
Wyrm's Awakening

After a mysterious event, Camron finds himself reincarnated as the lowest ranked Fire Wyrm in a hellish landscape. He must navigate this new world, uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, and find his place amidst danger and uncertainty.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter: 2

Chapter 2

It's been a couple of days since my reincarnation, and I have been busy. I learned some things first; apparently, all firewyrms are 'friends'—well, mostly. They don't attack each other, which is good, and they occasionally help each other, but I'm pretty sure it's through instincts because they aren't smart at all. The same went for the evolutions that followed, except for the Fire Dragon, which I realized there was only one of them down here, which I found weird.

"But oh well, at least I won't meet him again."

Anyway, I continued to level up by fighting a couple of monsters: an Elroe Piek, a monster that looked like a red dog, a couple more of those orange frogs, and some round bug called an Elroe Debegiard. So, my stats look like this:


Elroe Gunerush


Skill Points: 174600


HP: 187

MP: 158

SP: 155

: 165












Fire Wyrm LV5 • Swim LV3 • Hit LV6 • Heat Nullification • Appraisal LV7

I'm doing pretty good for someone who just reincarnated a few days ago. I honestly hope if anyone else reincarnated here with me, they're having the same luck.

Somewhere in the Upper Stratum.

"Achoo, someone is making fun of me," a spider said, rubbing its 'nose'. "Anyway, time to get more food."

Back to our favorite fire wyrm.

Anyway, I do have some complaints about this body, though. First of all, it's not as agile as I would like, and two, it's not as flexible as I would like. Now, normally, anyone with these complaints would have to suck it up and deal with it because they can't do anything about it and would be grateful they were at least reincarnated as a wyrm in the first place. But you see, I am not normal. I never was. You see, I was born with a special ability called Biokinesis or Biological Manipulation. Simply put, it's the ability to manipulate the biology of living organisms. I just never used it in my previous life outside of not getting sick. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. Now, throughout the couple of days, I was leveling up, I was looking through the DNA of the wyrm/dragon race, and I found some things in it that I liked. The first thing I found and the second hardest thing to find was the serpentine body of the Water Dragon that looked like an eastern dragon, which I found odd because pretty much both the water and fire wyrms are both based on sea creatures. Like, seriously, the serpentine body was from the dragon part of the DNA is hard to find. Next was the feathered wings of the Lightning wyrm/dragon section of the DNA, and the last thing I liked was Nullifications and the skill of the Ice wyrm. However, before I started to alter my DNA, I went to a hiding place that only I knew of.

I walked into the hiding place and curled up into a ball. Then, I started the process. I closed my eyes and entered a dark space. In front of me was a long red DNA strand, and behind me were multiple broken DNA strands, each of them emitting light of varying colors. With a thought, three broken DNA strands floated toward me and stopped before me—one was blue, the second strand was yellow, and the last one was ice blue in color. I then started the process, turning my attention back to the red DNA strand that represented my DNA. With a thought, the three broken DNA strands started floating around the red DNA strand and then slowly started to merge into the red DNA strand.

The process was slow and intricate, requiring careful manipulation to avoid destabilizing my existing genetic code. My mind was intensely focused on weaving the new traits into my DNA, ensuring they blended seamlessly without causing any adverse reactions. First, the blue strand, representing the serpentine body of the Water Dragon, began to merge. As it integrated, I felt my body start to elongate and become more flexible. The sensation was strange, like stretching after a long sleep but on a much deeper level. Next, the yellow strand of the Lightning Wyrm's feathered wings began to fuse with my DNA. As the integration progressed, I felt an itch between my shoulder blades. Moments later, a pair of wings sprouted, feathers unfurling as they grew. It was a bizarre feeling, like an arm or leg extending but far more exhilarating. Finally, the ice-blue strand of the Ice Wyrm's skills and nullifications began to merge. As it integrated, a chill spread through my veins, but it wasn't unpleasant. It felt like a refreshing cold drink on a hot day. I could feel my body adapting to colder temperatures.

Once the process was complete, I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my new form. My scales were now a mix of sapphire and ruby red. My body was longer and more serpentine, my limbs more flexible and agile. Speaking of limbs, my feet weren't webbed anymore; they were now claws. The feathered wings on my back were similar in color to my scales.

"Okay, let's see. Appraisal."



Skill Points: 174600


HP: 187

MP: 158

SP: 155

: 165












Fire Wyrm LV5 • Swim LV3 • Hit LV6 • Heat Nullification • Appraisal LV7 • Freeze Nullification • Ice Wyrm LV1 • Bolt Nullification • Lightning Wyrm LV1 • Flood Nullification • Water Wyrm LV1 • Elemental Resistance • Elemental Wyrm LV1 • Flight LV1

"How did I... Oh right, I have the DNA of the Lightning and Water Dragon/Wyrm in me as well, so of course I would get their race-specific skills as well. Well, I got more than I bargained for. Well, this will work."

After examining my new abilities and taking in my enhanced form, I decided it was time to test my newfound powers. Stepping out of my hiding place, I took a deep breath, feeling the air fill my lungs and the energy surge through my body.

"Alright, let's see what these wings can do," I muttered to myself.

I spread my feathered wings wide, feeling the muscles flex and respond. With a powerful thrust, I launched myself into the air. It took a few tries to get used to the balance and movement, but soon enough, I was gliding through the cavern with surprising ease.

"Flying is so fun! Hmm?"

As I soared above the lava rivers and rocky terrain, I spotted a group of orange frogs similar to the one I had fought before. Deciding to test my combat abilities, I dived down towards them. The frogs noticed me and started to spit acid balls in my direction. With my increased agility and speed, I easily dodged their attacks, maneuvering through the air with precision.

"Time to see what these new skills can do," I said.

I felt the familiar heat build up inside me, but this time, it was accompanied by a chill and a spark. I opened my mouth and unleashed a combined torrent of fire, ice, lightning, and pressurized water. The elemental attack hit the frogs head-on, causing an explosion of smoke and steam that left nothing but charred and frozen remains.

"Wow, that's powerful," I marveled at my own strength. "I could get used to this."

Chapter 2: End

AN: can some help give a name for the new race I would greatly appreciate it.