
Haki Stages

C14 Haki Stages

When the night came... Kyle went to his makeshift treehouse to train his body again. He felt he was very close to breaking through the 8th stage, so he started doing his daily routine. After hours passed... He successfully broke through the 8th stage. Kyle was thinking of new ways to strengthen himself, he wanted to practice Haoshoku(Conqueror's haki) but there wasn't any info on how to train, or gain it.

Almost everyone at the village uses swords as their weapon, so during the three years of staying at the village, he tried training on the way of the sword. But unfortunately, Kyle has no talent in it. He spent weeks on it, but his improvement was very slow... So he forgot about dreaming to achieve the 'one with the sword' state like Tang Chi.

While thinking of ways how to strengthen himself, he remembered the fight yesterday. Even though... Ximen Tiaolong dodged Chi's attacks with ease, the attacks of Chi was very fast and nimble. He thought that he could ask Chi for help to train together. "Hmmm... It is already night, Chi could be sleeping already... I'll ask him tomorrow."

Seeing the starry night in the sky, Kyle went to cultivate for a bit then sleep.

When morning came... Kyle headed to the training grounds to look for Chi, but when he arrived at the grounds... Chi wasn't at the grounds, he looked carefully but still can't find any trace of him in the grounds. 'Where the hell is he? He never missed a day of training... Is he embarrassed to see his friends because of yesterday' Kyle thought about it, so he went to the center area where the Tang family lives.

Arriving at the home of the Tang's, he could see Chi in their courtyard. He was just moping around the ground and doing nothing. Seeing this scene made Kyle face-palmed. 'The hell! You just lost once and you're already like that?' But he remembered... Chi was only still a 15-year-old kid, and the burden of being a genius of the village must be very hard and heavy for him. So Kyle went to him and tried to comfort him.

"Hey, kid... Why the hell are you moping around here, shouldn't you be training since you lost in a shameful manner yesterday?" Kyle told chi in a mocking way.

Hearing this made Chi stiff, then he looked to the source of the voice and he saw Kyle " I'm not moping around, and why the hell are you calling me kid? I heard from grandpa you're only a 13-year-old kid... " Chi said in a very pissed way.

"Yeah 13 year old, yet I could already beat your ass... So what are you doing, shouldn't you be training?" Kyle asked.

"Why the hell do you care about what I do?! You didn't even bother to help yesterday. If you step up, the village won't is bullied by those Ximen Family!!!" Chi replied in an angry manner.

"No, you are wrong... The village got bullied not because I didn't step up... The village got bullied because YOU ARE WEAK, you lost to Ximen Tiaolong because YOU ARE WEAK!, You almost died in that outbreak because YOU ARE WEAK!!... In this world of ours, the WEAK gets trampled" Kyle berated.

Hearing this made Chi speechless, he didn't retort because he knew what Kyle was saying true. What if Kyle stepped up yesterday? He... who was the pride and hope of the village... Still lost miserably. thinking about this made Chi slumped his body at the ground and kept quiet.

" Are you contended on being weak? Is that what you want to do with your life? Being bullied every time a stronger cultivator came here?! Didn't you made promises or oaths when you were young to become the strongest or to reach the peak!?" Kyle continued to berate him.

Chi didn't react and looked hopeless on the ground. Looking at the slumped Chi on the ground, Kyle started to slowly walk out of the place... Until

"Strength... Ca-can you give me strength?!" Chi surprisingly asked Kyle.

Hearing this... Kyle smirked and turned around and said: "I can't give you strength..." Hearing this made Chi looked like he lost all hope.

"But I can train you to have one... Do you want to have the strength?" Kyle asked him in a mysterious way.

When Chi heard this he stood up and resolved himself "Yess... I want yo have one. Train me, I will do everything you ask. I don't ever want to feel weak again, I won't let the people I cared about to be trampled upon once again!!" He told Kyle with resolute resolved in his eyes.

Seeing this made Kyle skip his heart. To be honest... Kyle was a shut-in his past life... So doing the things he did in this world, motivating somebody.. was clearly a new experience for him. He didn't expect his words could motivate Chi.

When he came here, in the Tang Family's house and saw Chi... He just wanted to ask Chi to be a sparring partner. When he saw the state Chi was in... He was only disappointed to lose a sparring partner. He didn't expect to encourage or motivate someone since he wasn't very good on socializing to people.

But seeing Chi got motivated made him thought 'So watching too many movies, or animes also helps huh.' He then told Chi to follow him. They didn't go to the training grounds to avoid any unnecessary attention but found a secluded corner inside the village.

When they were alone Kyle scanned Chi's whole body. Chi was very tall for a 15 years old kid. Close to 6 ft tall, but he was skinny.

"Since I am not a sword cultivator... I can't teach you anything about sword skills, but I will teach you on what you lack the most... " said Kyle.

"What is it?" Asked Chi.

"What you lacked is Body... Body training, you need to train your body so you can keep up with your moves, true... Your fast and agile, but due to the weakness of your body, you cant use your full potential."

Chi could only nod and continue to listen to Kyle.

"On these following days, you'll start training your body limits, do some push-ups, squats etc. , each day you need to surpass your previous ones... Are we clear?" Kyle said.

Chi answered "crystal clear" then he nodded and proceeded to do his training. Kyle was observing Chi on his training. Kyle's plan was to let Chi go in the 'one with the sword state' and attack him, but since Chi was in a bad state... He decided to help him recover first before asking him to train with him.

Since Kyle said he was gonna train, Chi... He was having a hard time to ask Chi to train with him, he just cants asked Chi and said 'hey Chi, can you help me train?' Cant he? If he really did then it would be really awkward.

Luckily... Just when Chi was finished on testing his body's limits. Kyle found a way to ask him how to train with him.

"Now that you're done... I want you to enter that state you were in when you fought Ximen Tialong... What was the senior called it again? 'One with the sword' " he told Chi.

Hearing Him... Chi took his sword and entered the state. The familiar sensation came back to him.

"I'm in it, what do I do next?" Chi asked him.

"You need to perfectly control that state. so aside from improving your body limits, you are gonna be using that state to the limit and attack me with it."

Chi nodded and attacked Kyle with his sword. Chi's sword was very fast, but since he had Kenbunshoku he successfully evaded all of it. Seeing this made Chi surprised and thought 'Kyle really is stronger than Ximen Tiaolong, he can even dodge my attacks easier than Tiaolong' this made Chi revere Kyle more.

Seeing Chi's attacks made Kyle glad and he thought 'Good, good... Chi's attack is really fast and precise. With this I could train my Kenbunshoku faster and reach the 2nd stage.' Kyle doesn't know the stages in haki, so he made stages of his own depending on the effect he felt.

Kenbunshoku(Observation Haki)

1st stage - he can see and feel fast attacks, even when blindfolded.

2nd stage - he can predict the attacks before they are made.

3rd stage - he can see the future for a little bit.

At the same time, he also made stages for Busoshoku(Hardening Haki)

1st stage - he can harden a part of his body.

2nd stage - he can harden his full body.

3rd stage - he can harden weapons or anything he touches.

There are a lot more stages but since was still far away he only focused on the three.

Kyle was now at the 1st stage in Kenbunshoku and he was having a hard time to train to 2nd stage. Sure he could train with the beasts but the beast's attacks are filled with intent and emotions that made his predicting very easier, hence he can't train his Kenbunshoku very well.

So the two sparred for a while, then Chi's 'one with the sword' state ended in an hour. Seeing the 1hour limit, Kyle could only accept and hoped for Chi to improved in the future. Kyle didn't directly covered his eyes and train his Kenbunshoku. He just wanted to test Chi's attacks and glad he succeeded. After finishing on their training he said

"Let us stop this for now... I want you to come here tomorrow at the same time, are we clear?!"

"Crystal!" chi answered

So they separated and went with their own paths...

Cringe Fest, here we go!

Ps. Another bonus chapter for the loyal readers who kept on asking for more. Hehe

Primo28creators' thoughts