
Wu's Universe: The Journey of Jin

sgazs · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Breaking Through

Jin sat cross-legged on his bed, holding the elixir in his hand. He had just finished speaking with the sect leader about the nine cultivation realms, and he was eager to begin his journey to the next realm.

The elixir the sect leader gave him was a rare and precious concoction, said to contain the essence of countless rare herbs and spiritual treasures. Jin uncorked the bottle and sniffed the pungent scent of the elixir. He swallowed the thick liquid in one gulp and closed his eyes, feeling the elixir's energy coursing through his body.

As he meditated, he could feel his Qi Sea expanding, filling with dense and powerful Qi. The elixir's energy combined with his own cultivation, allowing him to break through to the next realm - Qi Condensation.

Jin opened his eyes, feeling the new energy coursing through his body. He could now sense the Qi in the world around him, and he knew that he could begin to manipulate it to create magical abilities. He smiled, feeling a new sense of power and determination.

He spent the next few days meditating and refining his Qi, practicing the techniques he learned from the sect's scriptures. He was determined to become one of the strongest cultivators in the sect and make a name for himself in the cultivation world.

But as he trained, he couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of unease. He knew that the path to cultivation was fraught with danger and that he would face many challenges and obstacles along the way.

Jin resolved to face these challenges head-on, to become stronger and more powerful with each obstacle he overcame. He was determined to reach the pinnacle of cultivation and become a True Immortal, with the power to shape the universe itself.

And with that thought, he closed his eyes, returning to his meditation, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.