
Chapter 47 In her heart, is he so weak?

"No, no, he is a nephew and I am an aunt!" Su Su quickly corrected, waving her little hand.


  The other party was dumbfounded.

  The onlookers nearby were also dumbfounded.

  "Kid, did you remember it wrong? You are the aunt and he is the nephew, but he is much older than you!"

  "That's right! I am the aunt! My dad said, it has nothing to do with age! I am his elder !" Su Su looked determined.

  Several adults looked at each other.

  real or fake?

  Then the adults in this family can do it too, right? !

  They cast their doubtful eyes on Qin Yuhuai.

  Qin Yuhuai didn't want to answer this question, so he took Su Su's hand and walked away.

  Qin Luoyun and Qin Jinfang were also looking at Qin Yuhuai and Su Su.

  Qin Jinfang thought that the person coming today would be his eldest brother, and wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship with him.

  Unexpectedly, it was this cold grandnephew who came!

  This guy is not easy to deal with!

  When I went to Qin's house to ask for money the last few times, I met this boy's father and he could still get it, but I met this boy and it was completely useless!

  If I had known this, he wouldn't have come!

  If there is any physical activity at this moment, how can he move his old bones?

  Qin Luoyun was also a little depressed.

  Every time when parents come to participate in activities, she always behaves poorly and is outperformed by other children.

  But this year she was even more concerned, because Su Su, whom she hated, also participated, and brought her favorite brother Yuhuai with her...

  Teacher Zhu, as the host of this parent-child event, arranged for each group of parents and children to stand in their positions. Let me explain to you the content of the first activity "Crossing Mountains and Mountains".

  To put it simply, when the parent does push-ups, when the parent holds up the body, the child crawls through the space held up by the parent.

  When the parent falls down, the children step over the parent's back.

  Just like this, over the "mountain" and over the "ridge", a group is completed.

  The more you complete in the end, the more little red flowers you get.

  After listening to what the teacher said, Qin Yuhuai and Su Su looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.     Qin Yuhuai: "Do you understand the rules?"

  Qin Yuhuai doubted Su Su's ability to understand.

  Su Su: "Can you do that move?"

  Su Su doubted Qin Yuhuai's physical fitness.

  Qin Yuhuai: "Don't worry, as long as you don't step on me."

  Su Su patted her chest: "I won't step on you! Just work hard! It doesn't matter if you can't do it! I won't laugh. Yours! Dad said, we play games mainly for fun, and the ranking is not important!"

  Su Su had no hope of winning, and comforted Qin Yuhuai thoughtfully.

  Listening to Su Su's comfort, Qin Yuhuai was not comforted at all.

  In her heart, is he so weak?

  This made Qin Yuhuai have some concerns.

  "It's started, get ready." Qin Yuhuai said to Su Su in a deep voice.

  Qin Yuhuai had already followed the instructions and lay down on the gymnastics mat, supporting his upper body with both hands.

  Following the teacher's order, Qin Yuhuai began to do push-ups neatly.

  Su Su cooperated with him to climb up and down.

  Watching from a distance, the two elders of the Qin family enthusiastically cheered for their grandson and daughter:

  "Little darling, great! Come on, little darling!"

  "Little darling, go for it! There are three more! There are three left!"

  "Little darling, go for it!" You're great! You're great! Mom and Dad are proud of you!"


  As for Qin Yuhuai, who was sweating profusely from exhaustion, the second elder didn't mention a word.

  He's obviously the one who works the hardest, but he doesn't deserve a name...