

Feel free to leave any kind of comment you want, from questions to facts/spam. A mishmash of random things. Daily chapter guaranteed. Currently, every new chapter will be focusing on a random topic. I will try my best to keep them interesting and short. If you need likes for your daily, just comment like (you can and should also like your own comment). If you want to avoid the hassle of likes, check chapter 669. (Pretty certain there's no duplicate content) Join the discord server to receive updates on new chapters and talk about books: https://discord.gg/jGCnyZj

OneFist · Realistic
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2055 Chs


Haven't uploaded a really random chapter in a while so... this chapter is "a bit" random.

Since I've been writing and uploading daily chapters, most of you probably assume that I have a huge check in streak. Well that was true until a few days ago. I've never bothered actively going for check ins so I didn't think they were required, nor did I really care. So my streak ended around 4 days ago with almost 300 days.

Now you might be wondering why it wasn't more than 400. So for all the "new" readers, there was once a time where automated placeholder chapters were uploaded for a week. This was because I was on a camping trip and those placeholder chapters have since been replaced.

[I also forgot when they introduced streaks and if that might have something to do with it]