

a Smut Palworld Fanfic, need I say more? Also I don’t own the front cover it belongs to their rightful owner

OneMoreScore · Video Games
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40 Chs

Let’s Explore a Dungeon (1)

So every pal will be fair game from how everyone is voting, and I don't mind doing that at all.

But the problem is that porn artists make almost all the pics of any of the pals as anthromorphic in nature with few of them being in ther feral territory that's why only Nellie so far is the only feral female named pal.

There will be more but from everything I've seen and looked up, not enough artists are making feral content to make the guys who desire feral content to be happy.

So unless one of you guys gets someone to draw those pics or find a decent AI that doesn't mind making content like that then sure, but until then it's going to still lean heavily into it, and if I hear cry's of anger from any of you then Nellie will be the only one from now on!


After a bit of walking we finally all made it down to the end of the cave as bioluminescent mushrooms lit the way for us letting me put away my torch.

"Alright, you girls come back, Daisy stay by me while Neeko takes the lead." I say before pulling Kate, Lamby and Nellie back into their spheres as the three of us kept moving forward.

I was able to let Daisy stay out as I had made her a necklace specifically for her kind that allows them to fly alongside me without making it impossible for me to call out another Pal at the same time.

Both of them were best suited for dungeons like this as dark type pals are stronger in dark places like this with no real sunlight.

So we came out of the tunnel we were in as we entered an atrium like area filled with luminescent mushrooms on the walls as some light came in through a crack in the ceiling giving more light to this place.

"Wait…. Has the syndicate already been here?" I say as I could see torches around the place leading towards other halls in this cave like dungeon.

"Hmm, let's be careful girls, those guys could be anywhere in this dungeon if they are here still." I tell them which they nod as we go deeper inside.

The first room didn't have anything of to much note, but I saw a sulfer deposit here, and I know that's a main ingredient in making gunpowder when I start to make actual guns and bullets down the line.

So I decided to mine it and take some for myself, luckily this world still follows game logic and that ore deposits and other rock formations respawn over time, I've been doing that to the one iron ore rock inside my base that I've been stockpiling the ore for.

So after mining the large sulfer ore completely and seeing nothing else here we went into the next room which was much larger, but at the same time we could hear the sound of a fight happening inside, so with my bow at the ready we headed in.

"Take them down!" One of the three syndicate members said as he pulled out his rather shoddy ass gun as he took pot shots at the pals in the room while his two companions rushed to attack with their spiked baseball bats.

The pals that were in the room were a few Fuddlers and some Leezpunks that were fighting the Syndicate Members, and while it was three of them vs six pals, these were weaker pals and not only that but one had a gun even if it was a makeshift shoddy pistol.

"Damn, at this rat those pals will get killed." I muttered as I pulled my bow back and took aim at them member with a gun.

'Just don't think about it too much Zeke, you need to survive on this island for who knows how long, and these guys won't hesitate to kill you if you have them the chance, just imagine Hitler and his Nazi's, remember all the horrible shit they did that you heard from great-grandpa's stories when you were a kid before he passed and everything you read in history books and the World War 2 movies all based on true stories! They are just as bad as them so take a deep breath and focus!' I hype myself up in my head and nock the arrow back.

And luckily with several days of training under my belt my aim, while not perfect, at this distance unless he moves rapidly I'll hit my mark.


"Ugh!" The syndicate member with the gun groaned out as he looked to his left to see an arrow deep in his left shoulder before seeing me and my pals who began to rush the other two.

They heard their buddy groan out so they were able to turn and look and see what was happening but it was too late as several dark arrows came out from Daisy while Neeko came up from behind before giving him a Phantom Peck to the neck as they killed them both in an instant.

I on the other hand shot off another arrow towards the lone gunman which also struck true as it to hit him in the throat as he grabbed at his throat before he looked at me, tried to raise the gun in his hand, only for it to slip and fall from his hand as he collapsed to the ground below as his and the other members blood seeped into the dirt and rocks beneath them.

"Haaa haaa haaa." I took some deep breaths as I steadied myself, I was trembling, I didn't feel good, but I knew I wasn't going to throw up or something but I plopped down on the floor as I caught my breath.

"DaeDae?" Daisy said as she came over to me as Neeko joined up with us after cleaning off her beak of blood.

Unlike with pals that fade away if they are defeated(killed) humans don't do that, but I couldn't still be certain if I was killed I wouldn't be able to respawn, but I'll do everything in my power to keep that from happening for the time being.

So looking around most of the pals they had fought had disappeared as a result of their injuries from fighting the Syndicate members, but knowing that I got to do whatever I could to survive I went to their bodies to check and see what they had on them.

X1 Shoddy Pistol

X25 Coarse bullets

X2 Spiked Baseball bats

X1 Low Grade Medicine

X300 Gold Coins

X6 Leather

X2 Copper Keys (For Treasure Chests)

"Wait…. This girl is still alive…." I say walking over to the injured Leezpunk that was laying on the ground barely concious.

I felt kinda bad just leaving her here, but as one of those guys had some low grade medical paste on hand I decided to use it to patch up her cuts and wounds along with some spare cloth I have for makeshift bandages.

"…..Leez….." I heard her say as she opened her eyes slightly to look up at me.

"Everything will be alright, those bad guys are gone now, I'm just trying to patch you up is all." Say trying to calm her down while I finished putting the bandages on her legs.

"….Leez….Leez?" She said looking around but noticed her friends or maybe even family were nowhere to be seen.

"…. I'm sorry but…. Their gone." I say holding out two copper keys, keys that Leezpunks love to keep on their person all the time.

She reached out and gently grabbed them before tears began to fall from her eyes, "LeezLeezLeez!" She began to sob as all I could do was sit there and rub her head as she buried her face into my chest as she cried some more.

This world is a cruel place, and while I might not have thought of it till now but I have killed plenty of Pals without batting an eye.

But to survive I'll have to kill some that want to kill me, kill or be killed, survival of the fittest and the Law of the Jungle all holds true in this new world.

But I'll at least try to capture any and all pals from now on so I don't feel this sense of guilt ever again.

"Leezpunk…. I'm sorry for what happened to you and your family, but I don't feel good just leaving you like this." I say pulling back as Daisy and Neeko nod.






I didn't understand what they were saying but I think they were trying to convince Leezpunk that I'm not a bad guy at all.

Though Daisy went up to her and talked quietly in her own language to the Leezpunk who's eyes went wide hearing whatever Daisy just said as she turned towards her only to get a snicker in response from her as the Leezpunk looked at me up and down for a second before nodding.

"Leezpunk!" She said with a nod which got the others to cheer which made me assume it was a sucess as I rubbed her head and smiled.

"Then welcome to your new family Lee." I say holding out a Palsphere which she looked at for a second before touching it and turning into more of blue light as she was sucked in before the capture was complete.

[Leezpunk(Lee) lvl. 10 Captured!]

*Tingling! Levelup! Lvl. 9 -> 10*

I smiled before picking myself up off the ground and dusting myself off as I looked back at Daisy and Neeko as Lee's Sohere went back to the Palbox to allow herself to heal up.

"Alright! We got more exploring to do!" I said as I got a cheer from them both as we began to dive further into this dungeon.


(Lee the Leezpunk)

Also not all Pals will have female looks as of yet as the game is new and only so many of the over 130 pals have gotten drawn by porn artists with Lovander being the biggest one out of them all so some that have been caught like Hoocrates, Pengullet and Leafmunk don't have sexy or at least female porn pics of them yet so there isn't one for them yet, well Leafmunk does but it looks more like a girl wearing clothes that look like she is trying to cosplay as a sexy Leafmunk if you get what I mean and I don't want them to look like that as what I have for them, that being anthropomorphic in form, is as human as they can get at least for this fic.