
Xavier's Hidden Daughter "The Broken Bond"

My mother got a promotion, so we had to relocate. I wasn't excited to leave all my friends. It's always been just my mother and me. I've never known my father. My mother was a mistress, and she says I was a gift from my father. He takes care of me. I've never wanted anything. My father lives in this small town we are moving to. Next week, I will turn 16, and he wants to meet me. This should be an exciting move. However, her mother, Ava, was nervous about seeing her true mate after all these years. Even though we separated because he was already married, I still felt the bond. I didn't find out I was pregnant until after he left town. It didn't matter that he was already mated. I had a piece of true mate Xavier by my side. Alisha's birth bond may have been broken, but despite being mated to someone else, its bond remained strong.

MsAuthoMiss · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Ten

POV of Alisha

I felt like I was floating on air. My body felt different then I look around and saw my great-grandfather coming toward me in a white robe. I looked at myself and I was wearing white gown. Grandpa, I was just at the party. My darling Alisha, you are descending. When you wake up you will be considered a goddess. This hasn't happened in 100 years.

You will be immortal my darling granddaughter. I'm sorry but you will never transform into a wolf. I smile at Grandpa. Honestly, I never wanted to transform into a wolf. He laughed at me hard. Why would I want to be a dog and lick my butt? He laughed but I was serious.

You have been gifted with great power by the gods. You will be the most powerful healer in existence. You've already controlled the elements. Well, you can also teleport anywhere in the world. When you wake up Samuel will bring you to me. You must stay with me for four months. Samuel thinks it will only take a month. Your power is advanced. You can bring some back to life after their heart stop beating. It will not work if they have been buried for more than a week.

You should discuss your powers only with your parents and Samuel. Your mate isn't ready for this knowledge yet. You've also been gifted with the ability to locate true mates. Is it going to bother my mate for me to be away for so long? No, you haven't mated with him yet. He will be fine, but he will miss you.

We need you to return now, so please let your parents know. That you will be away for four months. Can I give my brothers immortality? Yes, you can grant it to them because they are your siblings.

I love you, dear Alisha, and I look forward to training you.

24 hours later

Alisha looks around the room and smiles at Derrick. Hello Daddy, I have to tell you something. Please come get Samuel, her mother, and Xavier, as well as Samuel herself. A smile appears on Derrick's face and he kisses my cheek. I will be back soon, sweet pea.

She sat there thinking about what was about to happen. When they walk into the room. Grandfather, please seal the room. By sealing the room, you prevent others from hearing what you are saying.

While I was descending, my grandfather Zeus visited me. He told me I would be away for four months. My powers are advanced to the point that I can heal anything. I can bring someone back to life as long as they haven't been buried or their organs removed. Healing and my elements powers have advanced. I can teleport anywhere in the world. I can bring people with me when I teleport to the location. I have been able to immortalize my brothers.

Xavier smiles at his daughters. Why would you do that to your brothers? Well, I don't want to outlive my siblings. As soon as they meet their mates, they will have the ability to do so. If they accept this they can't tell anyone. This is a gift for my brothers. Once you mate with my mother Xavier you will become immortal.

Now Xavier you can't tell Alpha Carlos any of what we have discussed. Ava smiles at her daughter. She was so proud of her daughter. Then she floated off the bed. I'm no longer a hybrid. My goddess status has been achieved. I will never transform into a wolf. I hope you still accept me as your daughter. Xavier smiles at his daughter. I love you no matter what your future holds.

We don't need a jet. I will teleport us there. I must go see Dante. Can you contact Alpha Carlos? I need to teleport to his home. Then Xavier pulled out their cell phone and called Alpha Carlos. As a result of the sealed room, he could not connect to the mind link.

The room was unsealed so that she could leave. Dad, where is Trevor? I need him to travel with me to pack the house. Don't call him if I want to try something. I thought for a minute. Then I visualized my brother wearing it. Then I teleported him into my room. The look on their faces was priceless.

Trevor was speechless. Looking around the room at everyone. Samuel laughed at his expression. Alisha smiled at her brother. I need to speak with you and Marco. I'm preparing to teleport him here and grandfather, please let me know if you need a sealed room. She close her eyes and thought about her brother Marco. He was talking to his Beta Doug. She opens her eyes and looks at Trevor. Contact him and tell him to end his conversation with the beta. I will teleport him here.

Trevor laughed at her. You're going to do that to Marco. Hold on I got to tell him. Please don't reveal the true reason. Trevor mind-linked his brother. He is ready, but not around the beta. She closed her eyes, and the next thing you knew Marco was present.

Marco looked around in shock. Hello Brother, I need to talk to you. What we discussed will stay in this room. Grandfather, please seal the room.

Samuel sealed the room. Trevor and Marco I would like to offer you the opportunity to become immortal. I have achieved goddess status. When you mate, you will share that with your mate. When the process begins, the body will be comatose for 24 hours. I want you to travel with my grandfather and I will send you back once it's complete.

You will gain control of one element, but I'm not sure which. Then you will have to be trained by my godfather and Uncle Derrick. You can't tell your Alpha or anyone else about this changed status. Not until I mate with Dante. Do you accept this option? If you don't I will erase your memory.

Trevor accepts the idea of becoming immortal immediately. Marco hesitates before answering. Now you have the option of staying the entire time with my family. My grandfather trained you. We can say your guards are my guards for your alpha. Dante will feel more comfortable with guards.

He will not go with me. Marco did a double take. He finally agreed to the chance of becoming immortal. Eventually, you will be my guard in a position higher than your present status. Marco and Trevor smile at that information.

Let's go to the pack house. I will teleport us there. Once we arrive everyone growls at us. Once they realize who we are, they calm down. Where is Dante? I need to speak to him. He walks into the room with Marcie and wraps his arm around her waist. When he saw he jump away like he was guilty. Instead of talking to him, she touch her brother's arms and teleported home.

A single tear streamed down her cheek. Her brothers hugged her tight. It hurt her to see her mate with his ex-girlfriend. She was ready to leave now. Then she left with Samuel and her brothers immediately.