
X-Men: Onslaught

The want to be something more, to be something bigger than yourself. Every child dream of being a hero. But for young Ian Sinclair things just don't work out that way... Or do they?

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs


" So, Ian. How are you settling back in?" Dani asked.

It was the end of Ian's first day back in school and Dani, Ian's teacher advisor, had wanted to speak with him and see where his mind was after everything.

" Well, it has been a mess. I see how much, I've missed, and I feel like crap." Ian replied.

" I see. But what else. How are you feeling? Are you comfortable being around the others? Are you comfortable? Do you need anything?" Dani asked.

" No, I don't think so. I think I just need a little time." Ian replied.

" That's understandable. What about at night? Are you having a hard time sleeping? Any nightmares you wanna talk about?" Dani asked.

Ian hesitated for a moment. Thinking back on it, he had been having more nightmares than he was used to, but he quickly dismissed it as still being paranoid.

" Well, I've been having more nightmares. Which isn't something abnormal, I mean I've had plenty of nightmares before. It's just more occurrent recently. I don't know if it's ptsd or anything." Ian replied.

" I see. And these nightmares... What do they usually entail?" Dani asked.

" Well... Most of the time I'm strapped to a table, and I can't get free. I try to move my arms and legs, but I'm just stuck. Helpless." Ian replied.

" I see. I'm sorry to hear that. I know a thing or two about bad nightmares Ian, in fact my powers mostly work by bringing those fears to the surface. So, I want you to know that my door is always open if you want to talk. I also want you to know that the school is in the process of getting a new guidance counselor. Someone who you can all come and see to talk about your problems and anxieties in a place where no one can judge you. We have someone, in mind. But as of right now we're still looking. As your advisor, I was hoping maybe you'd like to be one of the first ones to give it a try. I know Kevin, has benefitted from it. He's been going to see a therapist in the city for some time now, and he's doing really well. At the very least I'd like for you to give it consideration." Dani explained.

" I don't know, Dani. I've never really been a therapy guy. I'm used to dealing with my problems alone for the most part." Ian replied.

" That's not always a good thing, Ian. But like I said, this is entirely up to you. But I would like you to consider it." Dani spoke.

" Okay, Dani. I'll think about it." Ian stated.

" Thank you, Ian. Now, onto the next matter, your position within the squad. While you were gone, we had a student return to take your place, meaning that our squad has officially been filled. Scott, has asked me to get your opinion, on whether or not you want to move to another squad and continue your training." Dani explained.

" Another squad? Like who?" Ian asked.

" Well, that's the thing. Many teachers have yet to form a squad, so there are going to be openings. soon. I know Rahne is planning on starting up her team as well. So, for now just take your time to think things over." Dani stated.

" Okay, Dani." Ian was a little bummed to not be a New Mutant anymore, but it is what is in his mind. No point crying over something small, especially since there were other teams popping up. " Is there anything else you wanted to speak to me about, Dani?" Ian asked.

" No, that's it." Dani replied.

" Alright, then I'll see you at lunch I guess." Ian spoke. He got up from his seat and walked out of Dani's office and started heading down to the garage, that's where he had planned to meet Rahne.

Ian first checked to make sure no one was around, and when he was sure he walked into the garage, where Rahne was working on her bike.

Rahne looked up from her bike and smiled when she saw Ian had come to see her.

" Och, Ian. I dinnae think ye'd be done with yuir meeting so soon. How did it go?" Rahne asked. She stood up and Ian walked up to her, and they hugged.

" It was alright. She just asked me how I was settling in, if I was having any nightmares, and what she thought about putting me on a different squad is all." Ian explained. " Nothing too fascinating."

" Och, Nightmares. Are ye still havin'em?" Rahne asked.

Ian looked down and nodded.

" Yeah, but I'm fine, love. I mean it. I'll be fine after a taking it easy for a bit. And getting proper rest." Ian told the woman.

" Are ye really taking it easy?" Rahne asked. " Or are ye just tellin me wha' I want tae here, so I dinnae question ye about it more?"

" I mean it. I mean I'm taking it easy for now anyway. But once I'm able I'm hoping to join the next available squad." Ian told her.

" I... I've thought about it. If ye want, i can put one together for ye." Rahne stated.

" No, no. I don't want ye doing something like that just for me. I know how special this is for ye. And besides if I'm on your squad, I don't think I'd be able tae take ma eyes off ye. I mean seeing you in that suit was sexy. Seeing ye in spandex? I might just die of happiness." Ian spoke.

" Och, Stop it ye." Rahne exclaimed. She slapped Ian on the arm playfully and rolled her eyes. " Thinking naughty things."

" Uh, excuse me? I wasn't the one trying to get it on just a week ago." Ian whispered.

Rahne gasped and slapped Ian again.

" I was..." Rahne started. She looked around and then leaned in close to Ian's ear.

" I was in heat. I really wanted tae ye." Rahne explained.

" Heat?" Ian was confused about what she meant.

" Tha's right. Ye don't know ma powers." Rahne stated.

" That's right, I don't. Will ye show'em tae me?" Ian asked.

Ian looked and watched as Rahne's whole demeanor changed. She seemed almost scared to show him what exactly it was she could. And that worried him.

" Hey, what's the matter, love?" Ian asked. " Are ye okay? Ye don't have tae show me if ye don' wan' too." He told her.

" It's nae tha' I dinnae wan' tae show ye. It's just... I'm nae as natural as others are. I become somethin else entirely." Rahne explained.

Ian chuckled and pulled Rahne into a hug.

" Rahne, there's nothin ye could become tha' would change how I feel about ye." Ian told the woman, he looked into her soft green eyes and smiled as hard as he could.

" Are ye sure?" Rahne asked.

" I've never been more sure of anythin else in ma life." Ian replied.

Rahne nodded and took a step back.

Ian watched carefully as she started to morph. Her red hair turned brown, and she slowly started growing more hair all over her body. Her teeth turned sharp, into fangs, and her appearance became more feral. She looked like a wolf standing on two legs. Any man would be horrified by the appearance of the creature in front of Ian.

" Well? Wha' do ye think?" Rahne asked. Her soft and gentle voice had turned raspy and deeper, most likely an effect of her vocal cords changing.

Rahne watched as Ian stared at her. His eyes wandering all over her body.

" I think yuir the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in ma entire life." Ian replied without even a moment of hesitation.

Rahne stared back at Ian in complete awe. She flashed Ian her sharp fangs and leaped at him. Ian caught her in his arms and lifted her above his head, holding her by her hips.

Rahne let out a low growl and leaned towards Ian.

The moment their lips met, an electric charge shot throughout both of their bodies, it was like a new life experience, a new world even, opened up for the both of them. Ian could feel Rahne's emotions pouring into him, he could feel her genuine happiness and her longing. And he could also feel her pain. And Rahne could feel his sadness, his pain, his anger, it was hard for her. But she could also feel his joy, his happiness in her presence, his longing. He wanted her so badly, and she wanted him. They needed to be closer to each other. To feel each other.

Rahne started clawing at Ian's shirt, trying to get it off.

" Mhm! Not. Here." Ian spoke. Taking moments in between each kiss to speak. Ian pulled away from Rahne, making her growl again. Only for Ian to give her a hard smack on the ass, which made her whimper.

" Upstairs, five minutes!" Rahne growled. She changed back to normal and quickly left the garage.

Ian calmed himself. Taking just a moment to catch his breath.

" Oh, man. What a woman!" Ian exclaimed. He pressed his clothes down and then after waiting a few minutes he left the garage. But the moment he did he was approached by Scott, Dani, Emma, and some man in a black suit. " Uh, is something wrong?" Ian asked.

" Look, Ian. I need you to come with us for a moment. We have something we need to talk about." Dani spoke.

" What is it?" Ian asked.

" Look, kid... I'll keep it short. I'll be honest and up front. My name is agent Pierce. And I'm here to arrest you and Kevin for murder." Pierce spoke.

Ian's eyes widened and he stared at Dani and the others.

" What murder?" Ian asked.

" In San Francisco. You were spotted coming out of a former officer, David Langdon. There were multiple eyewitnesses saying you came out of mister Langdon's home the same day he was murdered." Pierce explained.

" That wasn't me! Mr. Summers, I thought you said you handled this?!" Ian exclaimed.

" Look, we'll get this straightened out, I promise." Scott replied.

" Yes, we will. Now, place your hands behind your back." Pierce took out his cuffs and stepped towards Ian.

" Like hell I will! I was caged and chained once! I'm not going back!" Ian exclaimed. He jumped backwards and started growling at Pierce.

" Okay, I can see we're gonna have problems. Look, just come with us. We have Kevin in the office already. We'll go there and talk in private. Then we can try and see what we can do about this." Scott spoke up. He stood between Ian and Pierce and glared at both of them.

' That's perfectly fine." Pierce stated.

" Whatever." Ian spoke.

He followed Scott to his office, with a scowl on his face. His anger radiated off of him. He was being blamed for something he didn't even do, and it was only his first week back since, he was taken.

Rahne, who had gone up to her room to wait had felt Ian's attitude change and wondered what had happened. She quickly got dressed and walked downstairs to try and figure out what was happening. Unbeknownst to her, Ian was in the middle of an interview with Pierce.

" Listen, Kevin, Ian... I know you two are probably scared but believe it or not I'm here to help." Pierce explained.

" Yeah, right. Sure. Right." Kevin replied.

Ian didn't respond like Kevin did. Instead, he simply crossed his arms and stared at Pierce in angry.

" I don't think you two realize how bad this situation is." Scott spoke. He was clearly displeased with how the two of them were handling the current situation.

" I believe they do, Scott. They both have a right to say nothing. " Emma told the man. " That right does apply for mutants as well as baseline humans, does it not, Pierce?" Emma asked.

" Of course, it does, Miss Frost." Pierce replied. " As do the laws regarding the cause of a death of another person. Accidental or otherwise." Pierce replied.

" Mhmm. Of course." Emma spoke. " Come on, you two. Don't worry, if you don't wish to say anything, you don't have to. Let us discuss this with agent Pierce. See if we can't take care of this. That's why we're here after all." Emma spoke. She led Ian and Kevin out of the office and closed the door behind them.

" Emma, we need to represent a unified front on this one." Scott whispered to the woman as she closed the door.

" That would be impossible, Scott. Because we clearly don't agree on this." Emma replied.

" Emma, hear agent Pierce out on this." Dani spoke up.

" I'm not the enemy, Miss frost. I just need to know what happened in both cases. Two men are dead. I have my theories on Kevin, but Ian I have no clue. I need to be able to talk to the both of them." Pierce told the woman.

" Really? You have a theory? You? An F.B.I agent who has never had to deal with a mutation?" Emma asked. " Tell me your theory."

" Emma please." Scott spoke. He was trying his best to keep the woman calm, but every time he spoke, she just ignored him.

" I think he has a dangerous mutation. And when it manifested, he couldn't control it. I think his father died by accident. Am I close?" Pierce asked. " And as for the other matter, I don't know. Which is why it's my job to find out."

" What can we do to make things better for them?' Scott asked.

" They both have to come with me. It has to be handled officially by law." Pierce told Scott.

" So, you are here to arrest them. All your promises that you are on their side are notwithstanding!" Emma shouted in anger.

" They both fled the state! Kevin's father went unsolved for months! They both should have turned themselves in and told the truth." Pierce replied.

" And then what? A grand jury of their peers would have dismissed the charges? What world do you live in, Agent Pierce?" Emma asked the man. She was beyond livid with pierce and Scott both.

" Emma.... This is my fault. I brought Kevin to the school instead of to the authorities all those months ago." Dani told the woman.

" And you were right to do so, Danielle. It is most unlikely that a mutant would receive a fair trial. You knew that at the time, and you brought him here. Ian was kidnapped by monsters who tortured him and when he escaped, they chased him all the way to San Francisco. They killed all those people. Not Ian." Emma told the woman.

" Miss Moonstar... You're their advisor.... Tell them that cooperating is the quickest way to get this resolved." Pierce asked the woman.

" I'm sorry agent Pierce, I can't do that." Dani replied and walked to the door.

" Dani..." Scott called out to the woman but she just kept on walking.

" And I hope the school won't cooperate either." Dani spoke. She walked out of Scott's office leaving the others behind to try and continue the conversation.