
Chapter 13

~Wayne Enterprises~

Bruce fumed in his office, normally he kept his two worlds separate, but this man, this Xander had gotten under his skin, and he was not really sure why. True the man knew his identity and knew things about him that only Alfred knew, and that was a big part of it. But it was more, it was who he was, someone who was… a lot like him.

This bugged Bruce in more ways than he could admit. He sensed in Xander a steel core that did not know how to bend about certain things, but he was much more willing to cross the line that Bruce was, and that both worried and impressed Bruce. He had a bad feeling that Xander would kill more than just demons if he had to, and probably lose little to no sleep over it.

Bruce stood there for a long time in his office at Wayne Enterprises, looking out the window at the city he loved. Finally he nodded his head sharply, decision made. Bruce was not the boy scout Superman was, but killing was a line he had not knowingly crossed, and Xander was a wild card that he did not trust. Xander needed some guidance and training and while Wayne Enterprises had already started a place with dorms, classrooms, and a living space for the slayers' 'teacher', he now decided Xander needed an older hand to help with all this, and someone to keep him in line.

But who would be a good choice? Running through the various people he had met and knew of from the JLA and other encounters, names were brought up and just as quickly discarded, until Bruce was only left with two that he thought would work, and one that he was tempted with just for the amusement value. While the idea of John Greystoke around a bunch of young Slayers had a few humorous aspects, what Jane would do to Bruce was not so amusing, so that name he discarded. So he was left with Lamont Cranston and Patricia Savage.

Lamont was an old contact he had made years ago when he was much younger and haunting the Tibetan mountains, he might be able to talk old style hero into a job as a sensei, if nothing else the idea of getting to watch lots of young women should lure Lamont Cranston from his seclusion. Lamont may have killed but it was long ago, and he had pursued justice for many years. It was doubtful Bruce Wayne could tempt him to leave, but maybe Batman could craft a missive that would arouse enough curiosity to drag him from his mountains.

Patricia was the sister of Doc Savage. He had disappeared a many years ago, but if the rumours were correct she was still quite formidable and experienced in self-defence, and hopefully handling lots of young women, if he could convince her; but that was something Bruce could probably do.

Bruce picked up the phone and started making calls, and calling in a few favours. Finding Patricia might not be too hard, but getting a hold of Lamont was going to be a bit more difficult. That and he needed some emergency construction done to create a few more living spaces that were private.


Lamont looked speculatively at the note the monk had handed him. Written on a high quality white rag envelope, in a firm hand was his name. ~odd after all these years I am not sure who Lamont Cranston is, or if I am still that person.~

For the last fifteen years he had hidden here, allowing his fortune to be managed by a very good and reputable company, and he had ignored the world around him. Training with these monks to focus and harness his mind even more, and to give his soul time to heal. After Margo died he had come back here, to avoid her memory.

Lamont had been born in the late 1800's and fought in WWI, becoming a crime fighter in the 1930's-1940's, but given that age instead of the old man you expected he appeared to be a very healthy man in his late 40's. The mystic ways he had learned had slowed his aging down. Lost in memories and thoughts it was thirty minutes before he glanced at the note in his hand again.

~Now who would know I am here, much less send me a letter? It would not be impossible to find me I suppose, but I can think of few who would even know me as more than a signature on paper.~ Finally his curiosity peaked and he opened the envelope, noting immediately the lack of anything identifying. ~Hmm.. how mysterious~ Idly musing as he read the letter.