
X-Men: Feral Progeny (Marvel AU/What If?)

The Wolverine is dead. One of Earth’s mightiest and most feral Heroes, dead….. The Avengers mourned his death. The Four sought out the reasoning behind it. The Mutants of The Xavier Institute thirsted for revenge. But that didn’t last long. He faded. Not even the city of Heroes— New York, felt the pang of his loss for long. Then again, New York is a busy place. Hell, it’s not called the concrete jungle for nothing. And a jungle it is, fit with a powerful predator hunting in the shadows. A predator stemming from Wolverines very early origins— an orchestrator of his entire existence….. or so they say. And this predator isn’t on just any hunt. He’s on the hunt for a successor. A successor that he believes can be found in the brood of Weapon X. A fact that couldn’t be more right after word spreads of a boy with omega-level abilities and a feral rage that can only be relative to the feral x-man, Wolverine…….. Extra Tags: Gore, Power-Fantasy, training, thriller, team-building….

_Avatar0FFury_ · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 7: A Storm is Brewing....

Bronte was back to square one.

Running for his life. Monsters in his wake. Gaining on him. Only now, there weren't a hundred students between him and them.

The hallway was emptied aside from him and the small pack of wolfish creatures. And as he ran, their numbers only grew. Busting in from the ceiling, breaking through doors and bursting through windows like wild dogs chasing a squirrel.

He was back on the third floor. The creatures Daken had massacred in the hallway lay as they were, now joined by others. The one's that had ambushed them earlier. He didn't know if that meant they were alive or dead.

It didn't matter. The creatures were now close enough to swipe at his ankles and barely miss.

He ran as hard as his body could handle. His feet had gone numb as he dashed down the hallway. The spiderwebs hanging from the ceiling caught on his hair and face but never slowed his pursuit. He wondered distantly if there were always so many. And what spider could produce webs so large.

"CoME hERE!"

Another swipe at his ankles barely missed. A tingling sensation rippled up his spine. In a panic he jumped and a whooshing sound filled his ears as his head hit the ceiling.

He hit the ground hard and rolled like a tumbleweed. He must've been moving faster than he thought because he continued to slide for another ten feet, wind in his face and ruffling his braids wildly.

He turned around and found a handful of the creatures tumbling along after him the same way. Behind them, somebody was fighting them. All he saw was flashes of white, blue and red inside the bunches of Monsters, they moved fast. Inhumanely fast.

But before he could observe them any longer, the Monsters were on their feet. So was Bronte. Running once more, thoughts of how he'd jumped high enough to hit the ceiling to the wind. He just needed to escape.

It didn't take long to reach the end of the hallway after. He found his eyes glancing over the picture of Jimmy Hudson as he turned to hit the stairs.

"GoT YOU!" One of the Monsters yelled as it bounded from the bottom of the stairs and used it's massive hands to latch onto his arms.

"Agh!" Bronte yelled in shock and tried to break the creature's grip. Obviously, he wasn't strong enough.

He fought anyway. And as the creatures at the end of the hall closed in on them, that tingle in his spine came once again.

"StOP FiGhTInGgg...." The Monster growled from massive jaws.

"Fuck you!" Bronte snapped as he flailed.

Unknown to him his eyes had begun to flicker in and out of pure white while wild sweeping gusts of wind swirled around the hallway.

The lights flickered. The storm raged outside hard enough that the glass on the windows above the stairs began to crack.

The creature looked around in warily.

Bronte looked down the hallway and saw the Monsters a mere few feet away.

"No!" Bronte shouted as a bolt of lightning hit the ground outside the school hard enough to shatter the windows.

Bronte kicked the creature that held him in the chest. The tingle in his spine stronger than ever as sweeping gusts of wind exploded from his foot and sent the creature off the ground and smashing into a far wall hard enough to split its skull.

That same blast of wind knocked him backward and flying straight out of the window behind him.

The storm outside raged as he fell freely, grasping at nothing as the ground grew closer.

In the midst of his flailing freefall, something latched onto his shoulder. Thin like string and strong enough to alter his descent completely. Another string-like object latched onto his other shoulder, causing him to be yanked upright and lightly smack into the first-floor window of the school.

The floor sat ten feet below him. Soaked in hail and rainwater.

"Holy shit!" Bronte exhaled in shock at the near-death experience.

After a second he began to question what caught him and looked up to find spiderwebs attached to his shoulders. Impossibly thick and sturdy.

Bronte looked up at the window he fell from, it looked worlds away underneath the shadow cast by the storm.

Suddenly, a head poked out of the window. A masked face with white insectoid eyes and a web-like design running through the breathable fabric of his suit. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Nice weather we're heaving, huh?" Spiderman yelled from the window.

Bronte was silent.

A monstrous hand suddenly emerged from the window and grabbed him by the throat, pulling him back inside.

The sounds of punches, breaks and webbing being fired blended in with the storm until suddenly he was looking back out of the window, "Hey, just hang in there for a moment. We're a little tied u-- AH!"

Another individual flew out of the window above him. Wearing a hooded white and black form fitting suit similar to Spiderman's-- but undeniably female based on the width of her hips and the bright blue ballet shoes tied to her feet.

Spiderman sent a web out after her and yanked her back inside, "I got ya!" He yelled with an effortful grunt.

"Just hang on, kid!" Spiderman yelled in the distance once more. And then they were gone.


Leaving him to deal with the storm. Alone....

A bolt of lightning suddenly landed no more than a hundred feet out. The thunder that followed rattled the windows he laid against like the pound of a bass drum.

Bronte shook as the rain soaked his hair and clothes.

His breaths shortened as the lights flashed around him and the winds spun the rain into a watery loose tornado.

A howl broke through the storm in the distance, and he found himself looking at the loose silhouette of another one of the Monsters on the rooftop to his left.

He scrambled to break free from the webs that held him above ground before ultimately settling with falling out of his jacket to hit the wet grass floor.

And then he was off. Into the darkness to get away from the high school and the storm that knocked him off his feet every time a bolt of lightning landed behind him as if it were following him....

Yo! More of a build-up chap with a few teasers and character intros. Either way I hope you enjoyed. Next chapt should be good. Feel free to comment leave and review and thanks a bunch for reading!

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