
Towards, ClearSky Empire

C61 Towards, ClearSky Empire

Kyle was surprised by the continuous trembling of the earth. He did not expect that this action of Uncle Shi, hiding the Ancient Pagoda, could cause a continental class quake, and it lasted for half an hour at that.

However... He thought that the quake only affected tens of kilometers around them, so he did not put this event seriously, despite its abnormal duration and continued on with his adventure.

He activated his martial skill --Dragon Steps-- and a dragon emerged on his feet. It continued to grow until it became a full, long dragon.

He did not forget to train this single martial skill of his, so he made some improvements with it, especially together with Uncle Shi's guidance.

The dragon had a substantial width, three humans could be fitted in if they sat side-by-side. Its length reached up to tens of meters, so it was quite long.

Kyle could already use his soul weapon to fly, however, from the information he got from Feng Yexue.

The distance to the closest empire could take him a couple of months if he travels, using his soul-weapon, so he decided to use his martial skill since it could help him travel faster, although it could only for an hour, each day.

But still, it was a huge help in traveling, so he used it and he headed to the northwest.


Azure Dragon Continent, ClearSky Empire, Sun Xiang Capital

In a grand, majestic room, where golden pillars were perfectly situated on the corners of the room.

A tall middle-aged man with tan skin color could be seen, sitting on a huge, royal throne. He was looking, down below, to where his subjects are kneeling upon.




The subjects praised as they bowed their heads and shows their respects to this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is the emperor of one of the few empires left on the continent, Xiao Sunshin.

The emperor had called for his subjects after the incident where the continent, quaked continuously for almost half an hour.

This kind of event isn't something to be underestimated upon off. And as an empire, and one of the strongest power of the continent. Having no information about this event is intolerable.

So, he called for his subjects to investigate this case.

The emperor waved his hands and the eunuch beside him shouted: "You... May... Rise..."

The crowd that was kneeling, rose up and an old man with a white hair that reached his shoulders, stepped up.

The emperor nodded, and the eunuch said: "You... May...Speak..."

"Your Majesty, I came to report to you about the calculations of our diviners." The old man with white hair spoke, and a couple of people that was wearing a gorgeous robe moved and stood behind this white-haired old man.

"Hmmm, continue..."

This time... It was the emperor who replied.

"According to the analysis of the diviners, the source of the quake event came from the Southwest. And with precise calculations, they deduced that it came from the Misty Ruins."

"Misty Ruins?" The emperor pondered as he touches his chin.


Everyone inside the room did not utter a single voice when the Emperor started to ponder.

"Isn't that where that pagoda was located? Do you think it's connected to the quake event that happened?" The Emperor asks.

The ClearSky Empire had also sent some of their geniuses when the Ancient Pagoda was newly discovered, so they too... Took some losses and damages since they had also sent quite a hefty sum of geniuses towards it.

Such as, the Ancient Pagoda gave the empire a heavy impression.

"Yes, Your Majesty, however, we still couldn't deduce the situation perfectly, hence I cannot immediately decide if they had connections or whatsoever. Due to the lack if information, I request a formal investigation on the Misty Ruins to investigate the situation regarding the quake properly.

The Emperor nodded as he heard his subjects plea.

The event that happened was such a huge occasion, that they needed to personally investigate, so the Emperor wasn't against this decision.

"We have also decided to personally investigate this situation. We will grant you the honors to decide who will lead this investigation." The Emperor spoke graciously.

Hearing The Emperor's words made the white-haired old man relieve. Investigating the situation on the Misty Ruins was a high priority, so seeing that, there weren't any objections to the investigation, was a good start.

"I believe the Lightning Gaze Corps under the crown prince's influence are the best-suited team to lead this expedition." The white-haired old man suggested.

But before The Emperor gave his reply.

"Impudent!" Someone from behind suddenly shouted.

A bold youngster who was just standing the side on the corner a while ago, suddenly intervened.

This youngster had a handsome face with a hint of arrogance. He wore a lavish robe that had a lot of exotic designs hanging on his clothes. His looks could describe him as a brash, and materialistic person. This made him look silk pants, despite the royal aura, radiating out of his body.

This is the 3rd Prince of the Holy Trinity Empire, Prince Daxiang.

Prince Daxiang boldly stepped up and intervened with the white-haired old man's suggestion.

"Impudent? I dare ask my prince, how am I impudent?" The white-haired old man retorted with anger.

Prince Daxiang might be a prince of this empire and the son of the Emperor, but he too... Wasn't someone to be underestimated.

The white-haired old is a chancellor of the empire and a sage cultivator at that, such as, being disrespected by a youngster angered him.

Seeing the fiasco, The Emperor just observed the events that were happening below him since he was intrigued by how this will turn out.

"As a chancellor of the empire, you would've known that the Crown Prince would hold a wedding ceremony for the 8th princess in a couple of months, however, you dare to send off the Crown Prince's strongest corps, during this big event. If you aren't impudent, then I dare ask, what are you?" Prince Daxiang replied.

The chancellor's face darken when he heard the Prince's reasoning. He knew that the struggle of power inside the royalty is fierce, so he wanted to avoid being implicated.

He suggested the Lightning Gaze Corpse because they were the fastest, and the currently known strongest troops on the empire at the moment.

He was on the neutral side on this power struggle, so when he heard the prince's reasonings, he kept quiet since he doesn't want to be implicated.

Of course, he did not said any apologies and just kept his mouth shut.

The chancellor had already seen a lot of struggle on the royalty, so he knew, that the prince was trying to take this opportunity to investigate the Misty Ruins, to increase his power.

Such as, he stopped suggesting and waited for the Emperor to decide.

For him, no matter who does the investigation doesn't matter.

Seeing that the chancellor did not retort, Prince Daxiang continued and suggested his own troops.

Prince Daxiang kneeled and said:

"Forgive my rudeness for talking without consent your highness, but the crown prince cannot afford to send his Lightning Corps to the Misty Ruins, however, as a compromise for interrupting without permission, I would personally go to the Misty Ruins and investigate this matter properly.

The crowd was shocked by this turn of events.

The 3rd prince might look like a brash, and a spoiled prince in a glance, but deep inside, he is a manipulative and intelligent person.

The crowd looked at the direction where the other princes were situated, then, they looked at the crown prince.

The crown prince is a 25-year-old handsome man that had the same features as the emperor. Their royal family's golden hair is something that could catch the eye of a person in one glance, such as, the Royal Family are born with natural attractive looks.

The third prince stole the opportunity to lead the expedition towards the Misty Ruins, so the crowd wanted to see the crown prince's reaction.


The disappointed look that should be seen on his face, did not appear.

The crown prince just calmly stood on his spot, without a single care, as if he wasn't listening to their discussion.

This made the crowd wonder what's going on. "Did they made an alliance?"

Seeing that there are no objections to the third prince, Prince Daxiang's suggestion. The Emperor spoke:

"Very well... We have officially given a decree to the third prince, Prince Daxiang of the ClearSky empire. Prince Daxiang must head for the Misty Ruins and investigate the matters regarding the continental quake. Do you accept this decree?" The emperor loudly spoke.

"Yes! YOUR MAJESTY!" Prince Daxiang kneeled and declared.

The Emperor then gave a nod to the eunuch, and he stood up and left the room, back inside the royal chamber.

Seeing this nod... The eunuch shouted in a high pitched voice: "THE EMPEROR HAS SPOKEN, EVERYONE MAY LEAVE!"