

Pov of Kitty Pryde.

'Everything's a damn mess. Logan's going off to help the Avengers bring Hope into custody and Hank's joining the Thor, Ms. Marvel and a few others in space to try and stop the phoenix force. And I don't think Scott's going to be cooperative at all. Meaning we very well could have a battle between the Avengers and the X-Men. And to make matters worse I've got one student still in the medical wing, and the other students are all on edge. Damn it. I really miss you, Jean. I wish you were here to help us. You and Kurt. Things just aren't the same without you both.'

3rd Person Pov Change.

Kitty raised her hand and wiped away the tears that were building in her eyes. She then began her descent down into the sub-level. And when she got there, she saw that Ruth was still sitting beside Thomas at his bed side. Kitty slid open the door and stepped inside causing Ruth to look towards her.

" Hey, Ruth. What are you still doing here?" Kitty asked the girl.

Ruth rubbed her face and despite the fact she lacked eyes, appeared to have been sobbing. " Excuse me, but is he okay?" Ruth asked.

" Yes, dear. He's alright. He just needs to sleep for a little bit longer. You on the other hand, have classes tomorrow. You need to rest." Kitty told the girl. She walked up to Ruth and put her hand on the girl's shoulder. She then walked with Ruth out of the medical wing and led her back up the stairs.

XxX Pov Shiva.

Ugh my head is killing me. I sat up from the bed I was in to see that I was in the infirmary. " Damn, that was... Intense. I've never felt the world burn like that. How long have I been out?" I looked around for any sign of the time and saw a clock on the wall that read four Pm. " Damn, I've been out nine hours." Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps coming and looked towards the door to the infirmary.

The door slid open and stepping in was none other than our esteemed headmistress, Kitty Pryde, herself.

" I'm glad to see you're awake!" Kitty told me.

I rubbed my head and sighed. " What happened?" I asked the woman.

" You and a few others suffered some kind of attack. Do you remember what it was you saw that caused you to collapse?" Kitty asked.

I nodded in response. " It was a phoenix. I could hear the cosmos burning. Screaming. Crying out in pain."

" And now?"

" Now? It's settled down and is moving the way it was before. But I can still hear it. It's warning me. Warning everyone that the Phoenix is coming. And I don't know what it means." I answered honestly. I wouldn't admit it even if she or anyone else asked. But for the first time in my life, I am terrified. I don't know if it is coming to help us or destroy us.

" Well, you don't need to worry about it. We've got it handled. For now, let's get you out of that bed. I know Ruth has been worried about you." Kitty spoke.

" Ruth?!" Oh no. Is she okay?" I asked

Kitty looked at me and laughed. I felt my attitude shift to anger real fast.

" Ruth's fine. She had been sitting right there beside ever since you collapsed. But I did have her leave about an hour ago to eat and rest herself." Kitty explained and I felt bad.

" Oh man. I can't believe it." I rubbed my face in absolute embarrassment. " Well, at least-" Just as I was speaking, I felt my stomach rumble. " Oh man, that's right. I never finished eating breakfast. I'm starving."

Kitty laughed once again and patted me on the shoulder. " I'm glad you're okay. Come on, I'll get you unplugged and have you on your way in a moment.

Kitty then sat down next to me and started unplugging me from all the machines that were currently monitoring my healt signs. Once she was finished, i leapt up out of the bed and stretched my arms out, cracking each and every joint in them in an instant.

" So, what now. Am I good to go?" I asked.

" Yep, you're good to go." Kitty replied.

With that being said, I ran out of the infirmary and headed straight towards the cafeteria. " I need some food!" I shouted. I ran through the halls of the institute dodging and weaving through others who were standing in the hallway.

" Shiva wait!" I heard Evan shouting at me.

I turned my head and waved at evan. " Sorry, I'm starving. Talk to you later!" I shouted back. I continued running and eventually arrived at the cafeteria. Thankfully it was empty which meant that I didn't have to wait for anyone to get my food. " Thank the heavens the cafeteria doesn't close early." I ran into the kitchen and returned with four burgers and four hotdogs. " it's not much. But it'll do." I then began eating. As I munched through my third burger I noticed that people were beginning to walk into the cafeteria.

" Hey! Look whose finally wide awake." Julian shouted as he, Santo, Glob Herman, Cessily, Victor, Evan, Kubark, Quentin, Idie, And Ruth all walked up to the table.

" What's up?" I asked.

" Dude, what do you mean? You, Ms. Grey, and Quentin all went full on psycho earlier." Victor exclaimed.

" Yeah." I replied not seeing the problem or more specifically not wanting to confront the problem.

" How are you feeling?" Cessily asked, the concern in her voice apparent.

" I'm all right. I mean I can still hear the aftereffects and it hurts, but it's nowhere near what it was earlier. And after spending nine hours without eating, I just kind of needed to eat man. I mean I was really hungry. I still am." I explained. As I went to put more of my food in my mouth, Ruth walked up to me and placed her hand on mine.

" Excuse me, are you okay?" Ruth asked.

I turned to Ruth and reached to her head. I placed my hand down on top of it and rubbed my hand through her hair. " I'm okay, Ruthie. I'm okay." I told the girl. My response seemed to ease Ruth, at least a little, but I could tell She was watching me carefully. " So, I get why they are all here. But why are you here Quentin?" I asked the pink haired boy.

" Just wanted to show you what was going on while you slept like a baby." Quentin replied. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and then played the news for me.

" Our video footage of the battle between the Avengers and the X-Men." Upon hearing that news broadcast I immediately dropped my food and stared at the screen in shock. " That's not good... Is it?"