
Welcome to XTXverse

Hello, I am XTX writes

I am still a beginner and I am still practicing and improving

I'll start by using webnovel and write short or long short novella and as I improve I'll probably try to make a full length novels called

I hope you all join me in my journey and watch me improve

in the XTX verse

this is my Outerverse

where all my creations exist

this is going to be a gigantic verse

some may he confusing, poorly written, weird, cringe, fun, interesting, and etc...

it all depends on my mood

as for me, I just want to share my stories that has been stuck in my head for years

doesn't matter if anyone enjoys it or not

all I do here is for fun

writing is just my hobby or my way of killing time

although I do hope anyone would enjoy reading them even if they are poorly written and support me as I keep trying to improve my

Plot, Themes, Originality, Grammar, Characters, Backstory, and many more