
The talk

After Kye was treated for his bruised business Kat took his hand and started for the stairs. "Young lady where do you believe you are goin'?" Esther asked stopping Kat in her tracks.

"My room. I'm really just tired momma." Kat sighed as Derik went to fetch her plate. She turned and started for the stairs again.

"You really should eat something, Kitten." Kye said pleadingly as Derik handed him the plate over the banister. He seemed surprised by Kye's nickname for her but said nothing.

"I'm not really hungry. I just want to go to bed." Kat half sighed half whined.

"At least eat a little bit, Kitten. You may realize that you are hungrier than you thought." Kye gently pulled her to a stop in the middle of the room. It was the room he had personally unpacked. Now that he knew her it all made perfect sense. It was her scent that had tamed the monster inside him. He was irrevocably hers.

"Fine." Kye could almost hear her eyes rolling. "I thought you gave your mate what ever they wanted." She smiled coyly at him as she turned to meet his gaze.

"We try to take care of our mate. In this case that means getting you to put food in your stomach. Even if it is just a little bit." He smiled warmly as he walked towards her and kissed her gently on the forhead. She smiled sweetly and bit into the garlic bread from the plate. She moaned appreciatively at the taste and he knew he wanted to hear her make the same sound while lying naked on the bed.

"Is this room sound proof?" Kat's question took him by surprise.

"Why do you ask?" He countered.

"Well a boner is a pretty big indication of what you want, isn't it?"

"Well yes but.... We really need to talk. I bet you have some questions about the whole mate thing."

"Not really. One true love that you can't be without and all. It's pretty self explanatory." She shrugged as if she already knew about it. He must have looked shocked because she explained. "My mom works exclusively with werewolves so all my friends are mated couples." She picked up a piece of esparagus and bit it.

"Wow alot kids must find em young." He said still holding the plate to encourage her to eat.

"Not really. I don't get along with humans because I know too much about werewolf culture and males my age never really got why I don't date at all and females hate me." She put the esparagus back on the plate and sighed.

"It's cool though I know how to take care of children and that wolf pups tend to be very high energy." She smiled and sat on the bed. "So why don't you lock the door and you can show me what it is like to make out."

"Okay but how about this. For every bite you take, I will do one thing that I think you will like?" He sat next to her in the hopes that his strategy would work. She thought for a minute and nodded.

"Okay we have a deal." She giggled as she hopped across the room to lock her door. "When do we start?"

"Well, you took a bite of esparagus so..." He put his hands on her hips and pulled her close. The top of her shirt was barely covering her breasts. The tops were very much on display. He leaned in and ran his tongue up the valley between them.

"Oooh." She moaned and closed her eyes. When he didn't do it a second time she picked up the esparagus and took another bite. This time he left an open mouthed kiss on the top of her left breast. Another bite and his hand went into her back pocket to cup her perfect ass and gently squeeze at his leisure. Another bite and he slid his right hand up to fondle her breast.

Soon the esparagus was gone and she was taking bites of the spaghetti. He slid one hand under her shirt and kept fondling her breast as he began to suck on the top of her left breast to leave a hickey. the second bite of spaghetti had his right hand slipping between her legs to rub her core through the denim of her shorts. Another bite and he moaned loudly.

"If it's cool with you I'm gonna take your shirt off." He growled lustfully. Kat just nodded and the shirt went over her head and to the floor. He ran both hands over her bare skin as she took another bite. He leaned in and began to leave open mouthed kisses between her perfect breasts. Then he was sucking there too. She continued to eat and the touches got more and more sexual. When she took the last bite Kye started to suck on her nipple through her dark green lace bra.

He took the plate from her hand and set it on the night stand. Once it was out of the way he wrapped his strong arm around her waist and positioned her on her back beneath him. He kissed up her neck to her lips and she melted into the passion. The scent of her arousal egged him on as he parted her legs and settled between them.

He began to move his hips, grinding his cock against her core. She moaned and whimpered as she adjusted her hips to better feel his rock hard member. "Kitten. I need you." He growled low in her ear.

"You have me, my love." She gasped between moans.

"No. I mean I need to have you. Completely. I need you naked beneath me. I need to feel your body pressed to mine. Need to feel your skin and how tight you are. I need to make you mine." He was still grinding on her. His statements had her scared and she pushed lightly on his chest. He moved off of her but caught her as she tried to leave the bed.

"Kye l-" He pulled her back into his lap and quickly undid the button and zipper of her shorts. Before she could protest his hand went inside to touch and tease the sensitive flesh of her pussy.

"I'm not going to make you have sex with me right now. I just needed to tell you how I feel, and what might happen if I stay the night." He began to lick nip and suck on her neck to leave a more visible mark there.