
Lingzhi Pavillion

C63 Lingzhi Pavillion

Kyle asked around for a good restaurant. There were a lot of choices, however, the majority of the citizens recommended the Lingzhi Pavillion.

Lingzhi Pavillion is a famous restaurant throughout the whole empire. It has branches all over the empire with its main branch at the Empire's Capital, Sunxiang.

The Lingzhi Pavillion at the Flowing Cloud City might just a side-branch. However, as a famous restaurant throughout the empire, this side-branch restaurant is the best restaurant in the city.

Its fame was too wide-spread that, even those people, who were not from the city, knows that the LingZhi Pavillion is the best.

So, Kyle decided to eat at the Pavillion and see if it could live up the hype it has.

He asks for directions and immediately headed to the Lingzhi Pavillion.

His stomach's hunger was getting stronger by the second, as he heard, how the people describe the food from the restaurant.


After traveling for a few minutes. He had finally arrived on the street where the Pavillion was located.

As the rumors say, the Lingzhi Pavillion's fame wasn't lies. Just by the look of the Pavillion, you could see the grand gesture of its artistic design.

It looked like those Pavillions in Modern China, with just a few lacking designs.

But to have the design of a modern building, despite the old-age setting should be noteworthy.

It was really worth its fame.

The Pavillion has three floors, so it was quite big, compared to its neighboring buildings. It has a noble look. One could see how rich the owners of the Lingzhi Pavillion are.

Just one look from the street, and you could see the difference from the others.

Kyle was now very hungry, so he did not continue to admire the building.

This might be the most beautiful or grandest building that he had ever seen in this new world.


As a transmigrator from the modern era, he had obviously seen something much better. And with his current hunger state, he obviously doesn't have the time to admire some building or Pavillion.

So, Kyle proceeded and entered the door to the pavilion.

Once he pushed the door, he was granted by a sight of liveliness and the sweet scent of food aroma.

Despite the noble and elegant look outside the building, the crowd inside the pavilion weren't peaceful, or organized, like those from famous 5-star restaurants on earth.

No... The pavilion was lively and full of bustling people.

But don't get me wrong...

It might be lively and crowdy inside, but it wasn't messy or disorganized.

The room was big, so it could fit, at most, a hundred person.

There are some customers who look like those rich young masters, who came from a rich family.

There are also those who look like those mercenaries or adventurers, dining together and drinking some liquor while happily enjoying the atmosphere.

And there are those children, dining with their families with a happy smile on their face.

The customers of the Lingzhi Pavillion were of different varieties.

This made Kyle impressed with them since there are some famous restaurants who choose their customers.

There were a few waiters moving around the tables, delivering food, taking orders and socializing with the customers.

Kyle was greeted by a waiter once he entered the room.

"Greetings fellow cultivator, welcome to the Lingzhi Pavillion." A waiter with a suave mustache greeted Kyle.

Kyle was shocked by the waiter. Not because of his suave mustache, but because of his cultivation.

He could feel that the waiter has a 2nd-grade Xiantian cultivation.

This suave-mustached middle-aged man has such a high cultivation.

If he were to be placed on the Beast Plains, he could've had the same standings with a sacred family's patriarch.

But here, on the pavilion. This 2nd grade Xiantian was just a waiter.

You could see how great the power does the owners of the Lingzhi Pavillion had. With just their people, they can topple the overlords on the Beast Plains.

And this was just a waiter from a side-branch. How much more in the main one?

"Hmmm... Give me your best dishes. I want to try this restaurant's best." Kyle replied with a nod, as he implied that he was a customer.

The mustached waiter had been a waiter for a long time already, so he was already a professional on this kind of things.

Such as, he acted professionally and served Kyle with proper conduct.

"Yes, sir... Follow me."

The waiter said and he showed Kyle the way to his tables.

They both passed through the dining customers normally, until they reached the stairs towards the second floor.

Despite Kyle's handsome appearance and attractive Azure hair. The people in this world did not react greatly, as looks like him are common everywhere.

This was a world with cultivation and energies, so almost everyone had handsome and beautiful looks. Even colorful hairs were just a common occurrence, so he did not attract attention.

Of course, there are some who had too many good looks, that they could catch the attention of everybody in a single glance.

But mostly... The people on this world, prefer strength, then looks, so Kyle who was an early stage Xiantian,did not grab the attention of everybody.

But there are some, who gave a few stares. But that was it.

The people dining on the first floor were only houtian cultivators, so they cannot fathom Kyle's true strength, so Kyle just grabbed their attention for a second, and they continued with their food.

The waiter then proceeded to climb the stairs, and so Kyle followed after. Once they arrived on the second floor.

He could feel the atmosphere change, once he stepped on the second floor of the pavilion.

Kyle looked for the reason and he found it soon after.

The reason why the atmosphere suddenly changed, is because the second floor is a place, filled with Xiantian Cultivators.

They all looked at Kyle with wary, the moment he stepped on the floor.

These Xiantian Cultivators dined in groups. In their group, there are cultivators who had higher cultivation than Kyle, so they could feel his cultivation.

During those four months of absorbing Chaos Energies, Kyle's body had reached the 5th stage.

However, his Dantian cultivation had made a huge leap. After 4 months of continuous absorption, he had broken through the 2nd stage and the 3rd stage of Xiantian. He was now at peak 3rd stage.

He wanted to leave after breaking through the middle stages of Xiantian, but it was futile since the gap was just too hard.

He could've waited for a few more months, but that will just delay him any longer, and Uncle Shi told him that, the reason might not be, because of the lack of energy.

It might be because he lacks comprehension, so adventuring and having experience is the fastest way to break through.

Some of Xiantians on the group has 4th stage above cultivation, so they could sense Kyle's 3rd stage cultivation.

The reason why they are wary is that Kyle might only have a 3rd stage cultivation, however, due to his continuous absorption on chaos energies, the energy on his body was filled with chaos energy, and this chaos energy, has the same vibe with an intense, killing intent.

It gave off a dangerous vibe towards the other people, hence they are wary of him.

They obviously did not think that Kyle had Chaos Energy inside him. They just thought that he was someone who had killed a lot since having that dangerous vibe and killing intent could only come from someone who murders, casually.

They were wary of him, but they did not make any moves since this place is the Lingzhi Pavillion, and they needed to give them face and obeyed their rules.

Fighting is obviously forbidden in this kind of place, so they just reacted habitually for a second, but they immediately recovered and went back to their group dining.

Kyle did not care about their reactions and continued to follow after the waiter.

After walking for a few distances, they finally arrived on his table.

Fortunately... His table was near the second floor's veranda, enabling him to see the street, outside the pavilion.

"I'll get back after a few minutes sir. Please wait for a moment." The waiter said professionally, as he went back, to proceed with Kyle's orders.

Kyle was now eagerly waiting on his table. The food will take a few minutes before it could be served, so he was quite bored at the moment.

He was thinking about what he should do to relieve his boredom.

Should he communicate and make friends with others? Or should he harden his face and shamelessly asked about the matters of this city?

Kyle was brainstorming ideas, to relieve himself from boredom.

Until... a commotion suddenly occured.

A few tables away from Kyle.

A youngster, who had the looks of a 17-years-old, Handsome face, rich clothes, nice hair, arrogant personality, your typical spoiled young master.

The young master suddenly stood up and brazenly went to another table.

Where another young man, 17-years-old, dark hair, handsome face, has a sharp glint on his eyes and is wearing commoner clothes.

This young man was dining with a girl who had the looks of a 16-years-old maiden. This maiden has a cute, baby face. She has dandelion-colored hair, glamorous eyes, and a petite body.

The arrogant youngster came up to them and he was, of course as always... followed by his group of goons behind him.

"Lin Feng, you bastard! Why don't you scram out of here?! Stop tainting this place with your bastard self. Who knows? We might get tainted, like your whore of a mother! Pweeh!!" The arrogant young master scowled, as he spits on Lin Feng's face.