
Getting My First Pal

Now normally in most monster catcher games like this their is no visible difference between a male and female pal of the same species as most are at least kinda family friendly games so they can't show that off, but being here in person that's all off the table.

If it's a dude you can see a pouch between thier legs signaling their a dude, but if it's a female not only do they not have that but the area around their chests for some bulge out slightly signaling their breasts.

Now the first two pals and easiest ones to get are going to be Lambball's and Cativa's as they are actually good in a fight, though there are probably more that I can get but most likely only come out at night and since it's day time only those two in my nearby area are worth getting and later down the line when I can build the ranch I'll go and get Chikipi's so I can farm their eggs they lay, which turns out even males can lay eggs as well, this world is weird like that I guess or maybe it's game logic so the players don't just kill all the males and only capture the females for their ranches.

But first is the Cativa's so I go on the opposite side of the pond where I see a bunch of pals wandering around over there being of the three I have been mentioning and I saw one Cativa that was taking a cat nap, the perfect target to catch for me.

So I snuck up behind it as the others, seeing me began to run away and as I came up behind it I had a 50% capture chance with the back bonus capture rate on top.

'Well, here goes something!' I think to myself as I click the activator on the Pal Sphere before throwing it right into the back of the sleeping Cativa.

"Nyaaa?!" It shrieked out before it was suddenly turned into blue particles and being pulled into the Pal Sphere as it floated into the air as it showed the 50% capture rate still.

"C'mon! Lady Luck be on my side!" I shouted out as I watched it closely.

*Shake* it shook again before the chance of capture went up to 75% which made me excited as I gripped my club hard.

The tension was palpable as sweat trickled down my brow as it just sat there and didn't shake, and when I all but believed the Cativa was about to escape.

*Shake* it shook a second time and the capture rate went up to 100% before it vanished and reappeared on my hip in its small form.

"Yes! I got my first pal! WOOHOOO!" I shout out as I jump for joy as I got my first real pal and I was happy for being able to do it.

*Tingle Ling* I heard a familiar ring tone as I pulled out my pal tablet and look at the pal index as the entry on Cativa's filled out, the Lambball's and Chikipi's were there too but it didn't say anything as I have seen them but since I haven't caught them my pal index hasn't updated on them at all.

I also noticed half of my exp bar filled up doing that, it seems capturing pals is the fastest way to level up, though I think it only give exp up until I catch 10 of each kind, but that means this upper area is the best place for farming exp until I have caught every type I can get around here I'll move on deeper into the island.

Not only that but it even showed me what Cativa could do as it have lvl. 1 in Mining, Food Gathering, Handiwork and Transportation.

The Cativa also had the ability called Cat Helper as it can help carry some of the weight in my inventory for me which helps a lot, and since this is a game I can also upgrade my stats when I level up such as my health, attack, how much I can carry and how fast I can build things.

There was also a defense stat but when I leveled up it didn't give me an option to increase it which in hindsight makes sense as that's my bodies natural protection after all so only my clothes and armor will increase my defense, I'm not going to suddenly get iron like skin as that's impossible for a normal human to acquire.

But besides that I looked at my Cativa's stats, it was a female lvl. 1 Cativa with Zen Mind(10%+ to Normal Attack DMG) as her passive trait.

"Alright we'll come on out Cativa!" I said before tossing my Pal Sphere as Cativa came out.

She looked around after coming out before looking at me and squinting her eyes at me before crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks, clearly she was irritated with being caught and made into my pal.

"Look Cativa, I'm sorry I did that to you but I just arrived on this island, and I need pals like you to help me make it here on this island okay?" I say as I reach out my hand as I begin to pet her head, she still seemed irritated but she wasn't pushing away my hand at least.

"Here, want some cooked Chikipi meat? Take it as a sign of me being sorry for catching you like that okay?" I say holding out the cooked chikipi meat.

*Sniff Sniff* she smelled the meat as she opened her eyes before grabbing it and beginning to eat, though seeming to look irritated all the same but was gradually not as angry before she ate it all up.

"There, now let's get along from now on alright?" I say holding out my hand to her as she finished licking her hands of the meat grease as she looked at me.

She nodded before taking my hand and shaking it, now I finally got my first pal, "And Since your my first Pal I'll give you a name, Cativa from now on you'll be called Kate." I said as I decided to name my first pal here in this strange new world.

(Kate's Looks)