
Chapter 112: Nothings Fair in Love and War

Since the rough outline of the plan was made— and adjusted by Bronte and the Midnight Suns, the greater details came in stride.

It sounded simpler than it was to perform. They'd ride in the Quinjet under Dir Fury's direction to Sweden. Maintaining flight above the clouds to lower any chances of being seen even if they were flying at night. From there, Ilyana would teleport them to the ends of Poland. Right next to Ukraine. Since they couldn't risk stalking around or moving in open areas they weren't sure of for that many miles, they'd travel through the Limbo Dimension under Magik's guidance.

And while inside, once they were within miles of Chernobyl, Storm would open a portal into the Brimstone Dimension. And they'd only step out when they saw another do the same.

Two doors at the same time.

For a plan to infiltrate, it was convoluted…. messy and littered with "if then" scenarios. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Daken was growing desperate after his failure to kill the telepaths. And he knew they knew where he stayed. His next step would have to be his last.

Unless they stepped first….

"Remember, Kurt…. You know the Brimstone Dimension better than anyone. You take the lead…. You know what to do. You've been an X-Man for decades. This is how we protect the innocent. It's no different." Storm repeated his words to Fury hours ago.

If they weren't going into an irradiated Vampire stronghold, he would've been moved by her words.

He always ways. Storm had a motherly quality to her that his actual mother lacked.

Even as she sat across from him. Soundless. Yellow eyes as piercing as his own. She said nothing.

They hadn't spoken since Azazel's death. Which wasn't saying much since before that they were enemies since…. Well, since the beginning. Until Magneto changed.

Nightcrawler's religion spoke of forgiveness and repentance. But as he looked at Mystique he didn't see any of that.

"But isn't that the point of faith?—"

"So, Brother Voodoo, was that your first time seeing Krakoa?" Storm asked in reference to them picking up Mystique from the living island after explaining the mission details to her.

Brother Voodoo nodded, "It was. Very untamed land, it seems. Rich with magic, though."

"Indeed. There's much work to be done."

"That'll surely attract some less than savory figures." Brother Voodoo commented.

"We'll be ready. Krakoa has the strength of Wakanda and more than half of the world's Omega Level Mutants at its side."

"I don't mean to sound negative, but you and I both know what happens when an oppressed people work to unify and grow from their own…. Away from said oppressors."

Storm nodded, "If there is war at every turn then the only way out is to win, don't you agree?"

Brother Voodoo smiled, "I like your style."

"If you guys are done talking about social dilemmas, we have a very pressing and violent magical dilemma to tackle right now." Mystique spoke for the first time since being on Krakoa.

Nightcrawler felt his mouth go dry at the sound of her voice. And the memories tied to it.

"And what is that?" Storm asked.

"Since our fearless mission leader hasn't asked, I'm wondering how exactly we plan to walk to Chernobyl safely from another dimension….? How do we know where we're going? Last time I checked that's not how this works." Mystique explained.

"This is how it works." Ilyana spawned her SoulSword. As she did, the engravings and studs on her armored arm glowed with blue flame. "When I became Queen of the Limbo Dimension I became Queen of all of it. I can maneuver its properties and how it reacts to tertiary dimensions like this world."

"Uh-huh. And how many times have you pulled that off to this scale, blondie?" Mystique turned sideways in her seat inside the Quinjet to face Magik.

"….. How many times would you like me to say to relax your nerves?" Magik questioned.

Mystique sighed and turned back around in her chair, facing Nightcrawler as she shut her eyes, "This is how he does it. This is how Magneto does his final action to gain Charles' and the X-Men's trust. He's sending me to die."

"That would've been more likely when he sent you to assassinate Moonstar. Well, to try at least." Magik added.

"That was years ago, and don't try raise your nose at me. I ran laps around your New Mutants. The only person that posed a problem was the Brazilian boy. But anyway, we'll all be neighbors soon won't we?"

Everyone looked at each-other awkwardly. Even the SHIELD Agents at the backend of the Quinjet were moved by the question.

"Let's practice forgiveness, like my beautiful blue boy over here." Mystique finally spoke to Nightcrawler. At least passively. Somehow it was more venomous than cursing him in a thousand languages. She was mocking him. Prodding him.

"Did you love him?" The words escaped his blue lips before he could properly think of how unready he was for the conversation.

A SHIELD Agent at the back of the jet coughed.

Mystique laughed, "Who told you I was capable of that?"

"Magneto." Nightcrawler lied, "Forgive me." He thought immediately.

Mystique's fake smile wavered before fortifying like her shifting skin after finishing a camoflauge, "Well…. We're all sinners, aren't we? Magneto lied to you. Probably his greatest sin as of late. What about you? What's yours?"

Nightcrawler held up a hand before Storm and Magik could unleash their fury.

"You know what mine is. It's pretty hypocritical of you to talk about forgiveness only seconds ago and then try to hold others to their sins now isn't it, mother?" Nightcrawler questioned. "It's hardly fair."

Mystique laughed. He could hear how genuine it was, "HAHA— Fairness? Me? You must've forgotten who gave birth to you."

"No…. Not a bit. I remember it all actually. I remember you. Before this."

Mystique's smile faded. She looked away from him. His mind worked as he watched her. His own icy exterior of discomfort and unresolved tension melted away in the face of passion… anxiety… dread…. forced placement well beyond his comfort zone. Professor X said that's where growth came from.

Nightcrawler teleported beside her. Ilyana sat calmly at his left.

"I think you're the opposite of Daken. He needs change— desperately. I think you are struggling to handle it. And I think my mortal sin… the actions committed with my blade, is just another example of your— our, world changing. Have faith, mother. It's the only way this works, I think."

Mystique lost her carefree venomously playful attitude as she got up and sat where Nightcrawler previously was.

The two stared at eachother. Sometimes he couldn't read her at all. Then other times he was translating her entire being. Truly a shapeshifter.

"I'm an atheist."

Nightcrawler's tail pointed at the person next to her, "You're sitting next to a goddess of the elements."

Despite their circumstances, nearly everyone on the Quinjet laughed. It wasn't a hysterical riot by any means, but the black metal box was warm. Maybe it was because of where they were going that they embraced the hilarity of Mystique's comment. Maybe it was something more…..

Nightcrawler held onto it as they closed in on Sweden. He'd be the light in their darkness if he held onto faith.

Yo! Nightcrawler pov chapters here. Apologies to those of you that don’t care for the character. I guess this is my attempt at making you. I also just want to develop and tackle Kurt’s issues/development since taking down Azazel and I can do that better from his pov while still pushing the main plot.

plus I will be posting a Nightcrawler/New Mutants AU one day in the future. think of this as practice lmao

For now, our boy Bronte is on the bench…. right?

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