
Xiao Li & Qiao Wei: The Military's highest ranked team retired.

Xiao Li was a good student with excellent scores in sports and good score in study. She was kind, Even though she fights at school people knew she wouldn't if someone didn't annoy her to extreme. She was so beautiful that many boys propose her because of that many girls were envious and jealous of her. Because of that many girls held grudge against her. After graduating she went in military. her military achievements were excellent and outstanding. She was selected as a member of shadow force with Qiao Wei. The force was formed by many countries together to eliminate the force which are illegal and harms people. Just after Five years they were the highest ranked people in military not inferior to president of the countries, because people in military respect and obey them more than president. After 5 year they took a break and went to their native place country M. Even though they did a few small mission on the break. After coming back home they both rested for a few days, after few days there was a school reunion. There was a girl Xu Mei who held up a grudge against her because her crush Zhang Lei who was also a second rich generation proposed Xiao Li but was rejected, And when Xu Mei proposed him he rejected her. On reunion they decided that they will bring their girlfriend/wife or boyfriend /husband. Later Xu Mei married a rich person Wei Chen. Her husband was rich and she wanted to show off. When Xiao Li came she said to her " Xiao Li i heard you are just a soldier and you don't even have a boyfriend." Xiao Li "Yes, I am." "And who told I don't have a boyfriend" Just then Qiao Wei came. People were stunned seeing how beautiful he was. Later .... The Top three families in country M are Qiao, Xiao and Wang family. This is about a Girl (fl Xiao Li) who is one of the two highest ranked people in military. (ml Qiao Wei) (fl bestfriend and ml sister Qiao Nian) After 5 years age of : Qiao Wei is 26 and Xiao Li is 24

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7 Chs

Ch 2 Xiao Li's bet.

Just a few minutes after they came, the sports competition began.

Xiao Li won many prizes in the competition.

Tomorrow, there was a taekwondo competition.

Qiao Nian said " You are always first in taekwondo" she sighed and said " Thanks to you, learning from an early age from your Grandfather, He taught you the

taekwondo!" "Now others don't have any chance."

Xiao Li also said jokingly and boastfully "Yes, thanks to him. I am the best till now and can beat any person in highschool." A little helpless and said "Even though I won't beat without a reason."

Just as they were going out of highschool while talking, a boy deliberately bump his shoulder into her , that boy name was Chen Ming. He was a transfer student. He was arrogant. He believed that he was the best person in taekwondo, but when he heard people gossiping about how great Xiao Li is in taekwondo and always came first. He felt his Pride hurt, so he decided that he will fight with her and win. But he came to know from gossips that she doesn't fight without a reason so he decided to bump into her.

Xiao Li said a little angrily " Why are you deliberately bumping into me!"

Chen Ming said a little arrogantly" It was a mistake."

Xiao Li said "Even if it is a mistake You should apologize after bumping. And it doesn't look like it was a mistake but you bump deliberately." And said a little coldly "What do you want! "

Chen Ming said "I Want to make a bet, if you win i would apologise to you properly in front of everybody."

Xiao Li said annoyedly "What bet."

Chen Ming said " In taekwondo competition we will fight each other." " And if I wi-

Xiao Li said " So you bump into me because you wanted to fight with me, and you also came to know that i won't fight anybody without a reason, sometimes even if somebody challenges me." She have heard about him when he transferred and understand what was going on, And said "If you win you will have my reputation of being the best person in taekwondo." She sneered and said " But can you win!"

Chen Ming became angry, and said "You do seem to have a brain." He Angrily said "If i win or lose that is something I will determine." "Just tell, You are going to bet or not."

Xiao Li lost her temper and said arrogantly "Why should I not bet, I bet!"

After talking Xiao Li left with Qiao Nian.

After they left Chen Ming also left angrily.

While going Qiao Nian said "Why must you talk with unreasonable person, it's not worth it!"

Xiao said a little helplessly "I lost my temper. Who told him to be this arrogant and annoying."

Qiao Nian just sighed.

The left the school and both went their own home.