

If you really want to hear about me, the first thing you want to know is where I was born, and what my childhood be like, and from where I started to learn to live my life, about my education but I don't feel like going into it, so I am going to make it brief.

It was 7 minutes after 8pm. My sister was hiding behind the door, holding a curtain tightly, just leaving a small space for her eye to see inside the room. My mom was surrounded by many women, and was screaming with a pain, the enmorous pain that almost every women has to face one-day. It must be the hardest and longest night for my mom. The Night that I was born.

Being a child from a village, I ,had a small dream, and to make it happen, I have a big dream. My Village, Ghayabari, was far from the captivated places, where I can contemplate and think of my life and the way it is going to be. My dad, being a soldier had a very little time for family, but whenever he does have time, we would enjoy it to the fullest.

Time passes, Days, months and years. I was 9, when I first left my home to study out of my village, leaving my home, my dear friends and everything else. I started to live with my mom, in a new place with new faces, Everything seems so different. I was afraid, but was exicted, I was sad, but very eager to know about the new town. But wherever you go, Home remains Home.

And my home is "Home Sweet Home".

"You cannot judge the book by its cover"

Go ahead and turn the page, You might get what you were searching.

Koffin_Raicreators' thoughts