
338-341 (14.2k)

"That inheritance of space is indeed precious." Dongyang Sword Immortal seemed to perceive Wu Yuan's confusion and smiled, "Looking across the entire realm, only your Master can easily take it out; other sovereigns would find it challenging."

"Moreover, my disciple, you must understand a saying: the Dao should not be lightly transmitted."

"Granting the Dao is also a form of karma; the more powerful the technique taught, the more formidable the karmic backlash. Therefore, even the Witch Sovereign, over countless years, would rarely take disciples."

"Like your Master, seemingly accepting many disciples, but on average, he only accepts one every few tens of thousands of years."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

"However, even though this inheritance is precious, how many of us second-generation disciples truly break through it? Yang Sword Immortal sighed, "Being able to control a mid-level law of space is rare enough."

"The core is still oneself."

"And the Fire God's Brew is an extremely precious exotic treasure, useful even for sovereigns, let alone us. For you, it's truly a priceless treasure that can't be measured with divine crystals."

"Even if you take a little, it will subtly bring about a considerable transformation."

"When you go to the Linxian Pavilion, work hard and don't disappoint your Master's expectations," Dongyang Sword Immortal said.

"Yes," Wu Yuan nodded solemnly.

He felt the Master's care.

"Junior Brother, let's go see our Master first. We'll have plenty of time to chat with your little disciple later." Fire Cang Star Lord smiled.


"Mingjian, you wait here first. I'll be back after I go for a moment." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled.

Wu Yuan nodded and respectfully waited outside the hall.


Time passed.

Wu Yuan did not have to wait too long. In less than a quarter of an hour, Fire Cang Star Lord and Dongyang Sword Immortal flew out of the hall.

As soon as the two of them stepped out of the hall.

"Junior Brother, this journey is perilous. I wish you every success. After you return, come to the Fire Cang Territory, and we'll celebrate with a drink." Fire Cang Star Lord bowed first.

"Borrowing Senior Brother's good words." Dongyang Sword Immortal nodded heavily.

"Nephew, work hard. When you leave the Northern Profound Realm, if you need anything, you can find me through the Hengyang Immortal Realm." Fire Cang Star Lord grinned.

"Yes." Wu Yuan nodded vaguely.

Swoosh! Fire Cang Star Lord directly transformed into a stream of light, quickly disappearing into the void.

"Master." Wu Yuan looked at Dongyang Sword Immortal.

"There are some things, Master will tell you later. Follow Master to a place first." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled, "To enter the Hengyang Immortal Realm, I've already told you the specific coordinates. Just come over."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly, and a strand of his thoughts had already descended into the Hengyang Immortal Realm.

Not long after.

In the Hengyang Immortal Realm, in the Bai Cang Dimension, a vast and special space, spanning thousands of miles, Wu Yuan and Dongyang Sword Immortal suddenly appeared. With a sweep of his gaze, he had already seen the entire space, with halls and pavilions.

"Master, where is this?" Wu Yuan was puzzled.

"This is a space specially opened by my Dragon Star Immortal Sect in the Hengyang Immortal Realm, accessible only to immortals." Dongyang Sword Immortal said softly, "However, in the future, you will also be able to come here."

"Me? Dragon Star Immortal Sect?" Wu Yuan vaguely understood something.

"Now, follow me to meet two people." Dongyang Sword Immortal said, taking Wu Yuan and quickly heading towards the deepest part of this space.

Here is a pavilion.

Two figures have been waiting here. One of them, wearing a red robe, is quite familiar to Wu Yuan—Wu Zhangjiao!

The other figure, in a blue robe, with a slightly aged face, has two horns on his head, and his aura is extraordinary.

Far above Wu Zhangjiao.

"Zhangjiao, Ancestor." Dongyang Sword Immortal spoke, and the identities of the two people did not exceed Wu Yuan's expectations.


"Dongyang is here." Wu Zhangjiao and the old man in the blue robe stood up when they saw Dongyang Sword Immortal and Wu Yuan.

"This is my disciple, Li Xia, also known as Mingjian, who broke the record for killing low-level witch immortals on the battlefield." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled.

"Li Xia, greetings, Zhangjiao, greetings, Ancestor." Wu Yuan bowed one by one.

Wu Zhangjiao, however, flashed, avoiding this salute.

The old man in the blue robe also made a half bow.

"Dongyang has returned to the sect, and Li Xia has been recognized by the sect, becoming a third-generation disciple. His status is high, not inferior to mine. No need for a salute," the old man in the blue robe said with a smile. "You can just call me 'Longxing.'"

He is the founder of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect, 'Longxing Tianxian'.

He also has the strength of a Star Lord.

"Absolutely not." Dongyang Sword Immortal repeatedly said, "Regardless of Li Xia's talent and strength, he has always been a member of the sect. The ceremony should not be abandoned."

The old man in the blue robe smiled helplessly.

Wu Yuan stood aside and could see that the Master's position within the Dragon Star Immortal Sect was extremely high, equivalent to the Ancestor.


Dongyang Sword Immortal continued, "Li Xia, who is still practicing in the Northern Profound Realm, will definitely return to the sect after his practice is successful. When that time comes, if he behaves differently, you can give him some advice."

"Advice is unnecessary; I will do my best to help him." Longxing Tianxian smiled.


"Li Xia's identity needs to be temporarily concealed. This matter will trouble you." Dongyang Sword Immortal said.

"Haha, rest assured." Wu Zhangjiao smiled. He looked at Wu Yuan and said, "Li Xia, from now on, you are a special elder of the sect, positioned above all elders. If there is anything the sect can help you with, let me know."

Special elder? Wu Yuan nodded slightly, not paying much attention. It was just an elder position, nothing special.

He understood the Master's meaning. Although his strength was weak, in terms of status and potential, he had already reached the highest level of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect.

Time passed.

The two sides gradually became acquainted, and Wu Yuan also established contact with Wu Zhangjiao and Longxing Tianxian.

In the immortal realm, the four chatted.

On the Northern Profound Mountain Range,

Swoosh! Dongyang Sword Immortal was riding on a cloud, flying leisurely over the Northern Profound Mountain Range with Wu Yuan.

"Longxing Tianxian has the strength of a Star Lord, but he was originally a casual cultivator. Due to a lack of background, he has always kept a low profile. His straightforward temperament often leads him to roam in other immortal countries and even some dangerous places." Dongyang Sword Immortal told Wu Yuan, "His reputation is not prominent."

Wu Yuan nodded lightly. Having the strength of a Star Lord, he didn't occupy a vast territory.

Indeed, he kept a low profile.

"As for Wu Zhangjiao, he is very young but has already reached the level of a Four Tribulations Immortal. He is considered the most hopeful candidate to become an Immortal in this generation of the sect." Dongyang Sword Immortal said, "Introducing you to them is a responsibility I am imposing on you."

"I hope you don't blame me."

Wu Yuan was slightly stunned.


"Back then, I didn't intend to take in disciples, but by coincidence, I took notice of you."

"Your growth rate also made me happy." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled, "Originally, I thought it would take you over a thousand years to grow, but now it seems that I don't need to guide you anymore."

"Master, I should go find my own path."

Wu Yuan listened.

"Master is about to leave the Qingling Realm and go to an extremely distant boundary to explore." Dongyang Sword Immortal looked at Wu Yuan and sighed, "There, the danger is great, and the probability of falling is extremely high."

"Leaving the Qingling Realm?" Wu Yuan was surprised and couldn't help asking, "Master, why not go after crossing the tribulation?"

In Wu Yuan's opinion,

With the strength of Master Dongyang, crossing the Ninth Immortal Tribulation is likely to be easy. By then, he might even have a chance to become a Star Lord.

At that time, his strength would significantly increase.

"After crossing the tribulation, it will be difficult to comprehend the complete Law of Life."

"I believe you understand this principle."

Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled, "If I follow the conventional cultivation path, it would be impossible for me to comprehend the way of life before the limit of a million years. Once I cross the tribulation, breaking through becomes even more elusive."

Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

Understanding the seventh layer of the Life Dao is already remarkable for an upper immortal, and it sounds not far from the ninth layer.

But breaking through one layer? It's uncertain how much time it would take, let alone the final step.

Looking at the vast universe, many Star Lords were once extraordinary geniuses when they were young, almost at the level of Jiang Huan. Yet, how many of them managed to break free and become Sovereigns?

"This is my last attempt."

"If successful, I may comprehend the way of life. If I fail, I might fall." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled, "For a million years, I have risen step by step from obscurity, lived freely, and sometimes went against the will of the master, but I have always focused on my own path without regrets."

"Previously, the only thing that troubled me was you and the sect."

"Now that I am not worried about you, only the sect remains."

"I don't expect you to have the same feelings for the sect as I do. I just hope that if one day the sect faces a great disaster, you can lend a hand."

"Yes, disciple remembers." Wu Yuan nodded solemnly.

He could sense a hint of 'last words' in Master Dongyang's words.

He was deeply grateful to Dongyang Sword Immortal. Without his guidance, he wouldn't have grown so rapidly.

"Back then, I promised to give you a precious treasure, and now it's time to give it to you." Dongyang Sword Immortal flipped his palm.

In his palm appeared a black ruler, about an inch tall, with countless crack patterns on its surface.

At first glance, it seemed ordinary.

But with a slight sense, one could feel the rich spatial fluctuations emanating from the black ruler, causing the surrounding space to tremble faintly.

"This item is called 'Fissure Void Ruler.'"

"It's the most precious treasure I've gained during my solitary adventures over the years. As long as you have some understanding of spatial fluctuations, you can initially activate it. It's considered a life-saving treasure and can also be used for attacks. It's a special immortal tool."

"Like the 'Void Divine Talisman' I gave you before, it is, in a sense, a weakened 'one-time Fissure Void Ruler.'"

"In the future, you can slowly comprehend it."

"Although it doesn't have a rank, in terms of value, it should be considered a top-grade immortal tool." Dongyang Sword Immortal reminded, "The Star Lords may not appreciate it, but its special effects will definitely make countless Immortals and Star Lords envious. So, don't reveal it easily."

A top-grade immortal tool?

Is the Void Divine Talisman just a simplified 'one-time Fissure Void Ruler'?

As far as Wu Yuan knows, the Void Divine Talisman is worth at least several hundred divine crystals and is a one-time use item, a life-saving measure for many Earth Immortals and Earth Witches.

Wu Yuan stared at the 'Fissure Void Ruler,' thinking that in terms of value, it was probably not inferior to the 'Wondrous Wood Dao Treasure.'

Perhaps even more precious.

"Master, this treasure is so valuable, don't you need it?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but say, "If you need it, there's no need to give it to the disciple."

"Before, it had some use for me, but this time, your master has received other treasures from your master, and I no longer need the Fissure Void Ruler." Dongyang Sword Immortal suddenly stopped and pointed to a vast courtyard in the distance, "We've arrived at the Linxian Pavilion."

"Disciple, this is all I can help you with."

"In the future, you'll have to rely on yourself." Dongyang Sword Immortal smiled, his eyes filled with indulgence and reluctance.

In the last decades before his departure, he accepted disciples.

In his eyes, Wu Yuan was like a disciple, and yet like his own child.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so dedicated.

"Master, take care." Wu Yuan's eyes were slightly red as he knelt down.

"Haha, foolish child, as a man, there's no need to act like a child." Dongyang Sword Immortal laughed, "Work hard."

"In time, the two of us, master and disciple, will both be Sword Sovereigns. That would be a great story for the entire universe."

Having said that, Dongyang Sword Immortal took a step forward and drifted away, silently disappearing from Wu Yuan's sight.

"Farewell to Master." Wu Yuan knelt down.


After a long time.

Wu Yuan finally stood up. His heart had returned to tranquility. "Master, you have to find your own path."

"As for me, I have to walk my own path as well."


Wu Yuan headed towards the vast courtyard in the distant mountains.

A master and disciple part ways, uncertain when they will meet again.

"Is this the Linxian Pavilion?" Wu Yuan arrived in front of the enormous courtyard, which seemed to span more than a few hundred miles.

The surroundings were picturesque.

The entire Northern Gloomy Mountains were so rich in spiritual energy that it reached its peak.

Wu Yuan could see that the trees around the courtyard, random weeds, and small saplings were considered divine plants and immortal flowers outside.

Inside the courtyard,

"Haha, I suppose you're 'Mingjian Shizhi.'" A gentle voice sounded, followed by a streak of light.

A chubby middle-aged man, adorned with jewels, had appeared at the courtyard gate.

His eyes were small.

His smile was amiable.

At first glance, he seemed like a cunning and wealthy merchant in the mortal world, but strangely, he gave off a sense of friendliness.

"Senior is?" Wu Yuan bowed.

"I am a disciple of Xianjun, Gu Lai Xingjun. You are Dongyang Shidi's disciple, you can call me Gu Lai Shibo." The chubby middle-aged man smiled, "I don't like to explore the outside world. I've been stationed in the Northern Gloomy Realm for a long time, so I was ordered by Xianjun to come and manage the Linxian Pavilion."

"Mingjian, greetings Shibo." Wu Yuan respectfully said.

Truly an Immortal Monarch, even a casually appearing disciple is at the Star Lord level.

But from another perspective,

Unless you are a Star Lord, you are unlikely to attract the attention of an Immortal Monarch.

"Well, come with me." Gu Lai Xingjun said, and an invisible force enveloped Wu Yuan.

The two walked into the enormous courtyard, one after the other.

And as they entered the courtyard,

"Hmm?" Wu Yuan's pupils slightly contracted, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Do you feel it?" Gu Lai Xingjun smiled, "This Linxian Pavilion is where Xianjun set up special restrictions. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful your magic is, no matter how strong your body is, as long as you are not an immortal, you will be subject to invisible restraints. You can only mobilize the power of the first layer of the Golden Core, and your life force will also be suppressed."

"Similarly, no matter how high your comprehension of other Dao is, unless you fully comprehend an intermediate-level law, even if you comprehend a lower-level law, you won't be able to exert it here."

"Here, you can only sense and mobilize the laws of space." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

Wu Yuan nodded slightly, secretly amazed.

Indeed, an Immortal Monarch!

The restrictions set up have such extraordinary effects. Truly, inside the Linxian Pavilion, it's impossible to perceive any comprehension of the Dao.

It's as if all paths are non-existent.

Only the fluctuations of spatial laws can still be sensed, and the clarity of this perception seems to be higher than the outside world.

"Follow me and I'll tell you about the various places in the Linxian Pavilion." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

Wu Yuan nodded.

The two walked towards the courtyard, circumnavigating for several miles, and there appeared individual courtyards.

A total of thousands of separate courtyards, each courtyard not considered large.

"In courtyards where restrictions appear, it means there is an owner, and you cannot enter." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

"Are there others?" Wu Yuan was surprised.

"Of course, the Linxian Pavilion is a sacred place for my Northern Gloomy lineage. Those with good talent in the Dao of Space can be sent here. Here, in the entire universe, it's regarded as the first sacred place for comprehending the laws of space." Gu Lai Xingjun smiled, "If the progress is too small, you will be expelled after practicing for a few hundred years. If the progress is significant, perhaps you will be received by Xianjun."

Wu Yuan nodded lightly, so that's how it is.

This is the entire Northern Gloomy Immortal Monarch lineage. How many disciples do they have? It seems that quite a few cultivators sent here are good at comprehending the laws of space.

This also indicates,

The Northern Gloomy lineage is indeed different from the entire Hengyang Immortal Realm and seems to exist on the outskirts of the Immortal Realm core.

Like disciples of Kuachi Wujun, they directly enter the original Wujie for cultivation.

"Choose a courtyard yourself later. As for the Huoshen Jian Brewing, I will deliver it to you on time." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

"Thank you, Shibo." Wu Yuan said repeatedly.

He could see that the relationship between Huocang Xingjun and his master was excellent, to the point that his master entrusted him to Huocang Xingjun.

But this Gu Lai Xingjun? It's not certain, so he naturally has to be respectful and not disrespectful.

"Follow me," Gu Lai Xingjun said, swiftly leading Wu Yuan through numerous courtyards and a few large buildings.

Eventually, they arrived at a square with a diameter exceeding ten li.

On the square stood a massive stone stele with countless mysterious patterns faintly emerging and flowing on its surface.

Around the square, a large group of cultivators had gathered, each seated in meditation with crossed legs.

Easily over a thousand of them.

These cultivators had diverse appearances; some wore white robes, some wore black robes, some looked young, some looked old, and there were even some obviously transformed from demonic beasts.

However, being within the Linxian Pavilion, everyone's life force and even their divine pressures were restrained.


Wu Yuan was not aware of the specific cultivations of these practitioners; he could only vaguely sense that the majority seemed to be Immortals.

"Nephew, do you know why my Linxian Pavilion dares to claim the title of the first enlightening sacred ground for the spatial laws in the entire realm?" Gu Lai Xingjun smiled.

Wu Yuan shook his head involuntarily.

"It's because of that stele, named the 'Heaven and Earth Divine Stele,' laid down by the Immortal Monarch with great divine powers," Gu Lai Xingjun smiled, "Contemplating this divine stele will receive an invisible guidance. The stronger your comprehension of spatial laws, the more potent its guiding effect. It can speed up your cultivation much faster than self-practice."

"Many cultivators come here to cultivate for thousands of years, which is equivalent to comprehending spatial laws for tens of thousands of years in the outside world."

"So magical?" Wu Yuan was astonished.

It's so heaven-defying?

"Shibo, doesn't this mean that many Celestial and Star Monarchs can quickly comprehend and become Spatial Star Monarchs?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Lai Xingjun shook his head and laughed, "Although the Heaven and Earth Divine Stele is heaven-defying, it's not that exaggerated."

"It has two major drawbacks."

"First, the longer you contemplate it, the weaker the guiding effect becomes, ideally only for the initial thousands of years."

"Second, it can only guide you to comprehend basic spatial laws. For the fusion of laws, you have to rely on yourself."

"To comprehend an intermediate-level law, or even to comprehend a complete higher-level law, you must break through the bottleneck by yourself. External aids are of little help," Gu Lai Xingjun sighed.

Wu Yuan nodded lightly.

To comprehend an intermediate-level law and become a Star Monarch seems easy, but if it were that simple, the White Cang Immortal Nation would not have only thirteen Star Monarchs over countless years.

Comprehending higher-level laws is even more challenging.

Whether it's the Shizun or Shizu of Beiyu, who hasn't recruited a bunch of peerless geniuses, but so far, not one has become a sovereign.

"Nephew, approach the Heaven and Earth Divine Stele and leave your mark of life."

"Doing so, the divine stele will guide your comprehension based on your understanding of spatial laws. The stronger your comprehension, the more potent its guidance will be, different for each individual," Gu Lai Xingjun said. "Yes," Wu Yuan nodded.


Wu Yuan swiftly moved along the passageways between the rows of jade platforms, flying towards the Heaven and Earth Divine Stele, gradually approaching.

Seeing him approaching the stele, many cultivators who were contemplating couldn't help but open their eyes and look at him.

"Who is he?"

"Haven't seen him before. Today doesn't seem to be the day for welcoming new disciples. Could it be that he has outstanding talent and was individually brought in?"

"He was personally led here by Gu Lai Xingjun. His background is probably not to be underestimated."

"What do you think his level of deduction might be?"

"I don't know, but being brought here by a Star Monarch, he should be at least at the seventh or eighth level." Many cultivators secretly communicated with each other.

Most of them were from the Beiyu lineage, so they were quite familiar with each other.

They deliberately formed relationships with each other.

Many people were watching Wu Yuan.

Of course, due to the invisible suppression in the Linxian Pavilion, these cultivators couldn't judge Wu Yuan's specific cultivation.


As he approached, Wu Yuan quickly felt an invisible pressure, involuntarily stopping his steps.

The divine stele was about ten meters high.

He stopped about sixty meters away from the stele, surpassing the nearest cultivator's quiet meditation jade platform.

"Impress your spiritual mark?" Wu Yuan gently closed his eyes.

The divine consciousness flew out and quickly attached to the Heaven and Earth Divine Stele. As soon as it attached, an invisible force instantly pulled Wu Yuan into a mysterious place.


Wu Yuan only felt a flash of his vision, and this strand of consciousness had already arrived in a dim and void world, where all directions were nothingness.

Only a passage about a hundred miles wide extended to a very distant place.

"What is this?" Wu Yuan was surprised. Wasn't he supposed to imprint his spiritual mark on the stele? Where is this?

"With a strand of consciousness, control your combat body, kill enemies. Here, you can only manipulate spatial laws," a somewhat indifferent voice sounded in Wu Yuan's ear.

Immediately after,

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! In the distant passage, countless mists appeared out of thin air. Soon, a large number of mists condensed into sturdy figures, each wielding different weapons, roaring with overwhelming murderous intent.

"Is this a test? Similar to the Master's Hall?" Wu Yuan instantly realized where he was.

The difference is that the Master's Hall is a real battle, without restrictions on any comprehension of the laws.

Here, consciousness descends, and only the mysteries of space can be utilized.

"The power of my body is at the Golden Core first level?" Wu Yuan thought to himself, without hesitation, his mind moved.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Dozens of ordinary flying swords appeared not far away, swirling around Wu Yuan.

He could only manipulate just over fifty ordinary flying swords.

"Even the power of the divine soul is restricted?" Wu Yuan shook his head slightly.

He realized that this place only tested the comprehension of spatial laws.

"Kill!" Wu Yuan urged more than fifty flying swords, but with his shallow understanding of spatial laws, he couldn't form a sword formation.

He could only recklessly attack.

Directly confronting the first burly warrior formed by the mist, the opponent roared and swung the warhammer in his hand.


"Peng~" With just two hammer strikes, a large portion of Wu Yuan's flying swords were blasted away.

"Whoosh~" A flying sword swiftly cut across the burly warrior's neck, but it only cut halfway through.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but widen his eyes.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! More burly warriors rushed forward, each astonishingly fast, and their body movements were exquisite.

As if coming along the traces of the space, almost instantly, they surrounded Wu Yuan.


A gleam of light swept by, brutally cutting through Wu Yuan's body. With a single slash, Wu Yuan's body instantly collapsed...


On the square of the Heaven and Earth Divine Stele.

Wu Yuan opened his eyes and shook his head with a bitter smile.

It wasn't that these burly warriors were too strong, but he was too weak in the realm of spatial laws.

If we really talk about it, he has just stepped into the threshold of the dimension of space.


"Only the first level?"

"So weak? This is equivalent to just entering the path of spatial laws."

"With such a comprehension of the laws, can you still enter the Linxian Pavilion for cultivation?"

"Or was he personally led here by Gu Lai Xingjun?"

"Could it be that the Star Lord is acting privately..." The many cultivators meditating on the square were in an uproar, murmuring to themselves.

They all saw the information revealed beside the divine stele.

You should know that those who can be sent here mostly have achievements in spatial laws and manifested talents.

Otherwise, they wouldn't qualify to come here.

Even among the disciples of the North Dark Sect, the cultivation spots in the Linxian Pavilion are extremely precious.

Ordinary Heavenly Immortal Star Lords find it difficult to obtain one for their disciples.


However, Gu Lai Xingjun shouted.

Then, he swiftly appeared next to Wu Yuan, his gaze sweeping over the thousands of cultivators on the square who were secretly discussing.

How terrifying is the gaze of a Star Lord?

All the cultivators suddenly fell silent.

"Listen carefully."

"This person, called Ming Jian, is a third-generation disciple, and he is a third-generation disciple recognized by the Immortal Lord." Gu Lai Xingjun's expression was indifferent.

"If you don't know his name and deeds, go and find out first."

"He is in the Purple Mansion Realm and has been cultivating for less than a hundred years." Gu Lai Xingjun said indifferently. "If any of you think your talent surpasses Ming Jian's and are dissatisfied, you can come to me."


Purple Mansion Realm? Less than a hundred years of cultivation? With just two sentences, the thousands of cultivators here showed shocked expressions.

Even those who had not heard of 'Ming Jian' among the cultivators looked at Wu Yuan with changed eyes.

ps: A chapter of tens of thousands of words, three in one.

Except for the guaranteed two chapters, there will be an additional 4,000 monthly votes for 2/6.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 339: Fifteen Years of Growth (40,000 Monthly Votes, Extra Update)

On the square of the Qiankun Divine Stele.

Thousands of cultivators looked at Wu Yuan in utter shock.

Just a few moments ago, they looked down on Wu Yuan because they assumed he was a Di Xian, or even a Shang Xian!

But now? Everything had changed.

A Purple Mansion Realm cultivator who had been cultivating for a hundred years, just touching upon the path of spatial laws, appeared to be only at the weakest first level, yet it still represented incredible talent.

At least.

Among the thousands of cultivators present, ninety-nine percent were immortals at the Refining Void Sacred Domain level, not exceeding ten at the Purple Mansion Realm.

As for the Purple Mansion Realm? There wasn't a single one.

You should know that these thousands of cultivators were considered outstanding in the vast world, possessing exceptional talents in the path of spatial laws.


"Ming Jian." Gu Lai Xingjun nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Wu Yuan with a smile. "Continue to follow me, and I'll introduce you to other places."

Wu Yuan nodded.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The two of them left the square, heading deeper into the Linxian Pavilion. It was only then that a low discussion started on the square.

"Is he Ming Jian?"

"I haven't heard of him."

"I seem to have heard of him. It's said that he is invincible on the low-level immortal war battlefield, almost possessing the strength of a Di Xian. It's just that he's from our North Dark Sect."

"It is said that he is recognized as one of the top ten geniuses beneath the entire Great Realm among Heavenly Immortals."

"It's him!"

"He has only been cultivating for a hundred years. Truly terrifying." These thousands of cultivators communicated through voice transmissions, letting those who had not heard of 'Ming Jian' quickly understand.

They all understood who Wu Yuan was.

Moreover, even if they didn't know Wu Yuan's deeds, just the phrase 'a third-generation disciple recognized by the Immortal Lord' made these disciples of the North Dark Sect extremely respectful.

Endless years.

There were countless disciples in the North Dark Sect, and tens of thousands of Heavenly Immortals were born. Among those who could be recognized by the Immortal Lord and ranked in the sect, less than a thousand were still alive today, excluding those who had fallen.

It can be said.

At this moment, in the eyes of these thousands of cultivators, although Wu Yuan was only at the Purple Mansion Realm, his status was high enough to rival a Star Lord, or even higher.


"Junior, don't mind too much."

"The divine stele test only examines the comprehension of spatial laws. You stayed on the first level because you just entered the door."

"At your age, being able to step into the realm of spatial laws is already extremely impressive."

Gu Lai Xingjun smiled and said, "I have managed the Linxian Pavilion for tens of millions of years. Only less than ten people at the Purple Mansion Realm have been sent here, and you, Junior, are the youngest among them."

"Also, the only third-generation disciple."

"Of the other Purple Mansion Realm cultivators sent here, most of them were eventually accepted as disciples by the master." Gu Lai Xingjun patted his belly with a smile.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"Normally, disciples who come to cultivate in the Linxian Pavilion are usually Di Xian or even Shang Xian. The vast majority have cultivated for thousands or even tens of thousands of years." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

"Aren't there any who have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years?" Wu Yuan asked curiously.

"Not now."

Gu Lai Xingjun shook his head. "Generally speaking, when one reaches the Dividing Spirit and Forming Manifestation realm, they will reveal talent in the path of spatial laws... gradually be selected and sent to the Linxian Pavilion. The maximum time allowed for cultivation in the Linxian Pavilion is three thousand years."

"Cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years and then revealing talent in the path of spatial laws before being sent here? This situation is almost nonexistent."

Wu Yuan nodded understandingly. "Senior, how many levels are there at most in the divine stele test?"

"The divine stele test has a total of forty levels," Gu Lai Xingjun said. "To pass the tenth level, you must comprehend any lower-level law to the Ninth Realm.

"To pass the twentieth level, you must comprehend a lower-level law to the Ninth True Meaning.

"To pass the thirtieth level, you must comprehend a lower-level law to the Ninth Domain.

"To pass the thirty-first level, you must fully comprehend one lower-level law.

"To pass the fortieth level, you must master a complete middle-level law."

Wu Yuan nodded lightly.

The tests of various major forces were similar in essence.

This divine stele test and the 'Witch God Tower' test in the Witch Realm were alike, with comparable difficulty levels for the same layers.

The biggest difference was that the divine stele test in the Linxian Pavilion could only use spatial laws.

"The divine stele test has two major advantages. First, it's practical. Your opponents will fight you based on your comprehension of the laws, helping you better compensate for your weaknesses and progress faster," Gu Lai Xingjun said. "Second, the higher you go, the better the rewards when you leave the Linxian Pavilion."

"Rewards?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself, realizing that no one had mentioned this to him.

But at least he had to wait for three thousand years.

"Senior, among the cultivators here, how many layers can they usually pass in the divine stele test?" Wu Yuan asked.

"Most can pass ten layers, and those who can pass twenty layers are few. After all, they've only been cultivating for thousands of years." Gu Lai Xingjun said.

"That low?" Wu Yuan was a bit puzzled.

Extraordinary geniuses in the Second Origin Witch Realm, after cultivating for thousands of years, could usually pass the Witch God Tower's twenty-seventh layer. Even senior disciples like Chang Hong had passed the thirtieth layer.


"The difficulty of comprehending spatial laws is extremely high, and its power is terrifyingly formidable. Otherwise, there wouldn't be only one Spatial Lord in the entire Great Realm, the Immortal Lord." Gu Lai Xingjun chuckled. "Of course, extraordinary talents like Junior, who could comprehend a middle-level spatial law after cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years, might also have a chance."

Wu Yuan nodded lightly, understanding the situation.


Passing through continuous buildings.

Finally, Wu Yuan followed Gu Lai Xingjun to another square, where numerous giant stone walls stood. With Wu Yuan's vision and insight, he quickly discerned that these were not ordinary stone walls but an extremely precious ore, probably one of the materials for forging immortal treasures.

Just these stone walls alone were priceless.

However, what truly caught Wu Yuan's attention were the countless secret patterns engraved on each stone wall. Each one seemed profound and mysterious.

Over a thousand stone walls.

Arranged in order.

There were also several hundred cultivators in this square.

Wu Yuan and Gu Lai Xingjun did not approach, naturally not attracting much attention.

"Here is the second treasure of the Linxian Pavilion, 'Spatial Law Ground,' excluding the 'Qiankun Divine Stele'," Gu Lai Xingjun pointed to the stone walls and said, "Junior, observe carefully and see if you can spot the differences."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but look at these stone walls.

Although his understanding of spatial laws was still shallow, the comprehension of various paths and laws was interconnected. With Wu Yuan's comprehension, comparable to that of a high-level immortal, he could still perceive some clues.


"Each stone wall seems to be engraved with a spatial secret technique," Wu Yuan thought, "and the deeper you go, the higher the difficulty appears to be."

In the initial observation phase of some stone walls, Wu Yuan found them profound.

The further he looked, observing from a distance, the more uneasy Wu Yuan felt. He became somewhat dizzy. Clearly, the depth of these stone walls exceeded his imagination.

Meanwhile, the majority of those observing the stele were in the front half of the area.

"You're right," Gu Lai Xingjun said. "These secret pattern stone walls are divided into three stages. The first stage has three hundred and thirty stone walls, all explaining the six lower-level laws related to space."

"The second stage has one hundred and sixty-five stone walls, explaining three middle-level laws related to the mysteries of space."

"The third stage has fifty-five stone walls, each explaining the complete application of the way of space."

"Each stone wall contains secrets personally collected or created by the Immortal Lord, extremely precious and created with great effort."

"These techniques may not necessarily be good for combat but are extremely suitable for guiding the comprehension of the mysteries of space."

"Although the same comprehension of the Dao, different stone wall techniques are suitable for cultivators with different temperaments and different combat styles."

"You can learn all these stone wall techniques, but don't be greedy. Just find two or three that suit you," Gu Lai Xingjun reminded.

Wu Yuan nodded.

He understood the principle of not biting off more than one could chew, especially considering that many of these techniques were not intended for combat but rather for guiding enlightenment.

"Through the guidance of the Qiankun Divine Stele, combined with learning the stone wall techniques and the special environment conducive to comprehending the ways of space in the Linxian Pavilion," Gu Lai Xingjun said.

"In the end, it makes the Linxian Pavilion one of the sacred places for cultivation in the Great Realm."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly, marveling inwardly.

Indeed, it was well worth it for an Immortal Lord to arrange such a great combination, maximizing the progress of disciples' cultivation.

"Junior, I've introduced you to the main places for cultivation in the Linxian Pavilion. For other details, I'll provide you with a Divine Virtual Immortal Guide through the Immortal Realm for your perusal. Inform me once you've chosen a mansion."

"In the future, I'll send you a 'Fire God's Nectar' every month, a hundred times in total, to assist you in cultivation."

"Every month?" Wu Yuan was surprised. "Wasn't it just one?"

He wouldn't have misunderstood the Immortal Lord's words.

"Haha, that's one according to the Immortal Lord, but do you think you can digest its effects now?" Gu Lai Xingjun shook his head. "It needs to be divided into a hundred portions for you to slowly take, gradually transforming your body and spirit."

"Slow digestion will yield better results."

Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

"Junior, the Immortal Lord holds you in high regard. Don't disappoint him. I'll take my leave now," Gu Lai Xingjun said with a smile.

"Thank you, Senior." Wu Yuan respectfully expressed his gratitude.

Gu Lai Xingjun nodded and quickly left.

In normal circumstances, receiving disciples once every hundred years was usually handled by several celestial beings.

As a Star Lord, he wouldn't have come to receive a third-generation disciple without the explicit notification from the North Silent Immortal Lord.


Watching Gu Lai Xingjun depart, Wu Yuan quickly read the Divine Virtual Immortal Guide in the Immortal Realm, gaining a further understanding of the entire Linxian Pavilion. Afterward, he chose a mansion.

Inside the mansion, it was quite spacious.

Except for the lack of servants, it was almost no different from the original Witch Realm. The quiet room had an astonishing effect on cultivating the Jade Platform Technique.

In the Hengyang Immortal Realm, Wu Yuan became familiar with his new identity.

"Aside from the identity of Li Xiaxia, am I presented as 'Mingjian' in the Hengyang Immortal Realm?" Wu Yuan thought. "Is this arranged by the North Silent Patriarch?"

Mingjian is Li Xia, although various forces have speculated.

But no one has confirmed.

Even within the North Silent lineage, only a few Star Lords know about it. The only identity revealed to the public is Mingjian.

"Well, this way, I can completely use the identity of 'Mingjian' to go through the Seven Stars Tower in the Hengyang Immortal Realm." Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Of course, Wu Yuan didn't plan to go immediately.

"Going now, although I have the confidence to pass the eightieth level."

Wu Yuan thought, "It's just that, besides putting myself in a precarious situation, it doesn't make much sense."

For the Eighty Levels of a Star Tower, one has a chance to pass if they comprehend one lower-level law to the third level of the domain.

As for the ninetieth level? One must comprehend one lower-level law to the sixth level of the domain at least.

One hundred levels? One must comprehend one lower-level law to the ninth level of the domain.

This is why Wu Yuan is highly regarded by the North Silent Immortal Lord.

His degree of talent and monstrous potential already surpasses that of Luo Gu from back then.

"Now, if I focus on comprehending the Dao of the Stars and the Dao of Eternal Life, I have a chance to pass the Ninetieth Level of a Star Tower before the age of one hundred." Wu Yuan thought.

However, it doesn't make much sense.

"In the future."

"Whether it is the path of spatial mastery or the path of life, one must comprehend the true domain of space." Wu Yuan pondered.

Before achieving anything in the path of spatial mastery, the deeper one comprehends two middle-level laws, the harder it will be to integrate them into a complete upper-level law in the future.


For ordinary cultivators, being able to fully comprehend a middle-level law is already extremely pleasing.

After all, among countless geniuses throughout the ages, how many can become Star Lords?

But Wu Yuan is highly regarded by two Immortal Lords and already has top-tier talent, so his goals are naturally set very high.

"Upper-level laws!"

"Dongyang Master, who managed to deduce the path of life to the seventh level of the domain in a short span of a few hundred thousand years, I naturally cannot be weak."

"In the coming years, the Primordial Body, for the time being, will abandon the deduction of the Dao of Eternal Life." Wu Yuan thought.

Being in the Linxian Pavilion, he couldn't comprehend the Dao of Eternal Life anyway.

"The Primordial Body will continue to deduce the 'Mysteries of the Stars' while comprehending the life secrets contained in the 'Silver Light Sphere'."

"Make every effort to merge the comprehension of the true domain, the Dao of Eternal Life, and the Dao of the Stars into one." Wu Yuan thought. "Quickly step into the gateway of the Dao of Life."

"Now, let the Primordial Body accept the inheritance of the 'Book of the True Domain.'"


In the distant Cangfeng Witch Realm.

In the Fourth Original Witch Realm, it gathered the most elite Purple Mansion and River practitioners in the entire Witch Realm.

Over ten years passed.

Wu Yuan's Primordial Body had long since arrived here, and he had also integrated into the environment here, making friends with many geniuses of the Fourth Original Witch Realm.

His strength, with only the 'Star True Intent Second Level' revealed, had already gained recognition from many members of the Fourth Original Witch Realm. He was widely recognized as a future member of the 'Celestial Rank'.

Inside the Void Continent, within the Origin Tower.

Wu Yuan sat cross-legged in the void, a silver triangular crystal floating above his head.

It was the 'Book of the True Domain.'

At this moment, a large amount of information was continuously entering his mind, all related to the practice guidance of the true domain.

Profound and unpredictable.

At the same time, an invisible spiritual imprint was gradually forming in Wu Yuan's mind.

Days passed.

After the inheritance was complete, the mysterious Book of the True Domain suddenly dissipated.

"The way of the true domain is actually like this." Wu Yuan's Primordial Body had a feeling of sudden enlightenment in his eyes.

Having received the "General Outline of the Laws of Space" bestowed by the North Silent Immortal Lord, as well as the "Canon of the True Domain," Wu Yuan already had enough understanding of how to comprehend the 'Laws of Space,' especially the true domain laws.

"The laws of space include three major middle-level laws: Rift Space, Qiankun, and the True Domain." Wu Yuan silently pondered. "The path of Rift Space is best at attacks and is also called spatial tearing. It's known as one of the most terrifying middle-level laws for attacks."

"The Dao of Qiankun, also known as the Space Fluctuation, excels in escape. Those like Houqu Star Lord, who are formidable, have mastered the complete Dao of Qiankun."

"The Dao of True Domain, also known as the Spatial Domain, excels in territory and is considered one of the strongest middle-level laws in terms of territory."

The three major middle-level laws of space are all extraordinary, extremely mysterious and powerful in any aspect. Once unified to form a complete Spatial Dao, it naturally surpasses other upper-level laws in a vaguely terrifying manner.

"The three major middle-level laws are also formed by the mutual integration of six lower-level laws." Wu Yuan thought.

The six lower-level laws belonging to space are: Traces of Space, Dimensional Blade, Spatial Dimension, Space Tide, Void Shift, and Spatial Shattering.

For example, the path of Rift Space is formed by the fusion of Dimensional Blade, Spatial Shattering, and Spatial Dimension.

The path of Qiankun is formed by the fusion of Traces of Space, Void Shift, and Spatial Dimension.

The path of True Domain is formed by the fusion of Traces of Space, Space Tide, and Spatial Dimension.

"The Dao of Qiankun and the Dao of True Domain have many similarities, and the cornerstone of the entire Spatial Dao is the Spatial Dimension." Wu Yuan thought. "Next, the first thing I need to do is deduce the Spatial Dimension."

"Then comprehend other lower-level laws of space."

"Finally, try to integrate and see which path suits me." Wu Yuan made a decision.

The Dao of True Domain is a must for those who comprehend the upper-level laws of Space and Life.

But the Dao of Qiankun is also something Wu Yuan eagerly desires. According to the information he knows, if he can control the Dao of Qiankun, even the Immortal Lord would find it extremely difficult to kill him in the vast Great Realm.


With two shared consciousness memories, the Primordial Body obtained the "Canon of the True Domain," which was equivalent to the Qi-Refining Body obtaining it as well.

After careful planning.

Wu Yuan's two Primordial Bodies began a new stage of cultivation, and his progress was extremely fast.

Especially the Qi-Refining Body.

The Divine Soul's perception of the fluctuations in the spatial fragment layer was extremely clear!

With the guidance of the "Canon of the True Domain" and the "General Outline of the Laws of Space," along with the 'Qiankun Divine Stele,' he quickly deduced the Spatial Dimension to a deeper level.

One month later.

In the Linxian Pavilion, the residence of the Qi-Refining Body.

"This is the Nectar of the Fire God." Wu Yuan stared at the liquid before him, resembling flames, and slowly consumed it.

In an instant!

Wu Yuan felt as if his Divine Soul was boiling, and his body seemed to be on the verge of bursting. Mysterious forces were continuously merging into his Divine Soul and body.

"My perception of space is clearer and higher." Wu Yuan quickly sensed this.

Secretly amazed.

Indeed, it was a treasure that even Star Lords coveted.

From the Divine Summary given by Star Lord Gu Lai, Wu Yuan already understood that the Nectar of the Fire God had two main functions.

One is to temporarily enhance the clarity of perception of spatial source fluctuations.

Second is to subtly transform the Divine Soul and body.

"This Nectar of the Fire God is divided into one hundred doses, with each dose lasting for one month, totaling nearly nine years." Wu Yuan thought. "After nine years, even if taken again, the effect will diminish."

"At the same time, the Qiankun Divine Stele, in its guiding role for me, will weaken as time passes."

"Unless there is a transformation of the Divine Soul."

"Otherwise, these nine years will be the fastest progress period for me, and I cannot waste time." Wu Yuan devoted himself entirely to cultivation.

His progress speed.

Indeed, it was terrifyingly fast.

In less than a year.

"The Spatial Dimension, unknowingly, has directly crossed the seventh level of the domain?" Wu Yuan felt somewhat unbelievable.

Even with various aids, this progress speed, if spread out, would still leave countless cultivators dumbfounded.

As Wu Yuan comprehended the Spatial Dimension to this level, he began to attempt understanding other lower-level laws of space. Quickly, he gradually delved into the Paths of Traces of Space, Spatial Dimension, Space Tide, and Void Shift.

The astonishing speed shocked even Wu Yuan himself.

"Could it be that I'm truly naturally suited for the Spatial Dao?" Wu Yuan marveled.

Soon, Wu Yuan encountered difficulties. Understanding the Paths of Dimensional Blade and Spatial Shattering caused a significant decrease in the deducing speed.

"Now, looking at it."

"Among the three middle-level laws of space, the one most suitable for me is the Dao of True Domain, followed by the Dao of Qiankun, and the weakest is the Dao of Rift Space." Wu Yuan thought. He quickly adjusted his focus.

Most of his energy was used to comprehend the Dao of True Domain, with a small portion dedicated to understanding the Dao of Qiankun. The Dao of True Domain and the Dao of Qiankun already had many similarities; he just needed to comprehend the additional Void Shift.

As for the Dao of Rift Space, Wu Yuan directly gave up. Energy was limited!

"At least, I need to wait until I condense the True Intent of True Domain and the True Intent of Qiankun." Wu Yuan already had a plan in mind.

Compared to the uneven quality of the three middle-level laws of space, the three middle-level laws of Life were all top-tier talents.

The choice was unquestionable.

The reason for still choosing to cultivate the Dao of Qiankun was merely because Wu Yuan hoped his escape skills could be stronger. He remembered the advice of Master Dongyang: "No matter the circumstances, preserving your life should always be the top priority!"


In the third year since entering the Linxian Pavilion:

"Mingjian has passed the eleventh level of the Divine Stele test."


"In three years, he went from the first level to the eleventh? What kind of talent is this? He's only in the Purple Mansion Realm." Nearly two thousand cultivators practicing in the Linxian Pavilion were astonished.

The eleventh level represented comprehending a lower-level law to the True Intent level. For other lower-level laws, it might not be much, but comprehending such a difficult spatial law was extraordinary.

In the sixth year since entering the Linxian Pavilion, Wu Yuan once again passed the fourteenth level of the Divine Stele test, causing even greater shock.


In the ninth year since entering the Linxian Pavilion, Wu Yuan directly passed the seventeenth level of the Divine Stele test.

This terrifying rate of progress left not only the cultivators who practiced alongside him dumbfounded but even Star Lord Gu Lai was somewhat surprised.


"Based on my observations, Mingjian has comprehended the Paths of Traces of Space, Spatial Dimension, Space Tide, and Void Shift to the True Intent level." Star Lord Gu Lai said, "Only nine years."

"This kind of progress speed."

"Even if the disciple stays in the Linxian Pavilion for tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, throughout the entire history of the immortal realm, there probably hasn't been such a monstrous disciple."

"Mingjian is undoubtedly a genius in the Spatial Dao who hasn't appeared in the world." Star Lord Gu Lai said.

At the end of the divine temple, the North You Immortal Lord listened quietly.

"No need to worry about him, let him be," said the North You Immortal Lord indifferently. "Inform me when he condenses the True Intent of the middle-level laws."

"Yes," replied Star Lord Gu Lai.


In the Linxian Pavilion, at Wu Yuan's residence.

In the quiet room:

"All four lower-level laws have been deduced to the True Intent first level," Wu Yuan sighed to himself. "However, the synergistic power of the three major lower-level laws is equivalent to the True Intent seventh level of a single lower-level law."

This was just mutual synergy.

Once fused into the True Intent of the middle-level, the power would surge more than tenfold, directly comparable to the first level of a lower-level law's domain.

Law fusion was a way to overcome limitations.

"The foundation is established; now it's time to choose some techniques and attempt law fusion," Wu Yuan left his residence.


Soon, Wu Yuan selected several techniques that harmonized well with himself and gradually practiced them.

After nurturing transformation through the 'Fire God's Brew' and nine years of cultivation, Wu Yuan's primordial spirit further strengthened.

Even without consuming the 'Fire God's Brew,' his clarity in understanding the Spatial Dao remained high.

However, law fusion was indeed much more challenging than comprehending a single lower-level law. Wu Yuan proceeded steadily, firm in his deductions and progress.

And so, time passed like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, six years had gone by.

It had been fifteen years since he entered the Linxian Pavilion.

At this time, Wu Yuan was already eighty-eight years old.

"Less than four years remain until the thirty-year deadline for the Immortality Token. The primordial spirit must prepare to set out," Wu Yuan slowly opened his eyes. "However,"

"Before departing,"

"I need to deal with the heavenly battle in the Fourth Original Witch Realm."

Author's note: Over six thousand words, two chapters in one.

Extra update for reaching 40,000 monthly votes on 3/6, 4/6.

Seeking monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 340: Battle of Heaven and Earth

Having entered the Purple Mansion Mountains and Rivers realm for twenty years, it had also been thirty years since the heavenly battle in the Fifth Original Witch Realm.

The heavenly battles in the Fifth Original Witch Realm occurred every twenty years, relatively frequent compared to the Fourth Original Witch Realm, where the talents from the Purple Mansion Mountains and Rivers realm practiced for a longer time, and thus, the event happened once every fifty years.

"Thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye," Wu Yuan thought to himself. "In another fifty years, I'll be able to step into the Refinement Virtual Saint Domain level."

Compared to other talents in the Original Witch Realms, with the 'God Crystal Source Liquid' bestowed by the master, Wu Yuan could quickly transform to the current Ninth Realm.

However, the transition in life also required sufficient time for suitable digestion; otherwise, it would lead to many hidden dangers, especially in the early stages.

For the Gold Elixir realm, reaching the Ninth Realm required at least ten years of consolidation. In the Purple Mansion Mountains and Rivers realm, reaching the Ninth Realm usually involved staying for a hundred years or, at least, eighty years.

"Once the minimum time is reached, I'll break through quickly," Wu Yuan thought.

Whether in the Original Witch Realms or some geniuses in the Divine Temple, competing for the top rankings and valuable rewards, along with the slower cultivation progress compared to Wu Yuan, most would practice for three to four hundred years at the Purple Mansion Mountains and Rivers level.

For these outstanding talents, it was normal to practice for an extended period to achieve better results.

However, Wu Yuan was not willing to stay longer.

"Primordial spirit, if there's nothing else, continue cultivating and comprehending the Spatial Laws in the Linxian Pavilion," Wu Yuan thought. "Progress in several lower-level Spatial Laws has been substantial."

"I have also successfully entered the realms of True Intent for the domains of Realms and Qiankun," Wu Yuan closed his eyes gently.

With a thought, he sensed the surroundings of the quiet room.

Swish! Swish! Swish! It seemed as if illusions were created out of thin air, a total of fifty-five illusions appeared.

Each illusion appeared extremely realistic.

At least, for an ordinary Purple Mansion Mountains and Rivers cultivator, discerning the true from the false using divine sense alone would be difficult.


Following the disappearance of countless illusions, Wu Yuan had reappeared in a corner of the quiet room. However, if one thought this figure was real...

Pfft~ This figure dissipated like a mirage, and the real Wu Yuan reappeared in the original spot.

Real or illusion, it was overwhelming.

"Dreamlike illusions, overlapping voids," Wu Yuan murmured to himself. "The seventh level of the True Intent in the Realm domain is indeed extraordinary."

That's right.

After deducing the four lower-level Spatial Laws to the first level of True Intent, Wu Yuan had fused the middle-level Spatial Law 'Realm' to the seventh level in just six years.

This progress rate had reached a terrifying level.

At least, many Earthly and Celestial Immortals, even if they cultivated in the Linxian Pavilion for thousands of years, would find it difficult to catch up with Wu Yuan.

Even with various external conditions, it was enough to see how fast Wu Yuan's progress was.

"Triple Qiankun domain," Wu Yuan gently closed his eyes again, feeling numerous peculiar spatial fluctuations in the calm void around.


He took a step forward, as if the world before him flickered, resembling a realm spanning heaven and earth.

Silently and without a trace, he arrived at the entrance of the quiet room.

It was as if he had teleported.

But only Wu Yuan knew that this was just a very superficial application of the 'Qiankun Dao,' not considered profound.

"The Way of Rending Space is still not mastered for now," Wu Yuan shook his head slightly.

Entering the gate of two paths simultaneously for the three middle-level Spatial Laws was already extraordinary for someone of his age.

"With the assistance of the Spatial Dao, although the progress in the Stellar Dao and Longevity Dao is not significant, my strength has increased considerably," Wu Yuan thought to himself.

If he were to face the Qi Condensation Avatar from fifteen years ago again, Wu Yuan was confident he could force it into a desperate situation within a few dozen moves and then kill it.

In terms of body techniques and speed, Wu Yuan had reached an entirely new realm.

"However, in a life-and-death battle, even if facing an existence at the early Earthly Immortal stage, I might still struggle," Wu Yuan pondered to himself.

Fighting across major realms was the most challenging.

Back during the Immortal-Witch Battlefield, Wu Yuan's performance was exceptional, but he was still some distance away from the Earthly Immortal threshold.

Now, with further enlightenment of the Dao, and unleashing his full power, his strength had barely reached the Earthly Immortal threshold.

However, the gap in basic mana was too significant.

"I make faster progress in the True Realm Dao. With normal cultivation, it will take at most a few more decades to condense the true meaning of the True Realm," Wu Yuan contemplated to himself.

Within a hundred years of cultivation in the Linxian Pavilion, meeting the requirements of the North Silent Immortal Lord posed no significant difficulty.

"Once the true meaning of the True Realm is condensed and harmonized with the true meanings of the Stellar Dao and Longevity Dao, the power will be strong enough to rival the seventh level of a lower-level law domain," Wu Yuan thought to himself.

This was only the harmony of Dao.

If a perfect fusion occurred, condensing the true meaning of life, the terrifying power would be comparable to a complete lower-level law domain.

By then, even if Wu Yuan still only had Purple Mansion Realm mana, with Dao insights comparable to the level of a Celestial Immortal, he would be more than capable of dominating among Earthly Immortals.

However, this path was the most challenging.

"The Primordial Body Avatar has strived for over a decade, but until now, it has been unable to step into the threshold of the Dao of Life," Wu Yuan shook his head slightly, feeling somewhat helpless.

When the Qi Condensation Avatar initially progressed rapidly in spatial laws, Wu Yuan had fantasized about quickly mastering it to prove it to Master Kua Chi.

Soon, he realized he had been too optimistic.

The Primordial Body Avatar, while comprehending the Stellar Dao and simultaneously understanding the silver ball of light, sought to unravel the mysteries of the surface layer of the light ball.

Individually, Wu Yuan could recognize one or two silver patterns when dissected, representing insights into one of the three Dao paths: Stellar, Longevity, and True Realm.

However, once fused, like a celestial scripture, Wu Yuan could not understand why and how some of the Dao patterns could merge.

It was akin to learning English in a past life.

Individually recognizing each letter was manageable, but once these letters formed different words, which in turn composed an entire article...

"From three seemingly harmonious middle-level laws, the fusion between them is much more challenging than combining three lower-level laws into one middle-level law, thousands or even tens of thousands of times more difficult," Wu Yuan truly realized the difficulty of this path.

He understood why many powerful cultivators had not treaded this path.

He also realized that Master Kua Chi had not given him three hundred years to enter aimlessly.

This path was difficult!

Terrifyingly difficult.

Most importantly, even if he entered, in the initial stages, his strength probably would not surpass the simultaneous enlightenment and eruption of several profound middle-level laws.

In short, comprehending higher-level laws was extremely difficult to enter, consuming a lot of time, and the strength wasn't immediately apparent after entry.

One needed an extraordinary talent and perseverance to accumulate slowly and break out later.

This path was difficult at first but gradually became smoother as one progressed.

"Not yet an Immortal, with only a lifespan of a million years, many Upper Immortals who comprehend higher-level laws may consume a million years and still find it difficult to understand the true meaning of those laws, let alone overcome the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation," Wu Yuan shook his head slightly. "Without extraordinary talent, one should not embark on this path."

"No need to be in a hurry."

"Step by step, continue to integrate the three lower-level spatial laws, and strive to deduce the True Realm to the level of true meaning."

"By then, with the stacking of the three middle-level true meanings, there may be more opportunities to comprehend the domain of life." Wu Yuan's Qi Condensation Avatar calmed his mind.

He continued his cultivation.

The Qiankun Divine Stele only guided the comprehension of the six lower-level spatial laws, providing limited assistance in the fusion of laws.


While the Qi Condensation Avatar continued meditation.

In the distant Cangfeng Witch Realm, the central 'Original Witch Continent' of the Fourth Original Witch Realm was exceptionally lively today.

Over two hundred thousand members of the Original Witch Realm were gathering, their gazes focused on the hundreds of figures in the distance.


It was the day of the second phase of the new round of the Heavenly Battle.

In the past few dozen days, two hundred pre-selected disciples had been selected from hundreds of thousands of ordinary disciples.

"Seventy-three Earth-ranked members."

"Two hundred pre-selected disciples, a total of two hundred and seventy-three people," a burly man in the void coldly overlooked below.

He was the Star Master in charge of managing the Fourth Original Witch Realm.

Among the two hundred-plus figures below, one inconspicuous figure in a white robe was Wu Yuan.

As a former Heavenly-ranked member of the Fifth Original Witch Realm, after ascending to the Fourth Original Witch Realm, he automatically downgraded to an 'Earth-ranked member.'

Over the past thirty years.

The Qi Condensation Avatar had experienced many ups and downs, undefeated in the low-level Witch-Immortal battlefield, and then entered the Linxian Pavilion for cultivation.

The Primordial Body Avatar had been much more low-key, constantly understanding and practicing various source techniques.

So low-key that many people outside had forgotten the existence of 'Wu Yuan.'

"You all came from the Fifth Original Witch Realm, and you understand the specific rules," the burly man's voice rumbled.

"I'll briefly explain."

"Rotational battles! Winners accumulate one point, losers get zero points, and the one with the highest ranking becomes the new Heavenly-ranked member."

"Those ranked second to one hundred and one become the new Earth-ranked members," the burly man said solemnly.

Like the Fifth Original Witch Realm, the Fourth Original Witch Realm also had only a hundred Earth-ranked member slots.

"You are already aware of the order of the battles."

"Alright, now go and prepare." The burly man issued the order, and at the same time, the distant 'Witch Battle Platform' had already opened.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Wu Yuan and the two hundred-plus people quickly turned into streams of light, rushing into the various battle spaces on the Witch Battle Platform.

The battle space in the Fourth Original Witch Realm was much larger, with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles.

The over two hundred thousand members who came to watch quickly chose their respective spectating targets while discussing.

"Who do you think will win the Heavenly-ranked title this time?"

"Chu Deng, perhaps. In the last Heavenly Battle, he was already second, just a step away from becoming a Heavenly-ranked member."

"Yeah, his comprehension of the Dao has already reached the threefold level of middle-level true meaning, and his foundation is incredibly strong."

"Long Zun also has a chance."

"What about Fairy Xinan? She is a peerless swordsman, and I think she is the most powerful."

Countless disciples of the Original Witch Realm were discussing the dazzling figures in the Fourth Original Witch Realm.

They mostly discussed the prominent figures in the Fourth Original Witch Realm.

These disciples of the Original Witch Realm, for the most part, were usually crazy about cultivation. Unless they went on life-and-death adventures, the Heavenly Battle was a rare event worth paying attention to for them.

The birth of a Heavenly-ranked member was always a spectacle.

"What about Wu Yuan?"

"Did you all forget about him?"

"Thirty years ago, he was only sixty years old when he took the first place in the Fifth Original Witch Realm. It's been thirty years since then. Who knows his strength?" Many disciples mentioned Wu Yuan's name.

Most of them are newly promoted disciples of the Fourth Original Witch Realm, and they have personally witnessed the remarkable feats that Wu Yuan achieved in the past.

"Wu Yuan? I've heard about his strength, the second level of Stellar True Intent. Having such strength before reaching a hundred years old is quite extraordinary. But to seize the Heavenly-ranked title? Difficult!"

"He can't seize it."

"Staying at the Earth-ranked level is fine."

"Wu Yuan's talent is probably the highest in the entire Original Witch Realm, but he's too young. It might take at least two more rounds before he has a chance, at least until the next round."

"Breaking through from the second level of middle-level true intent to the third level is not that easy," countless disciples whispered.

They did not deny Wu Yuan's talent.

Even if they hadn't witnessed it themselves, they had heard about it.

However, Wu Yuan, who had not cultivated for a hundred years, competing with a group of geniuses who had cultivated for three to four hundred years? In their eyes, the probability of winning was too low.

You should know that the top geniuses of the Fourth Original Witch Realm, about twenty of them, had reached the level of threefold middle-level true intent.

While these disciples were exchanging information, the first round of battles in the fighting space had already erupted.

...The first round of battles, short ones lasting a dozen breaths or long ones lasting a quarter of an hour, all ended one after another.

"Sure enough, Chu Deng is dominant. The Water-Fire Staff in his hand is truly terrifying, like a long spear that seems to pierce through space."

"Long Zun's giant hammer is also terrifying."

"Xi Nan Fairy's swordsmanship is still peerlessly beautiful. I feel like I'm about to be enchanted; it's so beautiful."

"Long..." Under the eyes of hundreds of thousands of disciples watching, more than ten outstanding geniuses, who had attracted attention, each showed their brilliance.

Most geniuses of the Original Witch Realm enjoyed combat, so their strength was usually public.

"Wu Yuan also won; his strength is quite good."

"Yeah, he can probably rank in the top fifty, but compared to Chu Deng and the others, he is clearly weaker."

"This improvement speed is already terrifying. How long has he been cultivating?" Many disciples also paid attention to Wu Yuan.

No one underestimated him.

Because, like these two hundred or so participating geniuses, when they were the same age as Wu Yuan, most of them were still in the Fifth Original Witch Realm.

As time passed.

Round after round of battles ended. According to the rules, each day had to go through twenty rounds of battles, and the entire second phase of the Heavenly Battle would last 'fourteen days' in total.

Half a day passed.

It reached the eighteenth round.

"Chu Deng's opponent is Wu Yuan."

"Yeah, the universally recognized number one powerhouse of the Fourth Original Witch Realm against the number one genius? It's quite interesting."

"What's interesting? Wu Yuan is bound to lose." Many disciples paid attention to this battle, but most of them didn't care much.

Based on the performance of both sides in the previous seventeen rounds, Wu Yuan was basically destined to lose.

...In the battle space, Wu Yuan and Chu Deng were staring at each other from a distance.

One in a white robe like jade.

One in black armor like a war god.

Both were Witches, both were at the Ninth Level of the Mountain and River cultivation, and their vitality was extremely terrifying.

"Wu Yuan? I've heard Long Zun mention you. I also know about your deeds; your talent is very high."

Chu Deng's eyes, like copper bells, stared at Wu Yuan. "However, now is not the time for you to become a Heavenly-ranked member. I've been waiting for a hundred years, waiting for three rounds."

"Chu Deng."

Wu Yuan remained calm. "I advise you, the title of Heavenly-ranked member is never obtained by waiting."


"Let me see what you're capable of." Chu Deng squinted. "I'll also tell you, strength is not determined by what you say."


Chu Deng's figure moved, instantly turning into a giant of a thousand feet. Nine arms appeared on his body, looking extremely bizarre, but his vitality rose to an extremely terrifying level.

Heavenly-ranked Source Art — Ancestral Witch Nine Arms!

Nine arms, double shields, double knives, and five clubs!


Wu Yuan's figure also moved, transforming into a thousand-foot giant with three heads. However, he only had eight arms, four shields, and four knives!

High-Level Source Art — Three Heads, Eight Arms.

As second-level Witch Foundation practitioners reaching the Mountain and River Realm, they could all cultivate a Heavenly-ranked source art. Obviously, Wu Yuan had not cultivated a particularly powerful offensive technique.

"Wu Yuan, watch the staff!"

Chu Deng's figure moved, charging forward mightily. Five long staffs whipped through the air like a celestial cascade, while two battle knives whistled in unison.

A tremendous force.

"Kill!" Wu Yuan's originally calm gaze suddenly erupted with endless killing intent. Following that, both the knife and shield moved simultaneously, roaring toward Chu Deng.

The terrifying momentum was no less than Chu Deng's.


PS: Over four thousand words, considered a guaranteed chapter. It's been posted first, and I'll continue writing.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 341: Preparation, Setting Out (Seeking Monthly Votes)

The two instantly clashed together; Chu Deng's staff, like a surging river, manifested a majestic aura of water and fire around him, domineering and ferocious.


Wu Yuan's sword and shield were as steady as a rock, easily blocking the continuous violent impacts of the staff.

For a moment, the two sides were locked in a difficult-to-distinguish battle.

This scene left the tens of thousands of Original Witch World members who were watching this battle in disbelief.

In their imagination, this battle should have been one-sided, at least with Chu Deng holding the absolute advantage.

But the result was a stalemate?

It's worth noting that Chu Deng is already recognized as one of the strongest figures in the Fourth Original Witch World and a top contender for the title of a Sky-ranked member.

"This Wu Yuan?" The burly Star Lord, who was overseeing the battle from the highest point in the void, also showed a surprised expression in his eyes.

Being in charge of the Fourth Original Witch World, he naturally had some understanding of the top talents in the entire Original Witch World.

Wu Yuan was the one he valued the most.

However, in his anticipation, Wu Yuan should at least wait until the next World Duel to try to claim the title of a Sky-ranked member.

Inside the battle space,

"If you can withstand my staff techniques, then try my third-level staff technique 'Heartless Water and Fire.'" Chu Deng's expression turned serious, and with a low roar, he fully erupted.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In an instant, his nine arms changed; the original knives and shields transformed into nine long staffs.

Compared to a spear, a staff was slightly less sharp but more robust, especially suitable for smashing!

A smash, and the heavens and earth shattered.

All nine staffs attacked simultaneously, showcasing extraordinary prowess. For a moment, his terrifying momentum completely suppressed Wu Yuan.

"Haha, well done."

However, Wu Yuan smiled. His sword technique changed at the same time, shifting from the previous ferocity to an extremely restrained style. The seventh form of the Cracked Star Sword Canon – Vast Earth!

Fourth level!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The shield was mysterious and unpredictable, and the six sword lights were thick and seamless, as if the two shields formed a majestic earth.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

In the lightning-fast collisions between the two, the situation remained as difficult to resolve as ever.

Chu Deng slightly gained the upper hand.

But Wu Yuan, who was at a disadvantage, was incredibly tenacious, and his defense was watertight, giving the opponent no chance to exploit.

The two fought ferociously.

As time passed, other battles ended, and almost all the spectators' attention focused on this battle.

Chu Deng continued to attack.

Wu Yuan continued to defend.

Unknowingly, the two had fought for thousands of rounds. All the other battles had ended, leaving only this final one.

At this moment,

All the participants and spectators were unbelievably silent as they stared at this battle, feeling an indescribable shock.

In terms of offense, Chu Deng had reached the extreme, yet he still couldn't do anything to Wu Yuan. Instead, his life source power was intensely consumed with each attack.

On the other hand, Wu Yuan!

He stood like a mountain, giving people a sense of immovability. The coordination of his sword and shield was perfect.

For a full half hour!


"Hum~" An invisible force instantly enveloped the entire battle space, suppressing both Wu Yuan and Chu Deng simultaneously.

"Chu Deng, your life source power consumption has exceeded eighty percent. You lose."

"In this battle, the winner is Wu Yuan." A cold and mechanical voice echoed in the battle space.

Chu Deng's eyes were slightly reddish, seemingly somewhat dazed, unable to believe that he had lost.

There could only be one Sky-ranked member.

Therefore, in the most brutal rounds of combat, losing even one battle made it extremely difficult to regain the title of a Sky-ranked member. It depended on luck even more.

"Chu Deng, you've conceded." Wu Yuan smiled faintly.

He turned into a stream of light and directly rushed into a nearby "Quiet Room." There were still several rounds of battles behind, and he needed to quickly restore his life source power.

Chu Deng stood still for a full moment.

"I lost!"

"I just lost." Chu Deng murmured quietly and turned into a stream of light, entering another meditation room.

He understood in his heart that this battle was both unjust and just.

Unjust because, from start to finish, he had the upper hand.

Just because, he truly couldn't defeat Wu Yuan, and the robustness of his life source power was also a part of his strength.

At this moment, the over ten thousand Original Witch World members who had been watching until the end were completely stirred up.

"Upset! Chu Deng lost on the first day."

"Definitely the biggest upset. Damn it, I even spent a divine crystal betting that he could win against a Sky-ranked member."

"Gamblers deserve to die."

"Wu Yuan can actually defeat Chu Deng? Clearly at a disadvantage, he managed to wear down Chu Deng's life source power?"

"A bunch of idiots. Can't you see how Wu Yuan won back in the Fifth Original Witch World? He relied on ultimate defense and beat a group of Ground-ranked members."

"The Path of Stars excels in defense. In terms of defense, Wu Yuan is probably the strongest. Others, be warned."

"Even Chu Deng was defeated. Who can stop Wu Yuan?"

"He's not even a hundred years old? Is this his first participation in the World Duel of the Fourth Original Witch World, aiming for the Sky rank? Countless members of the Original Witch World were amazed.

Witch cultivators admire strength the most.

At this moment, in the hearts of these members of the Original Witch World, Wu Yuan is undoubtedly one of the strongest of their generation.

"Truly heaven-defying."

"When I hadn't reached a hundred years of cultivation, I had just comprehended the first level of the Path of Stars. Wu Yuan probably reached the third level."

"What kind of cultivation speed is this?"

"To be in the same era as such a genius is truly lamentable." The dozens of extraordinary talents who had aspirations to challenge the Sky rank were now feeling numb.

They had all witnessed the battle just now.

No one was confident enough to defeat Wu Yuan.

"Less than a hundred years of cultivation, reaching the third level of the Path of Stars?"

The burly Star Lord observing the battle in the void also exclaimed, "This progress rate is even faster than before?"

"Perhaps not as good as Chang Hong, Jiang Huan, and those freaks, but in the future, securing a spot in the top ten of the First Original Witch World is probably achievable." He muttered to himself, "This needs to be reported."

"Sky rank? Very likely." The burly Star Lord shook his head in amazement.

To seize the Sky rank in the Fourth Original Witch World before reaching a hundred years of cultivation?

On average, it was difficult to produce such a genius every hundred thousand years.

"Unfortunately, he can only use the Path of Stars."

"Otherwise, three strikes could kill him." Wu Yuan sat cross-legged on the jade platform, a strange force flowing into his body, continuously restoring his life source power.

Fifteen years of silent cultivation.

Although half of his body's energy was used to study the fusion of the True Domain, Eternal Life, and the Path of Stars, unconsciously, he had already deduced the Path of Stars to the third level.

This was the terror of the combination of the Path of Stars body and a powerful divine soul, making Wu Yuan's progress seem even faster than before.

In reality,

While Wu Yuan's body's combat power might not match that of his qi cultivation body, if he were to erupt with full power, he could easily sweep through the talented individuals of the Fourth Original Witch World.

It would be even easier than when he killed those genius members of the Immortal Palace back then.

"However, relying on the mysteries of the Path of Stars alone is enough. Now, I need to keep a low profile." Wu Yuan muttered to himself, "I'll unleash it when I become a High Witch."

Once he became a High Witch.

Even if the Thunder Feather Divine Temple detected something and wanted to kill him through time and causality, it would be extremely difficult.

"However, choosing to cultivate the Sky-ranked Source Art 'Great Witch Divine Body' was indeed the right choice." Wu Yuan said in his heart.

For the past thirty years, Wu Yuan had been pondering various Source Arts.

At the Mountain and River Realm, the only Sky-ranked Source Art he could choose to cultivate, after careful consideration, Wu Yuan chose the 'Great Witch Divine Body.' It was an advanced Source Art for the Path of Stars, further enhancing and strengthening his body, making it akin to a magic weapon.

Each Sky-ranked Source Art was considered a 'Great Divine Skill,' and even the Witch Gods and Witch Lords would choose carefully.

Like the second and third-tier foundations, at most, two Source Arts can be cultivated; this is the limit that the Divine Palace body can endure.

Even with a first-tier foundation, at most, three Source Arts can be cultivated.

Each Sky-ranked Source Art is vast, profound, and extremely mysterious. If one cannot cultivate it to a high level and align it with oneself, its power may not surpass that of advanced Source Arts.

For the Sky-ranked Source Art "Great Witch Divine Body," to cultivate it to perfection, one must comprehend the Way of Life, and it perfectly aligns with Wu Yuan.

Combining the Paths of Stars and Eternal Life, within a short span of decades, Wu Yuan easily cultivated it to the third level of perfection.

The resilience of his body had almost reached the level of a second-grade spiritual weapon.

Where was the room for someone like Chu Deng to shake him?

"Unless the comprehension of the Way reaches the fourth level of the Intermediate True Meaning or the fourth level of a lower-level True Domain." Wu Yuan muttered to himself, "Otherwise, no one should be able to stop me."


As time passed, half a month flew by.

As Wu Yuan had predicted.

After more than two hundred rounds of battles, although there were several fights that seemed to be in a bitter struggle, there were no surprises.

In the end, Wu Yuan ranked first with a record of "272 victories out of 272 battles," smoothly claiming the title of Sky-ranked member of the Fourth Original Witch World.

This news.

The top figures in the entire witch realm who knew Wu Yuan's identity, such as Blood Shadow Star Lord, including those who knew that Wu Yuan was a disciple of the Witch Monarch, like Later Qu Star Lord, all felt it was natural.


For the witch world above and below, who were unaware of Wu Yuan's details, it still caused a certain ripple. Many Star Lords remembered the name "Wu Yuan."

"Not bad."

"His progress rate is terrifying. Within three hundred years, he should have a chance to break through to the fourth level of the True Meaning of the Stars."

"Although he can't compare to Jiang Huan, and that extraordinary freak 'Ming Jian' from the Hengyang Immortal Realm, he's slightly inferior to Chang Hong, but still impressive."

"In the future, he might have a chance to reach our level." Many Star Lords secretly communicated.


"Oh, did my junior brother seize the Sky rank in the Fourth Original Witch World?" Jiang Huan also received this news and showed a slight smile.

These years.

He still guided Wu Yuan once a year, and Wu Yuan's progress rate was quite satisfying to him.

There was a trend of getting faster and faster.


"Reached the third level of the True Meaning of the Stars before the age of ninety?" Wu Yuan's other senior brother, Chang Hong, also received this news and was equally surprised.


Wu Yuan's cultivation speed exceeded his imagination.


Cangfeng Witch World, vast and boundless.

In the dark starry sky far away from one of the witch continents, in a mysterious world hidden in the surface material space layer.

"Focus on this Wu Yuan!"

"His progress rate is getting faster and faster. It seems that, as expected, he must have a secret when he was sent from the Hengyang Immortal Realm to the witch realm years ago."

"Raise his assassination sequence to number eighteen."

"Start preparing."

"He hasn't reached the Holy Domain within ninety years, and now that he has taken the Sky-ranked title, he will probably start going out to experience life and death."

"Once his traces are discovered, immediately activate the opportunity to kill." As the Thunder Feather Divine Temple, which cared most about the witch realm's movements, naturally would not let go of this news.

They paid even more attention to Wu Yuan.

A Mountain and River Realm cultivator, ranked eighteenth in the assassination sequence, was extremely important to the Thunder Feather Divine Temple.


The shock caused by Wu Yuan's seizure of the Sky-ranked member title in the Fourth Original Witch World was not small and caused a huge wave within the Fourth Original Witch World.


No one connected Wu Yuan with Ming Jian.

After all, their revealed paths were not connected.

And in terms of performance, Ming Jian's talent far surpassed Wu Yuan.

To say that this seemingly first-tier Immortal Foundation extraordinary freak was Wu Yuan's qi cultivation incarnation? Almost no one would believe it.

The probability was too small.