



(gods,realms,creations,all these have existed and vanished....blood pouring down the soils of planets and the hearts of the great ones who led us and are still with us.We have lived to tell the stories which you never saw.....Echoes ,shouts...aaaaaah ,voices of souls who never wished to pass out........


There sits a golden being on a throne ,shining so bright that none can see.His eyes as bright as the great star and his hair,crystalline and exerting an enormous heat of aura.......

His left hand resting on the sword which ends immortality...with the blood of the gods dripping down with shouts of fear and without rage.He ends and revives.

Loud echoes of war sounds and praises.....infront of him lies thousands,millions, indefinite species bowing and awaiting command.

Rexons,born from the blood of the god of realms and all creation, the upmost part of supremacy ....We behold and destroy life.

We are immortality and immortality is beneath us.We always conquer and are never conquered.

(War shouts)

Here stands a kingdom without an end,species who do not know retreat nor surrender but victory alone.)

''This is XYREX !!''


(Breathes hardly ,watching around with a panting face.He looks around and still sees his colleagues still meditating)

Damien: What....was....that? (Speaking to himself).

Sense gama: Huruka nyogala....Get back into your state of calm.You have to resist your environment.

(Sensei closes his eyes slowly and continues to meditate as Damien watches the black belt around his waist and sighs)

Damien: Hmmm,fifteen years of high specialised urugamu training on Karate.....yet still these strange echoes and visions keep frightening me.

(Damien closes his eyes once more and keeps on meditating.The images running through his mind changes as he moves into infinite calmness).

visions...images....past achievements...

(Shouts and praises frome huge masses of people applauding as Damien runs through the finish line,breaking the world record at age twelve.Acquired a noble prize for breaking world records of athletism ...and kept his breath under water for forty eight(48) hours)

Bell rings suddenly ...

Jane: He's truly the unknown god beast they say.

(Jane taps the shoulders of Damien as she smiles and reaches out her hand to Damien)

Jane: I think it's time for us to go home.That's enough meditation, Cuddle bag.

Damien: How long did I take?

Jane: Twelve hours. Another record for the all in one.

Damien: Aaargh,you making me feel embarrassed.

Jane: Hahah,enough of all this.Let's get going.

Damien: kk,I hear you.

(Damien rises up from the ground and picks his bag from the far end of the dojo.He then takes hold of Jane's hand and leads her out of the door into the streets).

Jane: So how are you coping with those dreams lately....?

Damien: Hmmm,still stressing on it though.I can't even find a remedy to those scary visions.

Jane: See who's talking about scary....hahaha.

Damien: It's not funny...aaargh! I just want to rest from these horror visions.

Jane: Says someone who killed a bear at age two with just a slap.

Damien: I was too young to realise....haha

Jane: Not to talk of you breaking the world's record of athletism on your first try ....hahaha

Damien: You are such a pain....haha

Jane: What about now?

Damien: Huh,what do you.....

(Jane takes hold of Damien's shirt and pulls him closer.She then kisses Damien deeply and let's go of his shirt).

Damien: Ummm,how about another one?

Jane: That's all I have for u pudding.

Damien: Awww...so soon.

(They both break out into laughter as they walk on the path beside the Crimson pall.)


Universe 13,Planet Warthol.

(Elkahols babel.....)

(There lies three female lozics on the rolzar skin naked and moaning with pleasure.There is also a manlike figure standing in front of the lozics with a strange smile on his face.A servant appears our of the dark and bows).

Servant: Alhilol kenaro sekpash...iktorvi ra irotomu.My apologies for not being on time my Lord.As usual,you get what you want and devour any being against you.You really are know for your nature...Rezal uk shina....or may I say Satan,the god of Sin!!

(The man slowly turns with a horrific smile on his face.Large masses of dark aura flow out of the female lozics and enters his body.....with thorns piercing out of his skin and the demon horns rising from his skull curved upwards)

Satan: It's been long since I had a good meal....Uuurgh,such flavour of lust.

(The lozics scream as their life force is totally drawn out of then leaving their corpses behind.Satan evolves into a huge horrific man beast with his whole body on flames.

Servant: What does thou want from me.....my lord?

Satan: Zerek no mu lritari....caserta ovtule .Isaroku ler (el sacre')

Servant: Huh,what do you mean by...aaaargh!!

(Satan pierces his fingers through the heart of the servant, takes hold of it an pulls it out)

Satan: After a long time,we finally found that energy frame which scared the gods.It is time for me to rise above all.Raaaargh!!

(He then breaks his left horn ,pierces it through the heart and places it into the dead body of the servant).

Satan: Karike ituro.Arise image of Rezal.Find that energy frame and devour it.Let its remains be burnt deeply into the fire of rage and destruction. Leave no close relation of his alive...Herictork!!

(The body of the dead servant melts and reforms again, creating a being in the likeness of its creator.The being rises with lava dripping from all parts of his body and screams.....He then bows down infront of satanand pledges his allegiance to him).

Rezal/Satan: Hmm,don't let me regret wasting my aura to create you.Afterall,I have just given you 0.2% of my power.Eerhm ,I think I should name you bangrok.Yep...that's it.

Bangrok: I will not fail you.I will devour everything there is and destroy that fragment you hate so much. Thy Lord of Sin...!

Satan: That's more like it.Huuurm,I think I have to rest a little though. But before that,I want you to go for a trial test on this planet. Destroy it in a minute and get back to the main task.I think that would be enough tutorials for you.

Bangrok: As u say,my lord.

(Rezal changes into a thirteen year old with some modern earth clothes.He then changes his hair colour to light red and placed a stopwatch on the rolzar skin)

Satan: Tick tick....tick to.....ck

(Satan then vanishes leaving Bangrok alone in there .Bangrok then teleports himself out unto the hemisphere of the planet and lifts his finger making a tiny pinch of lava ball on the tip of his finger)

Bangrok: How about making this a second.Hahahah

(Bangrok releases the lava ball unto the planet whilst laughing in a crazy tone .As the lava ball touched the soil of warthol, a large mass of fire enveloped the whole planet burning anything that comes into contact with it into nothingness).

Bangrok: Such an easy task for an image of a god.Hahah,weaklings!!

(Bangrok suddenly teleports out of the planet leaving the planet in total destruction).




(There sits a man in am armour made from the precious stones of the heart of the galaxy.He sits on a throne inscribed with the names of all gates.His two palms rest on each other upon the sword which opens everything with vast and indefinite voices pleading on him to make a way)

Man: Hmmm,another mass of species heading towards the underworld.I never thought Rezal would destroy them so early.Well there goes another planet.A job for the god of gates indeed!

(He takes hold of the sword, raises it up and pierces it through the ground. A portal opens which pours out all the souls of the species in the planet of warthol into the gates of the underworld.He then removes the sword from the ground making the chains of the gate lock the underworld.

god of gates: so it seems the time has finally come for the grand son of el sacre'l to rise and conquer all gods.I am forever indebted to him ,my creator......el sacre'l or may I say god of realms!!

Back on earth


(Damien and Jane are still on their way to the house with each of them having a piece of hotdog in their mouths.They then meet a strange boy by the loppy mall who confronts them in a strange manner ).

Boy: Hey,I guess you two are some lovebirds huh.

Jane: Morris don't start this again. I thought I had told.....

Morris: Don't even dare to open that mouth of yours to speak down on me.I am the captain of the hedhog basketball team and not a dummy to your useless poetry.

Damien: Don't you dare talk against her in that manner....

Morris: Or what,huh .what you gonna do baby boy huh!!

(A gang of hedhog basketball players suddenly surround Damien an Jane.Damien gives a fixed focus on them which causes them to step back in fear.).

Morris: What? You are afraid of this douchebag!! Fuck that son of a bitch!!

(Morris throws a heavy punch straight towards Damien. Damien dodges to the right sharply and gets hold of Morris' hand with his left hand,pulls Morris towards him and hits his ribs with his knee which breaks three ribs of Morris .He then let's go of Morris' hand and takes hold of his head ,bends it and crushes it with his knee which causes a crack in the skull of Morris. Morris falls down unconscious with blood oozing from his nostrils).

Damien: I thought you had better than a noise mouth.Remember you dudes,I didn't attain a black belt in order to drink porche

juices and eat pancakes l.

Gang: C'mon neggas ,let's get outta here.

Jane: Wow Damien,That was really sick.

Damien: Ah well, it's all for you though .

Jane: Aww, cutie head.hahah.....

(Both of them end up laughing together whilst Morris' gang pick him up and run away into a nearby cab. Meanwhile across the streets,Bangrok sits in a café drinking tea.)

Rezonic Café

Bangrok: So after me coming all the way here,I just got these pair of blue and white stripes and hot trees(pijamas and coffee).I think it's lame apart from this toffee they gave....Is it lollipop?...mmm...I that's what he said.....Ah well,time to go.

(As Bangrok stands up from the chair and approaches the door,all the humans and life force in the Café begin to melt including the café itself which sends cries of pain and agony all over.He then walks unto the street towards where Damien is , makes a little ball of fire on his finger and throws it towards Damien and Jane. ).

Damien: What's that coming?

Jane: Damien watch out!!

Damien: Jane....jump out of here!!aaargh!

(Damien takes hold of Jane and throws her out of the way as the fireball hits him and blasts him into the nearby mall,melting the major part of it).

Bangrok: Awww sorry,I think I blew a little bit of fire in there. Maybe I should check the mass destruction level or.....I can just toy around with this so called,"chosen one".

(Bangrok approaches Damien with the lollipop fixed on his left in his mouth .As he walks,the street leaves footprints of lava still on it with immense heat.Damien then rises up from the ground at the minor part of the mall which had not been melted by the blast with his shirt burnt totally,leaving his half burnt inner wear.).

Damien: What was that.....uurgh .....my arm!! I think this man may be the source of those weird visions I have been having.

(Damien takes a last look at his arm which

has a scar given by the blast he just received and moves out of the damaged mall into the streets. He then stops in the middle of the streets and watches Bangrok with a terrified look on his face as Bangrok approaches him.).

Bangrok: I think it's time to get the job done.Huurm,I had a good time in the

se stripes though. (Cracking his neck mischievously)It's time to get serious.

Damien: Huh.....I think he's gonna really kill me.

Bangrok:(whispering to himself) You bet I would.

(Bangrok's pyjamas begins to melt alongside with the plastic handle of the lollipop as his form changes into one deadly and horrific state.Meanwhile,the police cops arrive behind bangrok and park their cars in an assault mode.They then get down and take out their guns and aim at bangrok,who is only a few steps infront of Damien.).

Police cops: Put your hands behind your head! I repeat ,put your hands behind your head where I can see them .Guys prepare for assault.

Damien: I have never been so terrified and excited at the same time like this before....Is it a movie or...

Bangrok: Hahaha.....Are you weaklings sincerely afraid of just a copy like me.Well,I think I'm wasting too much time though.

(Bangrok bows his head absorbing the heat around him which starts evolving magma around his skin.A huge wave of heat surround him which starts melting and burning any possible object around him. He then releases the lava aura which blows and scatters the cars around them into further buildings.A huge concentration of fire is seen to be covering his body which later fades out leaving him in a demon form with two horns and his body covered with a dark cloak with inscriptions in the form of molten magma on it.)

Bangrok: Aurrm,such a feeling to release a better form.(In a devilish tone).

Police commander: Which kind of devil is this ......Boys,I don't care where this beast is from but all I know is he is not in for negotiations!! Fire.....!!

Police Cops: Aaaaargh.....!!

Damien: Jeez.....!!

(With the cars of the police cops completely blown away leaving them with no shield,the police cops fire their already aiming guns at bangrok which melts as they get near him.).

Police commander: I think this is the end of the world...Run!!

Bangrok: Hmmm,try if you can ...Hahaha!

(Before the police cops could even turn ,their bodies start melting which sends screams of pain all over with people also running helter-skelter).

Bangrok: I think I would finish the main task before I get to the weaklings.

Damien: Who do you take as weaklings.....

Bangrok: Oh ...see who finally stood up for something bigger.Well ,let me wake you up a bit!

Damien: What do you mean by that and why are you even after me...huh....Jane!!

(Bangrok lifts up his right index finger which raises Jane up who is still unconscious and moves her towards him in mid air.).

Bangrok: Now that's more like it.How about we add a little pain.

Damien: Don't you even dare!!

Bangrok: Or else what? Huh....say it,lover boy....Hahaha!

Damien: Stop this ....!

Bangrok: What if I make this more interesting....

Damien: No....!

(Jane's flesh at her neck starts tearing up as a line of lava is being passed on her neck with her screaming loudly in pain).

Damien: Aargh,I said stoop!!

(Damien runs towards Bangrok and steps on a broken piece (block) of a building and uses his right knee to hit the chin of Bangrok whiles grabbing his horn , turns his body in the air, releases it and lands behind Bangrok.He then picks up a broken piece of metal and uses it to hit Bangrok's head which literally melts before even touching his skin.).

Bangrok: You never learn,don't you?

Damien: What....?aaa....

(Bangrok sharply turns and uses his left palm to slam the face of Damien in the process which sends Damien flipping on his left and falling face front. He then grabs the neck of Damien and raises him up in the air.).

Bangrok: I think it is time to finally say goodbye.

Damien: Aaargh...!!

(Damien shouts in agony as Bangrok pierces his hand through his chest which causes him to spit out blood on the face of Bangrok. Bangrok licks the blood on his face and removes his hand from the chest of Damien leaving Damien on the ground.).

Bangrok: A so called chosen one,pathetic!!

(Bangrok watches Damien and laughs crazily whilst smashing the face of Damien with his feet.).

Damien: U....uurgh.....Ja....ne....I am sorr..y.

(Damien slowly closes his eyes as he gives out his last breath.Immediately the seventh alpha star appeared and darkness befell the earth.Meanwhile, Damien's spirit was teleported to the Realm of gates .).



(The god of gates sits on his seat with a strange smile on his face as the souls of the dead are being sucked into the portal.He then removes the sword as Damien's soul drops from a portal down to hit the ground).

Damien: Aaargh,my head ...what is this place, where am I and what is hap...

god of gates: So finally the day has come for El Sacre' to be delivered into immortality.

Damien: Who's that ?...and by the way ..who are you?

god of gates: Hmmm,such a nuisance ...

(The god of gates arises from his throne and levitates towards Damien.).

Damien: Are you also going to kill me again?

god of gates: Kill you?Come on you are already "dead".I am Azariel iknur ,the keeper of all gates.You can call me Anthony, since that is an earthly thing you all do.

Damien: How can I see you are not really part of them?

god of gates: Hmm,if you insist.

(The eyes of the god of gates light up blood red as a portal opens,revealing dead souls crying in pain as they throw out their hands for freedom from the pit of fire.The portal suddenly closes leaving Damien in fear.).

god of gates: You have to hurry and go back to your world.I would have destroyed you if I wanted to but I can't.You are the chosen offspring of all and the hope of all living and dead beings.You are now immortal and will be returning back.It was said by El sacre'l.

Damien: Chosen offspring?El sacre'l?Immortality?What is all this?

god of gates: You will understand when the time is right. Now go!

Damien: Huh!!

(A portal sucks Damien in leaving him in complete darkness.His thoughts surround him in echoes with visions also appearing continuously. He then sees the scene at which Bangrok killed him and was hurting Jane.The visions and thoughts become louder and blurry and suddenly vanish leaving him in complete darkness.Meanwhile,..)

Back on Earth,


Bangrok: Such a weakling .I just want to rip you off and add you to your crippled friend who just died off.

Jane: Aaargh, Damien.....get up ....please!....Damien!!

Bangrok: Pathetic...!!

(Bangrok throws Jane away to the left with her falling on her back as bruises are all over her body.).

Jane: Damien!!....Come on!!

Bangrok: He can't hear you....Hahaha!!

Jane: Damien!!!

(Damien suddenly hears the voice of Jane in the darkness and loads of images of Jane flood his mind along with his memories with her.The last image which was the scene she was screaming raged him up causing the darkness to penetrate into him leaving nothing).

Damien: Jane .....

(The darkness covering the surface of the earth becomes thicker and revolve around Damien with lightning sticking all over and sounds of thunder booming.Damien's eyes suddenly open with it completely black.The darkness around the earth immediately run down and hit the body of Damien rising him into its thickness. The sounds of thunder become louder and lightning strikes intensively. ).

Bangrok: What is that enormous power...It's totally dark ,with no light in it.

Jane: You are better dead.....Whatever you call yourself!

(The darkness spreads towards all the parts of the earth,runs back into Damien still levitating him in the skies and suddenly expels enormous dark aura with all Damien's body being shadow-like and glitching. The rain starts falling heavily as Damien's body comes down slowly and settles him down with him landing on his feet.Before Jane could realise, she saw herself in Damien's room.).

Bangrok: So you were hiding this from me all along.I think this is the fight I have been waiting for...Let it rain blood!!

Dark form: Destroy.....all .....enemies.(In an echoing manner).

Bangrok: Aaaargh...!!

(Bangrok steps on the growing his right foot to sprint which bursts out a lava blast behind him making him move at light speed to where Damien is with a punch fixed to strike the face of Damien upon reaching him.With his hand flowing with immense heat aura and the lava blast completely sending the buildings behind him into nothingness, he strikes a right punch at the face of Damien which sends large waves of heat blasting through the buildings behind Damien but didn't even harm him.Meanwhile,the right hand of Bangrok is seen sucked in by the shadowy face of Damien which continues to glitch.)

Bangrok: Amartekarnormu rekpar...the dark form of pure darkness.Truly a power go lose to. But not...

(Before Bangrok could even finish his sentence, Damien grabs Bangrok's face with his right hand and smashes his head down to the ground causing a massive crack on the acres of the ground, breaking it inwards.He then pulls Bangrok up into mid air with the same hand locked on the face of Bangrok and punches Bangrok's face with his left fist.This covers Bangrok's face with darkness in the form of black mist as he is thrown from that stand to smash through about six(6) storeys and an apartment with them demolished completely as a result of the force of the punch.Bangrok sees the the scene to be cloudy with dust and tries to stand up from the broken blocks on him.As Bangrok tries to stand up,a stamp is being fed to his face severely for a continuous time by Damien.Damien then grabs his neck and rises him from the broken blocks.).

Damien: Kill.....all...enemies(echoing tone).

Bangrok: I didn't decide to fail.Not now nor ever,aaargh.....!!

(Bangrok emits large waves of heat and flames which blows Damien away.His body grows bigger and his horns longer and larger with thorns coming out of his body.The heat around him becomes intense which causes everything in its radius to melt.He throws a huge lava ball from his mouth towards Damien but is consumed by the shadowy body of Damien. Damien's body starts to glitch rapidly and starts a binary fusion of itself with the magma flowing out of their bodies. They all vanish suddenly and appear around Bangrok in about hundreds,hitting and tearing the flesh of Bangrok whilst tossing him to all sides.Bangrok releases extravagant heat out which blows the clone shadows of Damien away leaving the original copy,Damien ...infront of him.).

Bangrok: I will still win.....!!

Damien: Kill...

(Damien moves faster than Bangrok could realise and hits the stomach of Bangrok,causing him to vomit lava unto the shoulder of Damien.Damien's body begins to emit a ropy, snake-like dark aura and consumes Bangrok into it.Bangrok then realises he is in darkness with only a person in a light in the middle of the darkness with his head bowed.Bangrok walks towards the person and suddenly notices its not there anymore. ).

Bangrok: Where is this?...and what is happening?I don't get......

(A childhood form of Damien passes by Bangrok in the darkness which causes Bangrok to shake in fear.).

Child: Redemption.....

Bangrok: Aaaargh .....!!

(As the child passed by him,various strikes of God power was sliced through him mercilessly, leaving him with his body all in smoke).

Bangrok: So.....much....for death.....

(Meanwhile ,Damien's form leaves hold of Bangrok's body which causes him to disintegrate into dust.).

Damien: Uuuurgh.....

(The dark form leaves the body of Damien with him falling face front infront of what seemed to be a huge scar on the surface of the earth which was caused by the god power. ).

Voice: God power huh...interesting....

(With a whole city demolished and most parts of it in a lava state,the rains stopped with the lava hardening leaving the sun to shine on the ruins left. )

Voice: Let me out!!!!!(devilish loud tone).



(My apologies for the late delivery of the remaining parts of the story.....had a blackhole of depression sucking me in and I had to survive that....anyways ...Will try to give out my best....#Till the last star is gone.)

Lil_rexon (Damien Baah)...#XYREX