
Wu's Universe: The Journey of Jin

sgazs · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Destruction of the Corrupting Artifact

With the powerful artifact in hand, Jin and his fellow cultivators returned to their sect, eager to use it to enhance their cultivation. However, as they began to experiment with the orb, they realized that it was far more dangerous than they had originally thought.

The artifact had a mind of its own, and it seemed to have a corrupting influence on those who used it. Jin noticed that his fellow cultivators were becoming increasingly aggressive and reckless, using the power of the orb to overpower their opponents without mercy.

Jin knew that this was not the way of the cultivator, and he began to grow worried about the consequences of using the artifact. He consulted with the elders of the sect, who confirmed his fears and urged him to find a way to destroy the artifact before it caused irreparable harm.

Jin knew that destroying the artifact would not be easy. It was imbued with a powerful energy that made it nearly indestructible. But he also knew that he could not let its corrupting influence continue to spread.

Together with a small group of like-minded cultivators, Jin set out on a dangerous mission to destroy the artifact. They journeyed to the top of a high mountain, where they believed they could find a powerful energy vortex that could neutralize the artifact's power.

The journey was treacherous, with the group encountering all manner of obstacles and challenges along the way. But Jin's determination never wavered, and he led his fellow cultivators through every obstacle they faced.

Finally, they reached the top of the mountain, where they found the energy vortex they had been seeking. Using all of their combined cultivation skills, they focused their Qi into a single, powerful attack, directed at the artifact.

The artifact glowed with an intense light as the attack struck it, but it did not shatter as they had hoped. Instead, the artifact began to absorb the energy of the attack, growing even stronger.

Jin knew that they were running out of time. He urged his fellow cultivators to focus their energy once more, and they unleashed another attack, even stronger than the first.

This time, the artifact shattered into a million pieces, releasing a shockwave of energy that rocked the entire mountain. Jin and his fellow cultivators were knocked back by the force of the explosion, but they knew that their mission had been a success.

As they made their way back to their sect, Jin felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that the artifact had been destroyed, and that its corrupting influence could no longer harm his fellow cultivators. With this danger behind them, Jin and his sect could continue their cultivation journey with renewed focus and determination.