
center region unrest

Unbeknownst to su bai and ye Tao the entire desolate eternal continent shook as he agreed and quaked as a massive amount of spiritual qi from all over the continent headed for the center of the continent the firsts to respond were the forces near the ten thousand beast mountains as the ten thousand beast mountains occupy the biggest region the center region what comes with it was stronger concentration of Qi so the strongest forces typically were situation at the border of ten thousand beast mountains and as the ones closests they were the ones to act the fastest as void refining ancestors tore through the void and headed towards the ten thousand beast mountains

As the void tore right outside the ten thousand beast mountains an old man walked out and stood on the sky he is the ancestor of sacred chaos sect a level 6 sect and one of the closest to the center region after that great war everyone on the desolate eternal continent pays attention to the ten thousand beast mountains not because of the countless Saint and higher inheritance but because of the danger this is a place where countless saints fell even Mahayana many even believe that a few monster race saints survived but heavily injured and reside there but the most terrifying thing for these forces are if there are still demons in these mountains so they all pay special attention and the slightest disturbance would lead every powerhouse to gather

"Is this a formation?" Said the old man a little suspiscious as he looked at the dense fog covering the mountains he could see he couldn't even see a tree clearly "fellow Taoist chaos how is it" said a voice as another broken space appeared where another old man came out as he stroked his beard staring deeply at the mountains "I can't see anything or sense anything and listening to the constant rumbling it's like the mountains are moving" said ancestor of sacred chaos as he continued "have you been able to deduce anything fellow Taoist?" The old man that just came is the ancestor of the Tianyan pavilion due to them being void refininers in the southern region they have a good relationship "I tried to deduce the heavenly secrets as soon as the rumbling started but a feeling of instant death came at me if I kept deducing I would 100% die" said the ancestor of tianyan with a bitter smile this is the first time he came across this even deducing about saints didn't give him this feeling "let's just observe for now the northern, eastern and western regions should already be at theyre borders observing there will definitely be a big meeting later today" said the ancestor of chaos as more and more space broke as a total of 20 void refiners came over most of them being in the first realm of void refining

Soon under the observation of these 20 void refiners an abnormality was found in this formation, "is this it?" Asked the ancestor of chaos suspiciously infront of him was a gigantic gate with realistic dragons carved on it that swam across the gate the terrible coercion of the gate almost made him kneel down not mentioning the gigantic black rock with the words Wushuang on it the words even slightly lossened his bottleneck as he was admiring the most beautiful sect gate he has ever seen he even wanted to take it to put it for his sect a middle aged man came to him "ancestor chaos we found more of these sect gates they are spread apart every 50,000 miles everyone is exactly the same as this one theres 11 of them in total and it's almost guaranteed that this is the same in the other regions"