
Wu's Universe: The Journey of Jin

sgazs · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chosen to Compete

Jin emerges from seclusion after successfully breaking through to the 4th stage of Qi Condensation. He is then summoned by the sect leader to attend a meeting with other high-ranking members of the sect. During the meeting, they discuss an upcoming tournament where various sects will compete against each other. The sect leader announces that he has chosen Jin to represent their sect in the tournament due to his recent breakthrough in cultivation.

Excited but nervous, Jin spends the next few weeks training and preparing for the tournament, which will be held in a few months. During this time, he also meets a few other disciples who will be representing their respective sects in the tournament. Some are friendly, while others are hostile towards Jin.

As the tournament approaches, tensions rise, and Jin must use all of his skills and knowledge to compete against the other sects' powerful cultivators. Can he emerge victorious and bring glory to his sect?