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OneFist · Realistic
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1946 Chs


I awake, surprised that I was actually able to wake up. I seem to be in a better condition aside from the fact that I'm suspended half a meter off the ground, held only in place by a spike.

One thing that I'm sure of is that I've definitely stopped bleeding. My T-shirt is utterly caked in dry blood. Ripping aside my shirt, what greets me is more dried blood.

I also seem to be less tired, hungry, and sleepy than before my nap.

I seem to have gained a bit of time, but why?

For now, I'm still stuck on the spike. To get off the spike would involve certain death from bleeding out. It's also very unlikely that I'm physically capable of lifting myself off of the massive spike.

A large portion of the spike has also turned into its dark golden form.

My dire situation is still dire, however I'm not in any immediate danger.

I'm certain that I've overlooked something crucial.