

A story about a young man who develops the ability to truly see the world after his parents death, what is it his mother left behind and why is it so attached to him? read to find out Elliot Locke’s story. Mc is inspired by Kekkai Sensen. Doo Wop out;)

DooWopVVS · Anime & Comics
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After taking a closer look at my eyes and genome, Dr. McCoy explained, "Your eyes, simply put, are amazing." He gestured toward various charts and holograms, but I could barely grasp what he was saying.

"And there's a telepathic aspect to your abilities," he continued.

Yeah, I'm not following any of this, I thought to myself.

"Well, thanks for everything, Doc," I said, getting up to leave.

"Take care of those goggles!" Beast called out as I exited the room.

The only reason I could walk around right now was thanks to those goggles. Without them, my vision was all over the place—left became right, I saw behind me while walking forward, and sometimes everything was upside down. Ms. Frost mentioned that since my powers were telepathic in nature, the Cuckoos could help me learn control. Speaking of which, I'm was pretty sure those five identical girls heading toward me were them.

"You assume right," the five said in perfect unison.

That's... extremely freaky, I thought.

"We're not freaky. We are perfection, You're just intimidated, Four Eyes," they responded, clearly reading my mind.

"Whoa, are you girls telepaths?" I asked, their synchronized speech both weird and cool. "I think you're supposed to give me a tour?"

"Once again, you assume right, Four Eyes," they whispered, loud enough to sting.

The Cuckoos showed me around the Institute, introducing me to students like Beak, who was surprisingly chill. The place was strange, but I was starting to feel like I fit in. As the tour wound down, we passed a guy named Quentin. Let's just say... he was a total jerk.

"H-Hey, Sophie..." he stammered, eyes locked on one of the Cuckoos.

"Wrong Cuckoo, Quentin," they uttered in a cold, synchronized tone. "...And goodbye."

Jeez, poor guy, I thought (which I was quickly learning wasn't as private as I'd hoped).

"Are you looking down on me?" Quentin snapped, his voice low and bitter as he stepped forward. His piercing gaze felt like a challenge, and the air between us became tense.

Quentin's eyes narrowed, lips curling into a mocking smile. "You think you're better than me, don't you? Just because you've got the Cuckoos showing you around?"

I raised an eyebrow, unsure how to respond. Why's this guy so intense? I just met them today, I thought, instinctively gripping the goggles on my face.

The Cuckoos, still hovering nearby, giggled in unison. "Quentin, your insecurity is showing," they said.

Before I could speak, Quentin's telekinetic power sparked—small objects in the hallway began vibrating around us.

"You know, now that I think about it," I said, gripping my goggles, "you'd have had to read my mind, and I don't think I like that."

"Leave it, Four eyes. Quentin, buzz off; you're annoying us," the Cuckoos said in perfect unison.

Quentin stumbled backward, shook his head, and walked off.

"Thanks for the help, Cuckoos," I said with a smirk.

"Don't worry about it, Locke," they replied. "Watch out for Quentin; he's a powerful telepath."

"Sure thing, girls. Thanks for the help," I said, a bit smug about being in the Cuckoos' company rather than dealing with Quentin.

"You know, this has been a good tour. I bet one of you could take me to lunch?"

"Foureyes, we like you, but don't push it," the Cuckoos said in an even colder voice than before.

"Wake up early tomorrow so we can practice controlling your abilities," they added as they walked away in unison.

"Thanks, girls," I said as they walked away, leaving me feeling a little stupid. I headed to my room, which was a few doors down.

When I went in, I noticed that I had no roommates. The first thing I did after settling in was shower. After getting dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, I set up my TV and lounged in an office chair provided by the school. It was time to sleep. As I got off the chair and went to the bed, I noticed a folder on it. After examining it for a moment, I tossed it onto my bedside cabinet. I got into bed, ready for sleep, when voices blared into my mind.

"Don't even think about going to sleep yet, read the folder" the Cuckoos' voices echoed in my head.

'I hate this place,' I thought, once again assuming the privacy of my own mind.

"We can still hear you, read the folder Locke," the Cuckoos said with finality.

"Fine, geez," I said with defeat. Honestly, this was all happening because I tried flirting with them. 'Oh well, I made my bed, might as well lay in it,' I thought as I opened the folder.



Mind Reading: The ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others. This is a key aspect of his powers, making him particularly sensitive to mental intrusions and privacy issues.

Telepathic Communication: The capability to communicate mentally with others, bypassing spoken language.

Reality Perception: His enhanced vision sometimes causes disorientation, making it challenging for him to distinguish between reality and his perceptual distortions. This requires ongoing training to control and refine.

Goggle Requirement: Due to the complexity and intensity of his visual powers, Elliot must wear specialized goggles to stabilize his vision and prevent cognitive overload. These goggles help him filter and manage the various visual inputs he receives.

Training Recommendations:

Telepathic Control: Work with the Cuckoos and other telepaths to master control over telepathic abilities and prevent accidental mental intrusions.

Visual Calibration: Regular exercises to adjust and fine-tune his enhanced vision, ensuring he can use his powers without disorientation.

Emotional Regulation: Techniques to manage the psychological impact of his powers, including stress and sensory overload.


I finished reading the folder and, though exhausted, knew I'd have to revisit this information in the morning. I took off the goggles, grabbed a sleep mask (reminiscent of a certain anime character who met a dramatic end), and finally went to bed, preparing for the training that awaited.

(DooWop here—I've wrapped up issue #2. I'd drop issue #3 immediately if it were ready, but I need to work on my instrument right now. Expect it later tonight or tomorrow evening. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more confrontations, appearances, the explanation on the weird metal-like substance and Powers in the next issue.

Doo Wop Out ;)