

Chapter 303 Full Force Eruption, Legend (Extra Update with 10,000 Votes)

"Another batch went in."

"This batch, I'm afraid it will still stop at the second stage. It's too difficult; even with all my strength, I can't break through the third stage."

"The difficulty is very high."

"Those few who can pass the third stage, I don't know what freaks they are." These haughty Golden Core Blood Refinement Kings, after completing the Dominating Hall, were communicating with each other, shaking their heads one by one.

Of course, they weren't foolish; they only discussed the difficulty of the Dominating Hall itself, avoiding other topics that might reveal themselves.


In their opinion, if everyone generally only passed the second and third stages, how good could the opportunities be?

If they revealed it, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The ten geniuses numbered 841 to 850 each rushed into the vortex gates.

Wu Yuan was one of them.

The woman in white only glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, saying nothing more.

...This was an extremely mysterious space, surrounded by boundless void on all sides, covered with a layer of faint mist, making it impossible to see the end of the void.

In the middle of the void, there was an extremely wide passage, very peculiar.

The passage was about a thousand miles wide, and the ground of the passage was also made of black metal.

"Buzz~" Wu Yuan appeared in the passage out of thin air. He felt the ground beneath him was solid and powerful.

"I really don't know what material this black metal is." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

Following that.

His gaze swept across all directions, secretly surprised, "Is this the Dominating Hall? It's really special."

Boundless on all sides.

Similarly, the wide passage ahead extended towards an immeasurable depth. Just estimating with the eyes, it was at least tens of thousands of miles.

Further? Wu Yuan could hardly see it; there seemed to be an invisible force preventing him from seeing the end.

"What is the test of the Dominating Hall?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself; it had been a while since he landed.

He felt somewhat uneasy: "Can I pass the third stage?"

Wu Yuan didn't dare to hope too much for the fourth stage now because more than eight hundred Golden Core Blood Refinement Kings in front had already indicated the difficulty of the Dominating Hall.

The fourth stage? At least, one had to be ranked first in strength among over a thousand Blood Refinement Kings! Wu Yuan, although confident, was afraid that there was still a slight gap from reaching the first level of the Domain (lower-level rule).

So, the goal Wu Yuan set for himself was quite realistic—pass the third stage and strive to pass the fourth stage.

"However, during the Blood Refinement Battle, Zhuo Haiyue, who came to the Blood Refinement at the age of just over sixty, barely became a Blood Refinement Marquis. If it were her, how did she obtain a legendary-level opportunity?" A hint of doubt flashed through Wu Yuan's mind.


"Buzz~" Countless points of light gathered, and a huge light curtain appeared beside Wu Yuan.

There were densely packed words on it.

"The Dominating Hall test is adjusted based on the difficulty of the 'age' and 'magic power cultivation' of the challenger. The older and higher the cultivation level, the greater the difficulty."

"After testing, challengers over fifty years old but less than sixty are at the Ninth Level of the Ling Body Realm; comprehensive difficulty coefficient: fourteen."

"The test is divided into six stages, each stage has two layers: practical slaughter, and will of the Dao!"

"You can choose any weapon on the rack with three-grade spiritual treasures and below, the quantity is arbitrary."

"Go ahead, pass the fifth stage at least to obtain a legendary-level opportunity... pass the sixth stage to obtain the Dominator-level opportunity, with great hope of becoming a Star Monarch or Immortal Monarch in the future."

"Go! Kill all the opponents that hinder you."

"Show your talents to your heart's content. The higher your talent, the more precious the opportunities you will receive." The words on the light curtain were not many.

With Wu Yuan's speed of divine sense operation, he completely understood it with just one thought.

"Unexpectedly, the difficulty of the test is determined by age and cultivation level?" Wu Yuan was first stunned, then endless joy followed.

Good! Very good!

If judged solely by absolute strength, Wu Yuan, compared to those peerless geniuses who have cultivated for one or two hundred years, could only be considered evenly matched; he suffered a disadvantage in years of cultivation.

However, distinguishing tests based on age? Similar to the One-Star Tower.

Wu Yuan self-assessed that his strength was far superior to the vast majority of Golden Core Blood Refinement Kings of the same age.

To put it simply, the Dominating Hall primarily tests talent, and the factor of strength is not too important.

"Before transforming into the Starry Dao Body, looking across the entire Immortal Realm, I could be considered a top-tier genius." Wu Yuan's eyes glowed with longing. "Now, with the transformation into the Starry Divine Body and practicing in the Blood Refinement Time-Space for so long..."

"In the entire Immortal Realm, in the same era, in terms of talent, how many can compare to me?"


"I must do my best to break through." Hope to seize legendary-level and Dominator-level opportunities ignited in Wu Yuan's heart again.

At the same time, Wu Yuan finally understood how Zhuo Haiyue really obtained the legendary-level opportunity a hundred years ago.

"When she was in her sixties, she could take the title of 'Golden Core Blood Refinement Marquis.' Even if it was quite difficult, her strength wouldn't be too far off. At least, it was at the level of True Intent Five or Sixfold (lower-level rule)." Wu Yuan thought to himself, "With such talent, in the entire Baicang Immortal Nation, she belongs to the top tier."

If her luck were a bit better? She could obtain a legendary-level opportunity.

Blood Refinement Kings determine their ultimate opportunities by breaking through the Dominating Hall.

Blood Refinement Marquises? How do they decide their opportunities? Wu Yuan didn't know.

"Luck is very important."

"Like Gao Yun, in terms of strength, he's probably stronger than most Golden Core Blood Refinement Kings now." Wu Yuan sighed, "But he only broke through in the Blood Refinement Time-Space and happened to encounter me."

This is luck!

Luck is elusive, inexplicable, but it truly exists.

Some people have high luck and enjoy smooth sailing.

Some people have weak luck and suffer setbacks all the way.

"Of course, luck is only auxiliary; strength is more important." Wu Yuan thought, "If Gao Yun truly has absolute strength, entering the Domain level early on, he could easily sweep the entire battlefield."

Wu Yuan's thoughts intertwined, and he quickly understood everything.

At the same time.

His gaze fell on the huge weapon rack that appeared beside the passage, which was really huge, nearly a hundred miles long and wide.

Countless weapons were neatly arranged, emitting strong auras, such as war knives, flying swords, shields, battle armor, long spears, spirit cauldrons, and so on.

And the quantity was enormous, ranging from sixth-grade spiritual treasures to third-grade spiritual treasures, everything was available!

Only the weapons that Wu Yuan couldn't think of weren't on the weapon rack.

No treasures were missing from the weapon rack.

"A third-grade spiritual treasure war knife, earth attribute." Wu Yuan quickly selected four war knives and at the same time chose a third-grade spiritual treasure battle armor.

Apart from this, he didn't select any other weapons.


"Reminder, within ten breaths, you must start the battlefield challenge; violators will directly fail." A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Five breaths, equivalent to thirty seconds.

"Let's go, no delay." After a little thought, Wu Yuan took a storage wristband and stored dozens of shields and war knives in it.

Wearing it.

Free stuff shouldn't be wasted, and if the battle is too intense along the way, and the war knives or battle armor are damaged, what should be done? There should be replacements at least.


Wu Yuan's figure moved, just like a fish rushing into the passage.

"The first stage, first level test 'Practical Test,' kill one hundred guardians to succeed! Limited to half an hour, do not leave the test channel area." A cold voice echoed in Wu Yuan's mind.

Without waiting for Wu Yuan to think too much.

"Buzz~" "Buzz~" Silently, humanoid figures wearing black armor appeared in the passage, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

A total of one hundred figures.

"What's this?" Wu Yuan was slightly surprised.

These one hundred figures all had ice-cold expressions, resembling puppets.

Ninety of them had extremely powerful life auras, with well-developed muscles, each holding close combat weapons such as knives, large shields, big axes, clubs, and large sticks; clearly, they were body-refining experts.

There were also ten individuals, their gazes ice-cold, much smaller in size, with flying swords swirling around them, extremely sharp.

"Ninety body-refining experts? Ten Qi-refining experts?" Wu Yuan pondered. From their appearance alone, he couldn't tell their strength.

He could only make a vague judgment—they should all be Golden Core Ninth Layer and Ling Body Ninth Layer with a Foundation Realm of the sixth stage.


"Kill!" The black-armored giant standing at the forefront roared lowly, swinging his war knife and rushing towards Wu Yuan.

At the same time, his body instantly grew to a height of thirty zhang, stepping on the metallic ground, causing the earth to tremble as if it was shaking, displaying an astonishing momentum.

"Kill!" "Kill!" Those body-refining experts, one after another, unleashed their origin techniques, roaring and attacking Wu Yuan.

At the same time.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Ten Qi-refining experts, each manipulating eighty-one flying swords, countless flying swords also swept towards Wu Yuan like a torrent.

A hundred powerful individuals teamed up; even without any formations, their momentum was extremely impressive.


Wu Yuan's mind moved, and a hazy earth-yellow light instantly enveloped the area for thousands of miles, covering the majority of the guardians.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Strands of earth-yellow light containing terrifying power descended, causing the speed of those formidable body-refining experts to sharply decrease.


The suppression formed by the cultivation of the Starry Domain Ninth Layer was terrifying for ordinary Ling Body Realm cultivators.

"Xiao Hei, merge with the beast, kill!"

Wu Yuan directly chose to take action, transforming into a hundred-zhang giant. With a slight flap of his wings, he turned into a stream of light and killed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The knife light whistled, those body-refining experts holding various weapons, like trees, collapsed one after another. Either their bodies were cut in half, or their heads exploded.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Countless flying swords swept down like a storm.

"So slow." Wu Yuan's figure moved, easily avoiding one wave of flying swords after another, followed by a rampage of knife light.

In just a short moment, the ninety formidable body-refining experts were swept away by Wu Yuan.

As for the ten Qi-refining experts?

They were quickly killed as well, and the fallen guardians swiftly melted into the ground, along with their weapons, disappearing without a trace.

The entire passage fell into silence.

"The first stage of the practical test, passed so easily?" Wu Yuan found it hard to believe. "These guardians are probably only Foundation Realm sixth stage, and in terms of comprehending the Dao, they are likely in the Domain Third or Fourth Layer (lower-level rule)."

In terms of the foundation, Wu Yuan was four stages above them.

In terms of origin techniques and understanding of the Dao, there was no comparison, with a huge and unreasonable gap. Crushing them was normal.

"The practical test has passed; please proceed nine thousand li and enter the one thousand li area for the test of Dao Heart." The cold voice echoed again.


Without hesitation, Wu Yuan swiftly advanced and then plunged into the test of Dao Heart and Will.

At least, externally, this area was no different from the previous passage.

"Buzz!" Invisible divine consciousness descended, not fierce, not rushing to destroy Wu Yuan's divine consciousness, but like a giant hammer, fiercely slamming down.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Wu Yuan's divine consciousness, however, didn't waver at all.

Too weak.

Like a rubber hammer trying to smash a ton of steel; is it possible?

In the one thousand li area, Wu Yuan's speed soared, crossing it in less than a breath.

The first stage, passed!


Just dozens of breaths later, Wu Yuan erupted with full force, effortlessly sweeping away the second stage's one hundred guardians.

Compared to the first stage's one hundred guardians, there wasn't much difference.

"The guardians' strength has increased significantly, and their understanding of the Dao has only reached the eighth or ninth stage of the Domain Realm," Wu Yuan muttered to himself. "Too weak."

Wu Yuan knew the difficulty would decrease early on, but he didn't expect it to be weakened to this extent.

After all, the over eight hundred Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns who came before him.

More than ten people only passed the first stage.

Without even passing the second stage.

"Those who haven't even passed the second stage, Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns, are probably geniuses who have been cultivating for two hundred years and have been unwilling to break through," Wu Yuan speculated to himself. "Due to their age and the guardians they encounter, their strength is probably outrageously high."

Wu Yuan hesitated only slightly.


He transformed into a stream of light and directly entered the second stage's 'Dao Heart and Will' area. It was still a divine consciousness attack, and the power had increased significantly.

However, compared to his combat strength, Wu Yuan's divine consciousness was the most formidable!

These soul attacks? It was like scratching an itch.

Directly breaking through!

The second stage, passed.

... The third stage, the strength of the one hundred guardians truly soared, all reaching the Fourth Layer of True Intent. This level of strength was already formidable, and they were cooperating as one hundred guardians.

It made Wu Yuan feel a bit of pressure.

Of course, only a bit of pressure.

"Kill!" Wu Yuan still only used the Starry Domain Ninth Layer, countless knife lights danced, and one body-refining expert after another fell.

With a significant gap in the foundation and a difference in understanding the Dao, coupled with Wu Yuan's extraordinary defense.

He only defended slightly and allowed their overwhelming attacks to come.

He withstood them!

And these body-refining experts couldn't stop him at all.

In the end, after some time, Wu Yuan killed one hundred guardians and once again passed the 'Dao Heart and Will' test area.

The third stage, passed!

"Continue," Wu Yuan said confidently.

He didn't expect the so-called 'Dominance Hall' difficulty to be this low.

"Perhaps, I can really pass the fifth and even the sixth stage." A bold idea emerged in Wu Yuan's mind.

He was filled with longing for the legendary opportunities.

"The fourth stage." Wu Yuan turned into a stream of light, continuing to charge deeper into the passage.

Wu Yuan didn't expect the test to be easy, but rather, his strength was too strong.

The third stage guardians were already formidable; any one of them could erupt with the power of the Violet Palace threshold. One hundred working together would be insurmountable for ordinary Golden Core Blood Refining Marquises.

And this was only for cultivators aged fifty or sixty.


On the square outside the Dominance Hall, it was silent.

Over a thousand Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns all looked at the text 'Third Stage' above the tenth vortex entrance in astonishment.

"So fast."

"Too fast. Did he also pass the third stage effortlessly?" These Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns were extremely shocked.

Because, next to the tenth vortex entrance, the numbers above the other nine vortex entrances only showed 'First Stage.'

A two-stage gap had been opened?

It was unbelievable!

Keep in mind, the six Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns who had previously passed the third stage had not shown a significant difference in time efficiency compared to other Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns.

As time passed.

Sovereigns numbered 841 to 849 successively broke through the second stage and began to tackle the third stage.

Some began to fail and were eliminated.

At this moment.

"Buzz!" The text above the tenth vortex entrance suddenly flashed—'Fourth Stage'!

Boom! The crowd erupted.

"The fourth stage?"

"Heaven, how is it possible to pass?"

"It's impossible!"

"Number 850, who is he?" Thousands of Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns stared at those numbers in disbelief.

Even the six Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns who passed the third stage found it somewhat unbelievable.

They considered themselves highly talented.

But to break through the fourth stage, they still had a long way to go.

Without a doubt.

This extraordinary genius with the number 850 had talents far surpassing the majority of Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns.

"Can he pass the fifth stage?" a Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereign couldn't help but ask.

No one responded!

Unable to respond because it was too swift.

All Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns were waiting for the results of this extraordinary genius with the number 850.

Soon after.

The other nine Golden Core Blood Refining Sovereigns were eliminated one by one, leaving only the tenth vortex entrance.


The extraordinary genius with the number 850 was still advancing through the fifth stage.


... Inside the Dominance Hall, at the deep end of that testing passage, the fifth stage.


"Swoosh! Swoosh!" Blade lights surged.

"Kill!" Wu Yuan's eyes reddened slightly, and he had completely gone insane.

Erupting completely, layers of hazy earth-yellow light and faint green light combined, and the power surged.

The Dao of the Stars!

The Dao of Ten Thousand Longevity!

Two mid-tier laws were now completely fused, allowing Wu Yuan to unleash unprecedented strength, almost reaching the level of Domain Realm suppression.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Those robust body-refining experts, each with a formidable aura, were fervently besieging the towering figure of Wu Yuan.

Every slash seemed to tear through the vast sky; every hammer strike seemed to pound a small landmass into oblivion.

A heaven-defying attack.

In the fourth stage, those one hundred guardians all had the understanding of the Ninth Layer of True Intent in the lower-tier laws, but their foundations still remained at the sixth-tier foundation.

Each one belonged to the powerful Golden Core Blood Refining Marquises.

One hundred working together, how terrifying was their strength? Even someone as powerful as Wu Yuan spent a considerable amount of time before killing them all.

At that moment, Wu Yuan realized that it might be extremely difficult to pass the fifth stage.

As expected.

In the fifth stage, the strength of one hundred guardians surged again. Although their understanding of the Dao did not improve, their foundations skyrocketed to the fourth-tier foundation one by one.

What concept is this?

In terms of strength, any guardian here would be close to Aochi, Dongguang Hongguang, and others.

In terms of individual strength, Wu Yuan, in full eruption, was several times stronger than any guardian.

But when one hundred joined forces? It was undoubtedly a nightmare!

"Star Rupture!"

"Searing Sun!"

"Vast Earth!"

"Wanren!" Wu Yuan's knife technique was truly taken to the extreme, with the blade light surging, sometimes mysterious and unpredictable, sometimes swift as lightning, or heavy as a mountain.

Each strike caused injuries to the body-refining experts!

Similarly, these body-refining experts were all frenzied, fearless of death, launching a frenzied attack towards Wu Yuan. Their weapon power was equally terrifying.


"Swoosh! Swoosh!" Those extremely sharp flying swords whistled, stabbing towards Wu Yuan one after another.

Exquisite! Mysterious!

Among the ten Qi-refining experts, apart from weaker foundations, their overall strength was only one level lower compared to Gao Yun, who hadn't broken through.

This level of assault was extremely dangerous for Wu Yuan, and he had to do his best to evade.

The consumption was extremely frightening!


Accompanying another blade light, another body-refining expert fell with a resounding crash, killing another guardian.


"Hold on! Kill!" Wu Yuan's eyes were filled with madness. His source power was rapidly depleting, while the blood mist was being frenziedly supplied.

The entire Divine Palace was operating at full capacity, maintaining the supply of source power!

"Puchi!" "Tear~" "Swoosh!" One by one, guardians fell, and Wu Yuan's source power was also rapidly depleting.

For an ordinary body-refining expert, their source power would probably be depleted.


Wu Yuan fought with all his might, blood splattering around him. Some blood quickly dissipated, left by the body-refining experts.

But some blood could not dissipate, indicating it was Wu Yuan's.

"60% source power!"

Another body-refining expert fell!

"50% source power." Of the ninety body-refining experts that Wu Yuan had killed, only forty-nine remained, and the pressure on Wu Yuan finally began to weaken.

"40% source power." There were only thirty-three body-refining experts left, and Wu Yuan's killing speed began to noticeably increase.

"30% source power." Eleven body-refining experts remained. At this point, the sword energy of the ten Qi-refining experts became significantly stronger.

Previously, when the body-refining experts besieged Wu Yuan, they did not have much room for maneuver.


When Wu Yuan's source power dropped to a little over 10%, leaving only ten Qi-refining experts, the nightmare of these ten Qi-refining expert guardians descended.

Battle? They couldn't withstand a single strike from Wu Yuan.


"Puchi~" Along with the blade light slashing through the void, the last Qi-refining expert was instantly torn apart, and blood scattered in the air.

The passage finally quieted down.

"Only half remains." Wu Yuan sighed in his heart.

It was too dangerous, almost being besieged to death.

This battle truly made Wu Yuan realize that when the difference in strength is not too extreme, once the quantity accumulates, it becomes a terrifying thing.


Suddenly, special droplets fell from the sky, landing on Wu Yuan's body and quickly being absorbed by him.

Source power began to recover rapidly.

This was the bestowment of the Dominance Hall, ensuring that challengers could maintain their peak strength through each stage.

In less than a moment.

"Let's go, go challenge the sixth stage, the final stage." Wu Yuan harbored no hope of passing the last stage.

Even the fifth stage.

If it weren't for the continuous supply of blood mist, the one hundred guardians would have beaten Wu Yuan to death long ago, and Wu Yuan might not even have been able to kill one-third of them.


Wu Yuan flew towards the deeper part of the passage.


On the square outside the Dominance Hall.

"Hum~" Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, the text above the tenth vortex entrance pulsated into 'Stage Five.'

Boom! A shockwave swept through.

"Stage Five?"

"This! This!"

"Over eight hundred people went to challenge, only six managed to pass the third stage in total, but he passed the fifth stage? Incredible!"

"Completely on a different level."

"Where did he come from? Is his talent hundreds or even thousands of times higher than ours?" These Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings felt like they were going crazy.

You should know, this is the gathering of the most powerful Golden Elixir realm geniuses in the entire Blood Refining Demon Palace over the past hundred years.

To pass the third stage is, in normal circumstances, enough to be considered a top-tier genius in the Great Realm.

But what about number 850?

He directly opened up a two-stage gap—what an exaggerated talent?


Swoosh! A figure in a blood robe, looking extremely disheveled, was blasted out of the vortex entrance, heavily landing on the ground, his body covered in blood.

Under the influence of source power, his injuries seemed to be healing rapidly.


Number 850 failed in the sixth stage.

... "Finally failed. Who is this number 850?" Many Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings breathed a sigh of relief.

Although passing the fifth stage is exaggerated, they could still somewhat understand it. Throughout endless ages, there have been such monstrous talents.

But passing the sixth stage?

That would be too much!

But after relaxing a bit, the thousands of Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings here looked at the blood-robed figure who had just stood up, each filled with envy and jealousy!

Passing the fifth stage.

At least, he could obtain a legendary opportunity, and maybe even have a certain hope of obtaining a Dominator-level opportunity!

Although the white-robed woman didn't explicitly say what a Dominator-level opportunity was.

But it was definitely much stronger than a legendary opportunity.

... "Number 850, not bad."

"To be able to pass the fifth stage is beyond my expectations. You will at least obtain a legendary opportunity." The white-robed woman stared at Wu Yuan, her eyebrows slightly raised, as if trying to see through Wu Yuan's secrets.

"Thank you, senior." Wu Yuan respectfully said, understanding the deeper meaning in the white-robed woman's words.

In terms of normal strength, Wu Yuan could only pass the fourth stage at most.

The fifth stage? Impossible!

It was relying on the blood mist, coupled with Wu Yuan's full effort, that he barely passed the fifth stage. After that, the test of the Soul Will was still easily overcome by Wu Yuan.

But the sixth stage?

Wu Yuan failed decisively because every guardian in the sixth stage was stronger than him.

There was no need for a siege.

Just two or three guardians teaming up would directly defeat Wu Yuan in two moves.

Wu Yuan estimated that the guardians in the sixth stage had all comprehended the true domain, and all of them had a second-level foundation.

A hundred teaming up?

Wu Yuan couldn't imagine what kind of genius could achieve such a terrifying combination at the age of fifty or sixty.

"I'm afraid it takes a peerless genius who can pass the ninety and one hundred layers of the Star Tower." Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

The difficulty was too high.

However, Wu Yuan was already satisfied. He was filled with endless joy. Passing the fifth stage meant that he could at least obtain a legendary opportunity.

... Time passed.

The later batches of Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings entered the Dominance Hall and began their challenges.

Perhaps stimulated by Wu Yuan.

The later several hundred Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings showed much better performance than the earlier ones, and many managed to pass the third stage.

Even more surprising was the emergence of a peerless genius who passed the 'fourth stage,' attracting much attention!

"Number 1066, his talent is probably not much weaker than mine." Wu Yuan was shocked and also took note of this number.

Without the help of the blood mist, Wu Yuan would only have reached the fourth stage.

To be able to pass the fourth stage already represented incredibly terrifying talent, making him a top-tier figure throughout the entire Great Realm!

In the end.

When the last batch of three Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings came out, the entire 'War of Kings' also came to a close.

"Well done!"

"You all have performed exceptionally well." The white-robed woman looked down upon the 1,163 Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings.

A faint smile appeared on her cold face. "One at Stage Five, one at Stage Four, and eleven at Stage Three."

"I hope you all can obtain the opportunities you desire."

"Even more, I hope you won't forget that in the future, when you cultivate into the Violet Mansion Realm or the Mountain and River Realm, you can also participate in the Blood Refining Battle again. As long as you become a Violet Mansion Blood Refining Marquis, you will qualify to enter the Dominance Hall."

"However, anyone, at each major realm, is allowed to participate only once."

"Even if you have multiple avatars, only one avatar can challenge." The white-robed woman's gaze swept over below.

Everyone listened.

When in the Violet Mansion or Mountain and River Realm, they could challenge again? These Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings were somewhat moved by these words.

They were all the strongest Golden Elixir selected from various first-level branches. Once they broke through, the probability of becoming a Violet Mansion Blood Refining Marquis in the future was extremely high.

However, almost everyone's thoughts fell on Wu Yuan. They all thought of a title—Violet Mansion Blood Refining Marquis!

Although it was still far away.

In the eyes of these Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings, with the talent Wu Yuan displayed, seizing the title of Violet Mansion Blood Refining Marquis was only a matter of time.

Truly monstrous.

Of course, up to now, these Golden Elixir Blood Refining Kings still didn't know Wu Yuan's identity and could only speculate.

"Now, all of you go and choose your opportunities. It depends on your luck when the time comes." The white-robed woman said softly, "I remind you, what suits you is the best."

After that.

Hum~ Hum~ Invisible forces instantly enveloped every Golden Elixir Blood Refining King, including Wu Yuan.

Then, they all disappeared on the spot.

"Stage Five?"

"It's been a long time since anyone passed it." The white-robed woman murmured to herself, "I wonder if it's possible to satisfy the Dominator."

"I've waited too long in this Blood Refining space." The white-robed woman sighed in her heart, "Do I really have to wait for a peerless genius to pass the sixth stage again?"


"This Wu Yuan is quite mysterious. I observed that his strength reached at most the fourth stage. In the end, he actually broke through to the fifth stage." The white-robed woman shook her head slightly.

She couldn't observe the situation inside the Dominance Hall.

So, it was just a guess.


This was a vast and mysterious area.

Darkness prevailed on all sides.

Only one after another item emitting an ancient and vast aura, each radiating a faint light, floated in the void.


Wu Yuan felt a momentary blur, and he found himself in this strange area, unable to help but scan around.

"Where is this?" Wu Yuan's pupils contracted, feeling a trembling sensation.


Each of these floating items might only leak a bit of pressure individually, but when the oppressive forces from each treasure interwove, the formidable coercion formed was something Wu Yuan, a mere Spirit Manifestation realm youngster, couldn't withstand.

"Having passed the fifth stage, you are qualified to obtain legendary opportunities, with some hope of getting Dominator-level opportunities." The indifferent voice appeared once again in Wu Yuan's mind.

"All opportunities."

"All come from each item in the void."

"You can choose a treasure that suits you best; just state the number." The indifferent voice resounded again.

It made Wu Yuan understand the rules.

Choose for himself?

"Indeed, it depends on luck." Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

He looked around and felt that each item emitted a brilliant light, each one extremely powerful and unique.

With his vision, he couldn't discern their strengths and weaknesses at all.

"I'll look at all of them." Wu Yuan dared not approach too closely; he observed each item from a distance, taking his time.

Some were smooth, newly broken swords.

Some were ancient books with torn covers.

Some were jade slips.

Some were talismans.

Among these nearly a hundred items, only a very small number were treasures. The rest were all sorts of oddities, seemingly left behind at random.

However, Wu Yuan didn't dare to underestimate them; he patiently sifted through them.

Soon, Wu Yuan had observed all the available items together.

"A total of ninety-one items represent the ninety-one opportunities I can choose from," Wu Yuan muttered, "However, among these items related to Dominator-level opportunities, there might be only two or three, or even just one."

If the probability was high, choosing randomly might have a chance of success.

So, what's the significance of passing the sixth stage? This was Wu Yuan's estimation.

Just like passing the third stage theoretically had a chance to seize a legendary opportunity, in practice?

How many could actually achieve that?

"What item should I choose?" Wu Yuan frowned. He couldn't ask his master for advice on this matter.

Everything had to rely on his own judgment.

After pondering for a while, Wu Yuan thought, "I can't discern too much difference. If I randomly choose, the failure probability is very high. It's better to choose with my mind and divine sense."

"Choose what resonates with me."

Usually, what resonates with oneself wouldn't be wrong.

"Hum!" Wu Yuan stood in place, releasing his invisible divine sense, spreading it over each item representing a grand opportunity.

The divine sense didn't dare to touch the treasures, only observing from a distance and carefully sensing the subtle differences in the aura of each item, even though they all had similarly powerful auras.

After a while, Wu Yuan perceived, "It seems that among these nearly a hundred items, there are four items that resonate with my spiritual consciousness."

The first was a piece of bone, showing signs of aging.

The second was a soil-yellow war knife.

The third was an almost withered sapling, with yellowing leaves, made of an unknown material.

The fourth was a crystal-clear triangular prism. From its appearance alone, no mysteries could be discerned.

With a full perception, these four items all seemed to attract Wu Yuan with a mysterious charm.

"What suits me is the best."

"Although I don't know the level of these treasures, they are at least legendary." Wu Yuan stepped forward like a shooting star, walking in the void.

Quickly, he arrived in front of the first item—a piece of bone.

Although the bone was white, it faintly shimmered with a bloody light, as if it was about to revive, emitting a strange and cold aura.

"This bone." Wu Yuan carefully observed the bone.

The more he observed, the more he felt a different and mysterious aura from the bone. There was a surging source of life that seemed to be on the verge of erupting.

Even more so.

When Wu Yuan was completely immersed in it, he couldn't help but reach out to touch the bone in front of him.

At the moment of contact, suddenly.


In Wu Yuan's lower dantian palace, the originally silent Black Tower suddenly shook violently, followed by an explosion of endless blood-red radiance.

The radiance surged.

It seemed like a warning and a defense, completely enveloping Wu Yuan's lower dantian palace, guarding his spiritual consciousness in the center.

PS: Triple release, adding 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 for reaching 10,000 monthly votes.

As promised, when reaching 10,000 monthly votes, there will be an extra five releases, including the usual one release, for a total of six releases.

The next extra five releases will be at 20,000 monthly votes.

Please vote!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 304: Blackness in the Fractured Spacetime

Under the endless blood-red radiance, Wu Yuan's primordial spirit was placed within the radiance.

Wu Yuan, who was completely absorbed by the white bone, instantly regained clarity.

"What? What happened to the Black Tower?" Wu Yuan was completely stunned.

He noticed the special changes in the Black Tower.

Unlike the last time when the insect demon counterattacked before dying, that time, the 'stone pillar' at the top of the Black Tower crazily absorbed the blood-colored mist, performing a spirit defense.

But this time.

The vast blood mist surrounding the Black Tower did not show any movement, and the stone pillar remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened.

Purely when Wu Yuan was about to touch the white bone, it seemed like the Black Tower sensed something and autonomously reacted.

As if it was a stress protection.

"And, this radiance?" Wu Yuan carefully sensed it, feeling the tremendous power contained in the spreading endless radiance.

It was not comparable to the radiance generated by the blood mist.

It seemed more like a will, a power contained in the Black Tower.


"Extremely dangerous! Stay away!" Invisible waves of fluctuations transmitted from the Black Tower to Wu Yuan.

The message was simple, but the meaning was extraordinary.

"Dangerous? Isn't this white bone an opportunity? Why would there be danger? Is it a warning from the Black Tower?" Wu Yuan was puzzled.

A trace of confusion flashed in his mind.

However, when Wu Yuan's gaze fell again on the bone in the distance, he was shocked.

It was no longer a white bone.

Clearly, it was a large bone dripping with crimson blood. The blood wings on the large bone seemed like they could drip down at any moment, tainted with endless sins.

Just looking at the bone made Wu Yuan feel his primordial spirit tremble.

Tremors and fear originating from the depths of his primordial spirit.

As if that blood-colored bone represented original sins, represented an endless abyss, once touched, it would probably completely devour Wu Yuan.

Not even ashes would be left.

"Now, with the protection of the Black Tower and the envelopment of endless blood mist, I still feel this way; my primordial spirit seems to be suffocating." Wu Yuan trembled, "This blood-colored bone is more terrifying than that 'Fire Abyss Celestial' who wanted to kill me back then."

"It's terrifying in who knows how many times."

The blood-colored bone, even if it only revealed a trace of its aura, made Wu Yuan involuntarily feel waves of despair.

This was absolutely the most terrifying thing Wu Yuan had encountered in his entire life.

"What is this thing? Is this the opportunity in the Blood Refining Spacetime?" Wu Yuan shuddered in his heart.

This blood-colored bone in front of him.

It was too bizarre.

If just now, there was no protection and warning from the Black Tower, and he touched the crimson large bone, what would be the consequences?

Wu Yuan couldn't imagine.

"Stay away." Wu Yuan instantly made a decision, involuntarily stepping back, and even closing his eyes, not daring to look at the blood-colored bone again.

Just at this moment.

Seemingly aware that Wu Yuan was distancing himself.

"Boom!" The originally silent and cold blood-colored bone suddenly emitted endless crimson blood light.

At the same time, a cold, bloody, and terrifying will burst out from that white bone.

This will.

Directly invaded Wu Yuan's lower dantian palace.

"Huh?" A trace of fear flashed in Wu Yuan's pupils, and then his entire person completely lost consciousness.

The gap in will consciousness between the two sides was too vast.


Originally shrouded in Wu Yuan's blood-red radiance, it seemed to be angered, and its power became even more terrifying. Suddenly, the previously motionless Black Tower in the upper dantian palace moved abruptly, and the large door at the base of the tower opened.

It instantly sucked in Wu Yuan's primordial spirit.

"Peng~" "Peng~" "Peng~" On one side was the crimson and terrifying blood-colored will.

On the other side was the majestic and grand blood-red radiance!

Both were blood-red, but there was a fundamental difference.

In this moment, a silent and invisible collision unfolded. This collision was not on the material level.

It was on a higher dimension—spiritual will.

Formless and intangible.

Difficult to influence the material level, but more terrifying and direct.

"Hum~" The clash between the blood-colored bone and the Black Tower, in the blink of an eye, caused Wu Yuan's upper dantian palace to surge with radiance.

The grand consciousness pressure collision made the other treasures in this side of the void tremble and moan, as if they were affected.

As if.

Regardless of whether it was the will pressure contained in the Black Tower or the crimson bone, both far surpassed these so-called 'legendary-level opportunities' in terms of transcendent existence.

"Boom~" The clash of intangible wills.

Vaguely, it made the entire void seem to tremble.

"Kill! Blood Refinement! Refine the heavens! Refine the earth! Refine oneself!!" The blood-red bone exuded a terrifying and crazy will, erupting once again.

Even more terrifying.

Soul with bone, will with source.

Boom~ Faced with the frenzied eruption of the blood-red bone, the blood-red radiance formed by the Black Tower retreated step by step, continuously contracting.

Clearly at a disadvantage.

In the blink of an eye.

The terrifying blood-red will completely invaded Wu Yuan's upper dantian palace, making the mysterious residence of Wu Yuan's primordial spirit faintly contaminated.

The surrounding void turned crimson in the blink of an eye!

"Ah!" Wu Yuan, who had already fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes and let out an angry roar.

His eyes were entirely crimson!

Filled with endless thoughts of slaughter.

As if he was controlled by the will contained in the blood-red bone.

"Hum~" The terrifying blood-red will broke through layer by layer and finally touched and contaminated the Black Tower in Wu Yuan's upper dantian palace.

Just as it touched the Black Tower.


In this completely sealed void, a huge crack suddenly tore apart from nothingness.

No, it was definitely not a simple crack.

It was a descent from a vast higher-dimensional spacetime, crushing the spacetime where the blood-red bone was located.

The crack, seemingly only hundreds of miles, actually had layers of overlapping spacetime, extending for countless billions of miles.

And at the end of the fractured spacetime.


In the endless darkness, a towering building stood faintly, spanning across the spacetime. It seemed to be black...


When the spacetime crack revealed itself, a vast and magnificent breath and will rushed over, as if the will from the heavens was descending.


"Boom~" In an instant, the previously powerful and terrifying blood-red will collapsed in the face of this majestic will, instantly disintegrating.

Continuously dissipating.

Wu Yuan, who was struggling and roaring with crimson eyes, involuntarily lowered his head, and his entire person fell into unconsciousness once again.


As this massive will pressed down, even the source of the blood-red will, the blood-red bone, quickly developed visible cracks.

This blood-red bone kept trembling, as if it was moaning and begging for mercy.


But the immense will pressure from the other side of the spacetime crack still didn't stop.

It continued to press layer by layer.

"Ka~Ka~" Faced with this terrifying collision of wills and oppression, more cracks appeared on the surface of the blood-red bone, as if it was about to completely shatter.

It was trembling and moaning.



"Swoosh!" Originally floating in the void, among the so-called 'legendary-level opportunities' items that were shivering under the clash of the terrifying wills, two items seemed to be controlled by an invisible force and gently floated.

One was a nearly withered sapling with yellowing leaves.

The other was a crystal-clear and incredibly beautiful triangular prism, faintly silver throughout.

In an instant, the two items flew directly towards Wu Yuan.

Then, they simultaneously entered Wu Yuan's body, disappearing without a trace.

Until this moment.

"Hum~" Silently, the immense will pressure from the end of the spacetime crack finally stopped and converged.

Immediately, the suddenly appearing spacetime crack began to quickly recover and restore.

This special void.

Finally returned to calm.

Apart from the two so-called 'legendary-level opportunities' items missing, there was still the unconscious Wu Yuan and the blood-red bone with numerous surface cracks.

This spacetime itself showed no change.

As if, from beginning to end, nothing had happened.

"Ance... it hasn't disappeared, hasn't fallen asleep... it's still there! It's still there!" Fragments of consciousness circulated on the surface of the blood-red bone.

Among these consciousness fragments.

There was shock! And an endless fear!


In the blood-refining spacetime.


"Has it finally subsided?" The white-robed woman standing in the air above the black metal, her eyes under the robe filled with horror.

"What exactly happened just now?"

"Why do I feel like the entire blood-refining spacetime, just now, seemed to be torn apart by something." The white-robed woman felt fear in her heart.

The feeling in that split second just now.

She would never forget it.

"Just now, the aura of the Dominator clearly awakened."

"It seems to be investigating this Wu Yuan." The white-robed woman secretly marveled, "According to the initial tremors, Wu Yuan should be able to obtain a 'Dominator-level' opportunity."

Getting an opportunity.

It also depends on whether the opportunity fits oneself.

"Once he obtains a Dominator-level opportunity, in the future, as Wu Yuan grows stronger, using him as a 'source soul,' along with the past source souls, the chances of the Dominator's revival will increase even more."

"Why did it suddenly change like this?"

The white-robed woman's eyes showed a hint of fear, "What kind of heaven-defying existence descended just now."

"Why do I feel that the aura of the Dominator has become weaker."

"Far less than before."

As the usual controller of the blood-refining spacetime, the white-robed woman knew the greatest significance of the entire blood-refining spacetime.

If the Dominator completely perishes, then the entire blood-refining spacetime will cease to exist.

She will also have no meaning of existence.

Just as she was lost in thought.


"Hmm?" A hint of shock flashed in the white-robed woman's eyes.

Because she received a communication from the Dominator's will.

The message was very simple, just four words—send away Wu Yuan!

"Send away Wu Yuan?" The white-robed woman's pupils contracted slightly. Although only four words, the implications were multi-layered.

It meant more than just sending him out of the blood-refining spacetime.

"This Wu Yuan, could it be... even the Dominator..." Various thoughts flashed through the white-robed woman's mind, thinking of various possibilities.

The more she thought, the more fearful she became.

She knew deeply about the vastness of the endless river of time and space, and in the endless ages, there were too many unknown fears and uncertainties in the river of time and space.

The majestic and supreme Dominator, whose radiance once spread across many great realms, had countless living beings singing his true name.

However, after encountering a great calamity, over billions of years, it continued to move towards ultimate extinction step by step.

The offering of countless souls from endless living beings only delayed this process.

"Wu Yuan hasn't come out yet? The Dominator's message probably has a reason."

"I can't enter the Dominator's domain."

"First, send away the other cultivators one by one." The white-robed woman secretly said.

With a thought, she had already condensed avatars, identical to her true self, appearing in different areas of the blood-refining spacetime.

She began to send away the talented geniuses with chosen opportunities one by one.


In the Qingling Great Realm, layers of overlapping time and space, vast and endless, with millions of immortal islands, and one after another space world born and opened.

There were also countless small worlds that continuously emerged and disappeared in this vast realm.

The so-called 'Great Realm' represented the meaning of 'infinite worlds.'

No one could truly count how many worlds there were in the entire Qingling Great Realm.

The Taiyuan Divine Court, as a top power that shook the endless river of time and space, had its branches rooted in various realms, establishing affiliated forces that collectively supported the glory of the divine court.

The Qingling Great Realm was composed of the Hengyang Immortal Realm and the Blood-Refining Demon Palace, representing the core forces of the Taiyuan Divine Court here.

However, the Great Realm was vast, and many forces were constantly vying for dominance.

Both the Hengyang Immortal Realm and the Blood-Refining Demon Palace were just one force among many in the Great Realm.

There were powerful forces rising within the realm, dominating a region, but similar to the Taiyuan Divine Court, other top powers from the endless river of time and space could also enter.

For example—Immortal Court.

For example—Wu!

As a name passed down since the most primitive era.

Wu had many meanings; it represented a kind of spirit, a cultivation sect, and even a vast force that dominated the vast river of time and space.

The Cangfeng Wu Realm was a top force inherited by the Wu lineage in the Qingling Great Realm.

In terms of overall strength, the Cangfeng Wu Realm was not much weaker than the Hengyang Immortal Realm.

In the core area of the Cangfeng Wu Realm, it was a vast world derived from an immortal island, with vast mountains and rivers inside.

This vast world.

Was home to countless majestic and rough figures with a vast and rugged aura, many of them were giants hundreds or thousands of zhang tall.

In the Hengyang Immortal Realm, Qi Refiners accounted for the majority, and Body Refiners were the minority.

But in the core area of the Cangfeng Wu Realm, as a sacred place for Wu cultivation, Body Refiners were the mainstream.

More than half of the cultivators were Body Refiners.

It could be described as astonishing.

The entire world, in terms of area, was more than a hundred times larger than an immortal island.

In the central part of the world, there was a huge city, equally prosperous.

Countless Wu cultivators lived in it, and there were even floating palaces that could establish palaces in 'Cangfeng City.' The owners of these palaces were at least existences at the Immortal and Wu Sovereign levels.

Above the huge city.

There were undulating palace groups.

Numerous warriors patrolled, each warrior's aura extremely powerful, representing the majesty of the entire 'Cangfeng Wu Realm.'

In one of the majestic palaces.

"Wu Sovereign, you've summoned me." A burly man wearing black battle armor respectfully bowed. At the end of the hall was a grand throne.

On the throne, there was a middle-aged man wearing beast skins.

He was half-naked, with a scar on his face, exuding an extremely domineering aura. What was most chilling was the golden eyes of the man in beast skins.

"Hou Qu."

The man in beast skins spoke with a thunderous voice, containing a hint of dominance. "I remember that under your command, there was once a remarkable upper witch named Hou Feng."

The burly man in black battle armor was momentarily stunned.

Hou Feng? Upper witch?

As a super existence ruling a witch divine realm, his strength and reputation were renowned throughout the entire realm. He was honored by many powerful witches, celestial witches, and celestial beings as the 'Star Sovereign.'

He had numerous star masters and celestial beings under his command.

Why would he bother paying special attention to an upper witch?

However, as the Star Sovereign, how exceptional was the black-clad burly man's memory? Even events from billions of years ago were vividly remembered.

Slightly recalling, he remembered a not-too-distant memory, which was just a 'casualty list.'

"Wu Sovereign, I do remember that there was such an upper witch, exceptionally powerful, a six calamities upper witch." Hou Qu Star Sovereign respectfully said, "He once established a small tribe and built his own clan."


"Over ten thousand years ago, during the great war between our witch realm and the Immortal Court, the Hou Feng tribe was also swept up. The entire Immortal Island where they were located was destroyed, and the Hou Feng tribe was annihilated."

"Even Hou Feng himself fell in battle while following the army and fighting against the Immortal Court." Hou Qu Star Sovereign said solemnly.

As he recounted the great war from ten thousand years ago, there was a hint of lingering fear in his eyes. That war was a calamity, even for a super powerhouse like him.

In that calamity, not only did numerous witches and immortal soldiers perish, but it even affected several other major superpowers in the realm.

The conflict between the Cangfeng Witch Realm and the Immortal Court was too frenzied.

"Yes, that's all correct."

The man in beast skins sitting on the throne said lightly, "I have something to arrange for you."

"Sovereign, please instruct." Hou Qu Star Sovereign said respectfully.

"In the Blood-Refining Demon Palace, a talented youngster with the name 'Wu Yuan' has just been born. He is currently at the Spirit Body Realm Ninth Layer." The man in beast skins spoke softly. "He is a witch and has a second-class foundation."

"He just obtained a very small part of the legacy of the 'Hou Feng tribe' and has risen to prominence."

Hou Qu Star Sovereign listened, but felt puzzled.

Spirit Body Realm Ninth Layer?

Too weak. For them, even a Body Refiner who stepped into the Divine Realm could barely be considered as embarking on the path of cultivation.

Moreover, he was far away in the Blood-Refining Demon Palace, a colossal force that was not very compatible with them.

"He is currently participating in the 'Golden Core Blood-Refining Battle' organized by the Blood-Refining Demon Palace and has taken the title of Golden Core Blood-Refining King." The man in beast skins said indifferently. "That's not a big deal."

Hou Qu Star Sovereign nodded involuntarily.

The title of Golden Core Blood-Refining King?

For a super existence like a Star Sovereign, even a Purple Mansion Blood-Refining King was just a small fry.

Genius was only genius and not a powerhouse.

Even if a genius was peerless, to become a star master or star sovereign, one had to undergo numerous tribulations.

"However, Wu Yuan has just obtained a 'legendary-level' opportunity in the Blood-Refining Demon Palace."

"Legendary-level opportunity?" Hou Qu Star Sovereign felt slightly surprised.

He, though a witch cultivator, had dealt with various forces in the vast realm over countless years and had heard of the wonders of the Blood-Refining Spacetime.

Those inferior, medium, and superior opportunities were basically insignificant, not even worth the attention of celestial beings.

However, when it came to the so-called True Profound level opportunities, it was different. Many upper immortals and even celestial beings would covet them.

As for legendary-level opportunities?

Even more rare and unique!

"I have decided to take him as a disciple, so you go on my behalf to the Eternal Sun Immortal Realm." The man in beast skins said lightly, "He is still weak; keep this matter quiet."

"Taking a disciple?" Hou Qu Star Sovereign was taken aback.

Witch Sovereign.

He was a super existence that had dominated the Cangfeng Witch Realm for endless years.

In the entire realm, the Witch Sovereign stood at the pinnacle. Perhaps leaders of other major forces, such as the Eternal Sun Immortal Realm and Blood-Refining Demon Palace, could be compared to the Witch Sovereign, but at most, they were of the same level.

For such a great existence to take a disciple?

It would definitely be a major event, shaking the entire Cangfeng Witch Realm and making other forces take notice.

"Just a named disciple." The man in beast skins said indifferently.

A named disciple?

Hou Qu Star Sovereign muttered to himself. Currently at the Spirit Body Realm, he would naturally only be a named disciple. However, as his strength continued to increase, once he transcended the divine tribulation and became a Celestial Witch, he would naturally become a direct disciple.

Moreover, unlike the named disciples taken when reaching the level of Celestial Beings, that kind of named disciple meant the Witch Sovereign didn't care.

But for a Witch Sovereign who hadn't transcended the celestial tribulation?

Even if the strength was weak, who could fathom what the Witch Sovereign was thinking?

Therefore, ordinary Star Sovereigns were not willing to offend him.

"Even if he obtains a legendary-level opportunity, it's just a chance. It's hard to say how far he can go. What's so special about this Wu Yuan that the Witch Sovereign wants to take him as a disciple?" Hou Qu Star Sovereign thought of many things.

As a Star Sovereign, his vision was extremely high, and he knew many secrets.

"Witch Sovereign."

Hou Qu Star Sovereign couldn't help but say, "Wu Yuan has gained a great opportunity in the Blood-Refining Spacetime. I'm afraid he is highly valued by the Blood-Refining Demon Palace. Should I go to the Eternal Sun Immortal Realm directly to seize him?"

Although seizing him was an option.

Hou Qu Star Sovereign was not afraid.

But he was worried about damaging the relationship between the two major forces.

The Cangfeng Witch Realm and the Immortal Court were in constant warfare. Major forces like the Eternal Sun Immortal Realm and Blood-Refining Demon Palace maintained neutrality.

Both sides didn't want to involve other major forces.

"Naturally, you won't go to seize him." The man in beast skins smiled faintly. "Rest assured, you can go directly to the Scarlet Moon Immortal Island, a subordinate of the White Cang Immortal Country."

"I have communicated with the Demon Sovereign."

"No one will hinder you." The man in beast skins said.

"Yes, I will go now." Hou Qu Star Sovereign nodded, no longer worried, and quickly left the Cangfeng City.

Immediately tearing through the spacetime, he rushed towards the Scarlet Moon Immortal Island.

Inside the temple.

"This time, Wu Yuan has clearly obtained a great opportunity, but why did the Blood-Refining Demon Palace take the initiative to send him over? What is the deep meaning?" The man in beast skins sensed Hou Qu Star Sovereign leaving but began to contemplate.


"Guided by the Witch Court, Wu Yuan himself is not a problem. This won't be wrong... I just hope that Wu Yuan won't disappoint me." The man in beast skins stood up.

Taking a disciple had reasons and purposes, not just for Wu Yuan's talent.

Never mind that he didn't know about Wu Yuan's possession of the 'Stellar God Body'; even if he knew, so what? Sitting in the Cangfeng Witch Realm for endless years, he had seen too many peerless geniuses.

"Temple of Thunder Feathers." A hint of killing intent flashed in his golden eyes, along with a trace of concern.

The Temple of Thunder Feathers was the directly affiliated force of the Immortal Court in the realm.

The war between the witch lineages and the Immortal Court had been ongoing and protracted, with the two major forces waging war for endless years. Numerous affiliated forces were involved, and they even fought in various realms along the endless river of time.

The casualties on both sides were enormous!

In some major realms, the witch lineage holds the upper hand, while in others, the celestial court lineage dominates.

Undoubtedly, in the Qingling Great Realm, the Temple of Thunder Feathers completely suppresses the Cangfeng Witch Realm.

Because of this, for the Cangfeng Witch Realm, the birth of another super powerhouse is a good thing.


On the Scarlet Moon Immortal Island, within the Dragonstar Immortal Sect.

Inside Wu Yuan's mansion world, in a quiet room.

"What happened to my body-refining avatar?" Wu Yuan's Qi Refining avatar sat cross-legged, with a hint of fear in his heart.

The consciousness of the two avatars was unified, but their divine souls were not connected.


The Qi Refining avatar was not aware of the situation of the Body-Refining avatar. He could only sense that the Body-Refining avatar was still alive, but the consciousness had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Just now, I was clearly choosing opportunities, why did the bone suddenly turn blood red? I only remember that the Black Tower emitted a burst of rosy light." Wu Yuan's Qi Refining avatar revealed a trace of worry.

He couldn't remember much about what the Body-Refining avatar had experienced recently, which was quite strange.

As for what happened later? The Body-Refining avatar fell into a coma, so he naturally knew even less.

"Wait a little longer." Wu Yuan thought to himself, filled with concern.

Time passed.

Days went by.

The Body-Refining avatar still couldn't wake up. Although Wu Yuan felt helpless, after careful consideration, he still didn't seek his Master.

Firstly, the Blood-Refining Spacetime was extremely special, and some things couldn't be spoken of.

Secondly, even if he spoke, what difference would it make? With the strength of his Master, he probably couldn't resolve it, just like he couldn't save the Body-Refining avatar back then, let alone now when the Body-Refining avatar was far away in the Blood-Refining Spacetime.

"Just wait!"

"In the Blood-Refining Spacetime, countless years have passed, but I have never heard of any loopholes." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

He forced himself to be patient and waited.


In the Blood-Refining Spacetime, after selecting their opportunities, batches of top talents were successively sent back to their respective Blood-Refining Demon Palace first-level branches and then returned to their second-level branches.

In the space where the Scarlet Moon Demon Palace was located, the original Blood World.

Many immortals gathered, looking up at the huge spacetime vortex. Among the many immortals, Immortal Wutian was the most expectant.

"Where's Wu Yuan?"

"It's been a day."

"Bai Li fell, Shui Heng didn't meet the requirements of the ten thousand Blood Demon Orders, and as for the other surviving participants, they have all returned to the original Blood World early."

"Only Wu Yuan."

"He is the Blood-Refining King at the Golden Core stage. Normally, receiving the opportunity would take half a year to a year. I heard that most of the Golden Core Blood-Refining Marquises in the second-level branches have already returned."

"Wu Yuan hasn't come back?" These immortals felt puzzled.

According to past experience, Wu Yuan should have returned long ago.

They were all looking forward to giving Wu Yuan a grand celebration.

After all, a Golden Core Blood-Refining King was already rare, not to mention being directly granted the title of king?

Looking at the nearly billions of years of history of the Scarlet Moon Demon Palace, such a peerless genius, generally, an upper immortal would only live for several hundred thousand years.

However, it had not reached the final deadline.

Therefore, although puzzled, the many immortals of the Scarlet Moon Demon Palace, like Immortal Wutian, did not dare to disturb 'Star Master Yinhe' because of this.


Many earthly immortals and upper immortals of the Scarlet Moon Demon Palace were unaware.

Their nearly eternal leader 'Star Master Yinhe' was currently in extreme shock and unwillingness.

Here, in a space-time dimension far away from the Scarlet Moon Immortal Island.

A magnificent and endless golden divine palace, burning with endless flames, illuminated the entire heaven and earth.


"Star Master, how can this be?" Star Master Yinhe, tall and originally respectful, became anxious. He exclaimed, "Wu Yuan, such a peerless genius! How can we easily hand him over to the Cangfeng Witch Realm?"

"He is growing up, almost certain to become a Seventh-Level Celestial Powerhouse, and even has the potential to stand shoulder to shoulder with you, Star Master," Star Master Yinhe respectfully said. "As long as you take him as a disciple in advance."

"Once he grows up, he will undoubtedly become a great help to you, Star Master."

"Even if he is just a named disciple, it's still good," Star Master Yinhe was full of anxiety. "I have been blocking Dust Lamp's attempt to take him as a disciple."

Naturally, Star Master Yinhe was in a hurry.

Although the cost paid for Wu Yuan was not small, it was nothing to him, Star Master Yinhe.

What he cared more about was Wu Yuan himself.

If it were an ordinary peerless genius, Star Master Yinhe wouldn't care at all.

Why do very few Star Masters and Star Lords accept disciples?

Just because it's meaningless!

Like those so-called second-level Blood-Refining seeds, and even geniuses like Bai Li who passed through the tenth and eleventh layers of the Golden Core Dark Star.

Even if they don't fall midway, after cultivating for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, their final achievements are often just ordinary celestial beings.

You should know that even seemingly ordinary immortals among celestial beings were once dazzling geniuses when they were young.

And celestial beings, unless they reach the level of Dongyang Sword Immortal.

Otherwise, it's not of much significance to Star Masters and Star Lords.

Millions of years pass in a flash.

However, if there is hope of becoming a celestial being, like the first-level Blood-Refining seeds, the significance to these eternal beings is completely different.

Naturally, they will be valued.

Like the Scarlet Moon Demon Palace, over countless years, how many celestial beings have been born?

For Star Master Yinhe, every additional celestial being under his command would be a great help, and they would play a significant role in critical moments.

Once they become Star Masters or Star Lords.

The role they play would be even greater.

"I understand."

"Yinhe, I know what you mean," the towering figure sitting at the end of the golden temple looked down below with a thunderous voice. "However, this is an order from the Demon Palace headquarters."

"It's an order personally issued by the Demon Lord!"

"Wu Yuan must be sent away."

"We can't oppose it, no matter who we are." The towering figure slowly said, "This is a matter you don't need to argue about anymore."

"An order personally issued by the Demon Lord?" Star Master Yinhe was surprised.

Demon Lord!

The entire Blood-Refining Demon Palace, which is enormous, has over four million second-level branches, and how many celestial beings and Star Masters are there?

It's truly frightening.

But the Demon Lord is the eternal existence that has sat in the Blood-Refining Demon Palace for billions of years, allowing the Blood-Refining Demon Palace to endure in the Qingling Great Realm.

Such a great existence actually paid attention to Wu Yuan personally?

"What did Wu Yuan do? To make the Demon Lord issue such an order?" Star Master Yinhe couldn't understand.

You should know that he, as a Star Master, has such a high status and strength. However, when he just became a Star Master, he had met the Demon Lord only once.

"Go back and wait patiently."

The towering figure at the end of the golden temple said, "Soon, a Star Master will come to the Witch Realm to pick him up. According to my guess, it is likely that some Witch Lord and Demon Lord made a deal and want to take him as a disciple."

"Witch Lord taking disciples?" Star Master Yinhe was increasingly shocked.


"Yes." Star Master Yinhe didn't dare to argue anymore, respectfully saluted, and obediently left the temple.


Time passed, and within the Blood-Refining Time Space, it's unclear how much time had elapsed.

Like a hundred years of deep sleep.

"Hmm?" Wu Yuan's physical refining incarnation finally woke up, feeling a burst of explosion in his divine soul.


Unprecedented headache!

"What happened to my refining incarnation? Didn't I just choose treasures in the Supreme Hall?" Wu Yuan's head was splitting with pain.

It felt as if someone had struck him with a heavy hammer, just waking up from a faint.

For Wu Yuan, it had been a long time since he experienced this kind of situation, at least not since he embarked on the path of cultivation.


Boom! The two incarnations' consciousness merged into one. Wu Yuan quickly sensed his body's condition, but after a thorough investigation, there was no anomaly.

Only the divine soul was slightly weakened.

"Was I attacked?"

"But I'm in the Blood-Refining Time Space, having just completed the Supreme Hall challenge. How could anyone attack me? Even Celestials can't do that, right?" Wu Yuan tried to shake his head, thinking, "Could it be the collision between the Black Tower and that mysterious bone? Did it affect me?"

"Spreading to me?"

For some reason, he couldn't recall the previous events clearly.

Wu Yuan could only vividly remember some incidents that happened before he was teleported to the 'Land of Opportunity' by the woman in white. He recalled the process of breaking through the Supreme Hall.

It was very strange.

"I wonder if the Black Tower has been exposed," Wu Yuan suddenly felt a sense of worry. "But at least I'm not dead yet."


"Wu Yuan, you're awake," a gentle voice rang out.

"Elder." Wu Yuan regained some clarity, stood up, and bowed slightly to the woman in white.

At this moment, he finally had the energy to glance around.

It was a black metal square.

However, it was now deserted.

"You've been asleep for nearly a month," the woman in white said softly. "All the Golden Core Blood-Refining Kings have left after choosing their fortunes."

Wu Yuan nodded lightly.

Although the refining incarnation was in a coma, the qi refining incarnation had been awake all along, naturally aware of the passage of time.

"Elder, who am I?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking, feeling a bit uneasy.


"Haven't you noticed?" The woman in white's face was still unclear, but her voice carried a hint of a smile. "You're very lucky. You've obtained two legendary-level fortunes."

"Two? Legendary-level fortunes?" Wu Yuan was stunned.

He had no recollection whatsoever.

"Carefully explore yourself," the woman in white said.

Curious, Wu Yuan immediately began to investigate. Soon, he sensed two items lying quietly in his divine palace: a delicate and vibrant sapling rooted silently, absorbing the force of life.

And Wu Yuan was completely unaware.

In addition, there was a pale silver 'Triangular Prism Crystal' floating quietly above the vortex of power.

Undulating with the fluctuations of the power source.

These were the two items among the four that resonated with him previously.


When Wu Yuan sensed them, he felt that both items were mysterious, and he couldn't discern their depth.

"Didn't get a Master-level fortune? But it's still good to obtain two legendary-level treasures." Wu Yuan remained calm in his heart.

He still had many doubts.

However, upon careful consideration, Wu Yuan understood.

As a minor figure in the Spiritual Body Realm, what could be worth the attention of the Blood-Refining Time Space?

If the other party wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as turning their hand!

"Wu Yuan, now that you're awake, I'll send you back to the Scarlet Moon Immortal Island." The woman in white's voice carried a hint of a smile.

Wu Yuan felt puzzled. Why didn't the woman in white explain why he had passed out?

What about the Black Tower? Did the other party not notice it at all?

However, with uncertainty in his heart and the woman in white offering no explanation, Wu Yuan decided not to press for more answers.

Asking too many questions might lead to more mistakes, so it was better to leave early.

"Thank you, Elder." Wu Yuan nodded.

The woman in white nodded slightly, waved her hand, and an invisible force enveloped Wu Yuan, making him disappear from the spot.


"Sent away this ominous star," the woman in white shook her head, her eyes showing a hint of fear and curiosity. "What is behind him? Even the Supreme doesn't want to provoke him?"


ps: Over 9,000 characters, three chapters in one.

In addition to the guaranteed two chapters, I'll add two more with 10,000 monthly votes 4/6. Please vote for the month!

The next chapter concludes this volume.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 305 - Acting on the Orders of the Witch King (Extra Chapter for 10,000 Monthly Votes)

In the Blood Refining Demon Palace, at the center of the original Blood World, the enormous spatial vortex remained, not completely closed.

However, the numerous Earth Immortals that had gathered here before had dispersed, even the likes of Wu Tian Immortal. Only a few Void Refinement and Saint Domain realm protectors were left, following orders to wait.


"Swoosh!" A figure in white descended rapidly from the spatial vortex and appeared in the void of the original Blood World.

"Boom, boom, boom~" Immediately after, the massive spatial vortex began to dissipate.

"Wu Yuan is back." Immediately, a sharp-eyed Void Refinement protector noticed the abnormality of the spatial vortex and also saw Wu Yuan.

"Wu Yuan! Golden Core Blood Refining King."

"Blood Refining King." Other Void Refinement and Saint Domain protectors spoke excitedly, their voices filled with enthusiasm.

As protectors of the Demon Palace, if they didn't break through, their lifespan wouldn't exceed thirty thousand years. Without unexpected circumstances, these protectors would find it challenging to witness the birth of a new Golden Core Blood Refining King in the Red Moon branch.

In the recent Blood Refining Battle, Wu Yuan had slain countless opponents, ranked first in the Blood Demon Order, and miraculously became a direct disciple of the king.

He had already become famous throughout the entire Demon Palace White Cang branch.

These protectors were naturally thrilled. This was the pride of the entire Red Moon Demon Palace. In the future, when facing protectors from other second-level branches, they could boast unreservedly.


Hoo! Hoo! Mighty figures with powerful auras quickly appeared, all of them being Earth Immortals and Celestial Immortals from the Demon Palace. Having received the news, they rushed over immediately.

"Wu Yuan is back."

"Wu Yuan, impressive."

"Congratulations, Golden Core Blood Refining King."

"Celebration, celebration banquet." Many Demon Palace Celestial Immortals flew forward, all with smiles on their faces, seemingly very familiar with Wu Yuan and showing no intention of being reserved.

They all knew that with Wu Yuan's current talent, he was destined for great achievements.

Facing a group of enthusiastic Celestial Immortals, Wu Yuan just superficially responded. Firstly, his time in the Blood Refining Demon Palace was relatively short, only three years in total, and he wasn't familiar with these Celestial Immortals. Secondly, Wu Yuan was still thinking about his experiences in the Blood Refining Time-Space.

"Wu Yuan, your achievements this time have greatly honored our Red Moon Demon Palace." Wu Tian Immortal appeared.

As Wu Yuan's direct superior Immortal, he was filled with joy, approaching and saying, "Being directly bestowed the title of Golden Core Blood Refining King is a rare occurrence in the over one billion years of our Red Moon Demon Palace's history!"

"You've achieved so much in just a few decades of cultivation."

"In terms of reputation, you have already surpassed Zhuo Haiyue and Li Xia, becoming the most outstanding talent in the White Cang Immortal Country's spatial territory."

"Your name has spread across thousands of Demon Palace second-level branches in the White Cang branch." Wu Tian Immortal exclaimed, "As for our Red Moon Demon Palace? In the coming tens of billions of years, there will probably be countless successors mentioning your name."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Tens of billions of years?

This kind of reputation, though only nominal, didn't directly enhance his strength. However, thinking about it, he found it amusing. After all, in life, name and gain were inseparable, even for immortals.

"Let's go."

"The entire Demon Palace, from top to bottom, has prepared a grand celebration for you." Wu Tian Immortal smiled and said, "After the banquet, you will also receive various rewards."

"Okay." Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go."

Swoosh! Swoosh! With Wu Tian Immortal and Wu Yuan leading the way, a crowd of Celestial Immortals surrounded them, along with thousands of Earth Immortals and even more protectors.

They flew towards the massive palace at the end of the world.

That was the location of the celebration banquet.

The original Blood World was initially for the cultivation of Demon Palace 'Golden Core Realm' disciples.

However, after the Blood Refining Battle, over ninety-nine percent of the millions of Golden Core cultivators from various small worlds had perished. With the next Blood Refining Battle still far away, it was a time for many Demon Palace protectors and Earth Immortals to relax.


"Immortal, these Qi Sea Realm cultivators." Wu Yuan pointed at a region passing below, where countless Qi Sea Realm cultivators were vaguely visible in various buildings and caves.

At a glance, there were probably billions of them.

"These are gathered from various small worlds. They don't qualify to participate in the Blood Refining Battle," Wu Tian Immortal casually explained. "So, from among them, numerous elite disciples and those with high talents will be selected and diligently cultivated."

"Like every Blood Refining Battle, the millions of Golden Core cultivators directly cultivated by the Demon Palace are selected from these gathered Qi Sea Realm cultivators."

"In a hundred years, if their talent is high enough, they can stand out." Wu Tian Immortal said.

Wu Yuan suddenly understood.

He finally understood why, in the Xia Mountain World, the Blood Refining Demon Palace not only required sending some Golden Core cultivators but also demanded the dispatch of a large number of Qi Sea Realm cultivators.

"What if they can't stand out?" Wu Yuan asked casually.

"Then, they are naturally doomed, useless. What's the point of keeping them?" Wu Tian Immortal shook his head. "Before each Blood Refining Battle, if they still can't break into the Golden Core Realm, they will be concentrated and sent to the Blood Refining dimension."

"No one can survive." Wu Tian Immortal spoke naturally.

Wu Yuan was stunned for a long time, thinking of the words of the 'White-robed Woman' in the Blood Refining Time-Space and recalling the miraculous reason for the Blood Refining Jade Platform.


"The Blood Refining Time-Space not only harvests the souls of Golden Core participants but also ten times the number of Qi Sea Realm cultivators." Wu Yuan sighed secretly.

He increasingly realized the cruelty of the Blood Refining Demon Palace.


"In endless ages, harvesting countless souls, what is the ultimate goal?" A thought flashed in Wu Yuan's mind.

At this moment, everyone had already flown into the palace.

...The entire celebration banquet continued in the palace for a day and night. Wu Yuan was undoubtedly the absolute protagonist of this banquet.

Even halfway through the banquet, several Demon Palace Celestial Immortals descended.

Although they were only ordinary Celestial Immortals, their status was much higher than that of Celestial Immortals, reaching the climax of the entire banquet.

The only thing that puzzled Wu Yuan slightly was that Lord Yin and Xing didn't appear.

After the banquet.

Wu Tian Immortal accompanied Wu Yuan back to the 'First District.' The mansion here was already mostly empty.

"White Li fell, and Shui Heng survived." Wu Tian Immortal whispered.

White Li?

Wu Yuan was stunned, thinking of that stubborn, ambitious girl who seemed to have lofty aspirations.

Being able to pass the eleventh level of the Dark Star was enough to be considered a genius.

If she hadn't fallen, continued to cultivate diligently, and spent tens of thousands of years becoming a Celestial Immortal, it wouldn't have been too difficult.

However, she silently died on the Blood Refining battlefield.

"Once dead."

Wu Yuan's originally noisy mind calmed down slightly. "No matter how great the ambition, how high the talent, or how great the achievement, everything is ultimately in vain."

"It's just gossip for others, eventually fading away." Wu Yuan's mind became even calmer, feeling as if his soul had been washed again.

First of all, one must stay alive!

"Being alive gives hope."

"A Dao heart needs constant refinement to become stronger."

This Blood Refining Battle not only significantly improved Wu Yuan's strength but also served as a baptism for his soul.

"Wu Yuan, you should be prepared for the next step. The Demon Palace headquarters will probably summon you," Immortal Wu Tian smiled. "Besides, when you claimed the Blood Refining King title, the Lord of the Stars had already ordered to appoint you as the Lord of the Xia Mountain World."

"As for other rewards?"

"Wait until you arrive at the Demon Palace headquarters; there will be bestowals," Immortal Wu Tian said.

"Yes." Wu Yuan nodded and flew into the mansion.

In the void.

Immortal Wu Tian watched Wu Yuan enter the quiet room and muttered, "It's strange. Didn't the Lord of the Stars say he would personally attend the banquet and even give Wu Yuan a generous gift?"

"Why didn't he come?"

"He didn't mention preparing an additional gift?" Immortal Wu Tian shook his head slightly. "Can't figure it out."

However, Immortal Wu Tian was unaware that, being a Celestial Immortal, Lord Yin and Star Master would naturally not inform him of the order from the Demon Lord.


Back in the mansion's quiet room.

Wu Yuan sat cross-legged, still contemplating the fall of 'White Li' and the silence in the First District.

"More than eighty second-level Blood Refining seeds, only over twenty survived." Wu Yuan pondered, "Out of over a hundred million Golden Core cultivators who participated, fewer than a million returned alive."

These were the data he obtained at the banquet.


Even so-called geniuses had an almost eighty percent chance of falling.

It was just one Golden Core Blood Refining battle.

"This is the immortal path under the dominance of the Blood Refining Demon Palace." Wu Yuan sighed secretly.

The competition on the immortal path was extremely fierce.

Many disciples of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect also perished in various trial tasks, equally cruel.

However, the methods of tempering used by the Blood Refining Demon Palace were more insane.

"Although it's a tempering, it's more for harvesting souls." Wu Yuan shook his head slightly, suppressing many thoughts.

He began to contemplate himself.

"The Blood Refining Battle is over."

"My Physical Refining Avatar is about to go to the Demon Palace headquarters. I wonder what kind of scene awaits me." Wu Yuan pondered, "However, starting from myself, after comprehending the foundation for some time, I can attempt to step into the Mountain and River Realm."

Once he stepped into the Mountain and River Realm, Wu Yuan's strength would skyrocket again.

"Furthermore, these two legendary treasures, legendary-level opportunities?" Wu Yuan gently closed his eyes, sensing the two items in the Divine Palace.

Concentrating his divine sense, a shadow of the divine soul appeared in the Divine Palace, hundreds of times more spacious than when it was first opened.

"Gushing~" A vast life source.

The entire Divine Palace resembled a small world, a lake.

In this lake,

A small sapling, entirely lush green and brimming with vitality, was rooted beneath the lake surface. Although its yellowed branches and leaves had not fully recovered, they had improved significantly.

"According to the words of the white-robed woman,"

"A legendary-level opportunity is enough to make a genius have great hope of becoming a Star Master?" Wu Yuan thought to himself.

He never dared to underestimate the Star Master.

Despite the equal treatment by the Immortals at the banquet, and the somewhat 'respectful' meaning among the group of Earth Immortals and guardians when facing him, Wu Yuan's mind was very clear.

Talent was talent, strength was strength.

In terms of true strength, any virtual refining or saint realm cultivator could easily crush him with one move.

As for the Star Master?

That was an existence presiding over an immortal island for billions of years. In other words, even the geniuses appearing once every hundred million years on the Crimson Moon Immortal Island might not become Star Masters.

"This small sapling." Wu Yuan observed and sensed carefully.


Wu Yuan perceived that this small sapling was extraordinary. It did not merge into the Divine Palace but instead rooted in the void. It could silently absorb a large amount of life source energy.

"Really amazing."

"Rooted in the void, this sapling has an innate mastery over space?" Wu Yuan realized the extraordinary nature of the sapling.

He thought of a legendary type of plant life – the World-Constructing Tree!

Legend had it that

The World-Constructing Tree grew in the endless river of time and space, and its roots could extend to different spatial dimensions, connecting different realms, temporal planes, and so on.

Through the World-Constructing Tree, one could quickly travel from one realm to another.

Incredibly miraculous.

"This little sapling of mine is somewhat similar to the legendary World-Constructing Tree." Wu Yuan silently pondered. "And it seems like I am its recognized master?"

Although he couldn't control this little sapling,

By allowing it to absorb life source energy and grow, Wu Yuan could feel himself getting closer to its origin.

"My Divine Palace seems to have become more stable." Wu Yuan sensed the changes in the Divine Palace.

Just as he was contemplating,

"Master! Master, I suspect this sapling is the 'Realm Tree' recorded in my inherited memories." Little Black, which had been wandering in the Divine Palace's source energy lake, suddenly spoke.

It also had a large number of inherited memories, some of which Wu Yuan did not possess.

"Realm Tree?" Wu Yuan was slightly stunned.


Little Black nodded. "Master, according to my inherited memories, the Realm Tree is a branch of the World-Constructing Tree."

"For endless ages, there are only a few World-Constructing Trees in the river of time and space."

"Just like the ancestor of my Tengshe lineage, there is only one."

"The World-Constructing Tree has spirits, like true living beings. Among them, some have cultivated great divine powers and once shook the ancient times. They nurtured and differentiated some of their branches and roots, giving rise to various branches such as Cosmic Trees, Realm Trees, and World Trees." Little Black continued, "The World-Constructing Tree lineage is quite famous among the spirits of grass and trees."

Wu Yuan suddenly understood.

He was unaware of this information.

As time passed,

Little Black delivered the information about the 'Realm Tree' to Wu Yuan.