
X-Rank Hunter

Seeking to become stronger when talent is nowhere to be found and hard work is obsolete meaningless. The bloodline of the family do not help as well but still, Jim Jabat desires to become stronger, trying to put everything on luck and hoping to be chosen somehow. Jim wishes to become a stronger Hunter to at least protect himself and his kin. And also, to find his father who left him. Luckily, he was chosen and became the "X-Rank Hunter."

Jimar_Jemar · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Janine Kastel

Sierra Madre.

The widest mountain range that could be found in the Maharlika Kingdom. Of course, the beasts living there were stronger and more numerous.

But wherever there was a threat, there was an opportunity that would follow. Countless treasures were waiting there to be found and discovered. Be it herbs, artifacts, knowledge, wealth, anything that was sought after by a Hunter to become stronger was there. It just needed some luck and effort to claim.

Somewhere in the middle of the mountain range of Sierra Madre was something like a desolate plain. Plants and grasses were almost nowhere to be found as countless stone boulders were standing here and there.


There was an explosion that could be heard somewhere. From that somewhere, several stone golems could be found! Just like the height of the stone boulders from all around, the height of the golems was just the same, they were all about 3 to 5 meters tall.