
Ancient Pagoda

C36 Ancient Pagoda

Kyle's hunch was correct. After touching the formation with his hand, he got blinded by another light and got transferred to the next floor.

He was now transported to another empty space.

Kyle felt amazed by the power of formations when he saw this.

The formations were really amazing, it was quite handy in multiple ways.

Just by the couple of formations that he had seen, he had already been amazed by the variety of things that the formations could do.

He decided to learn how to use these formations in the future. The thought of mastering formations fired him up, so he proceeded to move forward bravely.

After scouting out the new floor, Kyle arrived at a wide open field.

There was a wide formation that was divided by lines laid out on the ground.

Kyle was shocked when he saw these scene. He wasn't shocked by the formation covering the whole grounds since he was already use to seeing this formations all over the Forbidden Ruins, but he got shocked by the huge statue of a dragon, a half-kilometer away from where he stood by.

He was very far away from this statue, but the hugeness of the dragon statue can't be hidden.

He wondered how big it would really be once he got closer to it.

He observed the statue clearly and he noticed something or someone.

Near the statue, Kyle could also see a small silhouette of a human.

This person was quite far from him, so he cannot see him properly.

So Kyle decided to enter the formation to get a closer look, but once his foot stepped on the formation.

He felt a huge pressure fell on him. His body was quite strong and sturdy, so this pressure wasn't unbearable for him; but it made his knees buckled for a little bit.

Kyle continued to move forward, but once he crossed the line that was dividing the formation; he felt the pressure on his body getting stronger.

"So that's what this is huh, a gravity test? Or pressure test?" Kyle asked himself while trying to get closer.

He guessed that this was the test on this floor since he noticed that there were trials on every floor that he stepped in.

The formation was laid out on the ground that was divided by lines that gave off a similar sensation with his HaoShoku.

Kyle deduced that the pressure will get stronger and stronger every time he crossed a line.

"Hmmm, should I reach the statue to pass this test?" He thought while looking at the silhouette of a person close to the statue.

Kyle really wondered who was this person that made it so close to the statue.

Although Kyle was yearning for a human to talk to, he wasn't so stupid to suddenly shout and take the attention of this new person that he had just saw.

But he was quite amazed by the silhouette from far away since judging by the strength of the pressure in the first two lines, he guessed that the pressure where the person was staying was ultimately strong.

There were 20 lines that were situated every 25 meters, so Kyle guessed that the person standing at the 19th line was a strong cultivator; or at least someone who had a higher cultivation than him since he is able to bear to stand that far away, whereas Kyle could now feel the pressure taking a toll in his body while only being on the first few lines.

He was wary of this person, but he wasn't scared by him, so Kyle continued to move forward.

3rd line... 4th... 5th...

And so on...

Kyle continued to move forward, each line he crossed multiplied the strength of the pressure; so he was having a hard time traveling towards the statue.

An hour passed...

Kyle was now at the 13th line... The pressure was now unbearable for him.

He was now having a hard just to move a step due to the strong pressure that he was feeling on his body.

He could now finally realized how strong the person at the 19th line was. He who had a 2nd stage Xiantian Body was already having a hard time just at the 13th line. Yet here standing before him, was someone who is at the 19th line.

Kyle was now at the 13th line. so this made him closer to the statue and the silhouette. He could now finally take a closer look and see them properly.

The statue was really large. It was standing at 50m tall with a humongous body.

Kyle could finally take a better look to the person standing on the 19th line.

This wasn't a silhouette of a man. No... Now that he was closer, he could finally see that this person was a lady.

This made Kyle grasped... All his years of living at the Beast Plains, yet he still hadn't encountered a really strong female cultivator.

True... There were female cultivators, but most of them were a lot weaker

then the male cultivators that he had seen at the Beast Plains. (Sorry if this offends somebody, this statement is only because of the environment at the plains, I'm not a sexist)

In-fact... this female cultivator might be the strongest cultivator he had seen.

He was still quite far, so he couldn't see the features of the lady properly. Due to him being only at the 13th line, he could only see the back side of this lady.

She was wearing a lavish purple gown that was perfect tailored to show off her beautiful curves.

Even though he can only see the back-side of the it, the features of the lady was already so eye-catching.

She was sitting on the floor in a lotus position at the 19th line easily, this amazed Kyle even further.

He was at the 13th line, yet he could barely move a step; but the lady was sitting calmly without feeling any of the pressure.

"Wait is she using this formation to cultivate?" Kyle thought while observing her.

Now that he was thinking clearly, he finally realized that his body was improving in an alarming state just by walking on this formation.

He was so busy trying to move forward in this past hour, that he forgot to notice his body's rapid improvement.

So Kyle decided to imitate her and sit on a lotus position to cultivate since trying to move further was still unbearable for him.

What he didn't know was that, after closing his eyes to cultivate. The lady at the 19th line turn her head around and looked at him.


(Feng Yexue POV)

When Kyle entered the 3rd floor, Feng Yexue who was peacefully sitting on the 19th line opened her glamorous eyes and noticed the newcomer.

"Hmmm, another youth. I wonder how long can he last in this formation?" she muttered with a sultry voice and continued with her cultivation.

Moments later...

Feng Yexue noticed that the newcomer was getting closer and closer in each passing time. She felt the newcomer stared at her, so she got quite distracted on her cultivation and noticed Kyle sitting on the 13th line to cultivate.

When Kyle started to cultivate, Feng Yexue turned around and tried to inspect this new youth.

"Hmmm, good looks...well kinda looks too young for my taste" she spoked in a flirty voice and continued with her inspection.

Feng Yexue activated her soul-sense and it encompassed the whole kilometer around her, including Kyle.

"9th stage Houtian Qi, with a 2nd stage Xiantian body? What's the meaning of this?! I thought the formation in the Ancient Pagoda could only lower your cultivation to the 5th stage Xiantian?" She exclaimed.

She inspected Kyle again with her soul-sense as if she was trying to verify, if her inspection earlier was correct.

Doing this kind of inspection was rude, especially to the inspected one.

Having someone inspect you with their soul-sense was like seeing the person naked, so this kind of behavior wasn't kindly tolerated; but Feng Yexue didn't care about such things. She was starting to get curious by the newcomer's identity and what she wants, she gets!

So she inspected Kyle again. "He really is a 2nd stage Xiantian, how can that be? The pressure on the 1st line could already kill some 1-3rd Xiantians, yet this boy could already step on to the 13th line. Interesting..." She thought while thinking of her family's warning.

Feng Yexue had heard that the Ancient Pagoda that was located at the Misty Ruins had a grand formation that could lower a cultivator's cultivation down to the 5th stage of Xiantian.

Misty Ruins was one of the of the 5 Forbidden Areas of the Azure Dragon Confident.

The Ancient Pagoda was like the vault of treasures waiting to be claimed when some rouge cultivators discovered it opened 7 years ago.

It was famous at the continent since it was only until recently that it was discovered, making it filled with undiscovered treasures.

That's why a lot of people ventured towards this treasured Ancient Pagoda to seek for treasures.

But there was a requirement to enter this Pagoda.

One must be below 30 years of age, hence only geniuses from those bigger clans could afford to enter this treasure vault since sending someone without the strength of a 5th stage cultivator was a death sentence.

They also discovered the trials inside the Pagoda. Namely the Soul Strength Trial, Dao Heart Trial and Strength Trial.

The Ancient Pagoda had three floors, once you successfully finished all the trials, the spirit inside the pagoda would give you a list of their treasures; and you could pick one to claim for yourself.

The first genius who had successfully finished the three trials and claimed a treasure released the information of the list to the outside world.

This list made the continent uproar and excited. The items on the list made everyone filled with greed and envy.

When they heard the treasure that the first genius got at this Ancient Pagoda, some of them got overcome by their greed and hunted this genius.

This angered the family of the genius youth and started a terrible war that shook the whole continent, but this war is something that will be mentioned in the future and not connected at the story as of this moment so I will stop it here. (Wahahaha)

They also heard from the genius youth that there was a grand formation inside the pagoda that could lower your cultivation down to 5th stage Xiantian.

This made everyone depressed, but it didn't stop them from sending their youths to the Ancient Pagoda.

The treasures that were on the list was very mysterious and godly to the people on the continent, so they bypassed the dangers and send their youths to danger.

Obviously... Almost all of the youths that were sent died, hence the Ancient Pagoda that was bustling with geniuses at the past was now devoid of them; Making it barren and destitute.

When her little sister got afflicted by an incurable sickness, Feng Yexue was greatly saddened.

Her little sister was the only person left that she treated as her family, so when she got sick; she asked for all the famous Physicians all over the continent to treat her sister.

Yet all those renowned Physicians declared that her little sister's sickness was incurable.

This made her feel great demise and lost her will to live in a world without her sister.

So she stayed with her sister every single day and halter her cultivation.

This made the elders of their clan unpleasant. Feng Yexue was the number one genius of their clan.

They had hoped for their family to reach the pinnacle with her talents. Unfortunately... Their genius lost all her motivation in cultivation and shut out from the outside world.

So they tried their outmost best to search for a cure for her little sister. They made a lot of deals, they bought a lot of ancient books and legacies.

They tried everything they could do just to help Feng Yexue's little sister recover and at the same time, making Feng Yexue cultivate again.

Fortunately... after countless months of searching, they finally found a way to cure her little sister.

Within the list that was leaked by the first genius youth, there was a legendary herb that had a miraculous effect that could heal any injuries or sickness.

It was so legendary that not could it only heal the person who ate it, but it could also change the body of this person, making him or her obtain a legendary spiritual root.

This spiritual root was classified up to the highest ranks their continents had ever seen. It could help a person to r born with a body that had great talents that could have a multitude of advantages in cultivating.

When Feng Yexue heard this, she immediately headed to the Misty Ruins.

The thought of claiming this legendary herb for herself has never crossed her mind.

She finally felt alive after all those months spending with her dear litter sister who was dying each single day.

Her sister only had 2years on her life left before she left for the Misty Ruins, so she was in a hurry to finish all of the trials.

She arrived at the Misty Ruins a few months ago.

When she entered the Ancient Pagoda, she was surprised by the formation lowering her cultivation down to 5th stage Xiantian; but that didn't stop her and she successfully passed all the trials.

Yet, what she didn't expect was that after crossing the 20th line there was another hidden trial that wasn't mentioned by the first genius youth.

This trial had obstructed her for a few months now, she had tried again and again each day but failed miserably.

She didn't give up, no... She can't give up since this was for the life of her little sister, her only family on this world

So she tried again and again until this day, where Kyle arrived.

Feng Yexue was curious about Kyle's situation, yet she had a goal to finish in this Pagoda, and her curiosity wasn't as important as her main goal; so she shrugged her curiosity off and faced forward.

She stood up and cross the 20th line.

Seconds later...

*rumble...* *rumble...*

The Dragon Statue suddenly moved, and a child-like voice that made Kyle who was peacefully cultivating opened his eyes was heard.

"You're back again little girl? Hehe, have you still not learned your lesson"

Longest Chapter so far... I felt like I was writing two chapters hahah, but anyways thanks for the continuous support.

Ps. I saw that a lot of writers in this platform had made their ******* Accounts, so I decided to make one in the future. But I have no further knowledge or any past experience on making a *******. If some of you guys knew how to make and maintain one, It would be highly appreciated if you could help me or give me some tips... Thanks.

Primo28creators' thoughts