
Standing at the peak of Transcending Mortality

Sitting by the balcony, on the street Ren Taijue was looking into the distance seeing the development of things.

A group was moving with a wedding caravan and he did look their direction before smiling slightly.

"What a smart group. It is a shame you were born in this Era." As he thought this to himself a dove flew towards the pavilion he was in. And he turned to look towards his guard that nodded his head before leaving.

On a branch, a white dove could be seen and a stick like object was attacked to its leg. Upon approaching the guard took it and removed the letter letrer embed in the stick like object in a tiny hole.

Without much hesitation he released the dove that landed on the branch and continued to eat some grain, set up in some hanging tray.

Walking back into the balcony he passed the ginger sized stick to Ren Taijue that removed a thin paper and read the words written before a frown appeared on his face.

In the same way, he looked into the distance where some man was being hang by the hands and sighed.

"Wudi, pass on a message and let number Six take over this affair here. We should leave for Jinghzou."As he spoke he disappeared in place and one would think that the wind was blowing as the curtains on the balcony were blown up.

But with the light reflecting on the balcony he had disappeared.

Wudi did not move until someone appeared outside.

"You heard what his highness requested. Take care of things well, do not let it turn into a Chaotic situation or you will face punishment once he comes back." before the person could reply he only heard a sound 'shou!' and the man was gone.

Standing there the man did not hesitate, looked into the distance and took out some white cloth and hang it on the balcony. This resulted in the streets having some new faces that those on their daily activities did not even take notice of.

Six was obviously some designation and standing there he sighed.

"His highness managed to put all the situation under his observation but I have to gather the force of the organization. It seems it would be tough to reach the same level as him." as the man lamented two shadows could be seen traversing through the city in a fast speed.

Even martial artists in the city did not seem to notice their presence. It was as though they were stepping on the clouds as they moved, and the distance they traversed with every lead was too fast.

Soon they were outside the city. A huge forest fell under their sight, the man in black was the crown prince Ren Taijue.

After leaving the Pavillion his guard eventually caught up with him. Standing on top of a tree, he could see further into the distance and the guard did not disturb him. He just stood at the side quietly, until he heard Ren Taijue say, "Who is that woman being chased by soldiers? She actually is dressed like a man!"

Ren Taijue was not concerned about the woman rather the seemingly gathering clouds in the direction they were heading and this is also the reason he stopped.

His movement technique was unique and he had obviously taught it to his guard, at the moment he had some hesitation about continuing to travel in this weather that seemed as though it would rain.

Seeing that Wudi had no idea who the lady was, he lost interest and headed straight for the nearest human settlement.

The two disappeared from the place and some minutes later another figure stood there and had some confusion on his face. "Did I just imagine things or where two transcending mortality martial artists here."

The man had some military armor and looked all imposing unlike Ren Taijue and Wudi that had left already. But he did not dwelve on the issue rather moved towards the woman that had been captured.

When he landed, he looked at her with some complicated expression. "Daughter, what are you in such a hurry to head to the capital. You know the crown prince is not someone that plays by common sense at all. Though it is a good thing for the military and their families, but it has also affected the interests of some people.You are going to the capital for what purpose exactly?"

If Ren Taijue was here he would understand what the man was talking about. In the court no minister dares to talk about military issues. Over the years, those that made remarks were not punished but the crown prince had them join the military camp and make contributions just like the way they run their mouths in court.

The powerful also did not escape this fate, and those that use others as mouth pieces even suffer more, when their sons are sent to the front lines. Though savage, it has managed to have many ministers in the court grounded.

At this time he had received a message that pirates had appeared in the Jinghzou waters, something he found suspicious but seemed to be waiting for. Since he has done everything to control the internal situation as he gathers information all over the country and has spies in all cities, nothing escapes his sight.

Being someone from the 21st century Earth before he was reborn in this world, he undertstands the importance of information.

So he knows almost everything and it is also the same way he managed to sneak into almost all martial arts sects. He has yet to attempt shaolin though as the focus of this sect is the mind, but he knew the time had yet to come. When he needed their methods he would try sneaking in, but he has also been busy making sure that most problems are taken care of so as to avoid major issues bringing stress to his father the emperor.

"Can you feel it?"Standing high on a tree hidden, Ren Taijue looked in the town with some doubts. He has no information about this town at all, so how it formed here is in itself suspicious. Looking further there were no women or kids in the town, even though people seemed to be carrying on daily activities as normal he had seen through it.

Wudi also looked but it took a while before replying, "The town seems too deserted, only men are around, even though their clothes look like those of the poor, this purple have too good physiques."

Listening to this he nodded, "Smart! The poverty level in the kingdom has been reduced a lot over the past decade. Even if there are some places that the efforts have not hire fruits there should not be such a situation in any village. Even if there was, then men should leave to look for jobs to provide income for their family, in that way most people present in a village can only be women and children. This village is wrong."

"Let wait for dark then sneak in. "As he spoke he lay on a tree branch lazily, but did not fall off at all, rather he seemed comfortable.

With eyes closed, Ren Taijue was lost in thought, "I have trained almost all martial arts I stole from Wu Dang and Mount Hua to great levels. Who could have known that those two declining sects have such prefound martial arts. The nine Yang divine art, is worthy of its name, just reached the 8th level and can feel the vitality in my body is endless. I guess the ninth level is equivalent to the legendary celestial realm. Only one person is currently know to be in this level in the whole world, it is said he exists in the Kunlun Mountains, but I can't go there yet. Let's train this Mount Hua Heaven  Servering Sword manual to the 14th too."

In the moment Ren Taijue was indeed not someone that could be threatened but he heard that the Celestial old man in Kunlun has been around for more than 700 years.

Since that was the case, he would also try to enter the celestial level before entering that place. It was not far off especially with the two arts, and for Shaolin, he had not attempted to break into their sect due to some records he read from the imperial study.

For those that are wondering how he trained his martial arts to this level, then it is important to remember the wealth of imperial clan, gathering treasures to them for practice of martial arts is as easy as drinking water.

With imagination, it was very easy to train in most martial arts or as he found, imagination is actually also the reason for epiphanies in marital arts practice.

Taking advantage of this, his advancement has been too smooth. And the gathering of information from everywhere makes it easy to accomplish all this.

In this way, he is already standing at the peak of transcending mortality.

In the same time he leaned a way to hide his achievements and his body seems like that of a feeble mortal regardless of how one looks at it.

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