

C11 Questions

Divine A.D Continent, Beast plains, Tang Village

When Kyle and the others arrived at the battle place. they saw the guards fighting the beasts, they rushed to help them battle the beasts. The flow of the battle then started to change. Sooner later after realizing their leaders are dead. The remaining beasts started to scatter and run for their lives.

In this outbreak of beasts, the Tang Village lost about 10 guards, but they killed around 40-50 beasts. The outcome of the battle was a lot better compared to the previous outbreaks. This made the villagers felt grateful to the guards and Tang family. But still, it wasn't the perfect day... For 10 families lost their husband/lovers/fathers. Quickly after returning to the village, everyone made a funeral ceremony for the 10 fallen heroes.

Time passed...

Tragedy comes with fortune, luckily a lot of monster beasts died in this battle, so the village will hold a village-wide banquet to commemorate the fallen heroes. Hearing this made a lot of villagers happy because monster beast meats are very delicious and very healthy for the body.

The head then told Kyle to come to his study to discuss the battle. Kyle knew they were gonna inquire about him so he only nodded. He felt at home in this village and didn't wanna run away from them just because they are asking some questions. So he followed the old man to the building.


While the village was bustling with activities, preparing the meat for the banquet...

Kyle was in a room with the 10 elders, the head, Jun, and Chi. He was being stared at like a portion of food in a platter. They were wondering how he could be strong like that with his meager 4th stage cultivation.

"Ok first question, who are you... And why are you in our village?" the head asks him.

Kyle knew ... He couldn't just act cute and scared right now, so he made a more plausible answer than before... He can't just tell them he's from a different word who got transmigrated here and wake up in a desolate forest cant he.

"As I said years ago... I only knew my name is Kyle and my family got wiped out, all I knew is I woke up in the forest without any memories. I came here to your village because I was trying to find a home, and luckily ended up here."

When everyone heard this they were in doubt for a bit, then the head asked him

" Chi told me you were the cause of those craters, how did you do that with your 4th stage cultivation? "

"First of all... I'm an only 4th stage in my Qi cultivation, but I cultivated my body up to the 7th stage." Kyle answered the head.

"Impossible! How did you cultivate your body up to the 7th stage, even the strongest in the village could only cultivate up to the 4th stage while using our manuals," one of the elders answered bravely.

"That's right... But in my years of living here, I started to remember pieces of my memories, and I learned how to cultivate my body using the manuals in my memories. The power I used to cause all those destructions was a martial skill in our family, I can only remember vaguely so I can't tell you about it, " Kyle answered them in a straightforward manner.

Hearing this made everyone grasped, Martial Skill is a very rare commodity in the Beast Plains, only those bigger villages had them. This made some elders filled with greed.

One of the elders who got a crooked nose then scowled " Lies! For all we know, you might be a beast in human clothing!"

Hearing this... Kyle thought (what the hell?! What the fuck is this side character talking about me?) Kyle didn't argue with the elder and just ignored his outburst.

Majority of the elders doubted Kyle and sided with that elder. They wanted to berate Kyle and let him teach them his manuals and skills. The head only keeps quiet and was thinking about something.

Series of accusations then followed through which made Kyle slant his eye... Like he was sent to the village to plot about something, etc etc. but the elders like old man Tang helped him, so the room became like a debate court. Kyle just lied and denied all accusations and didn't bother with them, since the head is the one who's gonna make the final decision.

"Enough!!!" The head shouted and all the elders shut their mouths. They didn't expect the head the became so angry.

"Kyle saved our lives and the village... And We don't reciprocate kindness with malice. I want everything that happened in the battle to stay in this room... Are we clear?!" The head commanded the elders.

Then the head looked up to Kyle and told " On behalf of the village... I would like to thank you for saving our village, and I would like to grant you the position of an honorary elder in the family, " hearing this, Everyone in the room was surprised.

"Saving the village was also my job since I lived here so there's no need to thank me for it... But I must respectfully decline for the position of an honorary elder since I need to focus on my training," Kyle replied to the head while thinking( luckily this head can see Mt. Tai and didn't acquire any more of my secret"

Kyle knew the head and the others didn't completely believe what he told them, so the head's decision made him surprised... Giving a stranger an elder position albeit the honorary was no small matter.

"You don't have to worry about reducing your training time. As an honorary elder, you will only need to help the family and the village when huge trouble occurs. Being an Honorary elder...you'll have a higher position in the village and can make your life here easier, so do you accept or not?"

Hearing this Kyle thought ( What a crafty old man... Seeing how strong I am, he wants to tie me in the village. Well since this has already been my home, and helping them when a problem occurs doesn't really matter to me... Then might as well accept to reduce their doubts against me.)

"Ok I accept the position, thanks for everything head," He told the head and bowed slightly.

Hearing this made the head glad and he told everyone to dismiss. Left with no choice, the elders could only bow their heads and left the room. Kyle also left the room and headed to the banquet, leaving the 3 inside the room.


Head POV!!!

Inside the room... Only the three Tang family members were left

"Dad is sure about this? We don't know anything about that guy," Jun asked me about my decision.

"Are you questioning my decisions? Since when did you grew up and learned to question my decisions?! Do you think I don't know what I'm doing? " I scowled to my son.

"What about you Chi er, what do you think about him," I asked my grandson... my grandson was very smart and clever since he was small, so sometimes I conclude with him

"I think what you did was right grandpa. Kyle is very strong, maybe stronger than even you, having more stronger cultivators could only be better for the village. He lived in our village for already three years, so he might have some affections with it... Besides making friends on someone strong is better than making enemies off of them." He answered me in a calmly way.

Hearing this made me glad, I knew I already have a worthy successor. I was really glad to have a smart grandson to be proud of.' But still... those craters and destruction, how strong is his family before to have those kinds of martial skills... Are they from the empire? ' there is no way I could know until kyle confides me with the truth.

So I forget about them and said "Let us head to the banquet, we can't let them waiting forever" Then we went to the Banquet.