
chapter 6

51 Commission (please follow up~)

The blacksmith's craftsmanship on the Future is very good and very efficient.

Within two days, Arthur received a notice that he could pick up the sword he had commissioned before.

After giving the commission fee to the blacksmith, Arthur obtained the sword embryo in a long box from him.

He opened it and took a look, and found that the style of the sword embryo inside was very consistent with the appearance of Salamani in his mind.

Arthur nodded with satisfaction and returned to the room after thanking Mr. Blacksmith.

After returning to the room, Arthur closed the doors and windows, and then sealed the room with a spiritual wall.

In another phase space that he couldn't see, Bernadette sat on a bench formed by the entwining pea vines, watching Arthur working there with interest.

After sealing the room with a spiritual wall, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he called up his ghost vision and looked around the room, but found nothing unusual.

After practicing for a few days, Arthur had a preliminary grasp of ghost vision.

There is nothing of unknown origin in his room, so after sealing the room with a spiritual wall, he can try to turn on ghost vision to take a look.

Of course, Arthur also knew that Bernadette was on the boat. If she wanted to peek, he would definitely not be able to guard against her.

But he felt that a dignified saint wouldn't be so boring, staring at him every day if he didn't do anything.

Bernadette leaned on the bench with her chin in one hand, a little surprised on her face.

Just when Arthur looked around the room with green symbols appearing in his eyes, she felt that she was almost exposed.

However, it seems that it is because Arthur has not been able to control this ability well, and his current sequence is not high, so in the end he was still unable to see through the phase space constructed by Bernadette.

It's getting more and more interesting... A smile appeared on the corner of Bernadette's mouth.

She now has two main guesses about Arthur's origins.

One is that Arthur is someone from the same place as her father, Emperor Russell, and the other is that Arthur is Emperor Russell who was resurrected in some way because he was in trouble.

No matter which one it is, it is difficult to ask anything simply through language.

Because as Arthur said before, even Emperor Russell, who was once a Sequence One, was turned into that. What can they do with a Sequence Eight and a Sequence Three?

So Bernadette knew very well that when it came to such dangerous matters, language was not a good channel for transmitting information, and channeling was a stupid choice.

So she wanted to try to find some clues by observing Arthur's behavior.

And even if she finds some clues, she won't rush to act.

Because Bernadette wanted to rescue her father intact, instead of not even finding her father's whereabouts, but getting herself involved instead.

Therefore, while observing Arthur, she will also look for opportunities to be promoted to an angel.

That's why Bernadette used a semi-forced method to get Arthur to the Future, and then asked him to return to Loen with her.

What she didn't know was that Arthur actually wanted to return to Loen.

Bernadette watched Arthur take out the strange-looking sword from the long box, and then summoned the skull of an unknown creature.

She tried to look at the skull with her voyeuristic eyes, but saw nothing.

Then, Arthur took out the characteristics of the Light Prayer he had obtained before, and then used the Skull of Gul'dan to crush it. After it reassembled, he injected the pure Light Prayer characteristics into the sword embryo.

The originally ordinary and simple sword embryo gradually turned into a gorgeous sword.

It exudes a faint golden light, and the unique narrow blood groove divides the silver-white sword body into two, with the narrow and short blade facing upwards, and the wide and long blade facing downwards.

Whether it is a narrow blade or a wide blade, it is engraved with mysterious lines that make people confused.

This gives this sword a unique sense of beauty while possessing an extremely powerful cutting ability.

In this way, a youthful version of Salamani was born.

After being identified by the Skull of Gul'dan, Arthur learned about the sword's abilities.

This sword, when held by someone, can bring courage and strength to the holder.

Moreover, its surface can be covered with bright flames, and any undead monster hit by it will be greatly damaged or even directly annihilated.

In addition, it can also release powerful light slashes, which can purify dirty forces and expel evil to a great extent.

Its negative effect is that if you hold it continuously for more than three hours, your body and mind will gradually be affected and you will become a fool who only knows how to praise the sun.

But this negative effect does not have a great impact on Arthur, because when he is not using it, he can keep Salamane in the Demon Hunter Emblem.

Bernadette watched the entire process of Arthur making Salameni.

After a brief moment of surprise, a pale mask suddenly appeared in her hand.

Bernadette looked at the shadow in her hand and fell into deep thought.


Arthur held Salameni in his right hand, and stroked the sword with his left hand, posing like an ancient swordsman.

He was quite satisfied with the sword's ability.

The only flaw was that the sword couldn't be split into two one-handed swords like the original version, which made him feel quite regretful.

And just as he sighed softly, he saw pea vines hanging down around him, forming a closed space.

"What, are you dissatisfied with the sword you made?" Bernadette's soft voice reached Arthur's ears.

? ? ?

Arthur looked at the person sitting in front of him on the bench made of woven vines, and asked speechlessly:

"Madam, you haven't been spying on me before, have you?"


"Really? I don't believe it." Arthur's face was full of doubt.

"I was looking openly, but you didn't notice me." Bernadette said calmly, without any embarrassment after being exposed.


Just as he was about to debate the specific literary definition of the word "peeping" with the other party, Bernadette spoke again.

"I want to make a deal with you."

Arthur was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"What deal?"

He is only Sequence Eight now, and Bernadette is already a Sage of Sequence Three. He doesn't think there is anything that Bernadette can't do that he can do.

A pale mask appeared in Bernadette's hand, and then said:

"I have a sealed artifact, and I want you to try to see if you can smash it."

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 52 The path to death is better suited to a two-handed sword

Isn't this the level 0 sealed object in Huang Beibei's hand, the pale death? Why did Huang Beibei want to remove it... Arthur looked at the white mask in Bernadette's hand and couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

"It seems you have recognized it. Yes, it is a level 0 sealed object, the pale death." Bernadette looked at the expression on Arthur's face and was not surprised that he could recognize this sealed object. .

"Madam, why would you smash such a powerful sealed object?" Arthur asked the doubt in his heart.

Bernadette waved her hand and dispersed the mask in her hand.

"Pale Death", as a level 0 sealed object, naturally cannot be displayed for a long time.

So she just showed the phantom of this sealed object to facilitate her explanation of her thoughts.

"This sealed object is indeed very powerful, but at the same time, its negative effects are also very serious. It will make the wearer die little by little, turn into a corpse, and eventually become its slave.

"Such a serious negative effect means that I can only use it at critical moments as a piece of equipment for decisive battles.

"I was helpless about this at first, but when I saw you making magical items just now, an idea suddenly came to my mind.

"I want you to help me crush it and make it into a new piece of equipment, so that its negative effects should be weakened.

"At the very least, it allows me to use it as a more conventional piece of equipment, instead of just allowing me to use it to fight people."

Bernadette's voice was calm, as if she was talking about not a level 0 sealed object, but an ordinary magical item.

"Hmm... But what if I can't smash it? Judging from the name, this sealed object should be formed by the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence One, right? To smash it, I'm afraid it requires the power of a true god. Okay." Arthur said, touching his chin.

He knew that in addition to this sealed object, Huang Beibei also had a "Sage's forehead ornament" formed from the characteristics of the Sequence 2 "Sage".

In the original work, Bernadette later used "Pale Death" to shatter the "Sage's Forelock" and obtained the characteristics of the Sage, thereby being promoted to an angel.

Therefore, there is no doubt that "Pale Death" is a sealed object formed by the characteristics of the Pale Emperor, Sequence 1 of the Corpse Collector Path.

To smash such a sealed object formed by the characteristics of Sequence 1 requires at least the power of a true god level.

So, why not take this opportunity to try the quality of the Skull of Gul'dan... Arthur fell into deep thought.

"If you can't crush it, then just pretend that I haven't mentioned this deal." Bernadette did not rush Arthur, but quietly waited for him to think.

From the moment Arthur discovered the Demon Hunter emblem on the back of his hand and used it to summon the Skull of Gul'dan, he had always wanted to figure out the origin of this golden finger.

Because there is a saying in the mysterious world that all gifts from fate are secretly marked with a price.

Although in essence, this sentence was said by the golden-haired priest to deceive Klein.

But judging from the story in the original work, this sentence does make some sense in a sense.

Bernadette wants Arthur to help crush the "Pale Death" and then remake it into a new magical item to alleviate its negative effects.

And this is actually an opportunity for Arthur, an opportunity to understand the power levels of the Demon Hunter emblem.

Smashing a sealed object formed by the characteristics of Sequence One, there are only two results, success and failure.

If it fails, it means that the power level of this golden finger is almost at the angel level, and Arthur can use it as a level 0 sealed item in the future.

And if it succeeds...

Of course, Arthur also knew in his heart that with the magic of the trial illusion, the origin of his golden finger might not be simple.

But speculation is just speculation. Now that there is an opportunity to provide solid evidence, Arthur naturally does not want to let it go.

But before that…

"Ahem, madam, if I can really crush the pale death, you won't have any other ideas, right?" Arthur asked with some anxiety.

"What are you referring to?" There was a smile on Bernadette's lips.

"Uh...for example, killing people and stealing goods, or locking me up and letting me specialize in making magical items or something." Arthur said the common tricks in Internet articles.

"Well, it turns out you can still do this. You reminded me. In this case, I don't seem to need to make a deal with you." Bernadette pinched her chin, as if she was really considering Arthur's proposal seriously.

"Okay, ma'am, I'm actually joking." Although Arthur didn't think Bernadette would really do this, he still said softly.

The corners of Bernadette's mouth raised slightly, and then she said:

"If you fail, it means that your item can only reach the level of an angel at most. For me, the more of this kind of thing is not the better.

"And if you succeed, it means that the item you have is at least the level of a true god, and then it is not something you can take if you want.

"Of course, the most important thing is that that item is completely connected to you, and only you can use it." Bernadette's words seemed to have some deep meaning.

Arthur scratched his head. This was actually the issue that concerned him most.

In the original book, although Klein had the essence in hand at the beginning, his encounter was simply heart-wrenching to watch.

He died several times and couldn't be reunited with his family and friends. Moreover, he fell into a deep sleep at the end. When he woke up, he still didn't know if he was that person.

I don't know what my golden finger will bring me... Arthur sighed softly, and then summoned the Skull of Gul'dan again.

Bernadette also took out "Pale Death". She placed this sealed artifact on the table and signaled Arthur to start.

Arthur did not hesitate and used the Skull of Gul'dan to absorb the "Pale Death", and sure enough, the Skull of Gul'dan could crush this level 0 sealed object.

He licked his dry lips and nodded towards Bernadette.

"In that case, please help me rebuild it into a new magical item. As for what conditions you want, you can think about it slowly in the past few days." Bernadette said happily.

"So, madam, do you have any requirements for the style of the new magical items?" Arthur thoughtfully asked the big customer's requirements.

"There are no requirements, you can do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Arthur raised his eyebrows slightly.

He thought for a moment, analyzed calmly, and then...

"Ma'am, what are your thoughts on two-handed swords?"

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53 Holy Light, abandoned me

Two days passed after Bernadette asked Arthur to help crush the "Pale Death".

During these two days, Arthur will take time to become familiar with the use of Salamani during the day, and at night he will receive training from the instructor in the trial illusion, and after training, he will learn warlock magic and master ghost vision.

In Arthur's plan, he would first use firearms to engage the enemy during battle, presenting himself as an extraordinary person who was incompetent in close combat.

If the enemy falls to his flash followed by the American Iaijutsu, then everything will be fine.

But if the enemy is tenacious enough, aware of the fact that Arthur's melee combat ability is weak, and wants to find an opportunity to fight in close combat, then Arthur will be happy with it.

After the enemy breaks through Arthur's fire blockade and gets close with great difficulty, Arthur will draw out Salamani and give the opponent a small "Anduin shock."

Of course, just like when Klein fought Bishop Utravski in the original work, the length of the two-handed sword made it impossible for Arthur to deal with extremely close close combat when wielding the sword.

Therefore, if the enemy is smart and perceptive enough, he will try to seek close combat like Klein to limit the use of the two-handed sword.

At this time, Arthur's hidden sword will come in handy.

As the saying goes, the best hunters always like to appear as prey.

Now Arthur is like an onion. When the enemy treats him as prey and breaks through his layers of defense, he will always get enough surprises on the next layer.


Arthur went to the blacksmith again and got back from him the items he had been entrusted to forge two days ago.

After returning to the room, he first placed the long box on the table without directly starting the reconstruction work of "Pale Death".

Because the magical item he is going to build next needs some sense of ritual, otherwise it won't have that flavor.

Arthur restored his clothes to look like High King Anduin, making himself gleaming like a messenger of light.

Then, he opened the box with a solemn expression, took out a two-handed sword embryo, and placed it on the table.

Arthur took out the Skull of Gul'dan and slowly injected the extraordinary characteristics of the "Pale Emperor" obtained after crushing it into the sword embryo.

The temperature in the room dropped sharply, and a chill that seemed to invade the soul spread from the two-handed sword after it was completed.

Under the influence of the extraordinary characteristics, the style of the sword embryo on the table has changed somewhat, but it still generally follows the appearance of the sword in Arthur's mind.

This is a sword that is grey-blue all over, as cold as ice. The sword grid takes on the shape of a goat-like skull, and a faint blue cold light flashes in the eye sockets.

This sword is about five feet two inches long. The sword is covered with endless frost. There are several inscriptions that also emit blue light engraved on the sword's spine. It is a standard two-handed sword.

Arthur's blue eyes looked at this big sword full of evil aura, and then he slowly stretched out his hand.

"Holy Light..."

He hummed in a clear voice, seeming to be sighing with emotion and regretting at the same time.

And the next second, his voice became low and hoarse, as if the voice was not emanating from him, but a voice that echoed directly in his soul.

"Abandoned me..."

When Arthur stretched out his hand to hold the gray-blue sword, from the part he held to his whole body, it was gradually covered in pale color.

Soon, his gleaming golden armor, like a messenger of light, turned into a pair of pale armor with an evil and domineering appearance.

The original lion head decoration on the armor was transformed into a permeating skull, and the luxurious gold-rimmed blue ribbon also disappeared, replaced by a black cloak that seemed to be shrouded in the aura of death.

Under the influence of this sword, Arthur's original blond hair quickly lost its color and turned into a dead pale color.

His face also lost its color and became like a corpse.

"Oh? Is this the magical item you helped me recreate?"

Bernadette's soft voice asked curiously from behind him.

Hearing this voice, Arthur did not look back, but said with his deep and hoarse voice in a strange rhythm:

"Why, the mysterious queen who claims to be just is finally here? Should I put down Frostmourne and ask for your forgiveness?"

Bernadette:? ? ?

After hearing Arthur's words, she was obviously startled.

But Bernadette, who was raised by Russell since she was a child, has considerable experience in dealing with this kind of thing.

"Was the name of this sword originally called Frostmourne? The name sounds pretty good."

When Bernadette was young, his father Russell would often say something that was half-understandable, and then fall into a state of self-entertainment.

And the best way to deal with this situation is not to answer his questions at all.

Sure enough, seeing that Bernadette had no intention of doing this, Arthur felt a little boring.

He put down the Frostmourne in his hand and returned the armor to his normal clothes.

After Arthur put down Frostmourne, his face returned to color and his hair returned to its normal golden color.

Then, he summoned Salamani, and under the influence of the power of the sun, the little death energy that had invaded Arthur's body because he was holding Frostmourne was purified.

Unlike "Pale Death", the holder will not gradually fall into death when using Frostmourne, but will continue to be eroded by the death energy.

Although there seems to be no difference between the two, the dead energy can be purified with the power of the sun pathway.

Of course, this does not mean that Frostmourne can be used indefinitely, because the intensity of death will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

Arthur only held it for less than a minute, so the infected death energy was not strong. Salamani could purify it.

But if it is used for too long at a time, it may eventually require the power of the sun at the level of a demigod or even an angel.

But everyone knows the characteristics of the Sun Path. The Darkless One of Sequence Four can make the Extraordinary expel the Extraordinary Characteristics from the body, let alone those of higher pathways.

So although Frostmourne can now be regarded as a piece of equipment that can be used in regular combat, it still cannot be used for too long at a time, and it must be used with a sealed object of the Sun Path.

"This is already very good. The extraordinary ability has not changed much, but the negative effects have been greatly weakened.

"And for me, it's not difficult to find a suitable Sun Path Sealed Artifact.

"I'm very satisfied with this sword. Have you decided what reward you want?" Bernadette asked.

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54 Adaptation is not random editing

After Bernadette asked Arthur what kind of reward he wanted, an idea came to his mind instinctively.

That is, he wanted to ask Huang Beibei to go to the ruins of Backlund, help him kill the evil spirit, and then snatch the red priest card.

But after some thinking, Arthur finally gave up the idea.

Firstly, although the hot pot evil spirit is already in a state of residual health, it is not that easy to deal with.

If Bernadette went to film with that evil spirit, the commotion would definitely be huge.

Secondly, it's because the hot pot evil spirit is not a loner, there are people behind him.

Father Golden Retriever is the most powerful contender for the throne of God, and he is also a very difficult one in the audience path. Arthur does not want to become an enemy with that priest now.

He just likes to find excitement, not death.

For Arthur, the most important value of the Red Priest Card lies in the potion formula and promotion ceremony recorded on it.

But before Arthur was a demigod, he had clues about the potion formula and corresponding extraordinary characteristics needed for his advancement.

So at this stage, Arthur actually has no need for the Red Priest card.

In the original work, after Klein kills Ince Zangwill, he will get the red priest card from the golden-haired priest.

Therefore, there was no need for Arthur to waste one of Bernadette's favors to grab a card that was of little use now and would be easier to obtain in the future.

"If you haven't thought about it, then I owe you a favor. When you need it in the future, I can do my best for you unconditionally." Seeing Arthur's hesitation, Bernadette said.

Upon hearing this, Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ma'am, is there a time limit for your favor?"

"Of course not. Since it is a favor, it will always be valid." Bernadette said with a chuckle.

"If that's the case, madam, I want to save this favor first." Arthur suddenly no longer hesitated.

He calculated very clearly in his mind that Bernadette's favor could actually be regarded as a "secret skill: summoning Saint Bernadette" in a sense.

But if some time passes, this favor will most likely turn into a "secret skill: summoning the angel Bernadette."

Of course, after making a wish to the magic lamp, Bernadette could even be briefly promoted to become the first knowledge emperor.

But that is a bit too luxurious, and there is no need to count on it.

Therefore, Arthur believed that using this favor would be the most cost-effective after Bernadette is promoted to a Sage of Sequence 2.

And the meaning attached to this favor does not stop there.

Arthur, who has read "How to Cleverly Build a Relationship with the Boss", knows very well that forming a debt relationship with the boss is a good way to close the distance.

Without this debt relationship, if Arthur wants to ask Huang Beibei to do some small favors that are a bit troublesome for him but very simple for Huang Beibei, I'm afraid he can't just ask directly with empty teeth. There's still a price to pay.

But after having this debt relationship, the situation is different.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for using this method.

That is the big boss you want to have a relationship with, and his moral standards must be up to standard.

if not...

For Arthur, after Bernadette is promoted to an angel, this favor is equivalent to an angel summoning card.

And with this angel summoning card in his hand, he can let him spend time in the future... ahem, I said it wrong.

It should give him more confidence no matter what he does.

Arthur knew very well in his heart that his current sequence was not high, and even if he wanted to, it would be difficult to accomplish anything big.

But as his sequence gradually increases, the things he causes will definitely become more and more serious.

So when he was at a low sequence, this favor was a bit too wasteful no matter where he used it.

But if you wait until a critical moment in the future to use it, you may be able to save your life.

"By the way, can you tell me the story of the sword Frostmourne? And your Salamani, I want to hear their story.

"I saw you were a little dissatisfied with your sword before. Is there anything special about it?" Bernadette asked curiously.

She still felt a little embarrassed that Arthur had helped her so much, but only got a promise in exchange.

So she thought that since Arthur had built a weapon for her that she was very satisfied with, she would ask Arthur what she was dissatisfied with about his sword and see if she could help him solve it.

"I want to hear their stories..." Arthur licked his dry lips and felt as if there was a death star shining above his head.

Salameni's story is nothing, but if the story of Frostmourne is told truthfully, then there is definitely no way to escape this good beating.

So, I can only make up stories.

"The original owner of Salameni was a king named Varian. He had a son named Anduin. They had a very close relationship with each other. But one day, something unfortunate happened.

"In an accident, Anduin accidentally touched Salamani, and at this point, he came into contact with a power called the Holy Light.

"In Anduin's view, the power of the Holy Light is bright and righteous, and is indeed the greatest power in the world. But what he doesn't know is that all of this is a false illusion displayed by the Holy Light."

Arthur took a peek at Bernadette and saw that her expression was calm and she had no special reaction. He knew that Russell had not told her the story of World of Warcraft in detail.

Then...he can start to play freely.

"King Varian is a strong and determined warrior, and even though he has been using Salamani for many years, the Holy Light cannot corrode his stubborn mind.

"However, the young Anduin did not have such a firm will, so he was gradually bewitched by the Holy Light, and his heart began to become fanatical and twisted. He regarded himself as a servant of the Holy Light, and believed that anything that was against the will of the Holy Light Everyone is an enemy.

"His acting style gradually became radical and crazy, and the power of the Holy Light he used became more and more intense. Anyone or anything he considered contaminated with filth would be ruthlessly used by him. Destroyed by light.

"At one point, he actually wanted to cleanse the entire city because only a few residents in the city were infected with the disease. When his father began to try to stop his crazy behavior, Anduin even secretly thought about it in his heart. The target is his father."

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55: World Disaster Anduin, the Lich King, the Savior of Humanity

Arthur picked up his cup, drank the water in it, and after moistening his throat, he began to continue telling his random story.

"After his father Varian stopped his crazy behavior, Anduin began to restrain himself, but this was actually just a disguise. After all, pretending to be gentle and harmless is what the Holy Light is best at.

"Varian was very happy with his son's change and began to let him participate more in the affairs of the kingdom, because he was more like a warrior than a king, and as a warrior, death on the battlefield could happen at any time. matter.

"Anduin disguised himself very well. He began to gradually take over the authority of the kingdom from his father. However, from..."

Arthur's voice paused.

He originally wanted to say enemies from outside the planet, but a sudden sense of crisis made him instinctively change the words he was about to say.

"Foreign enemies from other places invaded their kingdom. In order to protect the people, Varian originally wanted to lead the army himself. But at this time, Anduin volunteered to replace his father and go to the front line to resist the foreign enemies.

"Varian was very happy that his son took the initiative to fight. He handed Salamani to Anduin and wished him a victorious return. His wish came true, and Anduin successfully fought back with the help of the power of the Holy Light. He defeated the enemy and won a great victory, which gave him great popularity among the people.

"However, what Varian did not expect was that the first thing Anduin did after returning from victory was to swing a butcher knife at his father."

Bernadette held her chin in one hand and listened to this story with great interest.

"So Anduin ended up killing his father under the spell of the Holy Light?"

She did not question why the Holy Light made people become so crazy, because in the mysterious world, the Holy Light could actually be understood as the power of the sun.

The fanaticism and blindness of the Sun Path are obvious to all, so the story after Arthur's magic transformation actually sounds logically okay.

"Yes, after killing his father, Anduin ascended the throne and began to vigorously promote the faith of the Holy Light throughout the country. Finally, he even began to form the Holy Light Legion and led the Holy Light Legion to ravage the entire world." Arthur finally brought an end to the story that he had adapted beyond recognition.

I hope Mr. Anduin, who doesn't know where he is, won't blame me. We are also forced by the situation and have to distort the facts... Arthur muttered silently in his heart.

Since he gave Frostmourne to Huang Beibei, it was naturally impossible to tell him the story of the filial son truthfully.

Not only that, he even had to let Er Fool represent the side of justice.

And since the power of death represents justice, the only choice is for the Holy Light to be the villain.

So immediately afterwards, Arthur began to tell Huang Beibei the story of the great heavenly father and savior of mankind, the wise and mighty Alsace who was good at conquering and fighting.

"It turns out there is such a wonderful story behind Frostmourne. I like this sword very much." Bernadette picked up Frostmourne with satisfaction and put it away.

"As long as you like it..." Arthur said guiltily.

"So, what's dissatisfied with your sword is that it can't switch between two-handed sword form and one-handed sword form like the original version?" Bernadette naturally understood after listening to the story. What was Arthur's dissatisfaction about?

"Yes, and I can't solve this problem at all." Arthur said with some trouble.

His method of making magical items is simply to inject extraordinary properties into the items simply and crudely. There is no technical content at all, so he is naturally helpless about breaking chopsticks.

"Leave it to me, I can help you solve this matter." Bernadette stretched out her hand to Arthur.

After hearing this, Arthur was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

"Thank you very much, ma'am."


Monday at 3pm.

Above the gray mist, in the majestic temple, an ancient and mottled bronze long table rests quietly.

Klein, shrouded in thick gray-white mist, sat upright. He stretched out his hand to touch the stars that symbolized "Justice" and "The Hanged Man".

As well as the new crimson star that appeared recently after establishing contact with Mr. "Chariot".

Light erupted from both sides of the long bronze table, and three blurry figures stretched out.

Hey, Miss Justice's mood is not stable, worried, uneasy, and confused... Klein, who had already turned on his spiritual vision, noticed something unusual about the only female member of the Tarot Society with just a glance.

Audrey Hall's current mood simply cannot be described in words.

In the past two days, she got to know Ms. Forswall under the introduction of Gray Lint, and accepted the commission from the other party who wanted to help rescue her companion, Miss Hudilcha.

In exchange, Forsi will lead them into the true circle of Beyonders, allowing them to purchase sequence potion formulas and corresponding materials.

After verification, Gray Lint confirmed that Miss Xio was imprisoned because she took drastic actions to help the weak fight against the loan sharks issued by the gangs.

Therefore, Audrey planned to use the power of the barrister to resolve the matter normally.

But something unexpected happened to her.

When Audrey was thinking about how to find clues to the inner alchemy, she found her golden retriever dog Susie sneaking behind the flowers.

After she followed him quietly, she was surprised to find that Susie started to hoarse her voice and speak human words.

Susie's sudden ability to speak gave her an extremely strong impact, and it also broke her expectation of working as a psychiatrist with Susie, the big dog, as her assistant.

Audrey Hall looked around half a circle. She was about to ask for advice on how to speak to pets, but she was suddenly stunned. Then she heard the ever-steady voice of Mr. Fool:

"This is the new member, named 'Chariot'."

"This is Miss Justice, and this is Mr. Hanged Man."

She observed Mr. "Chariot" and found that he was a tall, blond young man, wearing aristocratic clothing with blue background and gold trim, giving him a calm and reliable feeling.

Although Audrey has a sense of ownership, she is very happy to see Tarot develop and grow.

But the question she originally planned to ask for advice became somewhat difficult to explain due to the addition of new and unfamiliar members.

"The Hanged Man" Alger frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with the Fool's sudden recruitment of a new member.

We should at least tell us in advance, but it is true that a big man like Mr. Fool will not consider our feelings.

"The Hanged Man" thought helplessly, and exchanged brief greetings with "Justice" and "Chariot".

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Chapter 56 Arthur's first time, Klein's fifth time

Chapter 56 Arthur's first time, Klein's fifth time

Arthur sat in his seat and looked at Miss Justice opposite who looked a little restless.

After briefly recalling it, he remembered that the other party was probably troubled by the fact that his dog could talk.

In the original work, after she encountered this incident, she directly consulted Klein and Alger at the Tarot Club.

And now Miss Justice's hesitant appearance is obviously because there is a stranger named Arthur in the tarot meeting, which makes her embarrassed to ask her questions.

But Arthur obviously didn't want this fun to go away, so he took the initiative and asked thoughtfully:

"Miss Justice, do you have any questions?"

Audrey looked at the two people opposite, and then at Mr. Fool sitting at the top.

After much deliberation, she finally expressed the problem in her mind.

"Dear Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man who always helps me, and Mr. Chariot who is new to me, I have a question to ask.

"A friend of mine wants to keep a pet with extraordinary powers. What I want to ask is, what can such a pet do to help its owner? Or what role can it play?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Mr. "Chariot" opposite him leaning back lightly on his chair and making a tactical tilt.

Mr. Fool and the Hanged Man also fell into silence at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Hey, hey, hey, you guys are talking, don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything! I really asked this for my friend! Audrey was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

She deeply regretted why she had asked such a question.

Hearing this question from Miss Justice, both Klein and the Hanged Man thought of what she had asked before about ordinary animals taking potions.

The two of them were immediately stunned by Miss Justice's magical operation, and neither of them answered for a moment.

Klein, who was using his spiritual vision, glanced at Mr. "Chariot" and found that he was now in a calm mood.

He didn't find it strange because Mr. "Chariot" didn't know the cause and effect, so it was normal to have no special reaction.

And what is Arthur doing at this time?

The last time he was pulled above the gray mist by Klein, he found that he could recall the sealed part of his memory here.

So now, in order to prevent his happy mood from being discovered by Klein, he simply started to recall the dangerous memories he had stored in the emblem on the gray fog.

Therefore, in Klein's eyes, what he sees is a calm color.

When Arthur was telling Bernadette a story two days ago, when he was about to talk about topics related to other planets, a sudden sense of crisis interrupted what he was about to say, causing him to instinctively change his statement. .

This incident has always bothered him.

Although he has not thought about this issue deeply in the past two days, it does not mean that he does not care about it.

It's just because he knew that there was a dangerous part of his memory that was sealed, and this situation must be related to the sealed part of the memory, so he didn't delve into it in depth.

After browsing through these memories containing knowledge about alien gods, Arthur finally understood the origin of his previous sense of crisis.

It also made him understand the origin of the saying that travelers who enter the mysterious world will fall to the ground and turn into boxes.

Arthur put these dangerous memories back into the emblem, and carefully checked his own memory to make sure there were no hidden dangers.

After doing this, he set a rule for himself, that is, never think or talk about planet-related topics in this world.

In addition, he also left himself with the idea that he could only read the memories in the emblem above the gray fog.

Then, Arthur began to turn his attention back to the Tarot Club.

At this time, Alger the Hanged Man had already given Audrey advice on the use of extraordinary pets, and directly used animals in the "audience" path as examples.

After listening to Mr. Hanged Man's words, Audrey seemed even more embarrassed. She had to stiffly change the subject and told Mr. Fool that she had found another page of Russell's diary.

While Audrey was recording her diary, Arthur asked:

"Mr. Fool, are you collecting Russell's diaries?"

Klein, who had been prepared for a long time, did not hide it and said with a chuckle:

"Yes, you can also provide me with Russell's diary in exchange for corresponding rewards like them."

He is not worried that Arthur will doubt him, because he has always played the role of a resurrected ancient god.

When an ancient being like this first revived, there were some problems with his memory and power, and it was necessary to collect information from the present world to restore it. This situation was also reasonable.

Moreover, the Tarot Society can actually be regarded as an online communication platform. Even if something goes wrong, Klein will simply disconnect from the Internet and run away.

Is it possible that Mr. "Chariot" can still follow the network cable to find him?

"Next is Mr. Fool's reading time. Mr. Chariot, please wait patiently." Audrey saw that Arthur was a new member and reminded her kindly.

"Thank you for reminding me, Miss Justice." Arthur nodded slightly.

At the top of the long bronze table, Klein calmly picked up the diary in his hand and started reading.

He knew in his heart that as a mysterious being, the more he concealed himself, the more his guilt would be exposed.

The diary this time should probably write about the emperor's failure to find oil and his plan to launch a patriotic health campaign. By the way, he also mentioned the Twilight Hermits. Arthur recalled the original work and remembered the contents of the diary this time.

Since there was only one side of the diary, Klein finished reading it quickly. After a short moment of silence, he said:

"You can communicate now."

After hearing Mr. Fool's words, Miss Justice immediately adjusted herself and entered the "audience" state, and then said with a smile:

"I would like to know if there is a serial potion with the name of 'Arbiter'. Also, what kind of extraordinary person can directly pass through the wooden door, or make the door lock ineffective?"

"I can answer your question." It was Arthur who answered her.

He doesn't need to put on airs like Mr. Fool, nor does he organize words in exchange for information like Mr. Hanged Man.

And he had already thought about it. This was his first Tarot meeting to create a character.

Arthur wants to create an image of himself as a knowledgeable, steady and wise person.

Once this personality is established, he can become an action mentor for the members of the Tarot Club like Alger in the original work.

When members encounter problems, they will more or less seek his advice.

In this way, Arthur can intervene in the events encountered by the members and guide them to the situation he wants.

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57: Mr. Hanged Man feels the crisis

Among the first few members of the Tarot Society, basically everyone has their own role.

For example, Audrey is the largest financial backer of the Tarot Club. She single-handedly revitalized the Tarot Club's capital chain, which greatly relieved the initial financial pressure of the Poor God.

Another example is Little Sun and Miss Xianyu. One of them can provide the extraordinary material resources of the God-Forsaken Land, and the other is the liaison link with the Abraham family, and later became Klein's exclusive means of transportation.

As for Arthur, his most suitable role in the Tarot Club is to provide advice to other members like Alger.

As a time traveler, he has an advantage over Alger, that is, he has more information, so he can give more appropriate suggestions on some issues, and give more detailed information when other members ask questions. Answer.

For example, when answering Miss Justice's next question, he planned to add some personal information into it.

"Mr. Chariot, what kind of reward do you need? I can pay... uh... five hundred pounds for this news, okay?" Miss Justice directly used her simplest and most direct reward:

gold pound.

For a piece of extraordinary knowledge that was not too rare, he quoted a price equivalent to the recipe for a Sequence 8 magic potion. It was a prodigal act for a poor man who only had money left.

"Deal." Arthur agreed immediately.

He didn't show off, but directly answered for Miss Justice:

"There is indeed a sequence potion called 'Arbiter'. It is the ninth sequence of the Beyonder path to which it belongs. In addition to allowing people to have excellent fighting abilities, it also has convincing charm and majesty.

"And the forces that mainly control this extraordinary sequence are the royal families of the two kingdoms of Loen and Fenebaud, Augustus and Castile."

Seeing Miss Justice nodding to express her understanding, Arthur continued to explain:

"As for the extraordinary person you mentioned who can break through doors and pick locks, he should be a sequence nine 'apprentice'.

"This path is partially controlled by the Gnosis Society, the Witch Sect, and the Aurora Society, and the main person who controls this path is the Abraham family.

"Of course, this family has declined a lot due to some reasons, and it is basically rare to see it."

"Abraham Family?" Alger nodded secretly, feeling that the information given by the new member, Mr. Chariot, was much more detailed than what he had.

And Audrey was a little emotional:

"If there had been a recipe for 'Apprentice' before, maybe I wouldn't have chosen the extraordinary path of 'Audience'."

Hearing Audrey's words, Arthur shook his head and said:

"No, Miss Justice, you are lucky to be on the audience path."

"Mr. Chariot, why do you say that?" Audrey asked curiously.

"Because there is a very simple reason, that is, if there are no problems with the apprenticeship path, do you think the Abraham family, which mainly controls this path, will continue to decline?

"Miss Justice, you have to understand one thing. All the paths that are still active in the extraordinary world are relatively safe extraordinary paths.

"The most typical example is the paths mastered by the Seven Orthodox Churches.

"As for those rare extraordinary paths that are rarely encountered, they must have various problems to some extent."

Because of Miss Justice's five hundred pounds, Arthur explained to her in detail.

So it turns out that the safety of extraordinary pathways can be inferred based on whether they are common. It does make sense... Klein felt like he had learned something more.

The Hanged Man had long known that the paths of the Seven Righteous Gods Church were relatively safe, but he did not expect that this angle could be used to explain the rarity of certain extraordinary paths.

"So that's it, and that's right. Few people would choose those problematic extraordinary paths, so they are rare." Audrey felt that she understood a little bit.

"No, you misunderstood, Miss Justice. Unless they are members of the church, most people are not qualified to choose the extraordinary path.

"The reason why those rare extraordinary paths are rare is because those extraordinary people who had problems are dead." Arthur said the cold reality.

"So...that's it." Audrey murmured softly.

"Even if you join the church, there are only a few extraordinary paths to choose from." Alger added at this time.

Before, he was the one who mainly answered Miss Justice's questions.

After Mr. Chariot arrived, Alger keenly felt that the extraordinary knowledge possessed by him was richer and more detailed than what he knew.

Because he felt that his status was unstable, he wanted to brush up his presence.

And this answer will not reveal his church identity, because anyone who knows a little bit about the church actually knows this.

Arthur glanced at Alger and had no objection to his behavior of establishing his presence.

He nodded and said:

"Mr. The Hanged Man is right. For most people, there is actually no choice in the extraordinary path."

Audrey nodded slightly, indicating that she understood.

But then, another question arose in her mind.

"Then Mr. Chariot, isn't there a way in this world that is both powerful and without any danger?"

I really think it's so beautiful, Miss Justice... Klein said to himself in his heart.

The Hanged Man also shook his head slightly, not knowing how to evaluate Miss Justice's naive idea.

Arthur smiled and said:

"Miss Justice, the underlying logic of the world we live in is chaotic and crazy. At this stage, it may be difficult to realize your idea."

After listening to his words, Audrey also felt that her thoughts were a bit too beautiful, but she also had doubts about Arthur's statement.

"Mr. Chariot, you said it can't be realized at this stage, can it be realized in the future?"

The topic finally came to this... The smile on Arthur's face suddenly deepened a lot.

"As far as I know, high-sequence viewers can not only control the fate of others by creating coincidences, but also have the ability to make their own dreams come true."

Arthur smiled and said: "Maybe one day, Miss Justice, after you reach the top of the audience path, you can use this ability to realize your wishes."

On the surface, it seemed that Arthur was answering Audrey's question, but in fact, he was secretly reminding Klein.

Of course, Arthur didn't expect that Klein would be able to solve the mystery immediately after being reminded.

It is difficult for the chess pieces on the chessboard to escape the fate of being manipulated, especially when the chess pieces themselves do not know their own fate.

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58 Klein's Alertness

Control your destiny! ?

After hearing what Mr. Chariot said, Klein was suddenly shocked.

Not long ago, he received a warning from Mr. Azik and realized that there was something incongruous about his destiny.

And he did feel like he encountered a lot of coincidences.

Could it be that the things I have encountered recently are all because of the manipulation of a powerful person in the audience channel? But what was his purpose for doing this... Klein fell into deep thought.

"It's so powerful to control your destiny and make your dreams come true." Audrey didn't expect that her path could be so powerful, and she couldn't help but start to think about her bright future.

However, she also understood that she should not daydream during the Tarot meeting, so she used the audience's ability to quickly adjust herself.

Audrey nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chariot, I am very satisfied with your answer. I will pay you six hundred pounds as a reward."

Good guy, you actually gave me an extra hundred pounds as a tip... Both Mr. Fool and the Hanged Man were a little shocked by Miss Justice's generosity.

Naturally, Arthur would not refuse such a good thing. He nodded and said:

"Then thank you, Miss Justice, for your generosity."

"Then Mr. Chariot, how should I give you the reward?" Audrey asked curiously.

Alger also looked at Arthur with interest at this time, hoping to learn some details about him.

Arthur pondered for a moment and said:

"Miss Justice, I've been in a bit of trouble lately, so I hope I can get this reward again after a while."

He has basically been at sea during this period, and he has no messenger, so it is difficult to get the money.

Arthur is not short of the six hundred pounds now, so there is no need for Audrey to open a bearer account specifically for this amount of money.

"Okay, Mr. Chariot, just tell me when you want to get this reward." Audrey said with a reserved smile.

Are you not in a hurry to get 600 pounds? This guy's financial situation must be very good, at least better than mine... Klein thought with some self-deprecation.

He felt that this fellow was doing much better than him, and he was not in a hurry to get the six hundred pounds reward.

If it were him, even if it was only three hundred pounds if it were folded in half, Klein would have to find a way to get the money into his pocket as soon as possible.

After that, the Tarot Society returned to its original trajectory.

During this time, Mr. Fool informed Arthur of his honorable name.

And after he said the very powerful sentence "My name is not allowed to be chanted without my permission.", this Tarot session also ended.


After the Tarot session, Klein sat quietly on the high-backed chair at the head of the long bronze table.

He recalled in his mind all the things he had experienced since time travel, trying to find a way to break the situation.

The first thing Klein thought of was to ask Mr. Azik for help.

But then, he himself rejected the idea.

Because if Mr. Azik knew the details of the matter, he would not have just reminded him that there was a problem with his fate.

Moreover, Mr. Azik himself has lost a lot of memory, and he has to ask Klein to help him retrieve his memory. Naturally, he cannot hope for it at this time.

"Then, report it to the church? But how can I explain the source of my intelligence?" Klein had a headache.

In the entire Tingen, Captain Dunn of Sequence 7 is already considered to be the most powerful group of people, but the captain is obviously no match for the man behind the scenes.

Klein quickly remembered the red chimney that he had previously commissioned a private detective to investigate. He believed that there was a high possibility that that place was where the gangster lived.

"But, even if we find that place, what can we do? Even if the captain goes there, he will die." Klein knocked on the long bronze table anxiously.

But soon, he had an idea.

"No, I'm a bit over the top. If the mastermind behind the scenes can really crush everything, he won't hide in the dark and do things secretly.

"If he is really a high-sequence powerhouse, no one in Tingen City can stop him no matter what he wants to do."

Klein's movement of knocking on the table paused. He felt that things suddenly became clear, as if the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared.

"Yes, that person may have a high-level sealed artifact that can be accessed by the audience. He may not have strong fighting ability."

Klein suddenly became excited. He felt that he had found the other party's flaw.

And this is naturally thanks to the information provided by Mr. Chariot.

My fellow friend is still very helpful. The diary left by Russell taught me a lot of occult knowledge. Mr. Chariot also unintentionally helped me such a big favor. I will have to repay this favor in the future... Klein felt a little emotional.

He returned to reality and planned to speed up his search for the red chimney house that he had divined.

After finding it, Klein planned to report it directly to the captain and the other two churches, regardless of whether he would be suspected.

At the same time, he also plans to work harder to digest the progress of the potion in his body so that he can be promoted faster.

The strong pressure brought by the mastermind even cured his procrastination.

In a certain room of the Future.

"I have given Klein a subtle reminder. With his alertness, he should be aware of his situation, but I don't know what kind of solution he will come up with..."

Arthur sat in a chair and thought quietly for a while, never thinking of how Klein could break the situation.

His reminder this time was actually just a casual reminder, hoping that Klein would be more vigilant.

To truly affect the outcome of the Tingen incident, more powerful intervention is needed.

The fate of the Lord of Mysteries is really not something that ordinary people can bear. Fortunately, I didn't have the courage to take this path before... Arthur shook his head and sighed softly.

Then, he leaned on the bed, took out the occult book given to him by Edwina, and began to study.

Under the influence of the Demon Hunter Emblem, Arthur's memory has been greatly strengthened.

Therefore, through rote memorization during this period, he had basically memorized all the books given to him by Edwina.

But if you want to use it flexibly, it will take some time.

But it doesn't matter, Arthur is very safe on the Future Ship now, and there is no urgent need for the protection of "Devil Skin" in the short term.

With Bernadette on board, the Future can basically be said to have no rivals at sea.

Now that Arthur has established a good relationship with Bernadette, he doesn't have to worry about anything happening here.

He could even shout arrogantly three times, "Who dares to kill me?"

Of course, this is just a thought. Arthur will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

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59: Fated Encounter

On Friday, after more than ten days of sailing, the Future finally successfully arrived at Halman Port near Disi Bay at the end of July.

As soon as he arrived at the port, Arthur received a message from Cattleya, saying that a bishop from the Mother Earth Church was waiting in the port and wanted to see him and Frank.

After Arthur and Frank got off the boat, they saw a middle-aged man wearing a priest's uniform walking forward.

He is tall, has a serious face, and looks a bit unsmiling, a bit like Bishop Utravsky described in the original work.

The middle-aged man looked Arthur up and down curiously, then drew a simple holy symbol of life on his chest and said to them:

"Hello, you two beloved ones, I am Bishop Laman of the Church of the Mother Goddess. I have been waiting for you two here for a long time."

Arthur and Frank also drew the Holy Symbol of Life on their chests and returned the salute.

Arthur asked:

"Mr. Bishop, are you waiting for us here? What do you want?"

Bishop Laman said in a calm voice:

"The Mother Goddess has learned of your intentions and ordered us to arrange everything."

He turned sideways and guided the two of them: "Two favored ones, please follow me."

Did the Earth Church respond so quickly? And it actually happened so quickly... Arthur and Frank looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

The two followed Bishop Laman, and Arthur asked curiously: "Mr. Bishop, where are we going?"

Bishop Laman replied:

"More than ten days ago, we received an order from the church headquarters, and then we quickly came here and bought a nearby island that deviated from the navigation channel.

He seemed to have remembered something interesting, and chuckled:

"This island originally belonged to a small nobleman. He was very insistent that it was an ancestral land and there was absolutely no way he could sell it to us.

"But after we gave him a price that he was very satisfied with, he moved out of his property without hesitation and handed us this ancestral island that he said was his."

Good guy, as expected, no matter in which world or era, money ability is a first-rate and useful method... Arthur was secretly stunned.

Frank asked at this time:

"Then shall we go directly to the island now? Our captain is still waiting for us on the Future."

Bishop Laman replied:

"I'm sorry, two gods' favored ones, this island has been completely sealed off by us, and outsiders are not allowed to go there for the time being."

Frank frowned.

"But the captain is not an outsider, and there is also that person on the ship..."

At this time, Arthur patted Frank on the shoulder and gave him a calm look.

Arthur smiled and said to Bishop Laman:

"Mr. Bishop, it's like this. I have a follower on the ship, and I want her to go to the island to help us take care of the land.

"She is a poor person and does not believe in any gods, so she needs the faith of the Mother Goddess to guide her on the right path."

After hearing what he said, Bishop Laman nodded and said:

"The Mother Goddess will care for everyone who is willing to believe in Him. Since there is still a lost person, please ask the two God-loved ones to bring her with them. I will wait here."

After Arthur and Frank bid farewell to Bishop Laman, they returned to the Future and told Cattleya what had just happened.

Cattleya had no objection and simply asked the two of them to get the seeds they bought before, and took Budi with them to the island along with Bishop Laman.

After that, she asked the crew to go to the island to buy the supplies the ship lacked due to the voyage, and waited for the return of Arthur and Frank.


After a day and night of sailing, Arthur and his party saw a small island appearing in the distance.

As they gradually approached the island, the boat Arthur and the others were on suddenly seemed to have gained life. It came to life in an instant and wanted to take the few people to escape away from the island.

Bishop Laman's expression remained unchanged, he took out a sacred emblem of the Mother Earth from his clothes, and then used his spiritual energy to activate it.

Soon, the small boat lost its activity and continued to take the four people to a small island not far away.

Bishop Laman took back the Holy Emblem and turned around in a calm voice to explain:

"In order to ensure that the island will not be invaded, we have used some special means to only allow those who use the power of the Mother Goddess to approach the island.

"If you want to come later, you can use the power of the Holy Emblem of Life given to you by the Mother Goddess."

"Won't this power affect the plants on the island? You should know that what we want to study are crops that can grow without extraordinary abilities." Arthur asked at this time.

Bishop Laman replied:

"Please rest assured that we have considered this issue and it will not affect your research."

A group of four people walked towards the center of the island.

On the way, Arthur always felt as if something was following him, not sure if it was an illusion.

But when he turned around, he found nothing.

Even after he turned on his ghost vision, he didn't see anything unusual.

After asking Frank and Bishop Laman, they also said they didn't feel anything strange.

Therefore, Arthur had no choice but to put aside his doubts and just think that he was too sensitive.

After all, this is the territory of the Church of the Earth, so there should be no horror stories.

After that, several people came to the church. Arthur entrusted Budu to the care of a female extraordinary person in the church, and then turned to Frank and asked:

"what's your plan?"

Frank replied: "I want to stay here for a while to do research. Anyway, the captain has to go back to Loen first. Just pick me up when she comes back.

"I can take advantage of this period to get the first phase of seeds out, and then I can come back from time to time to carry out the subsequent seed selection work."

Arthur nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go back to Loen first, and then I'll find a way to get a courier to facilitate the delivery of the message."

Frank smiled heartily and said, "Okay, then wait for my good news."

Arthur nodded and planned to leave here and go back to the Future.

But what he didn't expect was that not long after he walked out of the church, he found a little tail following behind him.

? ? ?

Arthur looked at the little thing following him with a strange expression on his face.

"Could it be you who was following me just now?"

This was a little milk dog that was all white without a trace of color. It had two upright ears and a pair of small black eyes looking at Arthur curiously.

It followed Arthur with its four short legs. It looked plump and fleshy, like a ball of small marshmallows, which was really cute.

Arthur touched his chin and thought for a moment, then knelt down and waved to this cute little creature.

When the little white dog saw this, he immediately ran over happily, and then lay down directly at Arthur's feet.

"You little guy are you just trying to make trouble here?"

Looking at the little puppy with its belly exposed in front of him, Arthur couldn't hold it back for a moment and directly stretched out his hand to rub it.

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60 Hey hey hey

"Huh? Arthur, haven't you left yet?"

While Arthur was having a great time playing with the dog, Frank and Bishop Laman came out of the church.

"I met this little guy when I was leaving, Bishop Laman. Is it your pet?"

After rubbing the little thing up and down, Arthur stood up and asked with satisfaction.

In his previous life, he had no resistance to this kind of pet baby, and he had always wanted to raise a kitten or puppy.

However, due to various reasons, this wish was not realized in the end.

After traveling to the mysterious world, Arthur has always had the idea of ​​raising an extraordinary pet as an assistant.

But before, either on the Golden Dream or the Future, I didn't meet any suitable adoption candidates.

Originally, Arthur wanted to return to Backlund and see if he could find a suitable pet there.

But when he came to this small island and saw this little white puppy for the first time, Arthur felt a sense of closeness from it that seemed to come from his soul.

So, Arthur fell in love with it instantly.

So he thought to himself, if this little puppy had an owner, then he would try to see if he could buy the little guy from its owner.

If there is no master...

Then he won't be polite!

What Arthur didn't expect was,

Bishop Laman didn't even look at the puppy on the ground and said without hesitation:

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, God's Favored One, it is ownerless."

After hearing this answer, Arthur raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, Frank also noticed the little white dog on the ground, and he suddenly said in surprise:

"Huh? This little guy looks like..."

As he spoke, he wanted to take a closer look.

However, the next second, Bishop Laman held his shoulders, preventing him from taking another step forward.

"I've heard of Mr. Frank's name before. If you want to see it, you'd better stand here and see it. It's best for both of us."

"Ahaha, I'm just a little curious, a little curious..." Under the pressure brought by the tall Bishop Laman, Frank decisively followed his heart's choice.

Looking at the little white dog sitting obediently at his feet, and then at Bishop Laman, the corners of Arthur's mouth suddenly turned downward, revealing a dark classic Bateman expression - doubt.

"Mr. Bishop, this is not an ordinary puppy, right? Is there anything special about it?" Arthur asked tentatively.

"It should have a special space in its belly, and it can freely travel through the spirit world.

"And it also has the ability to be compatible with all things, so most creatures, including creatures in the spirit world, will not actively harm it.

"In addition to these innate abilities, its body can also accommodate an extraordinary sequence." Bishop Laman said in a calm voice, as if reading from a textbook.

Frank, who was standing aside, suddenly discovered Hua Dian:

"That's not right. You said this little guy is ownerless. How do you know this?"

Bishop Laman said without changing his expression:

"I've gone further than you on the cultivator path, so naturally there are some mysteries that you don't know about."

A suspicious expression suddenly appeared on Frank's face.

But before he could question, Arthur asked again:

"Then Mr. Bishop, is this little guy really ownerless?"

"Yes, it is ownerless." Bishop Laman confirmed with another nod.

"Hmm..." Arthur nodded.

He knelt down and picked up the little puppy in his arms.


He turned around, sprinted for 100 meters, and ran away.

"Uh..." Frank was immediately stunned by Arthur's operation.

Bishop Laman, with his gentle eyes, looked at Arthur's back, which was like a fox that had stolen a favor, and then drew a simple baby on his chest.

"Thank you, source of life!"

"Praise be to you, mother of all things..."

Seeing this, Frank immediately asked:

"Bishop, why do I feel something is not right? That puppy is not the result of your experiment, right?

"I'm telling you, Arthur is an important partner of mine, and you can't cheat him."

Bishop Laman replied calmly:

"That one is not the result of my experiment."

"Then what is its origin? Since you know its ability, you can't possibly not know its origin, right?" Frank asked with some confusion.

Bishop Laman turned to look at him and did not answer. Instead, he drew a simple baby on his chest again.

Frank didn't react at first, but then he seemed to realize something and his eyes widened.

In a room on board the Future.

Arthur and the puppy were sitting on the bed, one with big eyes and the other with small eyes.

It's really cute... Arthur sighed inwardly.

But now is obviously not the time to suck the dog, because there is an important issue that Arthur has not yet figured out.

The island that Arthur went to just now is obviously completely controlled by the Church of the Mother Earth.

Because as Bernadette said before, for such an important matter, the Church of the Mother Earth will definitely seal the island tightly.

Judging from the situation of Arthur entering the island, this is indeed the case.

Therefore, in this case, the Church of the Earth itself focuses on the field of life, so it is unlikely that such an "unowned" extraordinary little puppy will appear on this island.

When Arthur asked Bishop Laman what was special about this little puppy, Bishop Laman explained the little guy's abilities thoroughly as if he were reciting a text.

But even so, he still kept saying that this little guy was "ownerless".

When Arthur obviously showed interest in the little puppy, Bishop Laman also repeatedly emphasized that it was "ownerless".

The subtext is equivalent to saying that you can just take it away if you want.

The special space in this little guy's belly and the ability to travel through the spirit world perfectly meet one of Arthur's needs:


But why a dog?

Arthur stretched out his fingers to tease the puppy in front of him.

what is this?

Lilith ignored him and threw a dog at him.jpg?

After thinking for a while, Arthur didn't understand that person's intention.

The little puppy in front of him seemed to notice that he was a little troubled, and immediately lay down with his white belly exposed, looking like he was begging for help.

Seeing this scene, Arthur immediately put aside the question he was thinking about before, jumped directly on it and sucked it hard.

"Hehe...Puppy Gou...hehehe..."

"Puppies like you are born to be eaten by their mothers, hehehe..."

"Resist? Resistance is useless, hehe..."


In a phase space composed of pea vines that Arthur could not see, someone sighed with a complicated meaning, and then the figure slowly disappeared...

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