
Xavier's Hidden Daughter "The Broken Bond"

My mother got a promotion, so we had to relocate. I wasn't excited to leave all my friends. It's always been just my mother and me. I've never known my father. My mother was a mistress, and she says I was a gift from my father. He takes care of me. I've never wanted anything. My father lives in this small town we are moving to. Next week, I will turn 16, and he wants to meet me. This should be an exciting move. However, her mother, Ava, was nervous about seeing her true mate after all these years. Even though we separated because he was already married, I still felt the bond. I didn't find out I was pregnant until after he left town. It didn't matter that he was already mated. I had a piece of true mate Xavier by my side. Alisha's birth bond may have been broken, but despite being mated to someone else, its bond remained strong.

MsAuthoMiss · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Dante's POV

I was walking with my ex-girlfriend Marcie. As a result of the breakup, she was having trouble. I figure I owe her a few minutes. We were together for five years. Now I have my mate but she was a part of my life at first. I just took them to the office to speak with her. When we were leaving the office, she wanted a hug. I still held her waist when we left the office. Then I walked right past my mate and her brothers.

She looked hurt for some reason I couldn't understand. I turn to Marcie and tell her it was a pleasure talking to her. Then I look up and she disappears with her brothers. Confusing I don't understand what the problem is. It is my job as the next Alpha to keep the pack happy.

So I thought it was appropriate to take her to her home to see what the problem was. I felt nervous as I drove to her home for some reason. My wolf was restless for some reason.

She was out front when I pulled her, with her mother and uncle. It was like they expected me to come. Hey, Ava and Derrick where is Alisha? She came by the pack house. I didn't get to speak with her. My ex-girlfriend requested my presence to get closure. As soon as I finished hugging her, I ran into Alisha. It was like she disappeared into thin air.

Ava had a grim look. I hate telling you. She is spending time with her father training. Will not return for four months. I believe she came to tell you about it. She may have thought it was more about the other girl, according to Ava. I suddenly growl loud enough to shake the ground. Are you saying that my mate has been missing for four months? She didn't give me the chance to explain and say goodbye. Derrick steps forward telling me to calm down. The most positive thing about this situation is that she will be back in four months, added Derrick. We will talk to her about the situation.

How do I contact her? I can't go four months without my mate. Derrick sighs, well she is on Olympus because she descended to goddess status. The only way to contact her is to have her initiate it. As well as this, you are her true mate, and the bonding has already begun. As soon as the mark appeared behind her ear, she was yours forever.

I was still upset but relieved when I thought about that small fact. Her mother hugged me and told me to keep my head up. She will return.

I still feel unhappy about this situation. Suddenly my cell phone buzzed in my pocket.

It's unknown to me, but I decided to respond.

Hello at first there was no response. Hey, this is Alisha. I couldn't leave like that. Please come to the airport. I will be here for an hour only. I smiled and ran to my vehicle. I didn't get to respond to her because she had already hung up.

When I got to the airport, I entered straight inside. Our pack owns an airport exclusively for our travel. I knew that is where she would be. She stood near her brothers. They weren't smiling when I walked up. They glared at me.

Trevor and Marco gave me a few minutes with Dante. Then I hugged her, I smiled at her. Even though nothing had happened, she wanted closure from me. I would never cheat on my mate. Your mom told me you would be abroad for four months.

Alisha smiled and said yes. I'm sorry I didn't allow you to explain. I know four months is a long time but it's something I can't refuse no to do. You have me for a lifetime, said Alisha. You are correct I have you forever. Please call me often. I'm Alpha blood and this will be a challenge for I will see you once a month. My grandfather agreed with that.

Despite my best efforts, I hugged and kissed both lips. She smiles at me and hugs me again. We have to go now but I will Skype when we settle in. I will have one of my brothers contact you. My father and grandfather have made them my protectors. It is an honor to protect me since I descend to goddess status. I must leave now. I will contact you tonight, said Alisha.

She hugs me and steps back and grabs her brother's hand. Then the next thing I know she disappears before my eyes. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't tripping. My mate has some serious skills. I can't wait to see what our children will be like.

Now I have to talk to my parents. Xavier talks to him about his children leaving the pack for training.

Alpha Carlos POV

As I sit here, I am waiting for my son to return. Xavier just told me that his sons and daughter would be overseas for four months to train. Her brothers will no longer be my enforcers. Zeus has decided they will be royal protectors. From what I understand, she is a princess since she descends to goddess status. When she mates with my son she will be Queen and he will become King of the supernatural world. It is very confusing if you ask me. One of the most powerful beings in the universe, she is one of the most powerful.

He can still be the Alpha of the pack when I retire. Now I have to explain this to my son. Many secrets are kept from us until they officially mate. She leaves the pack with her brothers for four months.

I'm excited about becoming immortal. Most of the time wolves are not immortal. Although we live to 500. Once she mates with my son. My mate and I will become Immortal. I can run the pack and my son can handle his King duties. He has been training for four months as well. Her uncle Derrick will train him.

Even my Beta Doug has the option of becoming immortal with his family. It does not extend beyond that point, but it extends the pack's life span to 800 years.

The only good news is that after four months they can mate.

Hey, Dad, I had to see my mate off. I smiled at my son. Sit down. I have a few things to tell you. I met Samuel and Ava before they left.

Upon completion of her training, you will become a King of Supernatural once her training is complete. He said nothing at first then jumped up. You're not aware of this knowledge, son, calm down. She will learn this knowledge after her training is complete. This will benefit our pack a lot. I will become Immortal and so will your mother and the Beta's family as well The life expectancy of the pack will reach 800 years. That means they will stop aging at 40 and live 800 years. Now I will remain alpha until you have a son to serve as my heir. The heir of your oldest son will be yours. Although the next one will become my alpha heir.

You can't tell Alisha this information. She can't learn this knowledge until after her training. Dante just set there for a minute. Are you saying I'll be a King? Said, Dante. Yes, you will be considered a supernatural being. You will also need a second in command. That is why they offer my beta a chance to become an Immortal. That way if you want Toby to be your second command it can happen.

The new royal guards are now headed by her brothers. Derrick will help you build a royal court. Zeus will come down and grace us with his presence. To make everything official.

This must all be kept secret. I'm proud of your son. This is amazing for our family and pack.