

Chapter 111: Spirit of the Divine Weapon

Following Supreme Yu, the two returned to Yunshan overnight.

However, to Wu Yuan's surprise, on the way back to Yunshan, Supreme Yu did not inquire about Dark Blade. Instead, they chatted about family and the Wu clan.

After entering Yunshan, he didn't instruct him to go to the Cloud Hall. Instead, he asked him to rest in the courtyard of the Cloud Martial Hall.

It seemed as if Supreme Yu truly believed Wu Yuan's poor and pitiful reasons.

In the solitary courtyard:

On the first floor, Wu Yuan sat quietly in the martial arts room.

Part of his consciousness controlled his body to practice the "Great Earth Abyss," absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

While contemplating the events of the day.

With Wu Yuan's current powerful spiritual strength, multitasking or even triple-tasking was effortless.

"Something's not right."

"Supreme Yu, such a wise person," Wu Yuan frowned. "And Ge Wang, referred to by the entire sect as the 'Sage.' As the Master of the Supervision Hall, he observed the entire process today. Could he really not sense anything unusual?"


Wu Yuan knew he couldn't regard the upper echelons of the sect as fools.

Leaving aside everything else, just the fact that Elder Luo concealed the news of his departure from the mansion at the first opportunity was enough to indicate the sect's upper echelons had their own judgment.

"By conventional reasoning."

"At the very least, the sect's high-level should assume a connection between Dark Blade and me," Wu Yuan pondered. "If they investigate the times and places both sides appeared, they should easily discern some clues."

Wu Yuan hadn't forgotten.

When Southern Dragon River was assassinated, he secretly used the 'Flying Knife' to assist the accompanying guards in killing the enemies.

Wouldn't Ge Ji report this?

"Yet, first Elder Luo didn't ask me any more questions and simply announced to the outside world that I had not left the mansion," Wu Yuan shook his head. "After Supreme Yu came and communicated with Ge Wang and Zhang Changsheng for a long time, did he finally believe my nonsense?"

There was something fishy about it, and no one would believe there wasn't!

"Two possibilities!"

"First, they believe that 'Dark Blade' has a very close relationship with me, and Dark Blade secretly protects me. However, if that's the case, Supreme Yu should have at least asked me a few questions," Wu Yuan frowned slightly.

"Or maybe, Supreme Yu hasn't figured out what to ask me yet?"

"Secondly, they speculate that I am very likely Dark Blade," Wu Yuan doesn't think his concealment is very good.

In reality, it's full of loopholes!

However, in the past few years, his age made everyone subconsciously overlook this possibility.

Only today,

The omissions are too significant, to the extent that the high-levels of Hengyun Sect can no longer turn a blind eye.

As long as bold assumptions are made,

Then, by corresponding each past trace, the probability of Wu Yuan being exposed will rise linearly!

"Do I need to completely reveal everything to the sect?"

Wu Yuan hesitated a bit. He wasn't really worried that the sect would persecute him.

The probability of this is small!

More importantly, Wu Yuan finds it challenging to explain why, at the age of fourteen, when his talent was dull, he suddenly transformed into having such terrifying power.

A Grandmaster at the age of seventeen!

In the three thousand years of the Middle Land, except for the legendary Martial King, who can be compared, others, even some top-tier individuals in the Heavenly Ranking, fall far short in their cultivation.

How do you explain that?

This isn't something like 'opening up the meridians, cultivating the elixir field, and innate talent.'

It's still that same phrase.

While strength can barely be explained by talent, what about actions and character?

In the world, how many are born with such knowledge?

"Bide time when the enemy comes; cover yourself when water arrives with earth." Wu Yuan secretly thought. "Let's see how the sect finally decides to deal with me."

To adapt to the ever-changing situations, this is Wu Yuan's final decision.

He doesn't want to completely fall out with Hengyun Sect.

Firstly, in the past few years, the sect has indeed put in considerable effort to nurture him. Would he really want to ruin that? It's something Wu Yuan does not want to see.

A man has things he should and shouldn't do!

Secondly, Wu Yuan's family and relatives are indeed deeply connected with Hengyun Sect.

"The only thing I can do is to continue improving my strength. Strength is the foundation." Wu Yuan realized this clearly.

Supreme Yu likely noticed.

Why hasn't there been any sign of hostility?

Essentially, Wu Yuan's outbreak of strength today is too formidable! Powerful enough that the sect's upper echelons have no certainty of winning.

Wu Yuan suppressed many thoughts and shifted his focus to his storage artifact. "Let's take a look at what treasures were gained today."

He quickly checked.

Resulting in some disappointment for Wu Yuan.

A Grandmaster, three top-notch experts, and only a little over a hundred thousand gold and silver notes.

Much less than the kill on Ninth Prince Jin Rensu.

As for other treasures? Except for a pile of weapons and armor, they were just some worthless trinkets, without even a single spiritual treasure.

Thinking about it, for an assassination over a long distance, would they bring too many useless treasures?

"Eight third-grade divine weapons, three weapons, four close-fitting armors, and a pair of boots?" Wu Yuan took out those boots from the storage artifact.

The material was very special, extremely sturdy on the outside but quite soft on the inside.

You should know,

In martial battles, boots are essential. With forces erupting to hundreds of thousands of pounds, boots with vulnerable points would instantly be rendered useless.

Therefore, the boots of martial arts experts are mostly specially made.

However, divine-grade 'war boots'?

Very rare.

Although they seem to be only third-grade divine weapons, forging them to be comfortable and well-fitting is very rare. The difficulty and cost are much higher than ordinary third-grade divine weapons.

"Master, truly a master." Wu Yuan immediately tried the boots.

They felt reasonably well-fitted to him.

This was originally crafted by Wang Huang for himself.

As for the other third-grade divine weapons? They weren't of great help to Wu Yuan; he already had third-grade divine weapons and armor.

"I can only find opportunities in the future to sell all these divine weapons." Wu Yuan thought.

Using them is impossible; it would expose himself.

Wu Yuan's gaze fell on the soft sword in front of him. "Only this sword."

Grandmaster Wang Huang has three divine weapons, a close-fitting armor, and war boots, all of which are third-grade divine weapons.

This soft sword is a 'second-grade divine weapon.'

"Fine Rain Sword," Wu Yuan carefully examined this longsword.

It has been described in 'Tianxia Dibang.'

Wu Yuan couldn't help but recall the scene when they fought.

This sword in Wang Huang's hands indeed lived up to its name, its sword aura like a fine drizzle, eerie and unpredictable, ever-changing! In terms of weaponry, it was much more powerful than the third-grade divine weapon sword Wu Yuan used.

This was one of the reasons why Wu Yuan spent a long time and, in the end, risked his life to kill Wang Huang.

"This weapon isn't suitable for me," Wu Yuan pondered over this divine weapon, and with a wrist movement, he produced several beautiful sword flowers.

No less skillful than Wang Huang's swordsmanship.

At their level, meticulous control of the body and treating weapons as an extension of the body is crucial, but it hasn't reached a point where it can't be changed.

Whether it's a knife or a sword, it's just a carrier for technique.

For someone like Wu Yuan, using a knife makes him a master of knife techniques; using a gun makes him a master of gun techniques. Switching to a sword wouldn't significantly weaken his strength.

For a master,

The importance of a weapon lies in compatibility.

Wu Yuan didn't like very refined, clever techniques. He preferred a straightforward and bold fighting style, pursuing overpowering finesse and swift strikes.

A knife or axe is what he finds most satisfying in life-or-death struggles.


"As Master Fang Xia said, the difference between second-grade and first-grade divine weapons lies not only in the maximum power they can withstand but also in their spirituality." Wu Yuan contemplated, "Third-grade divine weapons are essentially no different from ordinary weapons."

"Second-grade divine weapons, however, contain a hint of spirituality."

What is spirituality?

Wu Yuan doesn't quite understand; he has no concept of it. He only occasionally saw it while reading many master's insights.

"Better to practice than to think! Let's try it!" Wu Yuan was curious and didn't delay, standing up to test the sword directly.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

In an instant, strange sword lights lit up in the training room, silent but with a hint of brilliance and beauty!

After dozens of attempts,

"Once you get into it, this Fine Rain Sword is indeed very comfortable, capable of easily withstanding the full force of my eruption." Wu Yuan evaluated the longsword in his hand.

But more mysteries? He couldn't discern them.

After some thought,

"Change perspective and try again." Wu Yuan grasped the sword again, but this time, instead of swordplay, he gradually focused on feeling the presence of the sword.

Divine sense enveloped in all directions!

Consciousness gradually sensed the longsword, attempting to unify the body, mind, and weapon, truly turning the weapon into part of the body!

At first, he still gained nothing.

But Wu Yuan was very patient.

He knew very well that whether it was practicing weapon skills or cultivating 'Dadi Cangming' and other qi-consuming methods, once you reach an advanced stage, it's challenging to make quick progress.

Patience is crucial.

So, Wu Yuan continued to focus, convinced that the second-grade divine weapon wasn't as simple as he had imagined.

As time passed moment by moment,

Wu Yuan's inner peace grew, his hand still holding the sword quietly sensing. He hoped to comprehend the mysteries contained in the sword itself.


More than an hour passed. When Wu Yuan's inner calm was complete, and the first light of dawn appeared in the sky,

Wu Yuan finally faintly sensed the uniqueness of this divine weapon.

"Patterns! Elegant patterns!"

"Inside this second-tier divine weapon, there are faint patterns that seem to connect with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, almost imperceptible." Wu Yuan's strength sensed the profound layers of the sword.

He contemplated these special patterns, resonating with the meridians in his body, finding a harmonious similarity.

"The so-called spirit in a divine sword probably refers to the sword's ability to connect with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth." Wu Yuan suddenly understood.

Once one comprehends the second-tier divine weapon, it can fully connect with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, unleashing its power and significantly enhancing its capabilities.


Whether it's Chen Luo or Wang Huang, despite possessing second-tier divine weapons, during their battles with Wu Yuan, the power of their divine weapons did not show any obvious changes.

Just sharper and more resistant.


After standing in place for a long time, Wu Yuan finally swung the divine weapon in his hand again. The speed seemed unchanged, but the divine sword in his hand seemed to come alive completely.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Strange and unpredictable sword lights lit up in the martial hall. Numerous sword lights flickered, and there were faintly many water droplets appearing out of thin air, as if raindrops were appearing out of nowhere and falling to the ground.

Incredibly mysterious! Like magical arts!


With the last sword dance, Wu Yuan rotated his wrist and retracted the Fine Rain Sword. At this moment, the ground within a three-yard radius of him was completely wet.

Remember, this is indoors, and this scene is enough to astonish even experts.

"All things originate from spiritual energy."

Wu Yuan was equally surprised: "Weapons with special patterns, once unleashed, can allow the weapon to refine a trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, causing its power to soar?"

Just now, Wu Yuan clearly felt that his integration of god and sword caused the divine sword to 'autonomously' absorb spiritual energy.

Transforming spiritual energy into droplets.

With a single sword, it was as if a fine rain enveloped all directions, making Wu Yuan's swordsmanship even more enchanting and mysterious, adding threefold power!

"A second-tier divine weapon, containing only a hint of spirituality, is already so amazing." Wu Yuan put away the Fine Rain Sword: "I wonder how formidable a first-tier divine weapon with extraordinary spirituality would be?"

Although he has only witnessed the Moonlight Sword from a distance, he doesn't know the explosive scene of a first-tier divine weapon.

But that doesn't stop Wu Yuan from speculating.

"Chen Luo, Wang Huang, both masters of the Sense Realm, yet they can't fully unleash the power of the second-tier divine weapon." Wu Yuan thought to himself: "It's probably because their gods are weak; perhaps, they can't even achieve self-sustenance of spiritual energy."

If they can't achieve 'self-sustenance' of spiritual energy, how can they fully activate a weapon? It's naturally difficult!

And according to many ancient texts, once one possesses a first-tier divine weapon, the strength of an ordinary grandmaster will skyrocket.

"Could it be that a first-tier divine weapon doesn't require the integration of the owner's god, and once it moves, it can autonomously 'consume' spiritual energy?" Wu Yuan speculated to himself.

Sheathing the sword.

Collecting various treasures.

Wu Yuan's choice - Sleep!

At his level, an hour of deep sleep a day is sufficient.

However, after tonight's intense battle with the Grandmasters, followed by traveling and sword practice, Wu Yuan is indeed a bit weary.


Eight-faced Cloud Mountain, Blade of a Thousand Edges.

As a sheer cliff wall soaring a hundred yards into the air, it seems as if it was split open by a peerless master, making it naturally famous.

However, in recent decades, this place has become a forbidden area for the sect!

Ordinary disciples are not allowed to approach without orders.

Today, as the first light of dawn appeared at the end of the world.

Beneath the towering cliff, a special guest arrived.

"Senior Rain, you rarely visit me here." A slender middle-aged man in white robes said with a smiling face.

He had flowing long beard, untrimmed and rustic, resembling a hermit in the mountains.

The visitor was none other than Grandmaster Bu Yu.

The middle-aged man gestured for her to sit.

But apart from two stone stools, there was no place to sit.

Bu Yu did not sit but stared at the middle-aged man in white. After a while, she sighed and said, "Huan Junior Brother, you've surpassed me."

"Fast or slow, what does it matter?" The middle-aged man in white, unconcerned about etiquette, sat down and gazed at the vast world. "Your talent, Senior Sister, is far superior to mine. If you choose a path like mine, reaching the Human-Transcendent Realm may not be far away."

"Easy to say, hard to do. I, as a person, have never been able to calm my mind. Sitting in meditation for thirty years is just in vain." Bu Yu shook her head. "Huan Junior Brother, not everyone is like you."

The man in the white robe smiled slightly, not arguing.

"Sister, speak."

"Why did you come today?" the middle-aged man in the white robe asked.

"For Wu Yuan," Bu Yu said.

Then, she explained today's events and many speculations she had with Huan Wan.

"Dark Knife? I heard my chubby little brother mention it." The middle-aged man in the white robe murmured, "It's actually Wu Yuan?"

"A seventeen-year-old Grandmaster."

"Incredible!" The man in the white robe laughed.

"Huan Junior Brother, I need your judgment." Bu Yu said softly, "What do you think of Wu Yuan? What is his purpose in coming to our Hengyun Sect?"

"Do you have his detailed dossier? I've seen it before, but I want to review it." The man in the white robe said.

"I brought it."

Bu Yu nodded and waved her hand.

A dossier flew out.

The man in the white robe reached out and carefully read it.

After a while, when his gaze passed over the words "Fourteen years old, seriously ill for months, suddenly enlightened, rapid progress in martial arts cultivation," his eyes moved.

Slowly closing the dossier.

"Three possibilities!"

"First, he indeed has extraordinary talent," the man in the white robe said softly. "If he is the Martial King, he's a natural genius."

Bu Yu frowned slightly; this wasn't the answer she was looking for.

"Second, Dark Knife is not Wu Yuan, but it is a 'Qi Refiner,' only the residual soul, attached to Wu Yuan, continuously growing stronger, and his strength keeps increasing."

Bu Yu's eyes lit up.

She instinctively felt that this answer was closer to the truth.

Why didn't she seek Wu Yuan for questioning? Because deep down, she didn't really believe there could be a seventeen-year-old Grandmaster.

Her thoughts were profound.

Gu Wang was wise, but he had little knowledge about some deeper secrets of the thirteen states of the Middle Earth, and there were gaps in his speculations.

But Huan Jian was different; he had truly encountered many secrets.

"The third kind, also something I heard in New Zhou years ago." The man in the white robe whispered, "Legend has it that when a Qi Refiner reaches an extremely high level, their spirit can not only control objects, travel at night, and manifest, but they can also roam the heavens and the earth, touring the states and the seas in one night, reaching the stars in the sky."

"Even more, they can abandon their own bodies, seizing and reincarnating!"

"For a powerful Qi Refiner, the physical body is just a vessel, and the spirit is the only thing that matters."

"Seizing and reincarnating is like starting life anew, naturally extraordinary and hard to describe."

Bu Yu listened in astonishment.

This was information she had never heard before. Seizing and reincarnating? Like a myth of gods and demons.

But she sensed the meaning in the man in the white robe's words, couldn't help but take a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Are you saying that Wu Yuan may be the reincarnation of a Transcendent being?"

"I never said that," the middle-aged man in the white robe shook his head.

Bu Yu couldn't help but frown.

"Sister, you're overthinking it," Huan Jian said lightly. "In fact, which of these three possibilities is true doesn't matter."

"What matters is that we can no longer restrict Wu Yuan."

"He dared to follow you up the mountain, indicating he is confident of escaping from both of us," Huan Jian whispered. "I hope Senior Sister thinks deeply about his words, actions, and intentions. Consider who he is."

"Think about why he is willing to come up the mountain."

"What he is doesn't matter," Huan Jian calmly said. "What matters is to figure out how to act in our best interest."

Bu Yu fell into contemplation.

Although she appeared calm in front of her subordinates, her heart was full of caution and even a trace of fear toward Wu Yuan.

"Please guide me, Junior Brother," Bu Yu said softly.

"He has a feud with Great Jin, the murderers of his father, and Wang Huang and Jin Rensu died."

"He has lived in Hengyun since childhood, with family and clan members."

"He has been on Cloud Mountain for more than two years, staying quiet, diligently practicing, never breaking the rules," Huan Jian said indifferently. "If he has truly become a Grandmaster, what does our Hengyun Sect have that he would want to seize?"

Bu Yu was stunned.

"All worldly things are like flowing clouds and rivers; those that cannot be grasped," Huan Jian said softly, "Great Jin suppresses the world, and with our efforts, we cannot preserve our ancestral heritage. Sister, why not let go?"

"Give him what he wants."

"Even what he doesn't want, still give it to him!"

"In the future, if he has the intention, Hengyun Sect will flourish. Perhaps he can become the second Martial Ancestor, continuing the legacy for three thousand years," Huan Jian chuckled. "If he truly has no intention, can the situation be worse than the onslaught of the Great Jin forces?"

Bu Yu fell into silence.


Swoosh! The middle-aged man in the white robe waved his hand, and a streak of light flew out, forcefully embedding into the ground.

It was a battle knife.

"This?" Bu Yu stared at Huan Jian in shock. "Junior Brother, this is specially bestowed by the ancestor."

"I have no intention for the sect. It is just gathering dust in my possession," Huan Jian closed his eyes and said softly. "Sister, I've said what needs to be said."

"As the sect leader, it's up to you how to proceed."

He didn't want to speak further.

Bu Yu sighed softly, drew out the battle knife, leaped up, and swiftly flew along the mountain wall upwards.

Just as she was about to reach the cliff.

Suddenly, a penetrating voice echoed from the cave, "Sister, for Xia Heng's death, I bear responsibility. When the Great Jin forces arrive at Cloud Mountain, I will take action."

Bu Yu sighed inwardly.

Take action?

Her junior brother, who hadn't taken action in thirty years.

"The Transcendent Realm, the Gate of Eternal Life, is it worth abandoning everything in the mortal world?" Bu Yu stared at the fiery-red battle knife in her hand.

After a short moment.

Seeming to have made a firm decision, she waved her hand, the battle knife disappeared, and with a single step, she covered hundreds of meters, quickly leaving the 'Ten Thousand Renowned Cliff.'


Time passed.

Although the Hengyun Sect spared no effort to block information, how could Cloud Mountain City, with a population of a million, be sealed forever?

The deaths of Wang Huang and three top experts were destined not to be concealed.


The fierce battle between Wu Yuan and Wang Huang in the city was so intense, and their conversation was heard by at least a hundred thousand people.

Therefore, just two days later.

When the Hengyun Sect lifted the blockade, the news spread like wildfire, exploding completely.

After more than half a year, the Hidden Blade reappeared, revealing terrifying strength almost comparable to a Grandmaster, killing Master Wang Huang in one battle.

Jiangzhou was shaken!

At the same time, many unofficial pieces of information spread.

For example, 'Hidden Blade is actually close to forty years old,' 'Hidden Blade is rumored to be a brother to the current master of the Hengyun Sect,' 'The secret that Hidden Blade and the courtesan must discuss,' 'Hidden Blade is a highly skilled person secretly cultivated by the Hengyun Sect,' 'The close friendship between Hidden Blade and Wu Yuan,'... dozens of pieces of information spread, making people dizzy.

At the same time, two imperial edicts appeared.

Especially the imperial edict from the Hengyun Sect demanding compensation of 'three hundred million taels of silver' spread astonishingly fast throughout the Central Plains Seven States, attracting the attention of forces from all over the world!

Over three hundred million taels of silver is not a small sum for a major power.

This imperial edict, in terms of momentum, even overshadowed the incident of 'Hidden Blade killing Wang Huang' itself.

Cloud Mountain City.

Inside the headquarters of the Hengyun Sect's Inspection Hall.

"Lord, everything has been arranged." A steward came to report, "The forces from all over the world are probably confused now."


"Regarding the master's identity, which has been forged since childhood, has a series of identities been fabricated?" Gu Wang asked softly.

"It's done," the steward nodded.

"Spread it out again, actively disclose it to the forces like the Seven Star Tower, Star Pavilion, the undercover agents we have in the Inspection Hall," Gu Wang continued.

"When they spread the news back, conduct a thorough internal investigation, capturing eight and leaving two. Those captured, kill them all," Gu Wang said indifferently.

"Yes," the steward respectfully replied.

"To make everyone unwilling to believe a nearly true speculation, the best way is not to deny it," Gu Wang lifted the tea cup, silently recalling the teachings of the former Inspection Hall Lord, "Instead, use another more realistic speculation to replace it!"

Hidden Blade is very likely Wu Yuan!

Gu Wang knew very well that many people would speculate like this, and he couldn't underestimate the intelligence of the various forces worldwide.

Especially the Great Jin Empire and the Star Pavilion.

So, he hid many traces of the Hidden Blade.

What he worked hard on was to make the fact that 'Hidden Blade is nearly forty years old, suspected of being a hidden expert of the Hengyun Sect' more plausible.

Distinguishing between true and false would be difficult.

"I'm not trying to hide it forever. As long as I can delay it for three to five years," Gu Wang smiled slightly, "When Hidden Blade becomes a top-ranked expert, whether or not he reveals himself won't matter anymore."


Thousands of miles away from the Hengyun Sect.

In Jiangzhou, in the city of Jinyang.

"Do you think it's possible that Hidden Blade is Wu Yuan?" Dong Wang's eyes erupted with cold light, staring at the person in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 112: Heaven's Martial Legacy (Please subscribe for monthly votes)

In the grand hall, it wasn't just Dong Wang.

There were also Grandmaster Chen Luo, Grandmaster Lu Jiangyin, and important officials of the Great Jin Empire in the Jiangzhou area.


Eight days have passed since Wang Huang's death.

His corpse and the bodies of the other top three experts have all been sent to Jinyang City by the Hengyun Sect.

In these eight days, various mixed messages have spread throughout the world. Some are true, some are false, and there are also many gossips.

The two imperial edicts from the Hengyun Sect have also been delivered to the capital of Great Jin.

Various forces all want to sort out the crucial facts from countless chaotic messages and glimpse the truth.


Except for the fact that Hidden Blade killed Wang Huang happening in front of everyone with no dispute, the rest of the events are shrouded in mist.

"Dong Wang, just as I mentioned earlier, the 'Intelligence Bureau' and the 'Jin Supervision Hall,' through various known intelligence, repeated communication, and deduction, have concluded with an 80% probability that Hidden Blade is a Grandmaster of the Hengyun Sect."

"But the biggest puzzle is that we've searched through the Hengyun Sect's information, and there's no high-level expert in their thirties. It doesn't match."


"Twenty percent possibility that Hidden Blade is Wu Yuan," the black-robed man continued. "There are more doubts in this. Firstly, Wu Yuan has never truly revealed very strong strength. His growth can be traced, following the path of a genius."

"Secondly, for a martial genius, exceptionally gifted since childhood, gradually growing to become a Grandmaster at seventeen, perhaps it's possible."

"But Wu Yuan's first fourteen years were very ordinary, with a traceable history. He turned from an ordinary teenager to a Grandmaster in just three years. Normally, it's impossible."

Several Grandmasters and high-ranking military and political figures in the hall fell into deep thought.

The Martial King took ten years from an ordinary warrior to ascend to the Heaven's List, already a legend.

Hidden Blade, in three years, transforming from an ordinary teenager to a Grandmaster, surpasses the legend of the Martial King, making it truly unimaginable.

"There's another major puzzle about Hidden Blade being Wu Yuan," the black-robed man respectfully said. "If Wu Yuan is Hidden Blade, the Hengyun Sect has no reason to expose him so early. At least, the Battle of Yunjiang was unnecessary."

The people in the hall pondered.

They are not part of the Hengyun Sect and cannot control all the information. They can only make judgments based on some external information they've acquired!

"Dong Wang."

Lu Jiangyin's voice was low. "I am more inclined to believe that Hidden Blade is a hidden Grandmaster of the Hengyun Sect."


"When it came to the Battle of Yunjiang, Hidden Blade was already an expert in the Unity Realm," Chen Luo beside him also whispered, "I don't think a sixteen-year-old youth could possess such terrifying combat skills at the time."

As a Grandmaster who had fought against Hidden Blade, his words carried weight.

As for the others in the hall? They remained silent.

Everyone was waiting for Dong Wang to make the final decision.

After a long while.

"Bury 'Wang Huang' with 'first-class public rites' and the three top experts with 'first-class marquis rites," Dong Wang Jin Jiu slowly spoke, "I will petition to His Majesty, stating the merits of these four individuals, bestowing titles and rewards, so as not to let their families be wronged."

This was the proper etiquette.

The rewards for the deceased were for the living to see, to reduce the concerns of the living.

"Second, prepare for war." Dong Wang Jin Jiu spoke softly, "Stockpile food and prepare for the arrival of the army. The Battle of Dingjiang will proceed as scheduled."

"Yes!" everyone in the hall responded.

Although Dong Wang Jin Jiu did not explicitly say it, his issued orders made a clear judgment—Hidden Blade is not Wu Yuan!

If the judgment were different,

Then, there wouldn't be preparations for war but rather a declaration of war on the Great Jin Emperor, gathering the Grandmasters of Great Jin to launch a surprise attack on Yunshan!

Even the direct arrival of the Heaven's List is possible.

Time passed.

After everyone left the hall, Dong Wang Jin Jiu was still contemplating.

"Is Hidden Blade really Wu Yuan?" Dong Wang Jin Jiu frowned, filled with hesitation.

In fact, he knew very well.

It would be easy to verify the result, just launch a surprise attack on Yunshan.


"War preparations are incomplete. Once a large-scale war breaks out now, it might trigger a coalition of hundreds of sects from various countries," Dong Wang Jin Jiu sighed inwardly. "At that time, can we win the war?"

Great Jin was at its zenith, unmatched in power.

But at the same time, it had made enemies on all sides. Except for the west, which had been completely pacified by 'Duke Wu Cheng,' the other areas were all hostile.

As for the Heaven's List descending?

"Heaven's List, how easy is it to descend?" Dong Wang Jin Jiu said in a low voice.

As one of the group of Grandmasters closest to the Heaven's List, he was well aware of the many concerns and limitations of 'Heaven's List experts.'

In short, there is a difference between heaven and earth.

Moreover, the world is not just the Great Jin Empire that has the Heaven's List. Once the Heaven's List experts of Great Jin break the tacit understanding between them, there will be no peaceful days.

Unified world?

Not to mention that it would become a fantasy.

At least, he, the Great Jin Emperor, and many other Grandmasters would no longer have the final say.


East Province, Wanxing County.

Headquarters of the Group Star Tower.

"Is there any movement of the Great Jin gathering Grandmasters?"

"It seems that, like us at the Group Star Tower, the Great Jin's assessment is that Hidden Blade is probably not Wu Yuan."

"Hidden Blade is Wu Yuan? There is such a possibility, but the likelihood is too small," the highly esteemed 'Thousand Star Elders' of the Group Star Tower discussed.

In the Group Star Tower, the highest position is held by the 'Thousand Star Elder Council,' and even the overall tower master is just a member of the council.

There are more than thirty Thousand Star Elders.

Of course, most of them are stationed in various branch towers, and day-to-day affairs within the tower are decided by the eleven 'Rotating Elders.'

"All right." The leader, a middle-aged man in a purple robe, glanced at everyone. "In this battle, there's no need to add fuel to the fire."

"It seems."

"Great Jin still wants to settle the world with a large army, not through the trickery of sneak attacks," the middle-aged man in the purple robe whispered, "We don't need to add fuel to the fire. If Hidden Blade is not Wu Yuan, everything remains the same."

"If he really is Wu Yuan?"

"Then, in the future, a Heaven's List expert is destined to emerge."

"If a Heaven's List expert is born in the Hengyun Sect, haha, the new Heaven's List will have an extraordinary deterrent power. It will certainly unify Jiangzhou, truly forming a force that dominates the world. For our Group Star Tower, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages."

"Spread the word."

"We, the Group Star Tower, firmly believe that Hidden Blade is not Wu Yuan," the middle-aged man in the purple robe made the final decision.

"Yes, Tower Master!"

All ten Rotating Thousand Star Elders stood up.


In Mozhou, amidst the endless Gobi.

"Is Hidden Blade that young genius Wu Yuan from the Hengyun Sect?"

"The probability is not high."

"I hope it is. Haha, the more these scraps of Great Jin die, the better." A group of bold men drank wine heartily.


In Jiangzhou, Jiu Dongfu.

Here is the core ruling area of 'King of the Hundred Rivers' Chu Ping.

Nine-hole city, the central area of the palace.

The Chu Hall, magnificent and resplendent.

"News from the Group Star Tower is that they believe Hidden Blade is unlikely to be Wu Yuan." Sitting on the throne in the center of the main hall, a silver-robed man spoke slowly.

He had long hair, thick eyebrows, and big eyes, standing about six feet tall, exuding an air of nobility with every move.

He was none other than 'King of the Hundred Rivers' Chu Ping, also a world-famous Earth List Grandmaster.

Ranked 36th in the 'World Earth List,' he was recognized as the only one comparable to Rainmaster in the vast Jiangzhou.

"My Lord, for such a major matter, we cannot rely solely on the information from the Group Star Tower. We should make our own judgment," a refined old man in the hall whispered, "The Group Star Tower also has its own stance, what's important is how you, My Lord, judge the situation."

"I hope it's not." Chu Ping spoke with a heavy tone.

The refined old man nodded slightly.

"My Lord, Master Wu."

In addition, a burly man with full vigor and a voice like a bell said, "Regardless of whether it is or not, if it's not, with another Grandmaster emerging from the Hengyun Sect, it will be advantageous for us. Their hope of resisting the Great Jin Empire will be greater."


"A Grandmaster at the age of seventeen, destined to step into the Heaven's List in the future, makes it almost certain that Great Jin will find it nearly impossible to move eastward." The burly man spoke in a deep voice.

"But if there is a seventeen-year-old Grandmaster, by then, we might have to submit as well." Chu Ping sighed softly.

"My Lord, you're overthinking it."

The burly man shook his head, "Even if Hidden Blade enters the Heaven's List in the future and demands our submission, it won't necessarily mean the end of us."

"But if Great Jin comes to kill us, do we have a way out?"

Chu Ping was stunned.


Whether it's the Hengyun Sect or Chu Ping himself, they were once part of the Chujiang Empire.

He declared himself a king and dominated a region, and the Hengyun Sect has never openly opposed him.

Both sides competed, claiming to be the heirs of the Chujiang Empire.

In the future, no matter which side wins, it wouldn't lead to complete annihilation.

But if Great Jin comes to kill?

It's a dead end!

"My Lord, if we only continue the 'Chujiang' ancestral temple, it's enough for now," the refined old man whispered, "But if we want to restore the glory of the empire, the crucial thing is not external factors but our own strength."

"Being strong ourselves is what truly makes us powerful!"

The refined old man continued, "Like Emperor Jin, he was alone, and in just over two hundred years, he has the vast territory of Great Jin today."

"I understand."

Chu Ping nodded slightly, his eyes filled with eagerness, "Heaven's List! Only by becoming a Heaven's List expert can we rebuild the Chujiang Empire."

"This time, Chujiang Immortal Territory."

"It's our greatest opportunity."


The battle between Hidden Blade and Wang Huang caused a great stir.

High-level forces from all over the world, most of them concentrated on 'Hidden Blade's potential' and 'Hidden Blade's relationship with Wu Yuan,' carried out a considerable amount of covert work, even engaging in battles.


For the vast majority of warriors and common people in Jiangzhou, as well as countless warriors who knew about this matter, what they were most enthusiastic about discussing were various peculiar and extraordinary aspects of Hidden Blade.



"Ten years ago, in the Battle of Hengshan, Master Xia Heng died in battle, it was a disgrace!"

"Great Jin's masters will also die, and their sects will dare to kill."

"Kill all these scraps!" Inside the territory of the Hengyun Sect, countless warriors and common people excitedly discussed.

They were originally subjects of the Chujiang Empire.

Chujiang and Great Jin have been in fierce battles for decades, countless warriors have entered the battlefield, and many have died at the hands of the Great Jin Empire. Both sides have accumulated a considerable amount of hatred.

If Chujiang Empire is accused of 'corruption in governance,' then, in the thirty years since the Hengyun Sect took over, governance has been excellent, and they haven't initiated military actions, making the citizens relatively satisfied.

Amidst continuous wars, who would be willing to take up arms?

Naturally, the majority of the Hengyun Sect, both top and bottom, harbor resentment, even hatred, towards the Great Jin Empire that seeks to conquer them.

"Looking across the vast Jiangzhou, apart from Master Yu and the King of Baijiang, no other Master has a record of killing Masters!"

"How rare is it for a Master to fall?"

"I think Hidden Blade's strength is enough to rank in the top fifty of the Earth List."

"Perhaps even stronger!" In the sixteen districts of Jiangzhou, numerous warriors discussed, especially the members of the Hengyun Sect who were particularly excited.

Most of them had already concluded that Hidden Blade was a member of their sect!


Externally, it appears chaotic.

However, the top brass of the Hengyun Sect is closely monitoring the Great Jin Empire, and the defenses on Yunsan have become stricter.

They all know that other forces are at most 'curious,' and there won't be significant actions.

Even the major enemy, the 'Guiyu Sect,' at this critical juncture, other sects in Dongzhou won't allow them to stab in the back.

The only one to guard against is the Great Jin.

Over the past half month, apart from publicly 'rejecting' the two letters from the Hengyun Sect and responding with a letter of 'abuse,' the Great Jin Empire has made no other moves.

The top and bottom of the Hengyun Sect have basically confirmed that the Great Jin Empire should choose not to initiate military actions.

Of course, the defense of Yunsan has not been relaxed.

And at this time.

A piece of news is gradually spreading among the top brass of the Hengyun Sect, and the senior members of the sect have reached a consensus—Wu Yuan will be named 'Cloud Martial Succession.'

The 'ceremony' will take place soon.


Cloud Martial Hall, Wu Yuan's standalone courtyard.

These days, Wu Yuan has been passing the time in cultivation, steadily improving his strength, and his injuries have also mostly healed.

The 'bloody mist' brought about by killing a Master far exceeded what it used to be.

Making him not worry about the shortage of the bloody mist for a short period.


"Lord of the Hall, Elder Huan, why have you come?" Wu Yuan looked at the two sudden visitors, feeling a bit surprised.

The visitors, besides the familiar Elder Huan, also included the Lord of the Wealth Hall, 'Yan Hong,' an old man with white hair.

Wu Yuan has only seen him twice and hasn't had much interaction.

As far as Wu Yuan knows, Yan Hong is the oldest among the five Hall Lords, the same generation as the two Supreme Elders, and is the most just and strict.

Of course.

Regarding Yan Hong, what Wu Yuan remembers most is the ten Mind Condensing Pills he gave back then.

These ten Mind Condensing Pills helped Wu Yuan open his Upper Dantian Palace.

From that moment on, Wu Yuan's strength truly soared.

"Take a seat, don't be formal." Yan Hong, with white hair, smiled at Wu Yuan. However, in reality, he felt quite emotional.

Wu Yuan nodded.

He was grateful to Lord Yan.

"Wu Yuan, these days, the sect has been dealing with the possibility of a sudden attack by the Great Jin Empire, so we haven't had time to look for you," Elder Huan smiled.

"I understand," Wu Yuan nodded.

Although he was in seclusion, not participating in the martial academy courses, occasionally Fang Jiushan and Wu Longhe would come to visit.

Therefore, he had a general understanding of some of the sect's movements.

Many disciples of the Cloud Martial Hall have received the message to be prepared for battle and even make preparations for breaking through the mountain.

Moreover, Wu Yuan had some knowledge of external rumors. While practicing these days, he had also been vigilant and alert.

"However, there's an old saying, 'it takes a thousand days to be a thief but only one day to be caught.' So, the turmoil caused by Master Hidden Blade is gradually calming down, and we need to arrange some things," Elder Huan said. "Lord, you should speak."

Wu Yuan looked at Yan Hong.

"Wu Yuan, more than two years ago, when Gao Yu brought you into the sect, do you remember the promise he made to you?" Yan Hong smiled.

"Promise?" Wu Yuan's pupils contracted.

Was the rumor true?

"Looks like you've heard some rumors," Yan Hong chuckled. "Elder Huan and I came today to formally inform you that the Sect Elder Council has unanimously passed a resolution, approved by the two Supreme Elders, to appoint you as the 'Cloud Martial Succession.'"

Wu Yuan was secretly shocked. Indeed!

Cloud Martial Succession?

When he went up the mountain, he was unaware, but after going up the mountain, he learned that the top ten disciples of the Cloud Martial Hall were generally referred to as 'Cloud Martial Succession,' and this was a permanent designation.

However, Cloud Martial Succession represented the highest honor for the new generation of disciples, and only exceptionally talented individuals were selected.

Even Xu Hui had not been bestowed with this honor.

The last person in the Hengyun Sect to be bestowed with the title of 'Cloud Martial Succession' was Xia Heng, more than thirty years ago.

"I joined the sect less than three years ago," Wu Yuan shook his head.

Such titles depend on talent and loyalty.

"Having the aspiration is more important than being senior in age," Yan Hong smiled. "With your talent, in fact, you were eligible when you first joined the sect. Over the past few years, you have become more and more outstanding."

"Looking at the intelligence from various forces around the world, you are recognized everywhere, and it is believed that you will become a Master on the Earth List in the future."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

This was a fact.

"Wu Yuan, as the Cloud Martial Succession, your position will be second only to the sect master, just below the two Supreme Elders," Elder Huan said. "You will have the opportunity to access most of the sect's resources, substantial information, and the sect's secrets."

"Your family and clan will benefit from this."

"In essence, the so-called Cloud Martial Succession is actually grooming you as the next leader of the sect."

"You should understand that the sect master is only the nominal leader," Elder Huan spoke frankly.

Wu Yuan nodded.

This was the world of martial artists, where the disparity in individual martial strength was too great to be easily compensated by strategy.

Regardless of a million-strong army or a hundred elite warriors, when encountering a Master or even a heavenly-listed Master, they were helpless.

Therefore, any major power wanting to establish itself must have strong martial prowess, and a true leader must be unparalleled in martial strength.

"Wu Yuan, this is the opinion of the sect," Yan Hong said. "However, we still respect your choice. Are you willing?"


Wu Yuan hesitated for a moment.

These days, he has been contemplating why the two Supreme Elders did not come to find him.

In a blink of an eye, the sect decided to bestow upon him the 'Cloud Martial Succession.'

Is this the attitude of the two Supreme Elders?

Yan Hong and Elder Huan patiently waited for Wu Yuan to think.

They already knew some inside information and wouldn't rush him.

After a while.

"Being favored by the sect is an honor for Wu Yuan." Wu Yuan slowly spoke, "I accept the Cloud Martial Succession."

Yan Hong and Elder Huan exchanged a glance, both relieved.

"Very well."

Yan Hong nodded with a smile, "Wu Yuan, in two days, on the Cloud Pavilion, the Supreme Elders will personally preside, with all elders and protectors present. We will hold a ceremony for you. Be well-prepared."

"I understand," Wu Yuan said.

"Good, Wu Yuan, I need to report to the Supreme Elders. I'll take my leave now," Yan Hong smiled, "No need to see me off."

Yan Hong got up and left.

Only Elder Huan and Wu Yuan remained in the martial hall.

"Elder, is there anything else?" Wu Yuan asked casually.

"Wu Yuan."

Elder Huan stared at Wu Yuan and slowly said, "Actually, I shouldn't be the one to ask. The Supreme Elders told me not to, but I couldn't help it. In the past two or three years, I've considered you wholeheartedly, watching you grow all the way."

Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

In these three years on Yunsan, he was grateful to Elder Huan, Zhao Baifan, and Elder Mo.

These three individuals genuinely helped him.

"Elder, feel free to ask," Wu Yuan said.

"Alright, I trust that I didn't misjudge you, so I'll be straightforward," Elder Huan stared at Wu Yuan, "Are you Hidden Blade?"

Quite direct!

A trace of impulse flashed in Wu Yuan's mind, wanting to tell the truth.

However, reason made him stop the words that were about to come out.

After a moment of silence.


"I can only say," Wu Yuan whispered, "if the sect faces a great calamity one day, Hidden Blade will definitely intervene!"

"Hahaha." Elder Huan suddenly laughed, "Alright, with this statement, I am satisfied. Rest assured, our conversation won't be disclosed to anyone."

"I'll leave first."

"I'll escort Elder Huan."

Soon, Wu Yuan watched Huan Zidong disappear into the night.

"Huan Elder, was that question impulsive?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

He gently closed the door.


Late at night, Cloud Hall, behind the main hall.

Rows of spirit tablets.

Bright lights, lingering incense.

"Supreme Elder, following your orders, I asked Wu Yuan," Elder Huan respectfully said. "He did not speak directly, only remained silent for a long time."

"Tell me."

"If in the future, the sect encounters a great calamity, Hidden Blade will definitely intervene," Elder Huan's voice was low, emphasizing the word 'definitely.'

Elder Huan continued, "Supreme Elder, Wu Yuan, he should be..."

"Enough! No need to say more." Supreme Elder Yu stood in the center of the ancestral hall, directly interrupting Elder Huan, "Go down, prepare for the ceremony in two days."

Elder Huan sighed deeply and saluted.

He slowly withdrew.

"Hidden Blade, is this your attitude?"

Supreme Elder Yu looked at the names in front, contemplating for a long time before offering incense and bowing deeply, "Ancestors, I hope you bless the choice of Bu Yu, that it is not wrong."


Two days later.

On Yunsan, the early spring weather was particularly pleasant. As the morning sun rose, shining on the Cloud Pavilion, it appeared dazzling and solemn.

At this moment.

Below the Cloud Pavilion, there were already Cloud Martial Succession disciples, core disciples, and inner disciples standing. On both sides of the stone steps leading to the Cloud Pavilion, there were also second-rate experts serving as attendants.

Different levels wore uniform clothes.

The crowd was like a mountain!

As the time approached, the previously noisy surroundings of the hall and the road gradually quieted down.


"Dong!" "Dong!" Accompanied by nine bell chimes, the entire Cloud Hall fell silent.

Wearing a black robe, Sect Master 'Lu Feng' walked out of the Cloud Hall with large strides, overlooking the disciples gathered below. He circulated internal force, "Our ancestors were virtuous, sheltering the eight directions. They founded the sect on Yunsan, establishing the foundation of Hengyun for three hundred years!"

"Cloud Martial Succession represents outstanding figures in the history of the sect, but within Cloud Martial Succession, there is also the Heavenly Martial Succession."

"The Heavenly Martial Succession consists of heroes bestowed upon us by the heavens," Sect Master Lu Feng said each word solemnly, "Where is Wu Yuan?"

The deep voice echoed throughout Yunsan.


A figure in black appeared under the Cloud Pavilion, attracting the attention of the masses. He responded with full spirit, "Disciple Wu Yuan."

The sound resonated in the heavens and the earth.

"Enter the hall," Lu Feng said in a deep voice.

Wu Yuan raised his head, displaying no trace of fear in his eyes. Under the gaze of thousands of people, he ascended the steps with determination and strength.

The Cloud Hall fell silent.

Only the sound of Wu Yuan's footsteps could be heard.

Finally, Wu Yuan completed the steps and followed Lu Feng directly into the Cloud Hall. His gaze swept over the figures on both sides.

Many familiar faces.

Elder Yan, Gu Wang, Zhang Changsheng, Huan Zidong, and many other elders and protectors, as well as Gao Yu, Zhao Baifan, and many other hall masters, protectors, and special-grade attendants.

At least a hundred people.

All of them were top-notch experts.

Being able to be in the Cloud Hall meant they were the true core figures of Hengyun Sect.

However, what attracted Wu Yuan's attention the most were the two figures at the end of the hall.

One was the Supreme Elder Yu, still in luxurious robes.

The other was a middle-aged man in white robes, slender, with a sense of free-spiritedness and elegance.

He looked at least twenty years younger than Supreme Elder Yu.

"Sword Supreme?" Wu Yuan thought to himself, feeling more cautious.


In his divine sense, the Sword Supreme in front of him seemed to be non-existent, standing there as if on a different plane from everyone else, completely integrated with the surrounding world.

His gaze towards Wu Yuan was calm.

But just by looking at him, Wu Yuan felt a deadly threat.

"On the 'World Rankings,' wasn't it said that Sword Supreme ranks ninth in Jiangzhou and around 150th on the Earth Rankings?" Wu Yuan had this thought in his mind. "Why does he give me a stronger feeling than Supreme Elder Yu?"

It can only mean that the Earth Rankings are not accurate.

Under the gaze of over a hundred people in the hall.

Wu Yuan reached the center of the hall, while Lu Feng walked to the side.

"Wu Yuan."

Supreme Elder Yu came to the center of the hall, overlooking Wu Yuan. With a wave of his hand, the Moonlant Sword above the hall was taken into his hand. He raised it with one hand and slowly said, "At the age of seventeen, born in the south of Mengfu City..."

Wu Yuan listened.

He was narrating his own life.

"Since joining the sect, diligent cultivation and high character, twice winning the annual competition of Cloud Martial Hall, setting records in the Hengtian Pavilion twice, deserving to be the foremost disciple, surpassing all generations of Hengyun."

Supreme Elder Yu continued slowly, "Today, reporting to the heavens and immortals, informing the ten generations of ancestors, and instructing the people of the four mansions, granting treasures and establishing scrolls, hereby proclaiming you as the Heavenly Martial Succession."

"Wu Yuan, where are you?" Supreme Elder Yu's voice suddenly rose.

"Disciple is here," Wu Yuan bowed.

"Are you willing to uphold the aspirations of the ancestors of the sect, protect the people of Hengyun, and pass on the foundation of Hengyun?" Supreme Elder Yu spoke each word.

"Disciple is willing!"


ps: End of the third volume, 

Fourth volume: Dominating the World

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 113: Divine Weapon of the First Rank

"Good," Supreme Elder Yu nodded in satisfaction. "From today onwards, you are the seventh Heavenly Martial Succession of our Hengyun Sect."

In the three-hundred-year history of Hengyun Sect, before Wu Yuan, there were only six Heavenly Martial Successions.

This scarcity was evident.

"Receive the sword."

Supreme Elder Yu waved his hand, and the divine sword in his palm flew straight towards Wu Yuan, its speed not too fast but enough to make second-rate experts change their expressions.

"Clang~" Wu Yuan steadily received it.

The Moonlant Sword, the strongest divine weapon of Hengyun Sect in the past hundred years, symbolized the sect's heritage and hope.

Receiving the sword meant taking on responsibility.

With this, the ceremony was complete!

"Heavenly Martial Succession." Lu Feng, who was the sect master, slightly bowed.

"Seen Heavenly Martial Succession." In the grand hall, led by the five hall masters, many elders, hall masters, protectors, and special-grade attendants bowed in salute.

Top-notch experts only nodded slightly, but the majority bent their bodies.

Heavenly Martial Succession! Higher than the sect master in position!

However, everyone in the hall knew that, in terms of importance, Heavenly Martial Succession was even higher than the sect master.

... The grand ceremony concluded, the sect master, elders, protectors, and others dispersed, and the disciples outside the Cloud Hall also began to disperse.

At the same time, a large number of disciples descended from the mountain, spreading the news of today to the civilian and military officials, disciples, and armies of the three mansions.

It was equivalent to officially announcing the next leader of Hengyun Sect.

In a short period of a few days to a longer period of around ten days, the various major forces in the seven provinces of the Central Plains would basically receive this news.

However, the impact was destined not to be too significant.

After all, Wu Yuan's high talent had long been known to various forces, coupled with his somewhat ambiguous connection with the Dark Blade.

Becoming Heavenly Martial Succession was a matter of course.

"Wu Yuan, come with us." Supreme Elder Yu said to Wu Yuan, then walked towards the back of the grand hall together with Sword Supreme.

A hint of hesitation flashed in Wu Yuan's mind, but he followed.

With the public announcement already made, Wu Yuan felt that the possibility of the two Supreme Elders having other intentions was very low.

Behind the grand hall was a not-so-large ancestral hall.

"Tablets?" Wu Yuan's gaze swept over, waiting for the incense to burn continuously. He immediately saw many names on the spirit tablets.

Zhang Shan Ancestor, Hong He Ancestor, Fang Xia Ancestor... There were nearly thirty tablets.

"All the names of the ancestors and founding masters of Hengyun Sect." Wu Yuan thought to himself, suddenly understanding the significance here.

Wu Yuan looked towards Supreme Elder Yu and Sword Supreme.

Only Sword Supreme quietly walked to the side, while only Supreme Elder Yu respectfully saluted and offered incense to the many tablets.


After inserting the incense, Supreme Elder Yu walked to the side of Sword Supreme and then looked at Wu Yuan, his voice gentle. "Wu Yuan, come and offer incense to the ancestors as well."

"Understood." Wu Yuan obediently followed suit, doing everything according to Supreme Elder Yu's actions.

To be continued.

"Wu Yuan, under the witness of the ancestors of the sect, you have become the Heavenly Martial Succession. Naturally, there are some matters about the sect that you should be informed of," Supreme Elder Yu said softly. "In theory, there are things I shouldn't tell you right now, but time waits for no one. If we don't speak now, I'm afraid there won't be another chance."

Wu Yuan was secretly surprised.

No chance?

"I, Hengyun Sect, is about to be destroyed," Supreme Elder Yu uttered.

Only eight words, concise and to the point, yet astonishing.

"What?" Wu Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise as he looked at Supreme Elder Yu.

This surprise was not feigned.

"Don't be shocked," Supreme Elder Yu smiled faintly. "The Great Jin Empire is aggressive. After a ten-year truce, with the battles in Minzhou and Yuanzhou now over, it's time to discuss Jiangzhou. They won't give us much more time."

"I am very old. Next year, I will be over a hundred years old, and my combat power will decline rapidly. I won't be able to hold on for too long," Supreme Elder Yu explained slowly.

Wu Yuan listened quietly.

Masters could live to be one hundred and thirty or forty years old easily, but combat power gradually declined after reaching a hundred years. Though the process was slow, maintaining top-tier expert strength until just before death was possible.

However, the decline in combat power was irreversible.

Early enemies would never let go of such an opportunity, which was why there was the saying "warriors don't age."

For any sect, having a master in their prime was a major event.

Having one would make various forces wary and hesitant to take military action.

Not having one? It was easy to be wiped out!

"The ambitions of the Jin Emperor are vast. He aspires to unify the world within his lifetime," Supreme Elder Yu continued. "Whether it's next year or three to five years later, the Great Jin will definitely advance eastward again. In terms of the military force, we are far from their match, and by then, I will be old, and Sword Supreme will struggle alone."


"As for Sword Supreme's disposition, he may not be willing to fight for the sect until the end," Supreme Elder Yu spoke frankly.

Sword Supreme beside him showed no change in expression.

Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

He finally understood why there were rumors within the sect about Sword Supreme being "ruthless and heartless."

It wasn't groundless.

"Supreme Elder, once the war starts, the major forces in the Four Coastal Provinces will probably not stand idly by," Wu Yuan couldn't help but say.

The Four Coastal Provinces referred to Yanzhou, Wuzhou, Dongzhou, and Minzhou.

"They will naturally support us, and the Hundred Rivers King will also support us," Supreme Elder Yu said softly. "But the premise is that Hengyun Sect is strong enough."

"Once we can't withstand the first wave of attacks from the Great Jin, what's the point of talking about support?" Supreme Elder Yu shook his head.

Wu Yuan fell silent.

It made sense.

Even if you were just a chess piece, you needed to be strong enough and have value for others to use.

"Even if we withstand the first wave of attacks from the Great Jin, if we become too weak, the Four Coastal Provinces are likely to support the Hundred Rivers King. They might let him directly command our Hengyun territory, along with the Yuanhu Prefecture," Supreme Elder Yu sighed lightly. "At that time, the Hundred Rivers King, who commands the eight prefectures, would be more likely to help them resist the onslaught of the Great Jin forces."

Wu Yuan was increasingly astonished and frowned, saying, "The people of Hengyun Sect will not heed the name of the Hundred Rivers King."

Hengyun Sect and the Hundred Rivers King, both claimed to be heirs to the 'Chujiang Empire.' However, in reality, the reputation of the Chujiang Empire had long been tarnished, and it had little appeal among the common people.

A master could become the backbone of a faction! But building a stable power required time and a sufficient number of loyal troops, warriors, and civilians.

Among all virtues, martial prowess ranked first! However, martial strength wasn't omnipotent. Even if they were Earth List masters, or even Heaven List experts, they couldn't slaughter all ordinary civilians and common soldiers.

"Our Hengyun Sect's brand will remain intact," Supreme Elder Yu seemed to see through everything. "But all authority will gradually be confiscated by the Hundred Rivers King."

"Even to the extent."

"The Hundred Rivers King may potentially hoist the banner of the Chujiang Empire again," Supreme Elder Yu shook his head. "By then, even if Hengyun Sect survives, what's the difference from being wiped out?"

Wu Yuan nodded slowly.

Become a puppet? He couldn't deny that Supreme Elder Yu's analysis made sense!

"I originally placed my hopes on Xu Hui. His talent is indeed good, and his growth is not slow, but the sect can't wait any longer," Supreme Elder Yu said softly. "Having one more master could delay things a bit."

"However, without reaching the Heaven List, it's ultimately challenging to withstand the Great Jin forces."

"Only the Heaven List can contend against the Heaven List!"

Wu Yuan nodded involuntarily.

Just from this statement, he knew that behind the Great Jin, there were certainly Heaven List experts.

Supreme Elder Yu and the others were aware of it.

"Xu Hui, a slight hope for the sect."

"Wu Yuan, you are the true future of the sect," Supreme Elder Yu's gaze fell on Wu Yuan, full of hope.

Wu Yuan listened.

The future?

"Do you know why there are so few Heavenly Martial Successions?" Supreme Elder Yu whispered.

"Please enlighten me, Supreme Elder," Wu Yuan said.

"This title is not just about reputation and responsibilities," Supreme Elder Yu sighed. "It also represents the tremendous benefits it entails, which even a sect finds hard to bear. Therefore, only extraordinary individuals are chosen."

"Of your six previous Heavenly Martial Successions, five of them became Earth List masters," Supreme Elder Yu said.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but feel emotional.

High probability! From another perspective, it's enough to show the sect's careful selection of individuals.

"Wu Yuan." Supreme Elder Yu waved her hand, and immediately, several items appeared out of thin air on a nearby table: a thick book, a war knife, and a silver ring.

"Storage magical items?" Wu Yuan raised an eyebrow.

If at this point, he hadn't realized that Supreme Elder Yu also had storage magical items, it would be too foolish.

"You show no surprise. It seems you've known about the existence of storage magical items for a long time," Supreme Elder Yu said with a faint smile.

"I've read about them in the master's insights," Wu Yuan said.

Indeed, the master's insights vaguely mentioned some magical items from the divine realms in the vast universe.

However, they were ultimately not tangible.

Supreme Elder Yu smiled, shook her head, and didn't inquire further, focusing on picking up the war knife wrapped in a black scabbard.

"This war knife is called 'Fierce Sun,'" Supreme Elder Yu grasped the handle with her right hand, slowly caressed the scabbard with her left hand, as if feeling some emotion or recalling memories.

Then, with a sudden force, she pulled out the scabbard.

"Clang!" The blade was drawn.

Boom! Like a volcanic eruption.

The moment the blade was unsheathed, a special and terrifying intent enveloped the entire hall. With Wu Yuan's strong spiritual perception, even his mind swayed slightly.

Absolutely astonishing!

"What is this?" Wu Yuan's eyes glowed.

This intent was frightening!

It was the most powerful war knife Wu Yuan had ever seen.

"Perceived it? People in the world only know our Hengyun Sect's 'Moon Mist Sword' has dominated Jiangzhou for a hundred years," Supreme Elder Yu sighed. "In fact, within the sect for over a hundred years, there have always been two first-grade divine weapons: the Moon Mist Sword and the Fierce Sun Knife!"

Two items?

Wu Yuan thought to himself, indeed!

He stared at the war knife in Supreme Elder Yu's hand. The aura emanating from the war knife was no less than that of the Moon Mist Sword.

Certainly not something a second-grade divine weapon could reach.

"This Fierce Sun Knife, since it was obtained by Patriarch Fang Xia, has never been revealed to the world," Supreme Elder Yu said softly. "Compared to the Moon Mist Sword, it's more overbearing and not easily controlled by ordinary people. So, throughout the generations, almost all Supreme Elders in the sect have used the Moon Mist Sword."

Wu Yuan nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, with his divine sense, he could clearly discern that the Moon Mist Sword was more restrained, while this Fierce Sun Knife was as violent as a volcano.

"For the past several decades, the Fierce Sun Knife has always been wielded by Supreme Elder Jian," Supreme Elder Yu closed the war knife and looked at Wu Yuan. "Starting today, it belongs to you."

"Me?" Wu Yuan's pupils shrank and couldn't help but look at Supreme Elder Jian.

This was Supreme Elder Jian's treasure.

"Don't look at me. Sect heritage treasures should be controlled by those who are suitable," the ever-silent Supreme Elder Jian, with a transcendent demeanor, said faintly. "You are more suitable than me. I've held it for nearly thirty years and have never drawn it once."

Wu Yuan was speechless.

As far as he knew, Supreme Elder Jian hadn't left the mountain for thirty years, so how could he have drawn the knife?

"Continue," Supreme Elder Yu waved her hand.

Swoosh! A black streak flew directly towards Wu Yuan, who instinctively caught the battle knife. Upon careful inspection, he felt invigorated.

For a warrior, a secret manual and a good divine weapon were sources of joy!

A powerful divine weapon could significantly enhance a warrior's strength. Wu Yuan, who liked using knives, couldn't help but yearn for a top-grade divine knife.

"Such a powerful knife intent. Even ordinary top-notch experts, if their spiritual power is slightly weaker, might not be able to suppress it. After handling a top-grade divine weapon for a long time, it could potentially harm one's spiritual power," Wu Yuan marveled at the warmth in his palm.

He finally understood. Just like the vast difference between Earth List masters and top-notch experts, there was a heaven-and-earth distinction between top-grade divine weapons and second-grade divine weapons.

Compared to the Liel Yang Knife.

The Misty Rain Sword? It was like scrap metal!

The Supreme Elder and Sword Elder exchanged a glance. If there were any doubts before, now, seeing Wu Yuan show no fear of the knife's intent, they could almost confirm it.

Sword Elder nodded slightly.

"Wu Yuan, don't disappoint us," Supreme Elder Yu whispered, "In our Hengyun Sect, you are the first to inherit a divine weapon immediately upon becoming a Heavenly Martial Succession."

"Disciple understands, thank you both," Wu Yuan nodded gently.

He realized that his momentary loss of composure just now probably convinced the two Supreme Elders completely.

However, everything was conveyed without words.

"Wu Yuan, this manual is our sect's unique 'Qi Cultivation Art.' It is also the most widely spread Qi Cultivation Art among various sects in the world, known as 'Five Elements Circulation.' Now, I will pass it on to you," Supreme Elder Yu waved her hand again.

The thick book flew towards Wu Yuan in the same way.

Wu Yuan took it, his eyes lit up.

Qi Cultivation Art? The Qi Feeding Art only opened up one hundred and eight acupoints, enhanced spiritual perception, and facilitated the absorption of spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth. But how to transform it? How to connect the acupoints? How to open the sea of qi in the middle dantian?

Only through the Qi Cultivation Art!

"The material seems to be slightly inferior to that of 'Primordial Cangming,'" Wu Yuan thought to himself. But immediately, he understood. According to Supreme Elder Yu, this Qi Cultivation Art was probably widely circulated and not the original.

"Wu Yuan, when you reach the limit of the human body in the future and your spiritual power gradually strengthens, you can try practicing the Qi Cultivation Art," Sword Elder spoke softly. "In the world, many martial sects have stronger Qi Cultivation Arts for those who have reached the limit."

"However, regardless of any faction, they have to admit that 'Five Elements Circulation' is the most suitable and least harmful."


"All warriors, after reaching the limit of the human body, will first try practicing 'Five Elements Circulation.' Once they truly become 'Qi Cultivators,' understand their own 'attributes,' and then switch to a method more suitable for themselves," Sword Elder said gently.

"Attributes?" Wu Yuan's eyes flickered with confusion.

What was that?

"Hehe, telling you won't hurt," Sword Elder smiled. "The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is not uniform. It can be divided into many types, and the human body, nurtured by the heavens and the earth, is not perfectly balanced."

"When you reach the 'unity realm' in the future and truly comprehend the way of sensing the heavens and the earth, you will understand the various types of celestial and terrestrial forces," Sword Elder said.

"In the vast heavens and earth, the most common are the five types of celestial and terrestrial forces: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. There are also some rarer celestial and terrestrial forces."

"When our bodies are in the martial stage, we can absorb all the celestial and terrestrial forces. However, once we become 'Qi Cultivators,' we must rely on 'Qi' as the source of power and specialize in cultivating a specific type of 'celestial and terrestrial force' based on our own characteristics."

"After all, controlling all the celestial and terrestrial forces is very difficult!"

"Specializing rather than being scattered," Sword Elder said lightly. "All of this will be explained in the Qi Cultivation Art. You can slowly read and comprehend it in the future."

"Thank you for guiding me, Sword Elder," Wu Yuan said earnestly.

How to reach the limit of the human body, Wu Yuan understood, but how to break the limit of the human body? Become a Qi Cultivator? If there were predecessors to guide, it would undoubtedly make things much easier.

In essence, Sword Elder's words provided Wu Yuan with a framework.

"Wu Yuan, the third treasure gifted to you is the storage magical treasure," Supreme Elder Yu waved her hand, and the final silver ring flew towards Wu Yuan.

"A drop of blood will establish the master," Supreme Elder Yu said.

Wu Yuan had long been aware.

A drop of blood.

Immediately, Wu Yuan sensed a faint connection between himself and the silver ring. When he put it on, the ring miraculously adjusted its size, fitting perfectly.

It didn't affect combat and wouldn't fall off.

"Such a spacious storage," Wu Yuan was amazed after a slight induction. It contained approximately ten cubic meters of space, more than three times larger than the magical treasure he obtained from slaying 'Jin Rensu'!

It was like a small room!

Inside the storage magical treasure were numerous items—many bottles, stacks of books almost a person's height, and a large number of throwing knives.

"Wu Yuan."

"In the storage magical treasure, there are a total of one thousand drops of Ancient Immortal Dew, two thousand drops of Cloud Spring Blood Essence," Supreme Elder Yu slowly spoke, "Among these books, there are six related to the knowledge of masters, Qi Cultivators, and the remnants of the immortal sects. They represent the essence of our Hengyun Sect's accumulation over hundreds of years, recording information about places like Xinzhou, Chujiang Immortal Realm, and various immortal islands in the South Sea."

"Seven books, although not rare, are also intelligence recorded by the sect's ancestors during their travels around the world over the centuries."

"There are also eleven books that provide a brief introduction to the top experts of various factions in the current world, local customs, and geographical environments."

"After reading these books, you should have a good understanding of the entire world," Supreme Elder Yu said. "As for those three hundred throwing knives, one hundred are of the 'Third-grade Divine Weapon' level, enough to threaten masters, and two hundred are of the Fourth-grade quality, sufficient for daily use. They have no markings, and no one can recognize them."

"All of the above."

"It's the greatest help the sect can provide to you," Supreme Elder Yu sighed lightly. "In the future, it will depend on your own efforts to see how far you can go."

Sword Elder looked calmly at Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan carefully sensed the treasures inside the storage magical treasure and stood there in a daze, finally understanding the intentions of the two Supreme Elders.

A top-grade divine weapon, Qi Cultivation Art, intelligence information, a sufficient quantity of precious materials, and throwing knives that wouldn't expose his identity.

It could be said that most of what Wu Yuan needed for cultivation before entering the Heaven List had been satisfied.

After a long silence, Wu Yuan said, "Thank you both for the guidance."

What more could he ask for?

Sword Elder and Supreme Elder Yu looked at each other, both revealing a faint smile.

"Wu Yuan, since you have joined the sect and possess outstanding talent," Supreme Elder Yu smiled gently, "The sect will spare no effort in nurturing you."

"Don't feel indebted to the sect. When you become a Heaven List expert, the sect will take pride in you."

Wu Yuan nodded gently.

"Wu Yuan, do you remember that I mentioned giving you a trial mission before?" Supreme Elder Yu said softly.

"I remember," Wu Yuan nodded.

"Now, this trial mission is for you," Supreme Elder Yu looked at Wu Yuan. "That is, to travel the world!"

"Unless you become a Heaven List expert, even if the sect encounters a great disaster, you must not return to Cloud Mountain!" Supreme Elder Yu said solemnly.

Wu Yuan's pupils contracted.

Just now, he was actually a bit puzzled.

Even if the sect wants to cultivate him vigorously, why give him so many precious materials all at once?

A thousand drops of Ancient Immortal Dew and two thousand drops of Cloud Spring Blood Essence.

Even just converted into silver, it would be worth at least two hundred million taels.

Moreover, a massive amount of precious materials cannot be obtained with simple silver. For Hengyun Sect, it might take countless years to accumulate.


They want him to leave the mountain.

"Supreme Elder!" Wu Yuan was about to speak.

"Wu Yuan." However, Supreme Elder Yu directly interrupted him and calmly said, "This is not about sending you down the mountain but for your safety."

"Your talent is too high!"

"High enough to make various forces in the world wary. Once exposed, it will lead to relentless attacks from those forces."

"Especially the Great Jin, eyeing you covetously."

"War is about to break out, and unless you are a Heaven List expert, adding or subtracting one more person won't change the overall situation," Supreme Elder Yu said slowly.

Wu Yuan fell into silence.


His strength might be comparable to a grandmaster, but how many experts does the Great Jin Empire have? There are also Heaven List experts.

And there's a million-strong army!

His current strength couldn't stop the eastward expansion of the Great Jin.

"In addition, with your skills, staying on Cloud Mountain has little impact," Sword Elder suddenly spoke. "Traveling the world, observing the myriad changes in heaven and earth, experiencing the hustle and bustle of the mortal world, can help you find your way faster, even achieving the true 'unity of man and nature.'"

"Being close to the heavenly way is in line with the Dao."

"The Dao is hidden in the heavens and the earth. If you linger on Cloud Mountain, your progress will only get slower and slower." Sword Elder's voice was ethereal, like that of an enlightened person.

"But Supreme Elder, you..." Wu Yuan felt a bit puzzled. "Didn't you also stay on the mountain for thirty years?"

"Sword Elder traveled the Central Plains seven states when he was thirty, becoming a grandmaster at fifty," Supreme Elder Yu said softly. "After becoming a grandmaster, within ten years, he went as far as the extreme north, west to the Western Region and the desolate region, south to Xinzhou, before finally returning to the sect to sit for thirty years."

"Entering the world first allows you to transcend it."

"Traveling the world, witnessing all landscapes, is the only way to find the most suitable path." Supreme Elder Yu smiled. "I believe you can sense that Sword Elder's realm is even more profound than mine."

"Listen to him, he's right!"

Wu Yuan nodded gently.

Throughout the world, people praised Supreme Elder Yu's swordsmanship as close to that of immortals. The Earth List even ranked Sword Elder relatively low, but from Wu Yuan's sensing, Sword Elder seemed to be even more profound.

"Sword Elder, have you truly achieved the unity of man and nature?" Wu Yuan suddenly asked.

ps: Start of a new volume.

(End of this chapter)