surged in all directions.

In the end, everything returned to calm.

Under the influence of the rules of the divine realm world, the shockwaves caused by the battle quickly returned to normal.

"The immortal just now actually displayed three swords and killed him?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

The gods had strong vitality.

Like those three immortals, they were all blasted away with many defensive measures with just one collision, and then directly killed with the next sword.

But the immortal had taken one more sword.

"The avatar is still not strong enough." Wu Yuan shook his head inwardly.

The avatar didn't have its own life-bound flying sword, and it could only unleash individual flying swords from the Hundred Swords Galaxy.

The eruption of these individual flying swords only had the power of a triple Star Lord.

If it were to fully erupt, Wu Yuan's avatar would have the power of a quadruple Star Lord, equivalent to Mu Long during the struggle for Qi Fortune.

As for the main body? Unleashing the nine life-bound flying swords was the strongest fighting power.

"Slaughtered four avatars?" Wu Yuan sensed the message in the air.

"Let's go!"

Wu Yuan took a step and entered a higher-dimensional space, continuing to aimlessly search for opponents.

As for opportunities?

According to known information, there are three types of opportunities in the divine realm world. One is the fortune of Qi, perhaps encountered on the road, or even staying in one place for a long time might bring about an unexpected opportunity.

This is the importance of Qi Fortune.

Opportunities of Qi Fortune are unknown to others.

The second type is perilous opportunities. Some dangerous places come with opportunities.

The third type is treasure opportunities, where at random times and places, a great treasure trove will emerge in a certain area, causing extremely astonishing spatial fluctuations, attracting a large number of powerful individuals to gather in one area.


No matter which kind of opportunity, for Wu Yuan, it's just wandering around and killing.

...As Wu Yuan moved away, only hundreds of thousands of miles separated him from their fierce battle.

In an inconspicuous mountain range, deep underground in a cave.

The avatar of the white-robed female immortal was hiding here, surrounded by several layers of confusing mental exploration arrays.

At this moment.

Her eyes were full of horror as she recalled the scene of the battle just now: "Too! Too terrifying... To be able to enter higher-dimensional space, such a peerless genius is truly terrifying."

In a real fight, there was simply no resistance.

"Such a strong person, even among the tens of thousands of geniuses in the Immortal Court, can probably rank in the top one hundred." The white-robed female immortal thought to herself: "In this divine realm world, they probably rank in the top ten super strong."

She felt unlucky.

How vast was the divine realm world? At least one hundred thousand geniuses descended.

Encountering such a level of genius right from the start?

"Keep a low profile!"

"Must keep a low profile."

"My strength is among the most ordinary among countless geniuses, only by keeping a low profile can I hope to survive." The white-robed female immortal had a clear understanding: "The avatar must not go out."

"Let's cultivate the avatar first, and when the avatar cultivation is complete, then go out to find some opportunities." The white-robed female immortal made a decision.

She had some ideas before, but just one battle made her see reality clearly.

Entering the second stage? The hope was too slim.

To be precise, it was impossible.

Living for nine thousand years, finding some opportunities, coupled with the special cultivation environment of the divine realm world, was the greatest gain.


"Reporting the information of such a super genius should also be a merit." The white-robed female immortal immediately started reporting through the divine virtual realm.

As a participant of the Immortal Court, although her strength was weak, her intelligence was extremely well-informed.

In fact.

Not only the white-robed female immortal, but the other three geniuses whose avatars were killed by Wu Yuan were also horrified and terrified, but they were just ordinary members of a holy land and had no means of contact with the outside world.

Therefore, they could only hold it in for now.

...Time passed.

Wu Yuan's main avatar, carrying his avatar, traveled through higher-dimensional space, and his exploration efficiency far exceeded that of his avatar exploring alone.

In a short time.

He successively detected many fluctuations of talented individuals descending, and Wu Yuan did not hesitate, directly taking action and killing one talented individual after another.

...In a lush and towering mountain range.


"Let's go together, he's alone, we can completely surround and kill him." Six geniuses belonging to the same holy land force, their auras extremely powerful, were lucky to encounter each other and attempted to besiege Wu Yuan.

For a moment, spells and treasures flooded the sky, with terrifying momentum.

"Facing me without running away, and even daring to fight back?" Wu Yuan laughed heartily.

But he still only used his avatar.

Nine silver galaxy flying swords formed a sword domain, while another six galaxy flying swords, resembling flowing light, directly swept away six immortals.

In fact.

The combined power of the six immortals was already astonishing, but still not threatening to Wu Yuan.

Especially one among them, manipulating twin-blade flying knives like crescent moons, with terrifying speed.

His strength should be comparable to Jiang Huan, or even slightly stronger, approaching the level of the Supreme Wu of the Flowing Hong.


He encountered Wu Yuan, exerting his full strength but still easily suppressed, unable even to force out Wu Yuan's avatar's full power.

Not to mention making Wu Yuan's main avatar take action.

...In the icy snow, a fierce battle was taking place. Wu Yuan stepped on the sword disk, chasing after the towering giant surrounded by lightning bolts, who was frantically fleeing.

"Damn it!"

"Mingjian, your strength is so formidable, why chase after me? You've already killed many strongmen from the Immortal Court, do you want to become enemies with us?" The towering giant surrounded by lightning roared.

He was quite unwilling, swinging his battle blade time and again, barely withstanding the bombardment of the silver lights.

Every collision sent him flying backward.

Whenever he wanted to counterattack, more galaxy flying swords came, sending him flying again.

As if toying with him.

"Do you know me?" Wu Yuan stepped on the silver disk, strolling leisurely, smiling.

"Looking across the boundless universe, there are only a few who are proficient in spatial laws, and even fewer in time and space." The lightning giant growled: "And the others who are proficient in time and space have almost all shown themselves, so I can only guess at you."

"Just didn't expect that just ten thousand years have passed, and your strength has reached such a level."

"Moreover, for your information, my Immortal Court basically has it all, so naturally, I recognized you."

"Is that so?" Wu Yuan's main avatar laughed heartily.

The Heaven's Path had opened, approaching ten days.

In the past ten days, although the avatar in the other divine realm world had been continuously searching, limited by speed and exploration efficiency, he had only killed about thirty talented individuals.

The main avatar could be called the one engaging in frenzied slaughter.

Wu Yuan's main avatar had killed hundreds of talented individuals' avatar sources, many of which were from the Witch Court and the Immortal Court.

With the majority being from the Immortal Court.

The fame and infamy of the Mingjian had long been spreading like wildfire, shocking everyone.

After all, such a killing efficiency was too terrifying.

"Don't try to scare me with the Immortal Court." Wu Yuan's main avatar sneered: "I'll kill the Immortal Court, just as I'll kill the Witch Court."

"By doing this, you're seeking death. Your frenzied slaughter will eventually attract the strongest genius of my Immortal Court to kill you." The lightning giant roared.

"If you have the ability, let the strongest genius of your Immortal Court come and kill me." Wu Yuan sneered: "When they come, let's see who kills whom."

"You've played enough, now die!"

Wu Yuan's expression suddenly became solemn, his mind moved, and suddenly nine silver lights flew out from the sword disk, instantly condensing into one.

The fusion of nine middle-grade Dao weapons flying swords was already the strongest power that the avatar could mobilize.

The sixth move of the Nine Swords of Time and Space - Sky-Cleaving Sword!


The silver light flashed, as if tearing through the stable divine realm world, roaring through the lightning giant's defense, directly piercing his head, followed closely by the interweaving sword light, bursting his body apart.

Then, the overwhelming sword light surged up, annihilating the breath of life on his body in the blink of an eye.


"Your strength is indeed formidable, stronger than the Supreme Wu of the Mist Sword. You should have reached the advanced level of the Star Monarch, and are the most powerful genius I've encountered in these days." Wu Yuan muttered to himself, waving to collect the treasure left by the other party.

It was indeed very rich.

In terms of strength, this lightning giant was close to the level of the Southern Yin Immortal.

However, he still couldn't force out the strongest power of Wu Yuan's avatar.

This was Wu Yuan's main avatar.

Nearly twenty thousand years of cultivation, especially the three thousand years in the Original Hall, had truly transformed him, and his strength had reached an astonishing level.

"The strongest genius?"

"Even if they really come, my main avatar and avatar combined might not lose." Wu Yuan sneered.

In fact.

Wu Yuan actually hoped to encounter other top geniuses.

Moreover, even if he couldn't defeat them, escaping would be easy.

"Plus this."

"The number of avatar sources killed is nine hundred and eighty-two." Wu Yuan muttered to himself, "Killed main avatar, one."

That's right.

In Wu Yuan's nearly ten days of frenzied slaughter, he accidentally encountered an unlucky guy.

Wu Yuan didn't expect the opponent to be his main avatar, just killed him casually.

It was only after the kill that he discovered the guy was carrying over a hundred Immortal Lifespan Pills. With the rules of the heavenly road informing him, he fully confirmed that the guy was actually his main avatar.

That's how it was.

A genius who might have been famous in a vast world, a future Star Monarch, quietly died in the Celestial Domain Road.

From beginning to end, Wu Yuan didn't recognize the identity of that unlucky guy, which faction he was from, or what deeds he had done. Wu Yuan didn't know.

Nor did he care.

"However, the exploration efficiency is getting lower and lower." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

This frenzied killing phase was about to pass.

Of the millions of talented individuals who had descended, after the first round of battles, most of the avatar sources had fallen.

It would take at least ten years for them to reincarnate.

It was destined that the exploration efficiency of Wu Yuan's main avatar would be greatly reduced in the future.

Even after ten years, this efficiency wouldn't recover because, after the fall of the avatar sources, other geniuses would naturally be more cautious and wouldn't engage in frenzied battles like they did when they first descended.

"No hurry!"

"In nine thousand years, I've completed only one percent of the goal in just ten days, which is quite impressive." Wu Yuan's main avatar smiled.

It must be noted that during the killing spree of the avatar, searching everywhere for opponents, Wu Yuan had only killed dozens of talented individuals so far.

In the end.

Every divine realm world was too vast.

...As time passed, in the blink of an eye, the Celestial Domain Road had been open for nearly a month.

When the Celestial Domain Road first opened, the millions of peerless geniuses from the endless universe were full of fighting spirit. Most of them didn't choose to retreat at the beginning but chose to fight.

Therefore, in the first month, many geniuses descended, and the battles were extremely fierce.

Not to mention that the vast majority of participants were only at the initial stage of comprehending the Dao, barely Star Monarchs.

Even the Star Monarch intermediate and advanced comprehension participants were falling in large numbers.

Extremely fierce.

The dominators of the Witch Court, the Immortal Court, and various sacred forces were extremely concerned and constantly collecting information from their talented subordinates, feeling quite emotional.


All of them were geniuses! Most of them had extraordinary means.

Those well-known peerless geniuses didn't need to be mentioned.

Whether it was Candle Mountain, White Lotus, Prison Elephant, or Mu Long, these top geniuses, or the universally recognized Wu Yuan, Xuan Rong, and many others who controlled monarch-level tactics, were basically engaging in a massacre.

Geniuses of the level of Xuan Rong and Cang Yu numbered only in the hundreds in the endless universe, averaging only twenty to thirty in each divine realm world.

The probability of meeting at the beginning was very low!


Once they took action, it was simply rampant.

With the gathering of intelligence, the various sacred forces also basically confirmed the divine realm worlds where these top geniuses were located.

It was basically evenly distributed.


Apart from these originally very famous geniuses, some previously inconspicuous participants gradually revealed their sharpness, with some even having a profound comprehension of the Star Monarch's limit.

Those who controlled monarch-level tactics were all very powerful.

Of course, there haven't been any strongest geniuses coming out yet based on intelligence reports, but that doesn't mean there aren't completely hidden strongest geniuses; it's just that there haven't been opponents worth the strongest geniuses' full effort.

Without taking action, even supreme beings can't see through the details of these participants in the Celestial Domain Road.

Not to mention these dominators.

"Geniuses gather."

"These talented youngsters are really impressive." The dominators of various sacred forces sighed.

They were also trying their best to inspire their participants not to give up.

Although there were a large number of participants who fell and died in the battle, accounting for more than ninety percent.

But the number of main avatars that fell was still very small, negligible.

"Candle Mountain, quite intimidating!"

"Too heaven-defying."

Among the fifty-five divine realm worlds, most of the top geniuses were still in their prime, without the chance to fight with other geniuses of the same level.

But there were exceptions.

For example - Candle Mountain.

In the divine realm world where he was located, there were five strongest geniuses. On the twenty-second day, he happened to encounter the strongest genius of the Destroying Divine Court - Prison Elephant!


As soon as they met, Prison Elephant recognized the other party and wanted to retreat, but Candle Mountain didn't give him a chance to retreat and quickly pursued him.

Just three palms.

The first palm broke through Prison Elephant's defense, the second palm shattered Prison Elephant's body.

The last palm completely killed Prison Elephant.

The news of this battle quickly spread from the Destroying Divine Court to various sacred places, causing the sacred forces to be amazed and impressed.

Too strong.

Too incredible. Even if there was a gap in strength, it shouldn't be so extreme among the strongest geniuses.

But the reality was, Prison Elephant was killed by three palms.

Moreover, what's been used now is only one of Candle Mountain's avatars; he has three full avatars.

The first person!

In almost no time, many sacred forces almost all concluded that Candle Mountain was the strongest in this Celestial Domain Road, with a high probability of obtaining the sacred title.

Even the several strongest geniuses who were originally in the same divine realm world as Candle Mountain secretly left through the spatial channels.

...Candle Mountain was undoubtedly the most dazzling.

But next to Candle Mountain in terms of brilliance was Ming Sword from the Taigen Divine Court!

"He has killed at least six hundred participants, more than Candle Mountain."

"He has comprehended the laws of time and space to the ninth level, with a profound comprehension of the Star Monarch's limit."

"I wonder if he has mastered monarch-level tactics." The sacred forces from all sides were paying close attention.

Firstly, Wu Yuan's main avatar's performance was too domineering, with the number of kills surpassing most of the top geniuses, making him undoubtedly one of the top five, if not top three, in the entire Celestial Domain Road.

Secondly, the laws of time and space were too special. Although they weren't the most powerful in direct combat, they were the most mysterious and unpredictable, known as the way of control.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 478 This is the Aura

Although the strongest geniuses who control the complete spatial laws have already emerged, there are only two.

There are also more than ten peerless geniuses who have comprehended the spatial laws to the extreme of the Star Monarch, able to enter high-dimensional spaces.


Wu Yuan's main avatar's perception ability is so powerful. Apart from comprehending the laws of time and space, what's more important is the extreme Primordial Spirit's cooperation with it.

Therefore, in terms of investigation and killing efficiency, only those two strongest spatial geniuses, relying on the complete spatial laws, can compete with him. The other peerless geniuses? They are far behind.

The key lies in.

"Ming Sword, has only been cultivating for less than twenty thousand years, but with the limit comprehension of the Star Monarch, he's not much weaker than Wu Yuan."

"According to previous intelligence, his strength is not that strong at all." The top layers of various sacred forces were communicating with each other.

Before this, in various sacred places, Ming Sword was listed as a threat not because he had shown strong strength, after all, his record was not as good as Xuanrong, Cangyu, and Wu Yuan at their level.

The main reason was talent.

Ming Sword had been cultivating on Taiyuan Island for thousands of years, and various sacred forces were aware of it, but they couldn't grasp his specific strength.

It must be known that although Ming Sword had sparred with some Star Monarchs, the specific battle images were requested by the top echelons of the Taiyuan Divine Court to not be leaked.

And now, Ming Sword seems to have become extremely terrifying in terms of pure strength.


In the Lingjiang Universe, within the special divine illusory realm opened up by the Taiyuan Divine Court.

Hundreds of avatars of geniuses were each sitting on their respective jade platforms, silently meditating.

In the sky.

The Dominators of Heart Cliff, Shan Jin, Blood Li, Gui Guang, and Yan Kui gathered here, communicating with each other.

In addition to collecting information reported by geniuses such as Ming Sword, Tiger Leopard, and Bai Yi, the highest levels of various sacred forces also exchanged information through their respective intelligence networks.

"It still depends on Ming Sword."

"He's really brutal, he has killed nearly a thousand main avatars." Yan Kui, wearing a white robe, sighed, "The outside world says he has killed more than six hundred, ranking in the top five."

"In my opinion, in terms of killing efficiency, Ming Sword probably ranks first." Yan Kui solemnly said.

The Dominators present all nodded involuntarily.

Too crazy!

When several Dominators received news from Ming Sword, they were all shocked.

So many kills in just one month.

For nine thousand years, how many kills would it be? Although the killing efficiency will decrease as time goes on, it is destined to be a terrifying number.

It must be known.

Those fallen genius main avatars could all be regarded as the combat power of a Star Monarch.

"This is not Ming Sword's strongest strength yet. He has already mastered monarch-level tactics." Shan Jin, the Dominator, smiled and said, "It's just that the opponents he encounters now are not worth his full effort."


"That's right." The other Dominators nodded.

"Yan Kui, do you still think I was wrong before?" Heart Cliff, the Dominator, glanced at Yan Kui, the Dominator.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, alright?" Yan Kui, the Dominator, glared, "Can we stop talking about it in such a good atmosphere?"


"Yan Kui also has today." In the sky, a group of Dominators burst into cheerful laughter.


"Ming Sword just sent a message." Blood Li, the Dominator, suddenly said, "The number of main avatars he has killed has exceeded one thousand."

"The second-ranked in my Taiyuan Divine Court is Bai Yi, currently thirty-two."


Chapter 36 Divine Realm.

Indeed, after millions of geniuses, the initial brief chaos, with the Witch Court and Immortal Court as the leaders, the highest levels of various sacred forces gradually reached a consensus and numbered the fifty-five realms.

For convenient intelligence summary.

The divine realm where Wu Yuan's main avatar is located has been designated as the 36th divine realm.

And the divine realm where Wu Yuan's main body is located is the 7th divine realm.

Between the mountains, lush greenery.

"There are fewer and fewer people." Wu Yuan stood in the sky, his divine consciousness spreading out mightily.

At the same time, through spatial fluctuations, he sensed in all directions.

He had been wandering for several hours, crossing vast areas, but still hadn't found an opponent.

It's quite obvious.

After a month of bloody battles, those who dare to fly in the sky and wander around in the divine realm are extremely confident individuals.

Such strong individuals are hard to find in each divine realm.

"Keep going."

"Look for other opponents." Wu Yuan muttered to himself, the main avatar and the law body moved, flying quickly towards the distance.

After traveling millions of miles.


Buzz~ An astonishing wave of spiritual energy from the distant void suddenly spread over, passing by Wu Yuan in an instant, causing him to stop abruptly.

"Hmm? Treasure appeared? It doesn't seem far away." Wu Yuan's eyes lit up.

There was a smile on his lips: "Although I've obtained quite a few little things before, encountering a true treasure like this is only the second time for the main avatar."

"Encountered twice in a month."

"Aura, indeed, never goes wrong." Wu Yuan's figure moved, instantly blending into high-dimensional space, following the spiritual energy fluctuations, rushing over.


Over the past month, Wu Yuan had actually encountered six chances for treasures, all of which appeared unnoticed by his side.

For example, during flight, he noticed a small god crystal vein.

For example, landing on a mountain peak, he happened to encounter a very precious spiritual herb.

Even in the process of fighting with enemies, smashing the earth, he could obtain palm-sized spatial origin stones from the fragments of the earth.

For Wu Yuan, these chances for treasures were not too precious.

In the divine realm, such chances for treasures are normal, and all kinds of strange treasures will appear.


These experiences are enough to prove Wu Yuan's powerful luck, he can encounter treasures just by walking around.

And for the real treasures, Wu Yuan's main body encountered it once, but by the time he caught up, the treasure had already been taken away.

The main avatar also encountered it once before.

This time.

Wu Yuan's perception was very clear. The treasure was very close to himself, and he was determined to get it.

...Almost at the same time that Wu Yuan rushed forward, this astonishing wave of spiritual energy swept across millions of miles, immediately attracting the attention of many participating geniuses in this area.


"Such a treasure is definitely a great opportunity." In a valley, six immortals and gods who were originally meditating all opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes filled with surprise and joy.

They decided to join forces temporarily.

"After obtaining the treasure, we'll decide who gets what later. We must not fight internally now."

"Yes, let's join forces!" The six immortals and gods reached a consensus, their trust in each other was very low.

But at least it's better than being completely unfamiliar.

Whoosh! Whoosh! The six immortals and gods immediately rushed towards the sensed location.


"Opportunity? It's mine!" Separated by millions of miles, two immortals immediately set off.


On top of a barren mountain, a man in a black robe was sitting cross-legged. In front of him was a war knife, and he appeared quite rough.


Whoosh! The man in the black robe suddenly opened his eyes, he had four eyes, each one looking very cold.

"Opportunity? Treasure land?"

"Hope I'm not disappointed." The man in the black robe instantly grabbed the war knife and flew up into the sky.

Disappearing into the vast void.


Although the restraint of the divine realm is astonishing, with the strength of the participants, traveling thousands of miles in one second is quite easy at full speed.

As for Wu Yuan? Walking through high-dimensional space, his speed is even more astonishing.

Just half an hour later.

Whoosh! Wu Yuan had already arrived at the place where the rich spiritual energy was bursting out. However, he was in high-dimensional space, just overlooking the material spatial layer and did not take action.

"Hmm? What's that?" Wu Yuan could clearly sense that countless mists were surging on the barren plain.

In the mist, there was a palace looming.

"A palace?" Wu Yuan held his breath, his eyes brightened. This kind of treasure land opportunity appeared.

According to past intelligence, the larger the scale and the more noise, the more precious the treasures usually are.

However, Wu Yuan already understood that the treasure land in front of him had not completely emerged yet. Thinking of snatching it in advance?


You must wait, wait until the treasure completely emerges before you can make a move. This is the rule of the Celestial Path of the Universe.

"Four people have arrived early?" Wu Yuan frowned slightly, being in high-dimensional space.

He could easily sense the presence of the four.

The first wave of arrivals, it seemed that all four geniuses were very tacit, unwilling to kill each other before the treasure emerged. Doing so would easily allow others to pick the peaches.

But Wu Yuan had no such concerns, he had another consideration.

"Now there are only four immortals. If we wait a while longer, there may be forty or even more immortals and gods gathering here." Wu Yuan frowned.


The immortals and gods to be gathered next are no longer the same as the ones who just arrived. How many of the weak ones can survive until now and dare to come and snatch opportunities?

"Better to kill them all!"

"Let's strike first and not give them a chance to gather together." Wu Yuan's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Wu Yuan chose to take action directly.


The hazy and vast mist on the wasteland, covering an area of hundreds of miles, with each of the four immortals and gods occupying a corner, silently waiting and also vigilant of their surroundings.

What they were most worried about now was that before the treasure emerged, a large number of geniuses would rush over.


"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" Bright and dazzling silver sword lights, as if appearing out of thin air, instantly pierced through the quiet void.

Directly aiming at each of the immortals and gods.

"Not good!"


"Someone is attacking from high-dimensional space, who is it? Mingjian?" The four immortals and gods were shocked and angry, the attack came too fast.

Fast enough to catch them off guard.

They immediately thought of Wu Yuan, all of them being mid-tier Star Lords with keen insights. They are highly valued geniuses in any sacred force and can naturally communicate with the outside world.

They also knew about Mingjian's reputation.

In this month, the name Mingjian had already resounded throughout the 36th Divine Realm.

Rampant killings!

Numerous geniuses fell into his hands.

"Pong~" "Boom~" Terrifying battle waves erupted instantly. The strength of the four immortals and gods was terrifying. Under desperate circumstances, they all managed to block a silver flying sword.

Swish! Swish! Swish! The sword light rebounded.


Wu Yuan, dressed in white robes, silently appeared in the void, overlooking the four immortals and gods below, and those flying swords returned to the silver sword disk under his feet.

"It's Mingjian."

"Such attire, a silver sword disk under his feet, and the ability to enter high-dimensional space, it couldn't be wrong." The four immortals and gods stared at Wu Yuan, full of fear.

"Mingjian, let's go." In the distance, the purple-robed female immortal shouted, trying to retreat.


"Mingjian, friend of the sword, your strength is formidable, why bother troubling us?" The other immortals and gods immediately spoke up.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

The imposing Mingjian made them have no courage to fight against.

"Unfortunately, you're making it difficult for me." Wu Yuan said lightly.

"Difficult?" Now it was the turn of the purple-robed female immortal to be stunned and said, "Brother Mingjian, we didn't make things difficult for you."


"You did." Wu Yuan shook his head gently, "All those participants I encountered before, I killed them all... not one left. If I let you go, wouldn't that be unfair to those participants before?"

"So, your request is making it difficult for me." Wu Yuan smiled slightly, "I can make a different request."

"For example, do you want two swords to die, or three swords?"


Wu Yuan's words were obviously arrogant to the extreme, but coupled with his strength, it left people speechless.


"Run!" The four great immortals and gods looked at each other and fled in all directions.

Begging for mercy didn't work, so they could only run. They couldn't just sit and wait for death.


"Escape? Can you escape?" Wu Yuan shook his head, with a thought, dozens of silver flying swords flew out from under his feet, each sword's power was astonishing.

A total of thirty-six swords formed four sword formations! The sword formations merged into one.

Roaring, they struck towards the four immortals and gods.


"Clang! Puff!" The four immortals and gods naturally tried their best to resist, but under Wu Yuan's relentless pursuit, they fell one after another.

Only one immortal god remained, who managed to escape after withstanding several consecutive strikes from the sword formation.

Of course.

The core reason was that Wu Yuan couldn't be bothered to chase.

"Relying solely on the avatar, it's a bit difficult to kill so many geniuses at once." Wu Yuan thought to himself, "It's better to let the main body take action."

Just now, two of the sword formations were controlled by the avatar, while the other two were controlled by Wu Yuan's main body.

Naturally, they could slaughter all around.

"Now, this temple is mine, this opportunity, no one can take it away." Wu Yuan directly crossed his legs and sat in the void, closing his eyes to recover his mana.

The flying swords surrounded him.

A powerful aura spread out directly.

As time passed.

One by one, geniuses followed the fluctuations of spiritual energy, with more than thirty in total.

These geniuses who came later all sensed the presence of Wu Yuan's avatar for the first time and some even recognized him.

"It's Mingjian."

"It's him!"

"He's not someone to mess with." These participating geniuses dared not approach where Wu Yuan was.

Moreover, soon they didn't dare to approach within thousands of miles.

Because, once they dared to approach the temple shrouded in mist within thousands of miles, Wu Yuan, sitting quietly in the void, would immediately attack and kill them.

All were killed.

Even when a team of six immortals joined forces and rushed over, wanting to fight Wu Yuan, they were defeated by Wu Yuan.

Five were slain.

Such dominance, coupled with the reputation Wu Yuan's avatar had previously established, directly deterred all the remaining geniuses, making them not dare to approach anymore.

However, these geniuses were not willing to leave.

They also wanted to see what treasures were hidden in that temple.


"Mingjian, be sensible and leave!" A deep voice suddenly sounded from the void, spreading through the fluctuations of the Dao.


A figure clad in a black robe carrying a war knife, like a flash of lightning, charged straight towards Wu Yuan in the void with astonishing momentum.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 479: Both Dao and Law Originate from Matter

This deep and majestic voice spread out.

Instantly, it attracted the attention of many geniuses hidden around this void.

"So arrogant!"

"Daring to speak to Mingjian like this? Who is it?" They all couldn't help but look at the black-robed figure carrying a war knife, with curiosity and doubt.

In the 36th Divine Realm, there were very few who dared to directly tell Mingjian to leave.

And now.

"It's Jintong!!"

"It's him!"

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant, it turns out to be this lunatic."

"Is he going to confront Mingjian? Quite interesting!" Many geniuses observing the battle immediately recognized the black-robed strongman carrying a war knife.


In the 36th Divine Realm, the strongest genius had yet to emerge, but the one with the greatest reputation was Mingjian, the one who killed the most and was the most insane.

Among the 55 Divine Realms, Mingjian had the greatest reputation.

However, according to intelligence from various sacred forces, in terms of direct combat strength, Mingjian was not the strongest. Mingjian's ability to kill so recklessly relied on his control of time and space.

The strongest in direct combat strength was universally recognized to be Jintong! He controlled monarch-level techniques and his techniques were extremely fierce, making his battles extremely intense.

Throughout the 36th Divine Realm, whether it was Jintong or Mingjian, they were both existences that many geniuses did not dare to provoke.

At this moment.

These two super geniuses who shook the 36th Divine Realm collided head-on.


Jintong, carrying a war knife, did not change his speed at all, and directly rushed into the temple's range of thousands of miles, charging straight towards Wu Yuan.


Wu Yuan, who was originally meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. He instantly sensed Jintong not far away and squinted, "Jintong?"

He naturally knew about Jintong.

As a member of the Taiyuan Divine Court, which was currently the most popular, the Master of the Heart Cliff highly valued Wu Yuan's avatar and paid close attention, constantly providing various types of information.

Including information about Jintong.

Coming from the sacred force, the Qionglei Academy, this force was almost on par with the Taiyuan Divine Court, with its stronghold in another universe, and Jintong was the number one genius of this generation in the Qionglei Academy.

Great reputation.

Strong strength!

"The number one genius of the Qionglei Academy?" Wu Yuan's eyes lit up slightly, revealing a smile, "Interesting!"

Wu Yuan was not afraid, but rather excited.

He was excited to be able to fight against a super genius.

Since coming to the Universal Path, there were few people who could make Wu Yuan's avatar retreat, and at least Jintong was not on that list.


Wu Yuan also moved instantly. The silver sword disc under his feet expanded rapidly, and numerous silver flying swords surrounded him. Under the gaze of many geniuses, they directly rushed towards the rapidly approaching Jintong.


"Indeed worthy of Mingjian, so bloody and fearless."

"It's good to fight, these two powerhouses, Jintong is invincible in killing, while Mingjian can escape into high-dimensional space, inherently unbeatable. It's definitely going to be a bloody battle."

"Maybe they'll both be injured, and then we'll have our chance." Many geniuses were secretly thinking.

In fact, most of the geniuses who survived the first wave of battles were quite remarkable. If dozens of them teamed up, they might not necessarily be weaker than Jintong at this level.

It's just a pity that in the current situation, no one wanted to be the first to attack.

Even if they eventually won, the first batch to charge in would definitely die.

However, if Jintong and Mingjian consumed too much energy in their battle, these geniuses wouldn't mind taking advantage of the situation.


"Your ability to escape is strong, I can't kill you, but you want to stop me?" Jintong's four eyes flickered with killing intent, "Seeking death, I'll grant your wish."

Super geniuses who can rise to prominence are often radiant, sweeping away many geniuses of the same age, and the victories in battle time and time again also allow them to forge the belief that they are invincible.


Unless the gap in strength is really outrageous, otherwise, few super geniuses are willing to retreat directly.


While flying at high speed, Jintong instantly transformed into a towering figure, his life aura completely exploded, and in the blink of an eye, he ascended to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm.

Nine arms grew, and a war knife on his back instantly turned into nine war knives, each taken in hand in succession.


Jintong roared lowly, but his towering body did not affect his agility at all, and he approached Wu Yuan's avatar like a ghost.

Hua! Hua! Hua! The overwhelming blade light surged and swept toward Wu Yuan.

"So fast."

Wu Yuan smiled slightly, fully sensing the fluctuations in space and time. His body seemed weak and powerless, but he floated directly to the side, and even created dozens of true shadows directly.

The escape technique "Moonlight Shadow"!

Almost at the same moment, rumbling~ the silver flying swords shot out, and nine flying swords instantly condensed into a vast sword domain, completely enveloping Jintong, causing his speed to sharply decrease.

While Wu Yuan was in the sword domain, he moved like a fish in water, easily avoiding Jintong's frontal attacks.


Wu Yuan's mind moved again, and only nine silver flying swords flew out of the sword disc, condensing into a terrifying silver light, attacking Jintong.

Where the silver light reached, the space seemed to tremble.

Terrifying power!

This scene made a hint of astonishment flash in Jintong's four eyes: "Mingjian is so powerful. These flying swords are probably all high-grade Dao artifacts, and he, with just one avatar, can manipulate two nine-sword arrays simultaneously? How strong must his primordial spirit be?"

The higher the grade of the magic weapon, the more difficult it is to control multiple ones, and the greater the burden on the divine soul.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

"Hoo!" The overwhelming blade light erupted completely. The blade light was terrifying, and when it clashed with the silver light that came attacking like lightning, the shockwaves caused the mountains below to collapse and the earth to crack.

However, Jintong completely blocked Wu Yuan's attacks, defending without leaking a single drop.

He could even counterattack continuously.

"So strong!"

"Jintong clearly has the upper hand."

"Mingjian seems to be inferior to Jintong, huh?" Many genius spectators murmured to themselves.

In the void.

Within the sword domain, the silver light condensed by the sword formation collided dozens of times, and the internal mana was finally exhausted, and the momentum diminished, immediately reverting to Wu Yuan's avatar.


"Your primordial spirit is strong, but your sword moves are indeed ordinary." Jintong sneered, his entire body suddenly surged like lightning, trying to follow the route of the returning sword formation, and directly attack Wu Yuan.

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!" Strands of sword light burst out from the sword domain, terrifying in power, trying to restrain Jintong, but were continuously shattered by Jintong's swordsmanship.

The blade light was like golden light, swift as lightning, and as heavy as stars.

Simply unstoppable.


Swish! Jintong's speed continued to soar, moving and flickering, desperately trying to approach Wu Yuan.

Unfortunately, although the power of the sword domain was continuously suppressed, it still had a significant impact, making it difficult for Jintong to fully unleash his speed.

For a while, he couldn't catch up to Wu Yuan.

"Mingjian, you can escape for a while, but you can't escape forever." Jintong's voice was cold, "You want to maintain so many flying swords, the consumption of mana is huge, much greater than mine."

"How long can you hold on?"

Jintong is a first-class immortal, very confident.

"Want to engage in a war of attrition with me?" Wu Yuan smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, you don't have that capital."

Wu Yuan had to admit that Jintong's strength was very strong. What he comprehended was the law of gold.

It also contained some mysteries of the law of earth, and the two laws were merged into one in his swordsmanship.

But the law of earth did not help him defensively, but purely made his swordsmanship more heavy.

Sharpness! Heaviness!

What he displayed was definitely a monarch-level technique.

In this way, even if Wu Yuan's avatar fully displayed the Space-Time Nine Swords Sixth Form, reaching its peak, he was still at a clear disadvantage.

"Mingjian, this treasure is not something you can take, it's better to leave early." Jintong roared lowly.


Suddenly, countless spatial rule runes and time rule runes appeared around Wu Yuan, the two major rule runes intertwined, directly forming a majestic and unpredictable sword light.

Rumbling~ The sword domain, covering a radius of three thousand miles, formed by nine silver flying swords, immediately surged in power.

It caused Jintong's speed to sharply decrease again, not even half of what it was before.

This terrifying power of the sword domain made the heavens and the earth change color.

"This?" Jintong, who was originally full of confidence, changed his face. He felt the terrifying power of the sword domain.

Compared to before, it was completely different.

"Monarch-level technique? You control it?" Jintong stared at Wu Yuan, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Mingjian." Wu Yuan's avatar grinned, "The opponents I encountered before, I killed them casually, no one was worth my full effort."

"Out of respect for you."

"I will do my best to kill you." Wu Yuan smiled at Jintong.

That look, as if staring at a dead person.

Jintong's expression became solemn, tightening the war knife in his hand. He understood that he was in big trouble.

This Mingjian actually really controlled the monarch-level technique.

"Oh my God!"

"Mingjian, controls a monarch-level technique? He didn't even go all out before?"

"So powerful." The group of genius spectators were shocked and stared at this battle.

Where did they know?

Both of Wu Yuan's avatars were extreme realm primordial spirits.

For the body-refining avatar, the greatest effect of the extreme realm primordial spirit was to defend the divine soul and greatly increase the speed of comprehending and deducing the law.

But for the avatar of the refining gas, it could greatly improve his strength and manipulate many more magic weapons.

Overwhelm others with quantity.


Wu Yuan's avatar went all out without hesitation. While the sword domain suppressed, another sword formation directly crushed over, affecting the intertwining of time and space.

Time and space, perfectly combined, made the sword light even more unpredictable and attacked Jintong.

It was extremely fast.

And the power was astonishing.

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!" The flying swords condensed by the nine silver flying swords attacked one after another. It seemed like only one flying sword was attacking, but it forced Jintong, who had nine knives out, to defend with all his might.


Don't say that Jintong can't catch up with Wu Yuan at all, even if he could catch up, he wouldn't dare to be distracted.

A slight distraction might result in being pierced through the head or having limbs severed by a sword.

Both sides fought frantically.

"These flying swords are so fast. Can his mana support such intense combat all the time? Let's give it a try!" Jintong gritted his teeth, his pride unwilling to retreat, struggling to hold on.

The laws of gold and earth combined, nine swings of the sword, making his sword light seem natural.

It turned into a huge sphere-like shape, impervious to countless sword lights pouring down, unable to shake it in the slightest.

This scene.

It made the tens of thousands of genius spectators watching from thousands of miles away hold their breaths, the double fight was too crazy.

"So powerful."

"This! This!"

"Is this the showdown between the top geniuses of my thirty-sixth divine realm world?"

Two top-notch geniuses, any attack could directly kill them.

In the void.

"For a moment, can't even take down this Jintong?" Wu Yuan felt slightly surprised, "My avatar has already done its best, but can still only suppress?"

Wu Yuan understood that although they were both extreme realm foundations, the avatar was indeed weaker than the source body in terms of eruption.

If it were the source body, in close combat, he would probably have already killed Jintong.

Of course.

If the fighting continued, Wu Yuan was confident that with his extreme realm foundation, he would definitely have the last laugh.

"If the refining gas avatar uses the life-bound flying sword, it should be able to end the battle quickly." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

The life-bound flying sword was the strongest move of the refining gas avatar.

However, the current Jintong probably only had his source body, and Jintong's true strength would definitely be stronger.

"Completely suppressed."

"I've encountered other immortals who control monarch-level techniques before, but none of them were this terrifying, their attacks are so unpredictable and frightening." Jintong gritted his teeth.

He became more and more frightened as he fought.

His brain was running at high speed, analyzing, first, Wu Yuan's avatar's magic weapon was stronger, equivalent to the attack of eighteen high-grade daoist flying swords. Where could an ordinary immortal handle so many magic weapons?

Secondly, Wu Yuan's avatar only attacked and did not defend at all, because he could enter a high-dimensional space at any time, naturally invincible.

"The key."

"Is his mana, the more magic weapons, the stronger the power, logically, the consumption should also be greater." Jintong couldn't figure it out completely.

They collided and fought dozens of times.


Jintong's figure flickered, wanting to flee. He had already realized that he was no match for Wu Yuan's avatar, so naturally, he had to retreat.

And it seemed that Wu Yuan had already sensed this.


Incredibly abrupt, a surging tide swept over, as if there was a giant bell appearing out of thin air, suddenly exploding in Jintong's mind, making his mind dizzy and vaguely distracted.

Soul Secret Technique—Star Seal!

This was secretly deployed by Wu Yuan's refining gas avatar. Attacking a source body of Jintong naturally had a miraculous effect.

In the moment of life and death, Jintong had only one thought—done for!

Subconsciously, he swung his war knife frantically, trying to resist Wu Yuan's subsequent ferocious attacks.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

In the vast sword domain, where there was originally only one sword formation wandering, suddenly two more sword formations appeared out of thin air.

Three great sword formations, three silver lights, swam in the sword domain, like three lightning strikes attacking Jintong.



"Puchi~" Two sword formations were blocked by the almost distracted Jintong, but the last silver light directly severed Jintong's two arms.

The perfect swordsmanship formed by the nine arms suddenly revealed a flaw.

Intense pain made Jintong instantly regain consciousness, and he retreated violently.

"It's impossible!" There was madness in Jintong's eyes as he stared at the three sword formations in the void.

How many high-grade daoist flying swords were there?

An avatar that could manipulate so many powerful magic weapons?


Wu Yuan wouldn't bother explaining to Jintong. His eyes were cold, and under the suppression of the sword domain, Jintong couldn't even escape.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The three sword formations converged into one, traversing the void, causing time and space to become obscure and dim, intertwining continuously.

Puchi~ Puchi~

Flesh and blood splattered.