
Xiao Li & Qiao Wei: The Military's highest ranked team retired.

Xiao Li was a good student with excellent scores in sports and good score in study. She was kind, Even though she fights at school people knew she wouldn't if someone didn't annoy her to extreme. She was so beautiful that many boys propose her because of that many girls were envious and jealous of her. Because of that many girls held grudge against her. After graduating she went in military. her military achievements were excellent and outstanding. She was selected as a member of shadow force with Qiao Wei. The force was formed by many countries together to eliminate the force which are illegal and harms people. Just after Five years they were the highest ranked people in military not inferior to president of the countries, because people in military respect and obey them more than president. After 5 year they took a break and went to their native place country M. Even though they did a few small mission on the break. After coming back home they both rested for a few days, after few days there was a school reunion. There was a girl Xu Mei who held up a grudge against her because her crush Zhang Lei who was also a second rich generation proposed Xiao Li but was rejected, And when Xu Mei proposed him he rejected her. On reunion they decided that they will bring their girlfriend/wife or boyfriend /husband. Later Xu Mei married a rich person Wei Chen. Her husband was rich and she wanted to show off. When Xiao Li came she said to her " Xiao Li i heard you are just a soldier and you don't even have a boyfriend." Xiao Li "Yes, I am." "And who told I don't have a boyfriend" Just then Qiao Wei came. People were stunned seeing how beautiful he was. Later .... The Top three families in country M are Qiao, Xiao and Wang family. This is about a Girl (fl Xiao Li) who is one of the two highest ranked people in military. (ml Qiao Wei) (fl bestfriend and ml sister Qiao Nian) After 5 years age of : Qiao Wei is 26 and Xiao Li is 24

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Ch 3 Zhang Lei confessed to Xiao Li

She returned home.

At her home there were her mother Lin yun, her father Xiao jun and her brother Xiao Tian. Her grandfather Xiao Dong and her grandmother Qiu ling.

After eating lunch she train for 4 hours, like she did regularly, Her Grandfather help her pointing out problems in taekwondo. At night she meditate for ten minutes and then she slept.


Xiao Li came to school. After classes the taekwondo competition began. Just like their bet they were going to fight.

Chen Ming said " Remember our bet."

Xiao Li said mockingly "you better remember."

Taekwondo coach said to both of them " Are you ready?"

They both said "yes."

After formality the match begin.

Chen Ming brutality lost the match.

Xiao Li won the match.

Xiao said"You lost."

Chen Ming can't say anything out of embarassment of losing match and bet and said in a low voice "I am sorry."

Xiao Li mockingly and loudly said "What did you say, I didn't heard it clearly."

Chen Ming gritted his teeth and said "I am really sorry."

Xiao Li Left without looking at him again.

Chen Ming also left fast after being severely humiliated.

Next day.

A Popular second rich generation boy Zhang Lei came to her and confessed.

Zhang Lei said "Will you be my girlfriend? "

Xiao Li said lazily "No", "I am not interseted."

Zhang Lei said angrily " What?" I am the one of the best boy in the school, i am also rich, It is your honour that i confessed to you."

Xiao Li said showing disgust "So what?." and mockiy said And only you think this is an honour, but I don't think this is an honour, but this is an dishonour!"

Hearing her answer, He became more angry and more angry and that he grabbed her shoulder, Xiao Li dont like stranger touching her. She said angrily " don't touch me." But he didn't listen.

Zhang Lei crossed her bottom line .

She hit him in the chest with her elbow and beat him.

They were stunned. Before there were many girls, who were feeling jelous. There was a girl name Xu Mei among them. She was quite popular. People knew her crush was Zhang Lei. Seeing him confessing to Xiao Li, she was extremely angry from before she didn't like her because many popular boys before had propose her but she rejected everybody.

She was even more jealous because, She was before once rejected by Zhang Lei.

Seeing him beaten she shouted angrily at Xiao Li "Xiao Li stop beating him!"

Xiao Li said while kicking him "Why? I told him not to touch me!"

Xu said "So, what if he touch you?"

Xioa Li said arrogantly "I will beat him."

Xiao Li didnt pay more attention to her and after kicking him few more times she left.

Xu Mei was so angry that she said a cursed word.

Zhang Lei was sent to infirmary.

She came back home.

Qiao Nian is a reporter for her brother. She informs a few things about Xiao Li to her brother and her brother informs a few things about Xiao Li's brother to her. Most of the things were about other people having bad thoughts about them, like today's case.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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