

Young student coming out from a grocery store met a sleepy Truck-kun after watching Heroes TV series and obviously got isekai'd. (Anyone survives an encounter with him do contact me. ^^) Disclaimer: I do not own all Marvel, Anime/Manga, DC, and other novel characters. As I will make sure of following the "Fair use" clause of copyright. Note: This is on pause because of an issue regarding Power Stones where you can find more details in "Announcement" chapter. Thanks! Book cover of Tyki Mikk - D-gray Man from (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/220676450477101573/)

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The Butler, Parents & Encounter

--Sebastian POV--

In all of my years working for the Wayne family, it has been very rewarding to me watching the young master grow up and stay by his side. Ever since he was able to walk few months after being born, I noticed his ever growing curiosity toward the world since he likes roaming around the mansion whenever he gets the chance to slip away from the Madam, Milord and my watch. But he slowly stops his exploration towards the mansion when he found out about the huge library within the east side of the property and became the first place he cooped up himself second the gym which is in the opposite side of the mansion from the library but we'll get to that later. It can even be said that he is the youngest genius in history for being able to read and write by the age of 3 years old but he keeps avoiding the lord's request of him taking an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test which we are guessing if he ever took one will easily surpass above 300 IQ (Einstein = 160-190 IQ) that is almost twice as much as the brightest man known to have created the «E=mC^2 ».

When he reached 6 years old he was also very adamant on continuing his studies at Midtown High School to be with his childhood friends such as Peter Parker and Harold Osborn that he got acquainted with in kindergarten. It also perplexed us the first time that he is not considering skipping grades with his intelligence and instead study in the best academic facilities available to him due to his status, where he provided very valid point reasoning that he needs to be with his peers to gain friends he can go along with and have a normal social life, instead of being treated as child genius that make his peers distance themselves from him and become arrogant from it which won over the approval of everyone in the family and made his parents more proud of him. Considering his recent activities and the maturity he displays in some occasions we seldom forget treating him as a child that he is.

He is also showing great progress in his training and workout sessions with his father that gave him endless joy and pride in his genes that he gave birth to a prodigal son. Not until recently that we received news he got hit by a car while playing with his friends that made the madam pass out of worry and became infuriated because of the action the young master did without thinking even though it was a noble act, that got him grounded for a few months and milord within just a few weeks managed to track down the man responsible for the accident in his rage for trying to run without being held accountable for his actions now put behind bars with a lot of lawsuits. Though while the young master is grounded after the incident he still showed great progress not just in education but also his physical fitness being able to carry 6kg of weight for his age and not suffer any muscle strains and regarding education he manage to finish all his study materials until high school and all books available in the library.

A year after the incident the madam made me quietly follow the young master in his daily routines like a shadow with all of my skill sets (A/N: Taken movie scene *wink* ;)) and to my shock, I caught him taking out other adults twice his size which can be only described as him trying out his combat abilities to the fullest during his walk going to and from to school. I reported my findings to the madam and she seems not too shocked about it (I guess it's within their blood?) but warned me only to intervene whenever the young master take on an opponent he can't handle. Just recently there was an event that made me question the young master's actions when he helped up an unconscious man wearing suspicious clothes in a back alley within the borders of Hell's Kitchen and Midtown Manhattan where he stayed with him for a couple of hours before running away with great haste, I planned on interrogating the suspicious person on how is he related to the young master but didn't managed to for I still need to follow the madam's order of being a shadow to the young master who I'm about to lose track off because of his haste.

To my great surprise the young master reached another milestone in his physical prowess after that questionable encounter that delighted the masters of the house. At the young age of 11 years old reaching the «height of 170cm», «weighing 56kg», with a leaned but not bulky build with cuts , matte black hair reaching around the neck, enchanting purple eye color coupled with golden rimmed irises and a light skin tone coming from the African-American gene from his mother and his facial features from the chin to hair with sword shaped eyebrows and lightly squint eye shape from his Asian-American father. Being able to lift around 80 kg and run at 6.7mph (miles per hour) which greatly shocked everyone and have a cause for a huge celebration during Christmas.

---Parents POV---

"Dear, it's about time we discuss with John regarding our families background I think he is already mature enough to handle it, based on the reports we received from Sebas (the Butler).."『Conan』

Said Conan to his wife worriedly, looking anxious regarding something that has been pressing his mind since his son started exhibiting top off the charts performances for his age. Ever since he saw an almost blank family tree just with their names and son in it, is the one that broke the camel's back. Being silent and thinking for a long time before replying to his husband…

"I know he is mature enough to handle it, but he is not strong enough to protect himself from the trouble it brings with of knowing it yet. So providing him with all the knowledge and training he can get within the coming few years to give him enough strength to handle any situation that might arise from it. While he's accumulating strength I'm going to pour all the knowledge I have in business and running the company" 『Janneth』

*Sigh* "I guess we can only go through it in a roundabout way then, I'll go introduce him to my colleague to further his knowledge regarding martial arts since he is just a breadth away from overpowering me during our last sparring, I still want to keep my fatherly image thank you very much. While I take over his studies regarding law and criminology so he can follow my footsteps of being the great Detective" 『Conan 』 (A/N: Meitantei-CONAN XD)

Replied Conan to his wife exasperatedly regarding their situation. Seeing that his wife already planned everything out, he can't help but sigh at the situation that ache his heart by keeping their family background from their son before going back to the hall and together with his wife to enjoy the Christmas celebration with the rest of the guest they had invited this year and sending a lovingly look toward his son the star of this celebration for his current achievements.

"Anyway let's continue this conversation some other time and make the most of the day with our son." 『Janneth 』

"Agreed" 『Conan 』

---M John Wayne POV---

It's been weeks after the huge surprise Christmas party my parents and the gang threw for me with really warmed my heart in this cold weather and firmed my resolve even more to get stronger to protect what I have. While my parent's and I have plans to watch this upcoming new year's eve «2 Fast 2 Furious» sequel which apparently is a thing in this world too that delighted me for I can enjoy it like a reboot from the one I know of because their cinematic animations and graphic production here are much more advance than Earth-Prime. During my runs around the city I have started gaining in what I could say my notorious vigilante nick name through skirmishes in the back alley with low life thugs such as {Enigma} which I think is kinda awesome cause it reminded me of the hero from one of my favorite game to play in Earth-Prime, a famous online MOBA game called «DOTA 2». According to the rumor they considered me as such for when I take action, no one will even notice me or remember I had even interfered the robbery happening since I just melt in to the shadows after knocking out the thug. I considered it as my own moniker for it applies perfectly to my [Emphatic Mimicry(Black)] that absorbs other powers even though it's more like {Rubick}'s ultimate skill but that guy only copies one skill and more applicable for 『Rogue 』as a hero name and it is kinda girly name too.

I have also managed to track that healer guy and acquire his [Heal (Blue)] which registered for me in my «Skill» section as [Heal (Black)], as he was located in Chinatown, New York. Didn't take too much doing this quest for I just stalked him in the shadows for a couple hours before acquiring it, and watching through this time made me take a note of including him in the team I'm sorting out for my coming agendas and prevent his gruesome death by dying just for being able to heal others. I managed to find a Chinese antique store that intrigued me after following Healer while he was sorting his business around Chinatown, being reminded of «The Forbidden Kingdom» movie back in Earth-Prime that made my blood boil for maybe I'll also gain the same fortune since I'm already in Marvel universe anything can happen, nothing ventured nothing gained, am I right?

Coming inside the store I saw a lot of items that rekindled my memories related to Chinese novels such as «Against the Gods», «I Shall Seal the Heavens», etc… Most items were like talismans, cauldrons, and other feng shui related items though I didn't get an enchanted item like Sun Wukong's staff from the movies I gained an encounter with a great Master in Martial Arts that made me froze on the spot nearly embarrassing myself in front of him after looking at the guy in the counter from head-to-toe who is managing the shop as he introduced himself.

"Welcome to the Dragon Antique Store, my name is Shang Chi the owner and clerk of this store. Just tell me what you are looking for and I'll help you to the best of my abilities" 『Shang Chi 』

Greeted Shang Chi to me while doing a palm-fist in front of his chest. It's SHANG CHI for fuck's sake!!! The Bruce Lee of Marvel Universe and one of the Peak humans that is able to go toe-to-toe with a {Metahuman} with just his pure skills. Seeing my frozen geek look made him look at me weirdly and is considering of throwing me out of the store if I don't speak soon causing me to stutter and instantly kowtowing in front of him doing the master-disciple ceremony so I can seal the deal and learn all his skills.

"P-p-please a-accept I, Markly John Wayne, as your disciple MASTER!" 『John 』

Shocked by the sudden kowtow in front of him, Shang Chi had a small frown on his face while slowly helping up the customer right in front of him inquiring of his reasoning on the sudden action taken by the young man.

"Please, stand up. I think you have the wrong guy and I'm just a store clerk for this store I have nothing I know of that I can teach you." 『Shang Chi 』

"No, I'm not mistaken Master. I know I found the right person. Please take me as your disciple." 『John 』

Retorted John as he quickly kowtowed again in front of Shang Chi while his brain is running on full speed on how not to scare away this opportunity right in front of his face since can't possibly say that 'I know all of your skill and abilities even your achievements because you are just a character in comics back in my past life' right? He might kill me on the spot or send me to the mental hospital for a long time. Plagued by the insistence of the kid in front of him, Shang Chi slowly calmed his mind and gained Zen again thinking on how to properly handle the situation at hand.

"Then tell me, what is the reason that made you do such an action upon meeting me for the first time?" 『Shang Chi 』

"U-umm… because… I read from Chinese novels that one can only gain fortunate encounters when one is seeking it outside while experiencing the world and you perfectly fit the description of great Martial Artists that is hidden in the mundane world either passing by his time or accumulating mortal experience to break through a higher state of mind that I have read from such novels since I was young. Therefore doing such a thing will not make me lose anything so I had done what I did. Please take me as your disciple!" 『John 』

Stated John whilst doing a puppy eyes with an innocent look of a child, well I'm not really lying since he kinda look like the old grampa that helps the MC's in early stages on their path to the strong and this way he'll think of it as just a misfit of a child. Shang Chi slowly absorbing and considering the words stated by the kid in front of him seeing no lies in his expression while talking, made his mouth twitch a little before forming a grin then laughing out loud while holding his stomach then slowly calming back down and replying back to the kid.

"Ha ha ha ha, you've made my day kid! Though I also believe in the workings of fate and that there is now fate between us, I'll consider taking you as my disciple after passing my test. It isn't so easy becoming the disciple of this great one you know. Come back here next week as I'm currently busy with other things on the coming days." 『Shang Chi 』

"Thank you very much Master! I won't let you down!" 『John 』

"Alright get along now if you're not going to buy anything as I still have a store to run."

『Shang Chi 』

After sending out his newly ordained disciple with a smile his face slowly went back to a dead pan face thinking,'Even though he is young, his walking mannerism and habits shows that he already had basic foundations on martial arts. Thinking too much is not worth it, since with this happening things finally won't get boring around here Hahaha.' On the way back home John's mind is busy screaming internally 'SUCCCCCCCCCESSSS!!!' HAHAHAHA I've managed to link myself with one of the greatest martial artist in the Marvel universe. I don't want to absorb any of his abilities and masteries as I won't be able to perfectly create my own path of martial arts that'll suit my combat with assorted powers in the future, now the hellish training is really beginning. Coming back home grinning ear-to-ear made his butler ask him.

"Did something happen that made you cheerful young master?" 『Sebas 』

"Ha ha yeah just encountered a teacher on the way and have a merry conversation with him that's all." 『John 』

"By the way young master Milord has someone to introduce to you as your Martial Arts teacher tomorrow for a more focused training since he will be busy with a case from work." 『Sebas 』

"No need for such things Sebas, just tell my father I have my own plans" 『John』

"It's an old colleague of your father and he is also your godfather young master…" 『Sebas 』

"Hmm… fine I'll just meet him then. But for the martial arts training I'll speak my thoughts regarding it to him and my father when the time comes. Thanks for the update Sebas!" 『John 』

"Always at your service young master." 『Sebas 』

Replied Sebas while bowing slightly towards John, putting Sebas' reminder to the back of his mind he went straight back to his room and update his journal and plans for the future. Though I had already reached (Green) level in both body state and mind I still haven't unlocked that sealed bloodline feature in my status yet, looks like it's more likely related to the level of my [Emphatic mimicry(Black)] which is very hard to upgrade. Well it's not that much important as of now anyway as I have to prepare for the coming training from Shang Chi himself.

Updated Status


Name: Markly John Wayne

Body State: Green (Intermediate Human)

Bloodline: [Wayne – Indomitable Will(Red), Intimidation(Red), Genius Intellect(Red)]

[Unknown – Sealed (Green level required)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry(Black), Otherworldly Knowledge]

(Sealed – Violet level required)

Abilities Acquired:

= Masteries =

[Acrobat (Yellow)] [Martial Arts (Yellow)] [Weapon Proficiency (Black)]

= Mind (Green) =

[Telepathy] [Telepathic Immunity]

=Body =

[Radioactive Enhanced Physiology (Yellow)] [Healing Factor (Black)]

= Skills =

[Heal (Black)]☼



1. Training sessions - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1oQ8t954Sk)

I only made it to 'John' cause 'Markly' in the dialogues just doesn't sit right with me, but if you guys are fine with it do leave it in the reviews/comments.

Also just made some improvements on quotations and for the status board I placed "☼" sun as a symbol for a newly acquired ability, and Shang Chi's figure well obviously Bruce Lee if anyone who reads this novel and dont even know the guy... you aren't suited for martial arts bro!

...Enjoy... :D

Note: Leave comments/reviews for improvements and grammatical errors I may have left. Also open for suggestions in his path. ;)

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