
X-Men: The fastest man alive!

Bart Allen is a college student studying at the university of San Francisco. However, one night while going over a new theory he thought up while trying to figure out the law of motion, the phoenix force returns and with it a massive wave of energy spreads throughout the world. Bart is hit by the wave while in his lab and is suddenly hit by a red lightning bolt. Changing his life forever.

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Character Bio

Name: Bartholomew Allen. Jr

Alias: Impulse

Relatives: Bartholomew Allen (Father, deceased)

Iris West-Allen (Mother, deceased)

Jay Garrick (Grandfather, deceased)

Joan Garrick (Grandmother)

Affiliation: X-Men

Relationships: None

Base of operations: San Francisco (Formerly)



Alignment: Good.

Identity: Secret identity

Citizenship: American

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Student


Gender: Male.

Height: 6 ft.

Weight: 175 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Originally Blonde.

Auburn after transformation.

Power: Superspeed

Enhanced durability

Enhanced Healing

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman agility

Superhuman senses

Superhuman reflexes

Photographic memory