
Record (Nicole Haught)

"Are you sure you would like to start so early, I can find somebody else to take your spot." Doc Holliday said and you smiled at him. "Believe, me, there's no need for you to work so soon." 

"Dude, it's cool, the job will help keep me out of trouble." You said and he nodded. "The more time I spend working, the less time I can spend in a cell." 

"Well, I do like that logic." Doc said and you looked down at your feet. "Well, then, you can start whenever you feel ready." 

"Great." You said hopping over the bar and beside Doc. "Learned that one in London." 

"London England?" Doc asked you shook your head. 

"London Canada." You said and he nodded. He left you alone and since it was quiet, you decided to wipe down the bar, noticing most of the smudges on that'd been left. A red haired woman came in wearing a uniform and sat at the bar, looking stressed and beyond upset. "What can I get you?" 

"Something strong." She said and you turned around and put three bottles in front of her. "Actually, can I get a peppermint schnapps please?" 

"Yeah, sure thing." You said and her mood didn't improve much. You got her the drink and she drank it fairly quickly. A few more customers moved in and you served them, collecting tips, which luckily Doc let you keep instead of making you split it with somebody else. "You've been here a while, wanna tell me what's up? I have a degree in evolutionary development if that makes you feel better?" 

"What does that have to do with absolutely anything?" She asked and you shrugged. 

"Would you rather tell a smart person your problems or a dumb one?" You asked and she cracked a smile. "You have a gorgeous smile, do you mind if I get your number?"

"Sure, but you gotta tell me your name." She said and you handed her a piece of paper for her to write her number. "There's my part of it, now where's yours?" 

"Y/n." You said and her head shot up into the air. "What?" 

"You're the one with the record bigger than Wynonna Earp's." She said, almost sounding impressed. "I'm Nicole, I don't remember if I mentioned that yet." 

"I'm looking forward to calling you later." You said and she went back to drinking. She passed out not too many drinks after, Doc claiming to have a room for her any night she came here. Which apparently had been happening often lately.