

Young student coming out from a grocery store met a sleepy Truck-kun after watching Heroes TV series and obviously got isekai'd. (Anyone survives an encounter with him do contact me. ^^) Disclaimer: I do not own all Marvel, Anime/Manga, DC, and other novel characters. As I will make sure of following the "Fair use" clause of copyright. Note: This is on pause because of an issue regarding Power Stones where you can find more details in "Announcement" chapter. Thanks! Book cover of Tyki Mikk - D-gray Man from (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/220676450477101573/)

AceCard10 · Others
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9 Chs


As I slowly opened my eyes, I hurriedly closed them back because of the glaring light coming from my new surroundings.

`I'm guessing that that b**ch @33 Truck-kun kick me away as soon as I stated my piece without even waiting for my response if I was ok with the changes he made to my request. I swear if I ever gain enough strength to possibly return to Earth-Prime(A/N: the origin world of MC our universe) I'll kick his @33 til kingdom come!! `<Steine>

-Thrid POV-

Upon seeing the screaming baby at the top of his lungs, the doctor mentions to his parents how they have a very vigorous and healthy baby while she slowly handle him to the mothers arm where his eyes slowly adjust to the brightness and calm his mind assessing the situation. Where he discover his mother that looks a lot like Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach with a dark purple hair that is noticeable because of the high intensity lights from labor room, yellow colored irises, and a truly topaz skin tone from where you can differ that she is of African-American descent, Whereas his father that looks like celebrity Daniel Henney (A/N: image samples in authors note for links.) with sharp facial features but with blue irises and sword shaped eyebrows and a moderate squinty eye from where you can discern he is of Asian-American descent. While he was busy figuring out his parents the two are also busy comparing themselves to their god given gift that is their child.

"Look Janneth, she got your eyes though it's a combination of your hair and eye color a Lilac colored eye with a tinge of gold around the irises."<Dad>

"And he took your sharp eyebrows and sharp features Conan.." <Janneth>

"I know right! He is gonna be a ladykiller like his father and take a ton of girls home! Ha ha ha…"<Conan>

Upon saying the last remark he didn't even managed to finish his laughter before he froze where he stood as he got rewarded by an intense glare from his wife which he swear she grew astral horns for a moment with a hint of bloodlust that caused him to shiver for awhile even though it wasn't that cold in the room and cold sweat filling his back.

"Hmmm… did you say something dear?" <Janneth> (~. ~

"N-no-nothing, I s-said she got your charms hun!" <Conan>

Seeing the family discussing on what the child inherited from both parents, the doctor slowly approached them and inquired.

"Mr. & Mrs. Wayne, sorry to interrupt but have the both of you decided on what to name your beautiful child?"<Doctor>

Coming to halt of their argument the both silently looked each other in the eye before nodding to each other and replying to the doctor in sync as if they practiced it for awhile.

"Markly John Wayne"<Janneth and Conan>

-----------------------Time Skip = 2yrs-----------------------

Finally becoming 2 years old being able to talk, he was able to tell his parents that he won't be drinking breast milk which cause extreme sadness to his mom feeling that she isn't giving enough love and a failure of a mother and made a compromise of only drinking it in bottles whilst also comforting his mom that wasn't he meant, it was that he wasn't a baby anymore and other kids will tease him in nursery which calmed his mother. Growing up he was silently making plans for the future since he know what's coming for being a N.E.E.T in his past life based in the movies and comics then remembering that there might be discrepancies he don't know because according to Truck-kun this is a universe that ROB(Random Omniscient Beings) aren't paying attention to that allowed him access. So since he wasn't going to be expecting any heavy handed dudes interfering he might as well build up enough strength that when they do pay attention it'll be too late. Looking at the mirror enjoying how his new body looks for the first time he can't help but lessen his anger towards Truck-kun cause it really did suit up to his tastes even went beyond what he was expecting like a half-assed work because the dude really seemed short on power moments before he was sent out of the void. Standing around 100cm weighing 36 pounds with a matte black hair with a layer of light skin tone which he inherited from his mother with the lilac eye color irises rimmed with gold while the facial features such as jaw, nose, chin and sword shaped eyebrows and hint of squinty eyes from his father. Speaking of which ever since when he was able to walk he started exploring the house and going to the library every now and also researching the background of the family that he joined. What he found out where:

1. His father named 'Conan Wayne' and works as a top detective in NYPD. Hmm.... hopefully he is as good as the young detective I idolize back at Earth-Prime.. ;))

2. His mother 'Janneth Wayne' is a real estate mogul of a company named Wayne Realty Group

3. Recalling a certain someone from a comic he read back in the day, it looks like he got transferred to the life of who was supposed to be Wayne Markly(Fusion) from the comics Peter Parker: Spiderman where he died horribly for seeking redemption in Thor: Heaven and Earth but with the alteration of Truck-kun making name Wayne surname and the ability instead of just illusions of different heroes and villains he will actually be able to use them.

4. Their house located at East Village, NYC that inflicted him an endless amount of headache on all the troubles to come and preparations required to handle the situations. He was born at Aug 8 1992 so he still a lot of time to think through and iron out his plans.

Then it hit him. `Shit! I still need to activate my powers and start the foundation of my plans from there.`, he thought. Recalling what Truck-kun told him that he requires a great emotional stimulation to activate his cheat skill he knew what he needed to do.. On a Monday night, upon double checking that his parents were already dead tired asleep. He locked himself in his room seal tight and sound proof it with towel on the crack below, above the door and did the same to the windows. Finishing his preparations, he sat crossed legged in his bed and slowly closed his eyes as he started to recall the things he buried deep within the deepest part of his subconscious the moment he died. How he was still on the phone with his mother from the past life when the accident happened thinking that she might suffer a heart attack and that his father might need to stop working because of the emotional stress he will get upon learning of the news forcing his two brothers to stop studying to control the budget and the second oldest to start working jobs at a young age to provide for the family that might lead to the wrong path. He let everything out especially the worries he might cause his loved ones to suffer for they placed too much expectations from him. Include all the pent up stress he hasn't finished letting out from studying in college and the hardships growing up as a baby with a mind of a 20 year old teenager.

*Creak* *Crack* *Snap* *Bang*

Within just a few minutes he heard a sound from his forehead and like a door slammed opened he got sucked in his mindscape where he saw a familiar sight that is the huge expanse of black empty void. Calming himself, he know this wasn't the same place he and Truck-kun met and argued then in front of him popped up a system status board which caused him to grin and thought to himself if he wasn't and over thinker that likes to focus on worst case possible scenarios that cause him depression back when he and his girlfriend broke up due to him not being to clingy and trusting too much. Waving such nauseating thoughts aside he focused on the status board in front of him.


Name: Markly John Wayne

Body State: Black (Baseline Human)


[Wayne – Indomitable Will(Red), Intimidation(Red), Genius Intellect(Red)]

[Unknown – Sealed (Green level required)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry(Black), Otherworldly Knowledge]

(Sealed – Violet level required)

Abilities Absorbed:

Masteries – N/A

Mind – N/A

Body – N/A

Skills – N/A


Note: Truck-kun here! The system you have has been greatly toned down because man the power you chose is really OP and took most of my remaining powers that's why it can only be accessed within the mindscape until you enhance you Emphatic mimicry to Violet Level. Color classification goes as,

Level - Class - Absorption time

Black – Basic Abilities (Masteries) - 45 mins

Red – Bloodline related - Nth hrs (Depend on the lvl of bloodline)

Orange – Race Related - N/A

Yellow – Gamma Class - 1hr

Green – Beta Class - 3hrs

Blue – Alpha Class - 5hrs

Violet – Omega Class - 10hrs

You will receive another timed notification from me for further levels since it's of no use early on, message will come when your Empathic Mimicry and body state level reaches Violet level. Do note that you're not invincible just because of your cheat skill for your granted abilities limit is,

Empathic Mimicry:

• Access to mindscape, abilities shown as cards

• Increases level according to Mental Power

• Every increase in level increases the lowest possible level of power when extracting from others and also shortens the time to absorb said ability.

• Only able to absorb base level of Other people's Abilities

• The level of abilities increases when absorbing same power that is already acquired from a different person.

• Every upgrade of level in a power unlocks other functionality of the ability.

• Absorption speed increases with physical and emotional contact with the target.

• Area to absorb powers limited by 100ft radius within the user.

• Every breakthrough of Emphatic Mimicry allows fusion of abilities:

o Yellow – able to combine basic masteries

o Green – Mind Abilities Fusion

o Blue – Body

o Violet – Skills


"So the Emphatic Mimicry is closely tied to the strength of my mental power, I guess gotta start draining people with psychic or telepathic abilities first while also increasing my body's physical fitness in preparation to handle such crazy ass powers. I guess the teaching from cultivation novels help a lot since they focus more on training both body and mind that empowers the soul which in turn makes a cycle of continuous progress to greater strengths applies here too cause having a fragile container can cause the glass to overflow or break from too much water flowing in" <MJ>

Having such thoughts, tons of ideas kept popping from his mind on who to target first now that he activated his replicating powers and the training regimen he is cooking up for improving his body as quickly as he could without alerting his parents of his plans. Stroking his chin with right hand index and thumb while slowly studying his status and the note provided by that useless being Markly John(MJ) can now start making the foundation and preparations of his plan to gain power to fight for the future! But first he got to go brush his teeth first before going to sleep or his mother will whip his ass til it bleeds in the morning.

Characters Appearance:

1. Mother - (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/365424957263112253/)

2. Father - google Daniele Henney, animated drawing (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/841328774116466814/)

3. Death glare mom - (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/608830443356396373/)

4. MC - 2yo appearance (imimagine a purple eye with gold rimmed irises) (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/439382507387651275/)

-Do please leave a comment that helps me improve this fanfict, I'll also be leaving status on the end of the chapters to keep track of his progress and an auxillary chapter for his details, and power limitations.

AceCard10creators' thoughts